Ciel x Sebastian x Claude

By lovelyreader44

22.5K 289 65

There lived a boy named ciel, the lady said that Sebastian and ciel should check out the mansion that has a b... More

My unconfortalde day
The rape...
Another day to get information
The big day

A another day at alois house

3.5K 44 13
By lovelyreader44

WARNING⚠️⚠️⚠️ we have sexual action into this story if you don't like it go to the next chapter!!

Sebastian POV
My lord I miss heard you,I said as my lord was tell me to pack his stuff up "Where going to back Sebastian" My lord said as he was getting a little mad.I was worried and feel a little mad at what he just said.I packed up my young lord stuff and I dressed him. "You'll be by my side right?"my young lord said as I was putting on his shirt. "Yes my lord" I said as I put his coat on.
Ciel's POV
I was think if Sebastian is telling the true because they did raped me but as my lady always say do what have to be done, We made it I was feeling a little nervous Sebastian known that i was nervous.I heard the door opened I wasn't the Butler who raped me it was one of the maid's. "Come on in" the woman said.The boy was standing right at the steps waiting for us "OMG it's you guys again"The boy said as he seen me and my butler walk in then the boy's Butler came into the room he didn't stared at me he stared at my Butler I was a little confused and asked Sebastian is alright "Yes my lord I'm doing fine" Sebastian said as he look back at me I known deep inside he was going to do something stupid,I was talking to the boy and the boy ask my name "It's ciel.." I said as I got a little worried "your tea my lord" Sebastian came in with my tea and I whispered into my butler ear, "Sebastian I order you to see what's up with this place"I said as Sebastian nodded.

Sebastian POV
I was looking for the butler that raped my young lord then I found him in the flower room smelling flowers like he did to my master, "it's a great thing to see you"The butler said as I moved my hand "did you find what I did to you poor master"The butler please to know how I acted "Yes I did seen what you did" I said madly "you know, your master tasted really sweet" The butler continued to improve that I'm not better ,I looked like I become jealous. "Yes I know he sweet" I said in a demonic. voice.
Ciel's POV
"What's taking him so long" I said as I was getting bored of all of thing talking,I'll be right back I said to the boy name alois,He just stared as I got up and walked up stairs to our room.I felt someone was watching me again so I looked back and seen alois in my room, "what the bloody hell are you doing here I said as I was think what happens two weeks ago I was a little scared but didn't show it you the boy who is older then me, What do you want from me,I said as he was walking slowly towards me "I want to see you get raped again silly"He said as looking at me was a big smirk on his face,He pushes me on the bed then called his butler a second later the butler that name Claude came into the room I was thinking my ways to call my butler "SEBASTIAN"I scream out his name but he didn't came in and safe me I was think I'm getting raped again only with to males.i was already crying my eye out "aww the little baby is crying now how funny"The boy laughed as I was crying the Butler was trying to push my body to the bed but I pushed him then alois puts a needle in my arm and I feel numb like I cannot move my legs or arms, "this is useless"I said to myself the boy just put tape on my hands and mouth and sat down and watched my legs was the most weakest on my body so I didn't so anything but try to get Sebastian to save me.

Sebastian POV
I heard my young master yell my name but I was in my stage that I could not move we had a fight and i lose but this magic rope tied me up but I really wanted to save my master but it going to make him see my demon form to get out of this this and have a bad impending on me so I just sat this almost giving up to save him...

Claude POV
I was trying to push my member into the earl but he was tight so I did it the fastest way pushing it hard "ah~ fuck!" I said as the walls around my member tighten but I did I heard the young earl cry for help all that I had to do is just get this over with and leave the earl in peace.

Alois POV
"Yes yes their going at it with my own eyes" I said to myself filling more pushy, "ahhh~!" The earl screamed and tears filled his eyes I love look at this go on, I can just watch this all day and all night I was feeling like I wanted to see what's going on down there so i look as my butler was going in and out of the earls ass at "wow"I said to myself.

Ciel's POV
I'm getting raped again and again I didn't wanted to moan but I had to I was thinking about Sebastian didn't want me so I stop crying and look into his butler eye in pleasure.He took off the tape "ahh~" I moaned in pleasure,I thought Sebastian left me to get raped but I heard his voice "MY LORD!! , don't worry the magic ropes are around me when I'm done I'll save you so I just played it cool" Sebastian said outside the window,then I heard a knock on the door then one of the maids came in and said You butler is ready to go young master ciel "I'll be the- ahh~"I moaned I was only paying attention to the butler that is raping me and the boy who is watching me get raped I was get raped for my lady's information about this place they took off the tape that was on my hands and I grabbed on the street not tight just a little tight all I felt was pleasure and pain all at once.
Sebastian POV
I heard my master moans and my mind he is only doing this for the lady information so I waited then I heard a scream of pleasure, "Oh my fucking god!" Claude screamed out with a pleasure around him ,I heard him and I got really mad and force my body to move and the magic of ropes free me and I ran upstairs and the door was locked and I was trying to opened the door but It was hard to open I almost used my demonic push to open the door but no I as pushing the door and I heard my lord called the butler Sebastian I stop and heard a slap on a face and heard the boy say "did you like that ciel phantomhive" I sat and heard everything that was happening and the words made me sick to heard "ahhhhh~~!!"I heard a last moan came right out my master mouth then it got quiet and he humming in there and heard it clearly when I put my ear into the door "what do we do now my highness?", "let him lay there lifeless Sebastian we'll be worried about him and I'll be more raping to more night" I heard in my demonic looks and I hidden away so they didn't see me then I went into the room ciel was pissed and mad and sad, " my lord I'm really really sorry"I said hugging him and he hugged me be continued..this is just a weird story

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