Unruly Phoenix Xiaoyao

By Nemesis_45

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for offline reading only The fat cat Black Tubby said, "Supreme Commander is a good person, meow!" The bird G... More

381-384 (END)


743 24 2
By Nemesis_45

Chapter 111: Corpses, an addled youth

Chapter 111: Corpses, an addled youth Original and most updated translations are from volare. If read elsewhere, this chapter has been stolen. Please stop supporting theft.

Lou Zigui looked at Ning Xiaoluo before breaking into a smile. The curve of his lips made his smile look very warm and gentle. This was the first good impression Ning Xiaoluo had felt ever since being released from that cage. He was so moved that he started weeping openly, snot and all. "Supreme Commander, you're such a good guy."

Ning Xiaoyao shook her head as she faced the Dragon Guards and pointed at her temples with a finger. All of the Dragon Guards understood: that boy had mental problems.

Meanwhile, Ning Xiaoluo had taken out a jade pendant from his robes and handed it over to Lou Zigui. "This is a token of authentication from my Duke of Yue's estate."

Ning Xiaoyao walked over to Lou Zigui's side with her fists clenched. "Is this jerk seriously one of the Duke of Yue's men?"

Lou Zigui examined both sides of the jade pendant, which was fashioned into the shape of a , before returning it to its owner. In a low voice, he asked, "How could the Grand Preceptor have captured Third Young Master Ning in the first place?"

Third Young Master Ning couldn't figure out why or how his face had provoked Grand Preceptor Xie's ire! He shook his head and murmured, "I don't know."

"I do," Ning Xiaoyao answered. "That's because--mmph." Supreme Commander Lou muffled His Majesty Ning's mouth.

"The Grand Preceptor's always dreamed of capturing forces from the military," Lou Zigui told Ning Xiaoluo. "Perhaps you were but his first move against the Duke of Yue's estate."

Ning Xiaoyao's mouth twitched. The Duke of Yue's estate had even sent Grand Preceptor Xie a birthday present. They were on excellent terms, so why would that idiotic Ning boy believe Lou Zigui's words?

Ning Xiaoluo only gaped at Lou Zigui, who lifted his hand to pluck a stray off Ning Xiaoyao's head. Quietly, he added, "It's best if you leave the capital quickly. You'll be safe once you reach Fengzhou."

"That's right," Ning Xiaoyao added. "Hurry and run away. The Grand Preceptor's pretty ferocious."

"Their, their family doesn't have anyone who's ever been a general. Why would Xie Wenyuan dream of holding our military forces captive?" Ning Xiaoluo suddenly lost his temper as he raised his voice. "When did our Duke of Yue's estate ever did anything unworthy to that Xie Wenyuan?!"

Because Ning Xiaoluo had already been beaten up multiple times, blood flew from his mouth as he yelled. Lou Zigui raised a hand in front of Ning Xiaoyao to block her from the blood.

"Why is there blood?" Ning Xiaoluo wiped his mouth and ended up with a handful of the red stuff.

"Some of your teeth fell out," Ning Xiaoyao explained.

Ning Xiaoluo glowered at Ning Xiaoyao, who simply pursed her lips. "Little doofus, you might as well find a place to hide. Then flee tomorrow as fast as you can, got it?"

Ning Xiaoluo said, "I want to go to the Grand Preceptor's estate."

"To seek death?" Shadowgale interrupted.

Ning Xiaoyao supplied, "Oh, that's right. His subordinates might have gone there to look for help according to him."

Immediately, Lou Zigui said, "If they went to the Grand Preceptor's estate, then there's no way they made it back out alive."

"Those are still my guards," Ning Xiaoluo insisted stubbornly. "I want to see them. If they're dead, then I want to see their bodies."

"Aren't you afraid of dying?" Ning Xiaoyao asked.

"Th, that's why I wanted you to come with me!" Ning Xiaoluo shouted at Ning Xiaoyao.

"Do I owe you anything after saving you?!" Ning Xiaoyao roared back.

"I'll bring you there," Lou Zigui said as he pulled Ning Xiaoyao back before she got into yet another fight.

"Whaa?" Ning Xiaoyao said. "Are you serious?"

"How else will he believe our words unless he sees his guards' bodies?" Lou Zigui bent down to whisper in Ning Xiaoyao's ear.

Ning Xiaoyao said, "Is it really okay for us to trick an idiot like that?"

"Capturing military targets is a matter that concerns military strength," Lou Zigui poked Ning Xiaoyao's face with a finger. "We'll talk about tonight's events after we get back."

Military strength was an excuse that Ning Xiaoyao couldn't deny. She cast her conscience aside and told Ning Xiaoluo, "It's not that you can't go to the Grand Preceptor's estate, but that you can't be impulsive. You can't implicate our Supreme Commander!"

Ning Xiaoluo stood in the rain with his swollen face, looking rather helpless.

"Let's go," Lou Zigui shot a glance to a Dragon Guard to give up his horse, then gestured for Ning Xiaoluo to follow him.

"You're someone from the Black Frost Cavalry?" Ning Xiaoluo asked Ning Xiaoyao after he got on the horse. If he didn't get a name now, how was he supposed to take his revenge in the future?

"Let's never meet again," Ning Xiaoyao said with a wave of her hand. "We can just forget about each other forever."

Shadowgale struck Ning Xiaoluo's horse with the flat end of his blade, causing it to gallop ahead. Lou Zigui brought five Dragon Guards with him to chase after Ning Xiaoluo. Once they were gone, Shadowgale asked Ning Xiaoyao, "Your Majesty, are you planning to go back to the palace?"

Ning Xiaoyao shook her head. She pointed at the body of the young man she'd left by the side of the road. "I have to bury him first."

Because of the lack of light, none of the Dragon Guards had noticed the corpse lying beneath the eaves. Ning Xiaoyao ran to the body and pulled down the robes covering the youth's face so Shadowgale and the others could see.

One of the Dragon Guards struck a match before immediately blowing it out. The youth's bloody, mangled features had made them all suck in a breath. Killing someone like this was pure abuse.

"This person was--that is, this servant means to say--Your Majesty, where did you find him?" Shadowgale asked.

"At the third house on the right in Fragrant Gauze Alley," Ning Xiaoyao replied. "It's one of the Grand Preceptor's properties. Head Steward Xie Laibao's lover lives there."

"The Grand Preceptor again?" another Dragon Guard exclaimed in alarm.

"Yeah, it's him again," Ning Xiaoyao replaced the robes neatly over the youth's head. She lowered her voice and added, "I don't know whose child he is, either. By the time I got there, he was already dead."

Shadowgale said, "Your Majesty, you can leave this to us servants."

"Alright," Ning Xiaoyao nodded. In her world, the dead were always cremated. She had no idea how humans in this world buried their peers. Two Dragon Guards lifted up the youth's body and started walking to the end of the street.

"What are they doing?" Ning Xiaoyao asked.

"There's a coffin shop down the street," Shadowgale explained, "They're going there to clean him up and get him a coffin so he can rest in peace." While they were cleaning him up, they could take the chance to check his identity, too. Shadowgale shook his head with a sigh. Yet another life lost at Grand Preceptor Xie's hands.

Ning Xiaoyao took off the large bundle on her back and handed it to Shadowgale before she whispered, "Windy, you guys go back first. I'm taking a trip to the Grand Preceptor's estate, too."

The heavy contents of her bundle made Shadowgale stagger in place. As soon as he regained his balance, he asked, "Your Majesty, you're worried about Supreme Commander?"

"That's not it," Ning Xiaoyao shook her head. She wanted to see whether the Grand Preceptor's estate really did hold a person who looked exactly like her.

"Then this servant shall accompany you," Shadowgale prepared to hand off the bundle to one of his brothers.

"No need," Ning Xiaoyao hastily waved a hand. "I have little pals at the Grand Preceptor's estate. Windy, you guys can go on ahead first. Don't worry about me." As soon as she finished speaking, she left like a streak of smoke, Oil Lamp and Oil Jar safely tucked in her sleeves.

"..........." said Shadowgale and the rest. It always feels like His Majesty doesn't need us at all. How vexing!


Currently, Grand Preceptor Xie was in his secret room within his estate, staring at a youth sitting before him. The boy's face had been wrapped in a layer of white bandages. Sobs and whimpers came from his mouth, even as his arms and legs hung limply at his sides.

"Let me see his face," Grand Preceptor Xie ordered the two middle-aged men standing on each side of the boy.

The two men muttered an assent before they began to remove the bandages. Grand Preceptor Xie's fingers curled slightly as he strove to calm himself. Despite this, his expression remained completely unruffled. Around them, the candlelight flickered constantly, casting the secret room into an unsteady haze. Gradually, pale white skin was exposed beneath the bandages. Grand Preceptor Xie held his breath as the two men used scissors to cut off the last layer of cloth.

A face that exactly resembled Ning Xiaoyao's own appeared before the Grand Preceptor's very eyes. It had the same large, almond-shaped eyes, cheeks with hints of baby fat, and perky nose. Even the lips had the same slight pout as that damned girl.

"It actually succeeded," Grand Preceptor Xie muttered to himself. He never expected this to work. After all, trying to recreate Ning Xiaoyao's face on a living human being was something unimaginably queer and fantastic. His Excellency Grand Preceptor never thought that the doctors he'd hired for the job would manage to give him a completed product right in the midst of all of his troubles.

The two men retreated a few steps to stand at attention before they quietly chorused, "Congratulations, Grand Preceptor."

Grand Preceptor Xie reached out a hand to pinch the boy's cheeks. The smooth, glossy skin held no sign of cuts or incisions. The youth stared at the Grand Preceptor before he said, "Ahh~." A bit of drool leaked out of the corner of his mouth.

"He's lost his wits?" Grand Preceptor Xie asked.

"Yes," the man on the left replied.

"He can't move, either?" Grand Preceptor Xie looked at the boy's weak arms.

"He'll be able to move once the drugs wear off," the man on the right replied.

"It's good that he's a fool," Grand Preceptor Xie took out a handkerchief and wiped off the boy's drool. Quietly, he muttered, "I'll have you live in luxury, but I don't need your intelligence. I only need you to be obedient and listen to me."

The youth ahh'd a few more times as his drool increased. Grand Preceptor Xie threw away his dirty handkerchief. "I've already ordered men to seal off that basement. In the future, you two will stay at the estate and take care of him."

The two men didn't ask after the fate of their companions. After working by the Grand Preceptor's side for so long, they'd gotten used to keeping their questions sparse.

Ning Yu, Grand Preceptor Xie thought as he stared at the boy before him, his fingers clenching into fists until the nails dug painfully into his skin. His expression was serene as he lost himself in thought. It's about time I make that disobedient girl disappear.


A spacious covered carriage exited from a small door at the east end of the Grand Preceptor's estate. The driver urged the horses on as he headed for the east gates of the city. Lou Zigui and his men stopped him before he reached the gates. Two Dragon Guards leapt onto the carriage and took the driver into custody. Meanwhile, another one ran to the back and lifted the felt cloth covering the entrance inside.

There were 15 corpses stacked on top of each other. Ning Xiaoluo wanted to cry out, but he had no voice.

"Death from poison," said the Dragon Guard after turning a body upright. He pointed at the man. Blood had leaked out of all seven orifices of his head. Although the rain had washed off most of the dried blood, what remained was clearly black, instead of red. Ning Xiaoluo rushed forward and turned each of the bodies over, one by one.

"Are these your guards?" Lou Zigui asked after the boy had finished with the last body.

Ning Xiaoluo backed away a few steps before he stumbled and collapsed on the ground. He covered his face and burst into tears.

"The custom in the capital," Lou Zigui said without helping him up, "Forbids keeping bodies in the house overnight. People will always send them away after dark. The carriages wait at the city gates until the next day, where they can quickly bury the bodies outside--or else dispose of them."

"Why is that?" Ning Xiaoluo asked between his tears.

"I've already told you the reasons," Lou Zigui said. "What, you don't believe me?"

 Chapter 112: A bastard is an egg, not a human

Chapter 112: A bastard is an egg, not a human[1. bastard...not a human (混蛋是蛋不是人) - hundan shi dan bushi ren, this joke comes from the fact that the Chinese character for 'bastard' (混蛋) also contains the character for 'egg' (蛋).] Original and most updated translations are from volare. If read elsewhere, this chapter has been stolen. Please stop supporting theft.

"They were talking about my face," Ning Xiaoluo said as he pointed to his face. "Supreme Commander, look. Is there anything special about my face?"

Supreme Commander and the Dragon Guards all stared at Third Young Master Ning's face. It was so swollen that it resembled the head of a pig. Even his own parents wouldn't be able to recognize him, much less men like them.

Ning Xiaoluo jabbed his face with his finger before he said, "My face hurts."

A few Dragon Guards felt their mouths twitch. If your face doesn't hurt after it's swelled up like this, then it'd be absurd.

Lou Zigui raised his head to peer into the distance. He could see the hazy figure of tall towers in the rain, and the blurry silhouette of the city's gate towers. He waved at Ning Xiaoluo to follow him beneath the eaves at the side of the road. "How about this?" he spoke quietly. "Don't let Xie Wenyuan know that you're still alive."

Ning Xiaoluo's face seized in fear. He clutched his neck and wanted to run away. "You want to kill me?" he asked.

Lou Zigui now believed Ning Xiaoyao's words. This brat really has mental problems. Ning Xiaoluo wanted to run away, but the sight of five Dragon Guards on horseback behind him made him think it was impossible. Tears gathered at the edges of his eyes. The capital city was really too scary. He wanted to go home!

"Conceal your identity and change your name," Lou Zigui said as he pulled him back beneath the eaves. "After you get back to Fengzhou, don't let the Duke of Yue's estate spread any news that you're alive. See how Grand Preceptor Xie will try to explain your death."

"What!?" Ning Xiaoluo exclaimed in his shock. "That damnable man, he has the guts to announce my death to my family!?"

"You died while giving him a birthday present. Of course he has to give your family an explanation," Lou Zigui replied.

"..........." Ning Xiaoluo said. Can't you make it sound less like I'm already dead?

"Most likely, Xie Wenyuan will pin the blame for your death on His Majesty's head," Lou Zigui murmured.

Again, Ning Xiaoluo was stunned. What did all this have to do with His Majesty?

"Take care," Lou Zigui took out his money bag and placed it in Ning Xiaoluo's hand.

"Why?" Ning Xiaoluo asked.

"Aren't you penniless?" Lou Zigui asked flatly.

"That's not it," Third Young Master Ning said hastily, "Why does Xie Wenyuan want to sow discord between my Duke of Yue's estate and His Majesty?"

"Because he doesn't get along well with His Majesty," Supreme Commander Lou's answer was still expressionless.

Ning Xiaoluo fell silent. Our sovereign and his official are at odds? Can't you make it sound less casual? It's like you're saying how the soup was saltier than usual today, or something.

"It's almost daylight," Lou Zigui said after glancing at the skies. "Find a place to hide yourself. Remember my words. You have to stay incognito. As to the Duke of Yue's estate's next actions, that'll be up to your father and brothers to decide." Supreme Commander Lou had once heard that the Duke of Yue and his wife treated their youngest son as their most precious treasure.

"Then what about my guards?" Ning Xiaoluo said. Thinking about them made him want to cry again.

"I'll make sure they rest in peace," Lou Zigui's voice seemed to sound a bit gentler. "You have to be careful on the road back to Fengzhou."

"But I want to bring them back with me," Ning Xiaoluo said as his tears spilled over onto his swollen face. Fengzhou was the true home of his guards. The capital city was a foreign land. People should always return to their roots.

"There'll be chances in the future to bring them home," Lou Zigui waved a hand at the Dragon Guard still inside the carriage. This Dragon Guard came over with a set of outer robes. Lou Zigui draped the robes over Ning Xiaoluo's shoulders and said, "You have to be on guard. Go on now."

Ning Xiaoluo stood in front of the horse carriage, wiping his tears as he stared at the bodies of his guards. Then he turned to bow at Lou Zigui before running off.

"You two, follow him," Lou Zigui instructed two Dragon Guards. "Don't let him discover you. Only show yourselves if his life is at risk. Return once you've seen him out of the capital city."

The two Dragon Guards obeyed and ran after Ning Xiaoluo.

Next, Lou Zigui pointed to the carriage driver and said, "Kill him."

The Dragon Guards holding the driver in place twisted the driver's head and snapped his neck. He died without a murmur.

"Take this carriage with us. We'll going back to the Grand Preceptor's estate," Lou Zigui said as he strode away with broad strides. The three remaining Dragon Guards exchanged glances. Including their Supreme Commander, they were only four men strong. Isn't that too few people to kill our way into the Grand Preceptor's estate?

"It's fine," Lou Zigui said as he mounted his horse. "We're not going to make a move this time."


By now, Ning Xiaoyao was sitting on the roof of the Grand Preceptor's study. Elder Cousin Magpie was perched by her side, his feathers thoroughly drenched.

"Secret room?" Ning Xiaoyao rubbed her chin. "That old geezer even has one of those?"

Oil Jar was squatting on Ning Xiaoyao's shoulders as he spoke. "All bad guys like having secret rooms. That's because they can't afford to expose any of their dastardly deeds!"

Oil Lamp was lying prostrate on the other shoulder. "Oil Jar, you even know things like that?"

"Ancestral Grandfather taught me," Oil Jar declared proudly.

Elder Cousin Magpie asked, "Then did Grandpa Ash teach you how to sneak into one?"

Oil Jar fell silent. He was familiar with the layout of the Grand Preceptor's estate. A little figure shifted before Ning Xiaoyao's eyes from the chinks between the roof tiles. Ning Xiaoyao pinched her fingers and picked up a tiny ant.

"D-don't kill me!" the ant pled shrilly.

"Little brother, what's your honorable surname?" Ning Xiaoyao grinned at the ant.

"My name's A'Mo,"[2. A'Mo (阿墨) - A is a moniker for nicknames, Mo is "ink."] the ant said sheepishly.

"Oh, I'm Ning Xiaoyao. Hello, A'Mo," Ning Xiaoyao greeted him.

"Ahhhhh----!" the little ant shrieked again, in surprise this time. "So you're Ning Xiaoyao!"

Ning Xiaoyao was certain that she was famous in the animal kingdom!

"Yeah, she's Xiaoyao," Oil Jar said as he stared at the ant in Ning Xiaoyao's palm. His tone took on a disdainful air, "Would any other human bother to talk to you?"

"Xiaoyao, are you going to tear down the Grand Preceptor's house again?" A'Mo ignored Oil Jar's snub and asked Ning Xiaoyao happily.

Ning Xiaoyao shook her head. "Not today. It's inconvenient to set fires when it's raining." She'd have to spend money and buy oil to make a fire work in this weather.

"That's true," A'Mo said understandingly. It really is inconvenient to light fires during a rainstorm.

"A'Mo, I want to ask you something. Have you ever entered the secret chamber in the Grand Preceptor's study?" Ning Xiaoyao asked. "The one he built underground."

A'Mo tilted his head to the side. "I have, ah."

Oil Jar, Oil Lamp, and Elder Cousin Magpie all looked with worshipful eyes at Ning Xiaoyao. That's right. We have no way to get inside that chamber, but little ants like A'Mo can go anywhere!

"Did you go in there today?" Ning Xiaoyao asked.

"Not today," A'Mo said. "But my big brother did. I went to look for food in the gardens."

"Oh, so it's like that," Ning Xiaoyao felt a little disappointed. She hadn't found the answer she was looking for, so she gently poked A'Mo and said, "I'll treat you to sugar beans when I visit next time."

"Really?" A'Mo was so happy that his feelers started dancing. "Xiaoyao, thank you."

"No need to thank me," Ning Xiaoyao said. "Let's meet on the roof next time as well."

"Mm," A'Mo raised his head up high to look at Ning Xiaoyao. "Xiaoyao, my big brother said they brought a little idiot into the secret chamber today."

"Little idiot?"

"Mm. His face isn't ugly at all, but they covered it up with white cloth," A'Mo's feelers moved constantly as he talked.

That should be her doppelganger--but an idiot? Ning Xiaoyao rubbed her chin. Is it because idiots are more obedient?

"What did that person look like?" Oil Jar asked.

"He looked like a human," A'Mo responded seriously.

Oil Jar and Oil Lamp both clutched at their whiskers, while Elder Cousin Magpie shook his head. Didn't that count as telling them nothing at all?

"..........." said Ning Xiaoyao. Ahh, right, ant vision can only cover 10% of what humans see, so it'll be too difficult to ask A'Mo's big brother what that person looked like.

"Xiaoyao, are we going to secret chamber to see for ourselves?" Oil Lamp asked.

Ning Xiaoyao shook her head. "No need. I just needed to confirm that such a person exists."

"What kind of bad things is the Grand Preceptor planning now?" Elder Cousin Magpie asked.

Ning Xiaoyao sighed. "He found a boy and changed his face so it'd look like mine. Then he's planning to kill me off and make that boy the emperor in my place."

Σ(°△ °|︴, went the four animals. How can humans be so cruel?

"Then," Oil Jar's fur was all standing on end from shock and fear. "Then when we saw that body with the mutilated face...were they trying to change his face to look like yours too, Xiaoyao?"

"Mhm," Ning Xiaoyao nodded.

"So, so scary," Oil Lamp breathed.

Elder Cousin Magpie said, "He's a bastard!"

The other three all nodded in agreement. A bastard was an egg, not a human!

"Oh!" Oil Lamp suddenly remembered as his fur stood on end as well. "Then, Xiaoyao, aren't you in danger?"

Ning Xiaoyao lifted her arm and swung it a few times. "Nothing to fear, he can't beat me in a fight."

"Then what do we do about that idiot?" A'Mo asked worriedly.

"If he wasn't an idiot to begin with, then I can heal him," Ning Xiaoyao said confidently.

"Xiaoyao's so tough," Oil Jar clapped.

"Haha, it's nothing, it's nothing," Ning Xiaoyao felt a little smug after Oil Jar praised her again. Defeating me with a doppelganger? In their dreams.

"Xiaoyao, there really won't be any problems?"

"None," Ning Xiaoyao patted herself on the chest.

"I'll keep an eye on the Grand Preceptor for you," Elder Cousin Magpie promised. "If anything happens, I'll come to the palace and tell you."

"A'Mo will help too," A'Mo said as he raised his two front legs.

"Thank you all," Ning Xiaoyao was truly touched. She hugged Elder Cousin Magpie and gave him a kiss along with A'Mo. "Next time, I'll definitely treat you guys to sugar beans!"

Elder Cousin Magpie looked nervously around him. Hopefully, his wife hadn't caught Miss Xiaoyao kissing him. A'Mo was so thrilled that he rolled around in Ning Xiaoyao's palm. He hadn't found a wife yet! (Author: Wake up, you. It's impossible for an ant and a human to get hitched! ╮(╯▽╰)╭)

At that moment, a middle-aged man that resembled a steward ran into the courtyard, headed in the direction of Grand Preceptor Xie's study. Ning Xiaoyao quickly removed one of the roof tiles beneath her to listen in on the conversation below.

The man told Grand Preceptor Xie, "Grand Preceptor, Lou Zigui and three imperial guards came over with the carriage that had the bodies."

Grand Preceptor Xie shut the book in his hands and stared at the steward, who stood half-bent, afraid to meet his master's eyes.

Hm? Ning Xiaoyao gave a start from the rooftop. If Supreme Commander only returned with the Dragon Guards, then where did that Ning guy go?

 Chapter 113: His Majesty injures the Grand Preceptor again

Chapter 113: His Majesty injures the Grand Preceptor again Original and most updated translations are from volare. If read elsewhere, this chapter has been stolen. Please stop supporting theft.

Grand Preceptor Xie walked out of the main gates of his estate with some difficulty. At the foot of the stairs outside his gates, Lou Zigui was sitting on his battle horse. Compared to Grand Preceptor Xie's aged form, he looked especially upright and filled with vitality even in the rain.

"Is the Grand Preceptor close to dying from sickness?" Oil Jar asked as he hid with Ning Xiaoyao at the corner of the wall.

"He's pretending," Ning Xiaoyao curled her lips disdainfully. That old man is too good at acting.

Inside the gates, Grand Preceptor Xie glanced at the carriage full of bodies and looked with confusion at Lou Zigui. "Supreme Commander, what is the meaning of this?"

Lou Zigui said, "This carriage belongs to the Grand Preceptor's estate. What, does the Grand Preceptor not recognize it?"

Grand Preceptor Xie turned to one of the stewards at his side. "This is one of our carriages?"

This steward was neither Xie Laibao or Xie Laifu. He had no experience reading his master, so the question left him in a cold sweat as his mouth gaped in silence.

Lou Zigui said, "There's the insignia of the Grand Preceptor's estate on the carriage. Could it be that someone's passing themselves off as one of your carriages to make a business out of murder?"

Grand Preceptor Xie ordered the steward, "You, go take a look."

The steward ran down the stairs, while Grand Preceptor Xie shook his head at Lou Zigui. "This old man suspects those type of thieves lack the guts to even try."

The steward got an idea of what his master wanted with those words. He reached the carriage and stared at the insignia on the front. Then he ran back up the steps and reported, "To reply Grand Preceptor's words, this really is one of our carriages."

"How does the Grand Preceptor plan to explain away the corpses in the carriage?" Lou Zigui asked.

The four animals by Ning Xiaoyao's side murmured, "It looks like Ning Xiaoluo's guards all died."

"That old bastard!" Oil Jar cursed.

Ning Xiaoyao didn't look at the carriage. She was used to dead bodies, but that didn't mean she wanted to see their corpses when she didn't have to.

"This old man heard my servants report that a pestilence spread amongst the guards," Grand Preceptor Xie said, staring straight at Lou Zigui. "This old man never expected the disease to be incurable and kill them."

"..........." said the Dragon Guards. What kind of balderdash was that? Grand Preceptor, why isn't your face turning red from shame yet?

"Is that so?" Lou Zigui asked coldly. "Grand Preceptor, you've already ascertained that these bodies are from your estate without having to take a closer look?"

"Supreme Commander, what are you saying?" Grand Preceptor Xie replied. "The carriage is my property, so naturally those men must be mine as well. If I think back, they must belong to the guard courtyard that fell ill in the past few days."

"Well dang," Ning Xiaoyao fumed from the wall. "How come this old geezer's so good at making things up?!"

Oil Jar was angry as well. "It's a shame little gyrfalcon isn't here. He could poop on his head!"

Elder Cousin Magpie flapped his wings. "Dangit, I can poop too!"

Ning Xiaoyao thought it over before shaking her head. "Poop alone won't finish him off."

A'Mo was perched on Ning Xiaoyao's collar as he raised his voice. "Then can we bite him to death?"

Ning Xiaoyao and the other three animals all stared at the ant. Relying on him and his tiny incisors to bite Grand Preceptor Xie to death seemed like an arduous task.

Grand Preceptor Xie next asked Lou Zigui, "Supreme Commander, do you have any other business with my estate?"

Lou Zigui's voice was still cold. "This one believes they don't look much like the Grand Preceptor's men."

Grand Preceptor Xie laughed. "Then Supreme Commander means to say that I killed these men?"

Lou Zigui laughed back. "Grand Preceptor, don't misunderstand. That's not what I meant at all. I simply feel that their identities are suspect."

"Why is Supreme Commander saying all those things to the Grand Preceptor?" Oil Jar asked Ning Xiaoyao.

"They're having a catfight while being fully aware of what the other's doing," Ning Xiaoyao said as she dug out a brick from the wall.

"The flesh from their shoulders were all scraped away," Lou Zigui said as he pointed at his own left shoulder. "Conscripted military men all have seals branded into their shoulders. Grand Preceptor, doesn't that seem too convenient for you?"

Grand Preceptor Xie didn't understand. "There's such a thing?"

"The Grand Preceptor isn't even aware of such common knowledge?" Lou Zigui asked,

"Then perhaps Supreme Commander isn't aware," Grand Preceptor Xie replied with a grin, "That the people of my Grand Preceptor's estate are also branded on their left shoulders."

"Seriously?!" Ning Xiaoyao asked Elder Cousin Magpie.

"I don't know," Elder Cousin Magpie replied. "Is that really the case?"

"Then could the Grand Preceptor summon two guards here for an inspection?" Lou Zigui asked.

Grand Preceptor Xie shook his head with a smile. "Supreme Commander, are you treating me like one of your captives? You mustn't act too outrageous, Supreme Commander Lou."

"Suppose I insist tonight?" Lou Zigui asked.

Ning Xiaoyao felt like those two were about to get rowdy. But right at this moment, the sound of hoofbeats heralded the arrival of a group of cavalrymen.

"Tao Chen," Ning Xiaoyao said once she saw the man at the head.

"Did he bring men to seize Supreme Commander?" Oil Jar grew nervous.

Tao Chen didn't get off his horse, but looked coldly at Lou Zigui and said, "What business does Supreme Commander Lou have with Grand Preceptor Xie in the middle of the night?"

"Are you blind?" Lou Zigui asked.

".............." said Tao Chen. A man like Lou Zigui is really better off dead!

"Have a good departure, Supreme Commander. This old man won't see you off," Grand Preceptor Xie flicked his sleeves and turned to enter the estate. So what if Lou Zigui knew I killed those soldiers? Even if people blamed him for killing Ning Xiaoluo in the future, he had nothing to worry about. After all, it'd be impossible for the Duke of Yue, Ning Heng,[1. Ning Heng (宁恒) - Heng means "perseverance."] to believe Lou Zigui's words.

Tao Chen rode his horse in front of Lou Zigui to block him and said, "Supreme Commander, if you please."

Ning Xiaoyao was currently scrabbling for an appropriate purchase on the wall. Oil Lamp asked, "Xiaoyao, what are you looking for?"

Ning Xiaoyao said, "That's the jerk in charge of killing off Qin Xuan and Miss. A'Xin. Since I ran into him today, I can't give him a chance to complete his bad deeds."

"Then, then Xiaoyao, are you going to kill him?" Oil Jar asked immediately.

Ning Xiaoyao creased her brows in thought. "I don't usually kill people."

By now, Grand Preceptor Xie had already entered his courtyard. Lou Zigui spoke up after him. "Even if these men are from your estate, are you simply going to toss them aside in the barren hills outside the city?"

"They'll be buried with full honors," Grand Preceptor Xie said with his back facing the man as he issued orders to a subordinate on his right. Lou Zigui pulled on his reins and turned his horse around, before whipping the animal and galloping off. Tao Chen wore a ridiculing smile on his lips. So what if His Majesty favored Lou Zigui? Wasn't he helpless all the same before the Grand Preceptor?

By now, Ning Xiaoyao had already broke off less than half the wall in her hands. She waited until Lou Zigui and his men were far off before throwing the chunk of wall. It whistled through the air as it flew towards Tao Chen, who half turned to find the source of the noise before the wall smashed him into the ground.

"........." said Oil Jar. This is what Xiaoyao means by 'not killing' anyone?

All of the Grand Preceptor's men froze for a few seconds, before someone cried out. Immediately, chaos descended upon the Grand Preceptor's estate once again.

Lou Zigui had stopped his horse to look at the chunk of wall that had buried Tao Chen. For some reason, he was sure that his Miss Ning was behind it all!

Ning Xiaoyao was in for the penny and the pound. She swung her arm in a circle before lobbing a brick at Grand Preceptor Xie's head.

"Grand Preceptor!" a guard shouted as he rushed to pull aside his master.

Grand Preceptor Xie might have a formidable brain and scheming heart, but he was still a scholarly type in the end. Faced with the sudden assault, his mind turned blank. He couldn't even react to the incoming threat. The guard wasn't as fast as the flying projectile, so a corner of the brick ended up clipping the Grand Preceptor's forehead. Blood covered his face before he fainted.

"Grand Preceptor!"

"The Grand Preceptor's been hurt!"

"Capture the assassin!"

"Ahhhhhhhh! There's an assassin--!"


The chaotic scene in front of the gates had descended into utter pandemonium. Shouts of alarm mixed with sounds of running footsteps all throughout the estate. Soon enough, the rain-soaked Grand Preceptor's estate was boiling over with excitement and agitation.

"Pah!" Ning Xiaoyao spat at the Grand Preceptor from her perch atop the half-demolished wall. Then she brought two mice and one ant with her as she jumped off the wall and fled into the night. Meanwhile, Elder Cousin Magpie had flew back home to call out his whole family so they could watch the unlucky Grand Preceptor again.

Guards carrying torches ran to the broken wall, but saw no one there. Instead, the sight of the demolished structure left them mystified. Who took it apart so silently? What kind of human has such skills? No, wait--were they even human to begin with?

"Doctor! Someone call a doctor, quick!" shouted the guard who was using a cloth to try and stem the blood flowing from Grand Preceptor Xie's head. His other hand held another cloth, but both pieces of fabric were dyed red with blood.

The old madame had been helped to the front gates by two elderly female servants. She hadn't even seen the unconscious, bloody Grand Preceptor Xie or her squashed grandson-in-law yet before the jittery, noisy crowds caused her to faint away. The servants and attendants of the old madame broke out into cries of alarm, adding to the fearful atmosphere enveloping the estate.

Ning Xiaoyao ran all the way to the of the Xie Clan that spanned over the streets. She jumped on top of it and started tearing it apart. Last time she came by, she'd promised to take it down. Now wasn't the time to go back on her words. It even took her a monumental effort to take the thing apart. Ning Xiaoyao stomped and kicked at the archway a few times before dislodging a portion of the roof.

By now, Lou Zigui had ridden his horse to the vicinity of the archway. One of the Dragon Guards behind him lifted his head and caught sight of the busy figure atop the structure. Uncertainly, he asked, "Is, is that His Majesty?"

Lou Zigui sighed. I knew she was behind everything!

"Supreme Commander!" Oil Jar cried in the middle of his cheering. He quickly reported the news to Ning Xiaoyao. "Xiaoyao, Supreme Commander's staring at you."

Ning Xiaoyao stopped moving, and a colored section of the archway fell to the ground with a boom, shattering into pieces even as it created a mini crater.

"Get down," Lou Zigui gestured at Ning Xiaoyao.

Ning Xiaoyao asked A'Mo. "A'Mo, do you want to stay as a guest at my palace?"

A'Mo happily shook his head. "Xiaoyao, I want to see all the fuss with the Grand Preceptor!"

"Alright," Ning Xiaoyao jumped off the archway. The three Dragon Guards watched as their emperor landed soundlessly on the ground from such an impressive height and once more felt ashamed of their skills. They would never be able to land so quietly.

Ning Xiaoyao bent down to put A'Mo on a flat patch of land that wasn't waterlogged before she murmured, "Then let's meet again next time, A'Mo."

A'Mo said, "Xiaoyao, you have to come back and visit!"

"Mhm," Ning Xiaoyao nodded solemnly. She'd definitely return. She couldn't let that Grand Preceptor feel any happiness! Lou Zigui rode his horse to Ning Xiaoyao's side and leaned over to offer her a hand.

"Get on," he said.

Ning Xiaoyao grasped Lou Zigui's hand. She was short and lightweight, so Supreme Commander Lou easily pulled her astride Little Red.

"It's not easy to dismantle that thing," Ning Xiaoyao complained as she pointed at the now roofless archway.

Lou Zigui urged his horse forward as he murmured, "If you tear down the archway now, the Grand Preceptor will petition to the emperor tomorrow and say that someone destroyed the archway. Xiaoyao, if you can't capture the villain, you'll have to pay for repairs out of your own pocket."

(#‵′)凸, said Ning Xiaoyao. That's completely unreasonable!

 Chapter 114: Supreme Commander says, you have to return them

Chapter 114: Supreme Commander says, you have to return them Original and most updated translations are from volare. If read elsewhere, this chapter has been stolen. Please stop supporting theft.

"Then...then what should I do now? I've already taken it apart," Ning Xiaoyao asked anxiously. Make me pay Grand Preceptor Xie for repairs? I'd rather go back to my world of zombies!

Lou Zigui leaned forward slightly to cover Ning Xiaoyao as much as he possibly could from the rain. "Over time, it's likely that archway would've broken down after constant rainstorms any way."

Broken down? Ning Xiaoyao dug her fingers into her palms. That's right, why didn't I think of a reason like that?

"Actually, it's not very effective if you take it down by night," Lou Zigui added.

Ning Xiaoyao didn't understand. "Then should I take it down during the day?"

"Find a chance to issue an imperial decree. Denounce the Grand Preceptor for being unworthy of an imperial archway and make the Xie Clan dismantle it themselves," Lou Zigui said. "Then, have them send the timber, brick, and tiles back, untouched, to the imperial family. That's a sure way to make them miserable."

Ning Xiaoyao sucked in a breath as three words appeared in her head: You're. So. Venomous!

"Have you committed my words to your memory?" Lou Zigui lowered his head to rest his chin on Ning Xiaoyao's head.

"I have," Ning Xiaoyao nodded docilely. It looked like Supreme Commander Lou was even better at face-slapping than she was. When she recalled the huge debt of blood between them, she couldn't help but wonder how Supreme Commander would slap her face in the future.

"Why did you smash Tao Chen?" Lou Zigui asked. He hadn't noticed Ning Xiaoyao's inner grief.

"He's already made plans with the Grand Preceptor," Ning Xiaoyao rallied her spirits to speak again. "The Grand Preceptor came up with the idea, while Tao Chen's going to put it into action. They want to murder Qin Xuan and Miss A'Xin."

"Oh," Lou Zigui said quietly before he fell silent. Wracked with a guilty conscience for her father's misdeeds, Ning Xiaoyao kept quiet, as well.

"Human lives are worthless," Lou Zigui muttered to himself when he saw the imperial palace before them. Even in the rain, it was well-lit with lanterns.

"They're not worthless," Ning Xiaoyao lifted her head to look at him, her face serious. "They're worth a lot."

Lou Zigui lowered his head and saw the same set of eyes he'd seen in his dream: round, innocent, and completely ignorant.

"Supreme Commander, you can't say things like that in the future," Ning Xiaoyao said. When she thought of Supreme Commander's deformed, possibly still-living older brother currently suffering in Northern Hu, her heart throbbed with discomfort again. She hung her head and murmured, "In, in any case, humans have to find a way to keep living. They can only find hope when they're alive. They'll have nothing if they die."

"Even if they're living a life like pigs or dogs?" Lou Zigui asked.

Ning Xiaoyao blinked. "If pigs and dogs can live, why not humans?"

"..........." said Lou Zigui.

"I'll do my best," Ning Xiaoyao clenched her fists. Her words were meant for herself as much as Supreme Commander. People had to keep on living and fight for the life they wanted to have. This way, they'd be able to die without any regrets. Everyone in the apocalypse followed such beliefs. Ning Xiaoyao emerged from her difficulties ready to do battle again. Being sad was useless; it was more respectable to fight monsters and save people.

Lou Zigui gave a soundless sigh. He lowered his head and rubbed his chin against Ning Xiaoyao's wet hair, feeling helpless against the girl in his arms. Perhaps this was enough for now. He brought her on horseback into the palace gates and headed directly for Supreme Splendor Hall.

There was a mama from the empress dowager's palace waiting in front of the gates. When she saw Ning Xiaoyao approach, she quickly kneeled on the ground. After two mama had suffered at the empress's palace that day, this mama was trembling with fright. She was worried that one little mistake would end up triggering Ning Xiaoyao.

"What's going on now?" Ning Xiaoyao grew exasperated as soon as she found out the mama had come from the empress dowager.

"Your Majesty, Esteemed Empress Dowager's palace had a leak in the roof," the mama replied.

Ning Xiaoyao's eyes spun. She remembered how she'd forgotten to replace the roof tile over the empress dowager's quarters after spying on her. Lou Zigui said coldly, "Does Esteemed Empress Dowager want His Majesty to fix her roof overnight?"

"Th-that's right," Ning Xiaoyao said. "Does she want me to climb on the roof and fix her house? I'm the emperor, alright? Can an emperor hold two jobs as a sovereign and a tiler?"

"............" said everyone at the Supreme Splendor Hall. There's no such thing.

The mama kowtowed to Ning Xiaoyao and said, "Your Majesty, the rainwater ruined three chests of Esteemed Empress Dowager's dance clothes. They were given to her by the late emperor. Because of this, Esteemed Empress Dowager was so saddened that she fainted away. The Imperial Physician Courtyard's already sent people over to look."

Ning Xiaoyao was beginning to suspect she'd heard the wrong thing. Dance clothes? She fainted for three chests' worth of dance clothes? Is this a joke?

The mama was already wiping away her tears by now. "Your Majesty, the late emperor personally bought those clothes for Esteemed Empress Dowager. It's one of the memories he left behind for the empress dowager. Esteemed Empress Dowager..."

"Enough already," Ning Xiaoyao curled her lips contemptuously. "He's long dead and she's still feeling lovesick? What was she doing while he was alive?"

Everyone else stood silently on the sides, pretending they hadn't heard a word.

"What exactly did you find me for?" Ning Xiaoyao asked the somewhat stunned looking mama. She wasn't a tiler or a tailor, so what could she even do to help?

The mama said, "Esteemed Empress Dowager fainted, so we servants must report it to Your Majesty." Your own mother lost consciousness. We're only servants, so are we supposed to hide that it ever happened? The mama not only felt wronged, but angry as well. Why is it so hard to serve one's master?!

"Oh, so that's it," Ning Xiaoyao pulled the mama to her feet. "Then go back and tell the empress dowager that it's too late to express her love now. Have her wash up and go to bed first. That there, my imperial father has the empress and the crown prince to keep him company on the other side. He's perfectly fine."

"......" said the mama.

"............." said everyone else. Are you condemning that mama to death, or the empress dowager?

"Dance clothes," Ning Xiaoyao's expression fell as she stalked into the Supreme Splendor Hall, muttering to herself. "Can't you dance in any clothes you like? She really has a peculiar way of thinking."

Everyone else followed His Majesty inside, leaving the mama to stand alone by the gates, dazed. Esteemed Empress Dowager hadn't fainted away just because her dance clothes had been ruined! When she recalled the empress dowager's instructions, then looked back at the retreating Ning Xiaoyao, she braced herself and chased after the emperor.

Ning Xiaoyao was about to lose her patience when she saw her. "You still have business with me?"

The mama fell to her knees in the rain. "Your Majesty, Esteemed Empress Dowager suspects that someone lifted a tile off the roof on purpose."

Ning Xiaoyao chuckled. So that's the main point.

"Who would have the gall?" Lou Zigui asked.

The mama remained kneeling and simply shook her head.

"It's been a long time," Ning Xiaoyao said, "And it's been raining constantly, right? The roof simply broke, that's all. If there's nothing suspicious, why is the empress dowager scaring herself over nothing?"

Lou Zigui rubbed his nose after hearing Ning Xiaoyao paraphrasing his words. The mama hastened to speak, "Your Majesty, an eunuch went up to the roof to check. Only one tile on the roof was missing. It, it doesn't look like it broke."

In the future, I'll have to remember to remove a few more tiles, Ning Xiaoyao mentally reminded herself. "Then you'll have to ask the roof about that. I haven't been to the empress dowager's palace before, so how am I supposed to know why the roof was only missing one tile?"

The mama was floored once again. No matter how reasonably she spoke, it was useless against someone who was a rascal. Moreover, this rascal was none other than the emperor, so she couldn't say anything else.

"Have the empress dowager wash up and sleep first. Does she still think she's some sort of 18-year old blossom? Are people still crying and shouting just for a peek at her?" Ning Xiaoyao waved a hand at the mama. "Don't treat a broken roof tile like the apocalypse. See you later."

Everyone cast sidelong glances at Ning Xiaoyao, who still had Supreme Commander's outer robes draped over her shoulders. Are you cursing the empress dowager to death again?

As everyone else followed Ning Xiaoyao into the covered walkway and vanished, the mama from the empress dowager's palace was left standing blankly in the rain. What 'apocalypse?' Ah no, that's not right. How am I supposed to relay this message to Esteemed Empress Dowager?!


Ning Xiaoyao soundly kicked the door open and entered the main hall of her palace. She gave a sneeze before she called for Shadowgale. "Windy, where's the giant bundle I told you to bring back?"

Shadowgale ran behind a folding screen before he dragged out the big package. Erya and Xiaoqiu diligently trailed after him.

"There's so many beads, Your Majesty! So many beads!" Erya waved her hands in delight.

"Really?" Ning Xiaoyao ran forward and undid the knot on the bundle. Then she lifted the lid off a chest and saw a chest full of stones that nearly blinded her with their radiance. She straightened her back and calmed down before her trembling hand opened the second chest. This one was filled to the brim with jades and agates, which left her vision blind once more. "We've, we've struck it rich," she stuttered.

Lou Zigui strode forward and picked up the oil-paper package before dumping out its contents. First came the silver drafts, which Supreme Commander Lou set in a thick stack on a tea table. Then came the letters, which Supreme Commander Lou looked through meticulously, one by one. Ning Xiaoyao scampered over to the tea table and began counting the silver drafts, trying to see how much money she had picked up this time.

The Dragon Guards joined Erya and her brother to stare at the two chests filled with treasure. They wouldn't be able to earn this much even if they worked for their entire lives.

Ning Xiaoyao finished tallying the money and returned to the chests, her back straight and her face smug. "There's 30,000 taels' worth of silver drafts there. We're rich again!"

Everyone mentally prostrated themselves before His Majesty. Ning Xiaoyao was even glowing in their eyes by now, her halo everlasting!

Ning Xiaoyao casually picked up a cat's eye and asked Shadowgale, "Windy, how much would these sell for?"

Shadowgale shook his head. He really had no idea.

"We'll save some to use for Erya's dowry," Ning Xiaoyao stroked Erya's hair, which was still an unhealthy, yellowish hue. "The rest we can sell off for money."

The Dragon Guards all looked at Erya and her yellowing hair. His Majesty really has foresight. He's already thinking of Erya's marriage affairs.

"Erya, you choose," Ning Xiaoyao said with all the airs of a nouveau riche. "Take anything you like."

Erya looked timidly at the two chests full of treasures. She thought that every one of them looked nice, so it was hard to pick any one of them. Ning Xiaoyao pointed out a few pieces. "Choose the big ones. They're worth more money."

Shadowthunder shook his head. "Your Majesty, these cat's eye stones all look about the same size."

Ning Xiaoyao then asked Shadowgale, "Which one's worth more, the cat's eye stones or the jade and agate?"

Immediately, the people in the room split into two factions. There were those who supported the cat's eyes, and those who supported the jade and agate. Neither side could win over the other as their arguments grew louder and more contentious. Ning Xiaoyao saw that the two factions of Dragon Guards were about to come to blows and couldn't help but feel vexed. That's the fate of the poor. We can't tell what's valuable and what's not. If we could, our nouveau riche wouldn't have so many troubles.

Lou Zigui put down the letter in his hand and spoke one line: "We can't accept these things. We need to return them."

All the talking ceased in the room. Ning Xiaoyao stiffened as she turned around, the cat's eye in her hand clattering back into the chest. "Whaa?" His Majesty Ning asked.

 Chapter 115: Ning Xiaoyao, don't cry

Chapter 115: Ning Xiaoyao, don't cry Original and most updated translations are from volare. If read elsewhere, this chapter has been stolen. Please stop supporting theft.

Lou Zigui pointed at the stack of letters he'd put on the tea table. "These are letters from various local officials. They talk about money they've given, or officials they're backing up, or subsidy fees paid for a courtesy call."

"What are subsidy fees paid for a courtesy call?" Ning Xiaoyao asked.

"Fees paid so they can meet with certain people," Lou Zigui explained.

In other words, an interview fee, Ning Xiaoyao expressed her understanding. Yet still, she protested, "These are my things!" She pointed at the chests by her feet.

"Is Supreme Commander worried that the Grand Preceptor will get angry?" Shadowgale asked.

Ning Xiaoyao said, "I'm not afraid of him. Just earlier, I even cracked his brains. That old geezer fell over with a face covered in blood."

".........." said Shadowgale and the rest. So His Majesty ran over to the Grand Preceptor's estate to beat him up.

Lou Zigui rested his forehead in his hand before he stood up and grasped Ning Xiaoyao's hand. "Let's talk in private."

"It's no use no matter what you say," Ning Xiaoyao remained standing stubbornly in place. "The money and jewels are mine!"

"Be good and listen to me," Lou Zigui murmured in a small voice. When the Dragon Guards saw Supreme Commander Lou coaxing their emperor into another room like a child, they all swiveled to look at Shadowgale. Is Supreme Commander really treating His Majesty as his son?


"I had Third Young Master Ning return to Fengzhou," Lou Zigui explained his entire process with Ning Xiaoluo inside the room, as well as his arrangements and plans for the boy.

Ning Xiaoyao was still stubborn in the beginning, but she slowly grew more shocked as the narrative went on. The Grand Preceptor wanted to kill Ning Xiaoluo just to worsen relations between her and the Duke of Yue's estate? "Wasn't it because our faces?" Ning Xiaoyao asked doubtfully as she pointed at herself.

"You're talking about faces, too?" Lou Zigui asked, mystified. "What's wrong with Ning Xiaoluo's face?"

"He looks a lot like me, ah," Ning Xiaoyao said. "The Grand Preceptor's already found someone who looks exactly like me, and Ning Xiaoluo's the backup. Isn't that what's going on?"

"What did you say?" Lou Zigui said. "The Grand Preceptor found someone who looks exactly like you?"

"That's right," Ning Xiaoyao answered. "He even turned him into an idiot. After he kills me off, he'll probably make that idiot the emperor in my place. Then the Grand Preceptor will revive."

Lou Zigui's expression had sunk so low that he might as well be underwater. His chest felt stifled and unable to breathe. "This, this is massive news. Why didn't you tell me?" he questioned sternly.

"Ah?" Ning Xiaoyao asked. "Aren't I telling you now?"

Supreme Commander Lou wondered whether Shadowgale would kill him now if he decided to beat up Ning Xiaoyao.

"You..." Ning Xiaoyao backed away as she sensed the dangerous aura emanating from him. "Is this all that important?"

Lou Zigui didn't want to talk to her anymore.

"It's alright," Ning Xiaoyao scooted closer again and laughed. "I can restore that boy's original face, so what's there to worry about?"

"You can restore his face?"

"It was only a face lift," Ning Xiaoyao said as she gestured to her own face. "Since they used knives, it'll leave incision marks. As long as I restore the incisions to their original state, that guy won't look like me anymore."

Her words sounded reasonable, but was that really possible? Lou Zigui wasn't sure.

"I'm a doctor--a very, very good doctor," Ning Xiaoyao patted her chest with a promise. "As long as the patient's not dead, I can cure any kind of illness!" Since there weren't any zombies in this world, she wasn't really boasting at all.

Lou Zigui's heart lurched before he asked, "Then what about blindness and broken limbs?"

"Sure!" Ning Xiaoyao agreed resolutely. If she couldn't, then she would this time! She had to!

Perhaps this was hope for his older brother? Lou Zigui stared blankly at Ning Xiaoyao, who dug her nails into her palms and tried to sound him out. "Has anyone been injured?"

What happened to Lou Zigui's older brother was part of his private affairs. It was still something painful, so she could only pretend that she knew nothing until Lou Zigui told her outright. You had to respect other people. After stressing the fact to herself once more, Ning Xiaoyao fixed an ignorant expression on Lou Zigui.

Supreme Commander Lou felt his throat get choked up before he murmured in a low voice, "I was just curious."

"Oh, haha. You were curious," Ning Xiaoyao was still wearing her simple, scatterbrained smile.

"I'll take the imperial guards back to Fragrant Gauze Alley," Lou Zigui drew Ning Xiaoyao close and helped wipe off her still-damp face. "Replace those things where you've found them, alright?"

"Do I have to?" Ning Xiaoyao asked.

Lou Zigui nodded.

Ning Xiaoyao pouted so much that someone could hang a jug of oil off her lips.

"We're only returning them temporarily," Lou Zigui coaxed His Majesty Ning.

"If the money's not in our bags, then it doesn't count as our money," Ning Xiaoyao was still unhappy. She'd busied herself for half the night for nothing. (Author: Hey hey, is money the only thing you can remember?)

What to do when a girl was unhappy? Lou Zigui raised a hand and smoothed out Ning Xiaoyao's pout. "I promise I'll get the jewels and silver drafts back for you."

"Hmph," Ning Xiaoyao humphed.

"As soon as next month arrives, we'll go eat egg yolk guoba," Lou Zigui said next.

A vision of glistening gold yellow, fragrant, crispy egg yolk guoba suddenly appeared in Ning Xiaoyao's head. She slurped back her drool and said, "Alright."

And thus, egg yolk guoba cured His Majesty Ning of all of her ills.

"No matter what happens after this, don't expose yourself," Lou Zigui urged Ning Xiaoyao again.

"Mhm," Ning Xiaoyao nodded.

Lou Zigui hugged Ning Xiaoyao.

Ning Xiaoyao grew serious. "We made a deal. Egg yolk guoba."

Supreme Commander Lou felt crushed. Could it be that his hug was nothing compared to some egg yolk guoba? (Author: How should I say this....)

After the two differing minds came to the same agreement, Lou Zigui and Ning Xiaoyao emerged from the room. Ning Xiaoyao was staring at her toes, refusing to stare at the chests of treasure and stacks of silver drafts. If she saw them now, she'd physically ache.

Lou Zigui called in Fang Tang, who was standing guard outside, and said, "Go find some imperial guards and prepare to leave the palace."

Fang Tang answered in assent and ran off.

Lou Zigui then told Shadowgale, "Bring some men to guard His Majesty as you travel to Fragrant Gauze Alley."

Shadowgale nodded. They were going to cause trouble for the Grand Preceptor again.

Ning Xiaoyao crouched down and told Erya, "Erya, I'll hoard a dowry for you another time. Right now, we have to return all these things."

"How come?" Erya asked.

Ning Xiaoyao glanced at the two chests with some distress. "Because we have to defeat the bad guys first. Erya, ah, grow up a bit slower. If you grow up too fast, I won't have any money to give you for your dowry. Right now, Your Majesty's very poor."

It really was a tragic reason. Erya was a very good child, and replied, "Your Majesty, Erya won't marry anybody. Let's save up money to find a wife for Xiaoqiu instead. Xiaoqiu grows even slower than me."

".........." said everyone else. This little girl has foresight, too.

That's right, Xiaoqiu needs money as well to start a family. Ning Xiaoyao rubbed her eyes. She told herself, Ning Xiaoyao, don't cry. You have to make sure you're rich before Erya and Xiaoqiu grow up!

Everyone else watching the scene couldn't help but feel that His Majesty seemed heroically tragic, for some odd reason. Lou Zigui simply turned and walked out of the room, unable to take any more.

After getting news that trouble had come to the Grand Preceptor's estate, third son Xie Anshi forced himself to wait until the smoke and fires dissipated from the rockery formation before hastening back with his men on horseback. But it was then that a troop of imperial guards suddenly kicked their way in. They not only blocked off the back door, but the entire back alley. Some of the residents heard the commotion and opened their doors to have a look, only to be fiendishly shouted back into their homes by the guards.

"Lou Zigui." Xie Anshi spat as his face twisted upon recognized the man blocking the street. He gritted his teeth and said coldly, "Lou Zigui, what's the meaning of this?"

"Impudence!" Fang Tang pointed a finger at Xie Anshi. "You're only the vice-head of the Ministry of War, yet you dare to hail our Supreme Commander by name?"

Xie Anshi turned to Fang Tang. "And just what kind of thing are you?"

"Go in and search," Lou Zigui ordered the imperial guards while raising a hand to tell Fang Tang to keep quiet. The imperial guards dismounted their horses and swarmed through the doors of the estate. It was impossible for the Grand Preceptor's men to keep them out.

"Lou Zigui, just what are you doing?" Xie Anshi asked, furious.

Lou Zigui didn't even look at Xie Anshi, but instead dismounted his horse and walked towards the doors. Fang Tang and the rest clustered around him like human shields. Xie Anshi had no choice but to dismount himself and chase after Lou Zigui. Privately, he wagered that news of the underground chamber had already leaked out somehow. Fortunately, everyone down there was already dead, so Lou Zigui was late by a step.


Ning Xiaoyao carried her giant bundle into the lampless study, pressed the switch, and opened the secret compartment. Then she replaced all the chests, letters, and silver drafts into their original places.

"What a shame," remarked Oil Jar, who had tagged along with Oil Lamp.

Ning Xiaoyao sighed. "Yeah, what a shame. My body's aching right this moment."

Oil Lamp said, "Oil Lamp didn't understand Supreme Commander's words."

Oil Jar quickly nodded in turned, "Did you understand, Xiaoyao?"

"What Supreme Commander meant was that we have to let the Grand Preceptor think that Ning Xiaoluo's already dead," Ning Xiaoyao shut the secret compartment and reluctantly restored the area hiding the switch. Her conscience was quivering even as she ached.

"How come?" Oil Jar still didn't get it.

"Because Supreme Commander wants to see the Duke of Yue's estate have a fallout with the Grand Preceptor over Ning Xiaoluo's fake death," Ning Xiaoyao lowered her head as she walked out. "Supreme Commander says it's called 'meeting a plot with a plot,'"[1. meeting a plot with a plot (将计就计) - jiangji jiuji, or 'to turn someone's trick against them,' 'to beat someone at his own game.]

"But," Oil Lamp raised a paw, "But doesn't the Duke of Yue take orders from the Grand Preceptor to start with? Supreme Commander said the Grand Preceptor wanted to shift the blame of Ning Xiaoluo's death to you, Xiaoyao. Did a bad cat gnaw out the Grand Preceptor's brains?"

A bad cat gnaws out the brains. Ning Xiaoyao's mouth twitched. She'd learned a new turn of phrase from mice.

"That's right," Oil Jar felt the whole thing was odd as well. "Xiaoyao, there's no need for the Grand Preceptor to go to such lengths just to sow discord."

Ning Xiaoyao said, "I told Supreme Commander the whole fuss was because of my face, but he didn't believe me."

Oil Jar said, "But doesn't the Grand Preceptor already have somebody who looks like you? Why did he need Ning Xiaoluo in the first place?"

Ning Xiaoyao said, "Maybe he was worried that other guy would die halfway, so he had a backup just in case?"

"Then," Oil Lamp said, "Shouldn't the Grand Preceptor be worried that the Duke of Yue will recognize his son if he's used as a replacement for you instead?"

Ning Xiaoyao squatted on the floor of the covered walkway as she scratched her head in thought. "That's true." No matter how loyal the Duke of Yue was to the Grand Preceptor, he'd still be able to recognize Ning Xiaoluo if he was made to be a stand-in for Ning Xiaoyao. Faces weren't so easily forgotten.

Oil Jar said, "The Grand Preceptor must have another plot on hand!"

"What could it be?" Ning Xiaoyao solicited the two mice for advice.

Oil Jar and Oil Lamp didn't have any answers for that. Oil Jar said, "Xiaoyao, you humans are so complicated."

Ning Xiaoyao nodded. "That's right, those humans are way too complicated. Even I can't understand them." (Author: You're a human too, ah! Wake up already!)


Currently, Lou Zigui was standing at the foot of the fake rock formation that Ning Xiaoyao had mentioned. As Lou Zigui stood in the heavy downpour, he saw that the formation was made up of stacks of Jiangnan lake rocks. But there were no visible traces of the fire that had supposedly swept through the rockery tunnels.

By now, Xie Anshi had followed them here as well. He watched Fang Tang enter through the stone door in the rock formation's cave and said to Lou Zigui, "There was a fire in the basement just a while ago. If Supreme Commander came to put out the flames, I'm afraid you're a little too late."

 Chapter 116: Yan Hong, a girl wearing a flowery dress

Chapter 116: Yan Hong, a girl wearing a flowery dress Original and most updated translations are from volare. If read elsewhere, this chapter has been stolen. Please stop supporting theft.

Lou Zigui didn't even look at Xie Anshi as he ordered, "Take him away."

A few imperial guards stepped forward to grab Xie Anshi, who fumed, "Lou Zigui, don't act too outrageously!"

A general of the Black Frost Cavalry stepped forward, shoved aside the two guards shielding Xie Anshi, and punched the man. When the Grand Preceptor's guards saw their third young master get hit, they had no choice but to charge forward in retaliation. The imperial guards had His Majesty as their backing, so they wouldn't fear the Grand Preceptor's men. The two factions broke out into a full-on fight.

Ning Xiaoyao found the spot on the wall where she'd hid with Ning Xiaoluo and perched there once more with Shadowgale by her side. The other Dragon Guards perched directly in the trees as there was no more room on the wall itself. Ning Xiaoyao was quite excited to see a fight break out, but when she recalled how Supreme Commander Lou had told her to stay hidden, she held back her urge to join the fray.

Lou Zigui's expression didn't change as they fought. He saw Fang Tang run out and down from the rock formation and asked him in a low voice, "How is it?"

Fang Tang replied, "The stone door's been completely scorched black. It's not hot anymore, though, so the fire's probably burnt itself out inside."

"Open it," Lou Zigui said.

Fang Tang murmured an assent as he nodded, before taking men back with him to the rockery. Ning Xiaoyao had said that there was red smoke after the fire. Lou Zigui and the rest were all familiar with the description. Such poisonous smoke was usually used to rot away the skins of its victims. But once kerosene containing the poison burnt itself out with flames, the toxin would disperse as well leaving the area safe to enter. Fang Tang and his men opened the stone door at the same time the imperial guards beat Xie Anshi and his men out of the courtyard.

"No fire or smoke," Fang Tang shouted as he stood at the entrance to the basement.

"Go in," Lou Zigui ordered. Fang Tang covered his face with a damp towel before bringing his men inside.

"Bring back a message," Xie Anshi instructed one of his guards from outside the courtyard gates. "If my father's still unconscious, find whoever's in charge of affairs at the estate."

The guard accepted the orders, pushed aside the people blocking his way, and ran off. One of the courtyard's other guards noticed Xie Anshi sending off a man and wanted to remind him that it was impossible for anyone to leave the courtyard since the back alley was filled with imperial guards. After seeing Xie Anshi's unsightly complexion, he decided to stay quiet for now.

Meanwhile, the men inside the basement were bringing up the bodies one by one. Ning Xiaoyao saw two imperial guards carry another person to the pile of corpses and add it to the growing stack. Thanks to her genetically enhanced vision, she could tell this new body was a corpse as well.

"That should be the driver of the carriage that had the bodies of Ning Xiaoluo's guards," Shadowgale explained in a low voice. "He's from the Grand Preceptor's estate."

Fang Tang was the last man out of the basement. He stood at the entrance and shouted, "Supreme Commander, there are no more bodies inside." In response, Lou Zigui waved a hand at the entrance to the courtyard.

"Go in!" an imperial guard shoved Xie Anshi roughly. Once again, Xie Anshi entered the courtyard. When he saw the stack of bodies before him, he quickly counted the pile of corpses. It matched his recorded number from before, so he set his worries at rest. Originally, the plan was to open the stone doors tomorrow and have his father count the bodies. However, Lou Zigui's arrival had disrupted their plans. Despite all that, he smiled coldly in his heart. So what if Lou Zigui saw these bodies? They'd been distorted beyond recognition, thanks to the poison smoke. The corpses would be completely useless to him.

Lou Zigui approached the bodies and glanced at a few of them that were lying face-up. All of them had gaping mouths, a signature of death from asphyxiation. Their bodies and faces alike were covered in abscesses.

"What did you use the basement for?" Fang Tang shouted at Xie Anshi.

"Storage," Xie Anshi replied.

Fang Tang raised a hand, fighting the urge to strike him. Storage? Is this bastard whelp treating me as a monkey?

"Take the corpses away," Lou Zigui ordered coldly. "Find someone to do an autopsy on the bodies."

"Lou Zigui, these are my Grand Preceptor estate's men," Xie Anshi raised his voice.

Lou Zigui turned to walk towards Xie Anshi. He was much taller than the other man, and lowered his head to whisper into Xie Anshi's ear, "Just then, you asked Fang Tang just what kind of thing he was. Now I'm asking you--what kind of thing do you think you are?"

Xie Anshi's expression wavered between anger and fear.

"A good-for-nothing," Lou Zigui answered his own question as he strode past him.

Pairs of imperial guards came to carry away the bodies one by one. Perched on the wall, Shadowgale asked Ning Xiaoyao, "Your Majesty, shall we leave as well?"

Ning Xiaoyao said, "Windy, do you think that bloke Xie Anshi will cry after Supreme Commander's bullied him?"

".........." said Shadowgale. What does that have to do with me?

Lou Zigui's group left as quickly as they came. In the blink of an eye, they had all retreated. Ning Xiaoyao and Shadowgale didn't have a show to watch anymore. They were about to leave as well when a young woman clothed a flowery dress entered the courtyard. She burst into tears upon seeing Xie Anshi.

"Third young master, those soldiers scared me to death!"

"Who's she?" Ning Xiaoyao squatted back down on the wall.

"She doesn't look like a good woman," Shadowgale remarked.

"Yan Hong," Xie Anshi spoke.

As soon as Ning Xiaoyao heard this name, she grew enlightened and told Shadowgale, "Yan Hong, that's Xie Laibao's lover."

Shadowgale said, "Even a steward like Xie Laibao has a kept woman of his own?"

"He has money, ah," Ning Xiaoyao said sourly. "Not like me!" I even had to return what I had!

Head Commander Shadowgale had no way to comfort His Majesty this time.

Yan Hong stood in front of Xie Anshi as she wiped her tears, quietly telling him how frightened she'd been. Xie Anshi even had the patience to stand under his umbrella and listen to her chatter.

"Pah," one of the Dragon Guards spat. "Shameless."

Ning Xiaoyao said, "It really is shameless. That bastard even wants to steal away Xie Laibao's woman!"

All of the Dragon Guards joined Ning Xiaoyao is cursing Xie Anshi's shamelessness, but Shadowgale was an insightful type. After wiping rainwater off his face, he said, "Your Majesty, Xie Anshi should know about the relationship between that woman and Xie Laibao. The very fact that the Grand Preceptor trusts Xie Laibao is enough for Xie Anshi to set aside his airs before that woman."

Ning Xiaoyao rubbed her chin, lost in thought. The more she watched Yan Hong and Xie Anshi, the more unsightly they seemed. Xie Anshi hadn't moved his eyes from Yan Hong's chest the entire time. As for Yan Hong herself...Ning Xiaoyao spat again. It's a crime to have a figure that good! (Author: If you're jealous, just say it outright, o(╯□╰)o)

"His eyes are completely fixated on that woman's chest," one of the Dragon Guards observed. "Your Majesty, this servant feels that the Xie young master's just shy of copping a feel for himself."

"Reputation's very important," Ning Xiaoyao muttered to herself. Everyone looked at Ning Xiaoyao. Why bring reputation up now?

Ning Xiaoyao's eyes were dancing. "Say guys, if anything happens between Xie Anshi and Xie Laibao's lover, would that jerk drown in all his saliva?"

"............" said the Dragon Guards. His Majesty had ruined the Xie Clan's eldest son during the day, but now he was aiming for their third son as well?

Shadowgale asked, "Your Majesty, are you going to drug them?"

"..........." said the Dragon Guards. Is it alright for you to be so blunt, Head Commander?

"I don't have any drugs on me, ah," Ning Xiaoyao said. "Windy, do you carry those 'heheheh' drugs on you all the time?"

It was the first time the Dragon Guards had heard of anything called a 'heheheh' drug. Dammit, and they knew instantly what it meant!

Shadowgale's face immediately flushed as he violently shook his head. "I don't. I don't have drugs like that."

Ning Xiaoyao rubbed her nose. "Even if you did, I wouldn't give it to Xie Anshi. Why should we help him achieve his aims?"

Is that really his aim? All of the Dragon Guards fell silent at that.

Ning Xiaoyao dug out a brick from the wall and broke it in half, before telling the Dragon Guards, "Watch this."

Shadowgale thought it over. Supreme Commander Lou had never told him that His Majesty couldn't crack Xie Anshi's head open, too. Thus, all he did was stare at the piece of brick in Ning Xiaoyao's hands and asked, "Isn't it a little too small?"

Ning Xiaoyao shook her head as she threw the chunk of brick in her hands. It whizzed through the air before coming in contact with its target. Yan Hong felt a sudden pain behind her left knee before her leg involuntarily bent forwards.

"That's what we call a conditioned reflex," Ning Xiaoyao said.

As soon as Yan Hong's leg bent, she toppled forwards as well. Xie Anshi subconsciously reached out to catch her as she fell until the two of them looked like they were locked in an embrace.

"Shameless!" Ning Xiaoyao cursed from her perch on the wall.

"Someone's coming!" Shadowgale cautiously pulled Ning Xiaoyao back. "Your Majesty, be careful."

Ning Xiaoyao had long heard the sound of footsteps coming towards the garden thanks to her enhanced hearing, but she didn't care. The more people who saw them the better. Soon enough, two generals wearing helmets and armor led the way into the courtyard. Shadowgale recognized the pair and told Ning Xiaoyao, "It's the Luo brothers from the left barracks in the capital."

Ning Xiaoyao had no idea who they were, but nodded her head anyways. Shadowgale's expression, however, shifted into an odd look.

"What's up?" Ning Xiaoyao asked.

Shadowgale said, "Xie Anshi's wife née Luo is their little sister."

Little sister? Ning Xiaoyao's mouth gaped. She felt like she'd done something unthinkable again.

"Xie Anshi?!" one of the generals lost his temper as soon as they entered the courtyard and saw Xie Anshi hugging Yan Hong. After shouting Xie Anshi's name, he started charging towards the pair.

Xie Anshi quickly shoved Yan Hong aside. Ning Xiaoyao jumped off the wall and ran forward despite Shadowgale's attempts to stop her. Xie Anshi had shoved Yan Hong so hard that she fell straight to the ground. Ning Xiaoyao squatted by Yan Hong's side and rubbed some muddy water on her face before she shouted, "Lady? Lady?!"

"Lady?" Xie Anshi's two brother-in-laws turned to glare at Xie Anshi.

Ning Xiaoyao cried, "Third young master, how could you treat her ladyship like this?"

All of the Grand Preceptor's men were caught off guard by the sudden turn of events. Where did this muddy-faced brat come from? No wait--when did Yan Hong become a woman with the official status of 'lady?'

Yan Hong recovered her wits and wanted to shout, but Ning Xiaoyao pinched the side of her waist so hard that she fainted away from the pain.

"W, who are you supposed to be?" Xie Anshi asked Ning Xiaoyao.

"Ah?" Ning Xiaoyao said. "Third young master, you sent me to wait on her ladyship, ah."

He even sent someone to specially wait on his kept woman? The two Luo brothers raised their hands to thrash Xie Anshi's face. Our Luo Clan would never allow our daughters to have the same fate as née Qin!

When Lou Zigui had heard news of the capital's barracks sending their soldiers to the house, he'd returned with his men on account of his worry. As soon as he reached the courtyard, it was to see Luo Rui[1. Luo Rui (骆瑞) - Luo is a surname that means "white horse with a black mane" in archaic Chinese, Rui means "token made of jade, auspicious sign, good omen/good luck.] beating up Xie Anshi. Supreme Commander Lou gave a start before he noticed a certain Miss Ning squatting on the side.

This is your doing, isn't it? You must have done something again!

Chapter 117: His Majesty says, Yan Hong is a character

Chapter 117: His Majesty says, Yan Hong is a character Original and most updated translations are from volare. If read elsewhere, this chapter has been stolen. Please stop supporting theft.

Xie Anshi had already been beaten during the day, and now he was being thrashed yet again. Unable to bear the blows, he simply lost consciousness on the ground. When the Second Young Master Luo saw that only a few punches had knocked out his younger brother-in-law, he was left dumbfounded. Eldest Young Master Luo Wei[2 Luo Wei (骆玮) - Luo is a surname that means "white horse with a black mane" in archaic Chinese, Wei means "a kind of jade, valuable/precious."] was still in the throes of his anger, but he'd finally come to his senses. How could Xie Anshi ever arrange for a little pageboy to attend to his mistress?

"Speak, just who are you?" Luo Wei pointed at Ning Xiaoyao angrily.

Ning Xiaoyao felt that this young master of the Luo Clan was pretty smart. She'd done so well with her acting, but he'd still seen through her. (Author: This has nothing to do with your acting skills, arite...) Luo Wei stepped forward to grab Ning Xiaoyao, but Lou Zigui beat him to it.

He shielded Ning Xiaoyao behind his back and said, "Look to the master before you beat his dog. You should consider how to explain yourself to your master first."

The Luo brothers' faces turned a sickly green at his words.

"Let's go," Lou Zigui pulled Ning Xiaoyao along with him.

Ning Xiaoyao raised a hand to bid the Luo brothers farewell. "I'm an enemy agent, haha."

"..........." said Shadowgale and the rest, who'd resumed their places on the wall.

"Don't glare at me," Ning Xiaoyao said. "Would those two hug each other if they didn't harbor mutual feelings? How could third young madame's figure compare to Lady Yan Hong's? You're all men, so you should understand, heheh." Ning Xiaoyao had only caught a glimpse of the Xie Clan's third young madame. She had no idea what she looked like, but she'd remembered the woman had been as flat as a board.

The Luo brothers' faces changed from sickly green to a furious black. Like hell they should 'understand!'

Shadowgale told his fellow guards, "Let's go."

You could be enemies with anyone as long as it wasn't His Majesty. Otherwise, His Majesty would definitely leave you in a state worse than death. When the Dragon Guards heard Ning Xiaoyao fling figurative mud at Xie Anshi, their understanding of His Majesty deepened to yet another level.

Lou Zigui hadn't even brought Ning Xiaoyao out of the courtyard yet before Third Young Master Xie regained consciousness beneath the rain. He remained prone on the ground as he shouted, "Luo Rui, you dared to raise a hand against me? Are you seeking death?!"

Ning Xiaoyao rolled her eyes. "See that? Lackeys get no respect at all!"

"Who are you?" Xie Anshi shouted before he even spotted Ning Xiaoyao.

"I'm not your father, that's for sure," Ning Xiaoyao shouted in return.

Xie Anshi was so furious that he leapt up from the ground and ordered, "Capture that bastard!"

All of the Grand Preceptor's men wanted to cry. Lou Zigui was here. Would we even survive a fight against that star of disaster?

"Let's go," Lou Zigui said again as he pulled Ning Xiaoyao out of the courtyard.

Ning Xiaoyao harrumphed. "Yan Hong's a bad guy."

"Why do you say that?" Lou Zigui asked.

"Her scent was in that basement," Ning Xiaoyao said as she pointed at her nose. "When I was squatting next to her, I smelled the same thing."

"Maybe she delivered meals to the people there," Lou Zigui said.

"She didn't," Ning Xiaoyao replied. "Someone who delivered meals wouldn't stop to sit on the chairs in the basement. This woman's probably a character worth noting on the Grand Preceptor's side. Oh, let me explain a bit further. I caught a whiff of her face powder on one of the chairs in the basement. There were even flowers engraved on the back of that chair."

Just what kind of nose do you have? Lou Zigui thought as he rested his forehead against his palm.

Ning Xiaoyao added, "But if she's really a character, then why is she Xie Laibao's lover?"

"What?" Lou Zigui's hand dropped from his forehead.

Ning Xiaoyao said, "I never mentioned it? Yan Hong's involved in an illicit love affair with Xie Laibao."

Lou Zigui stopped walking. Ning Xiaoyao was still caught up in her thoughts and muttering to herself. "Could it be that Xie Laibao has a big whachamacallit and does a good job as a man?"

"Go and capture that woman," Lou Zigui instructed the guards behind him. A few imperial guards ran off to apprehend Yan Hong. Meanwhile, Lou Zigui turned back to Ning Xiaoyao and asked, "A big what?"

Ning Xiaoyao raised her head to peer at Lou Zigui, before suddenly shifting her gaze downwards.

"........." said Supreme Commander Lou, who suddenly understood what she meant.

"What I think," Ning Xiaoyao began, wanting to discuss this further with Supreme Commander Lou.

But Lou Zigui simply clamped her mouth and muttered wearily, "Let's just go." By the time he pulled her out out the front door, an imperial guard ran out with an unconscious Yan Hong over his shoulders.

"She's still unconscious?" Ning Xiaoyao asked from her perch atop Little Red, the battle horse. Xie Anshi could wake up from a thrashing, but that beauty was still unconscious just from a little pinch? (Author: So, exactly just how much strength did you use?)

"Let's go," Lou Zigui's heels dug into the flank of the horse, propelling them towards the end of the street.

Shadowgale and the rest were waiting for Ning Xiaoyao at the exit. He led his horse to meet them as they arrived.

Ning Xiaoyao said, "Windy, can I ride on your horse?" Shadowgale's horse was a white stallion called Little White Dragon. There wasn't a stray hair on his body, and he'd caught Ning Xiaoyao's girlish heart as soon as she left the palace. A white horse! It'd be so romantic riding a white horse through the city streets!

Before Shadowgale could answer, Lou Zigui whipped Little Red, who whinnied and sprinted away.

"Dangit," Ning Xiaoyao twisted her body to look back, nearly falling off the horse.

Lou Zigui pulled her towards him and said, "You don't want to ride on my horse?"

Ning Xiaoyao shot a glance at the galloping Little Red. In order to spare the horse's feelings, she lied and said, "I'm willing." Everyone's heard of a prince on a white horse, but never a prince on a red one! She was unhappy. (Author: Enough already...)

"Come in a bit closer," Lou Zigui said.

Ning Xiaoyao leaned in closer to Lou Zigui.

"When you go out in the rain next time, remember to use an umbrella," Lou Zigui urged.

Ning Xiaoyao asked, "Even when riding a horse?"

"Then wear a rain cape."


"When we return to the palace, I'll go interrogate Yan Hong at the Hall of Punishment. You should go back and rest early."


Lou Zigui glanced down at the person in his arms. "Did you forget that we have a great assembly tomorrow?"

Ning Xiaoyao stiffened. Another great assembly?!

"Tomorrow morning at court, remember to--"

"Coughcoughcough," Ning Xiaoyao hacked. "I'm sick, can I skip the assembly tomorrow?" She had to make sure Qin Xuan and Miss A'Xin left the capital city quickly. Moreover, there were other things to take care of too, like Little Peach Blossom and news of Supreme Commander's big brother. She was really busy, so who had time to sit in that hall and listen to Elder Li and company's verbal spars? More than that was the fact that she didn't want to see him at all!

Lou Zigui raised a hand to feel Ning Xiaoyao's forehead, which was cool to the touch.

"Cough, cough," Ning Xiaoyao kept coughing.

"Alright," Lou Zigui said, "Then issue an imperial decree dismissing the assembly."

Ning Xiaoyao stopped coughing immediately.

She's just a girl, so how can she really be emperor? Lou Zigui told himself. A day without assembly should be fine, since the previous emperor had missed his sessions for years. He didn't lose his kingdom anymore for it.

"Supreme Commander, you think Xie Anshi will fight another round with those Luo brothers?" Ning Xiaoyao stroked Oil Jar in her sleeve, now that she was out of danger.

"The Luo brothers wouldn't dare to a second time," Lou Zigui said.

"Aye," Ning Xiaoyao dragged out a sigh. It looks like my skills at sowing discord still suck too much. She had to practice more!

Meanwhile, the steward of the estate they just left pressed the switch to check on the contents of the secret chamber. Then he withdrew the 5,000 taels from the empress dowager and reported to the Grand Preceptor, "Grand Preceptor, there wasn't anything missing from the secret storage area. Here's the silver that Esteemed Empress Dowager prepared for eldest young master."

"Leave it here," the Grand Preceptor tapped the desk. The steward did as he was told and left the room. Grand Preceptor shot a glance at his sorry-looking son, Xie Anshi, before rising to his feet and walking to the Luo brothers. "Lou Zigui is a cunning and crafty man. Nephews-in-law, you'll need to take great care when facing him in the future."

"Yes," the Luo brothers hastened to answer. Grand Preceptor Xie next called up Xie Anshi before slapping him soundly across his bruised and swollen face. Xie Anshi had lost his temper at the Luo brothers, but he didn't utter a word at his father's slap.

"Yan Hong?" Grand Preceptor Xie questioned.

Xie Anshi knelt down. "Father, your son has been wronged."

"Then all the eyes in the courtyard saw the wrong thing?" Grand Preceptor Xie asked coldly.

Xie Anshi said, "Yan Hong suddenly fell over, so your son only moved to hold her up."

"Impudence!" Grand Preceptor Xie raged. "Yan Hong is part of the poison sect. Her martial arts skills are top-notch, so how could she simply topple over?"

Xie Anshi was left gaping at the revelation. Wasn't Yan Hong simply a toy of Xie Laibao's? She was even part of the poison sect and armed with formidable fighting prowess?

The elder Luo brother bowed towards Grand Preceptor Xie. "Grand Preceptor, if there's nothing else, this one and Luo Rui will withdraw."

"You two can return to the barracks," Grand Preceptor Xie's expression warmed at the sight of Luo Wei. Politely, he said, "I've troubled you brothers to make a trip tonight. You've worked hard."


When Luo Rui left Fragrant Gauze Alley with his older brother, he couldn't help but ask, "What did the Grand Preceptor's words mean?"

Luo Wei replied, "The Grand Preceptor is telling us that woman isn't someone ordinary. Even if she has something going on with Xie Anshi, it's only because of lust and won't affect his status."

Luo Rui wanted to curse, but held back his temper at the sight of the soldiers and horses following behind them. His elder brother suddenly smiled and murmured, "But Lou Zigui was able to capture such a formidable woman. There should be a show to see very soon."

"Big brother?" Second Young Master Luo didn't understand. Just whose side is big brother on anyways?

"There's definitely a ceremonial hall in that estate," Eldest Young Master Luo said, "But it has nothing to do with us."

Luo Rui shook his head. He couldn't help but feel that his brother had a falling out with the Grand Preceptor. The rain had turned Luo Wei's complexion ghastly pale. A good bird chooses the branch on which it perches. If the Xie Clan ever falls, our Luo Clan cannot die with them. A single little sister is too insignificant when compared to the fate of our clan.


"Useless!" In the study, Grand Preceptor Xie kicked the kneeling Xie Anshi in the chest, knocking him to the ground.

Xie Anshi clutched his heart and cried in an aggrieved tone, "Father, Lou Zigui suddenly brought imperial guards to charge into the courtyard. How could your son stop him with just a few men?"

Grand Preceptor Xie rested his hand against his bandaged head. Right now, he was still feeling woozy and nauseous enough to throw up. If Ning Xiaoyao was here, she'd be able to tell him that these were aftereffects of a concussion. Xie Anshi crawled to his knees and knelt before Grand Preceptor Xie anew.

"Father, all the people in the basement are dead. Your son's already counted the bodies. Their faces are all ruined now, so even if Lou Zigui takes them away, I don't think it'll matter much."

Grand Preceptor Xie backed up a few steps until he was sitting in his chair. "You didn't miscount?"

"Your son wouldn't miscount," Xie Anshi shuffled forward on his knees. "Your son doesn't dare to miscount. I even looked at every one of the bodies, there can be no mistake."

Grand Preceptor Xie hammered the armrest. So that means Lou Zigui's trip tonight was in vain?

 Chapter 118: A large rat hiding by the old man

Chapter 118: A large rat hiding by the old man Original and most updated translations are from volare. If read elsewhere, this chapter has been stolen. Please stop supporting theft.

"Father, just what kind of people were locked in that basement?" Xie Anshi asked. His father had taken great pains to kill and disfigure the people with poison smoke, while Lou Zigui had made a grand fuss of searching the courtyard. Even if Xie Anshi was an idiot, he could tell something was up.

Grand Preceptor Xie waved a hand as he leaned back into his chair with eyes closed.

"Who was it that injured you, father?" Xie Anshi asked next.

Grand Preceptor Xie had only witnessed strength enough to tear apart a wall in His Majesty's hands. But it didn't matter whether the culprit was Ning Yu or not. Why should he care about the fate of a person soon marked for death?

"There are spies in the estate," Grand Preceptor Xie spoke with his eyes shut. "I still haven't found out who they are." If that was the case, Third Young Master Xie would have even less luck.

"Will we have to change all the people in the estate?" Grand Preceptor Xie murmured to himself. Xie Anshi was a cold-blooded man, but his hairs stood on end at his father's words. By exchanging the old for the new, his father could only mean killing off their current staff, which numbered in the thousands. Were they all supposed to die?

And yet, Grand Preceptor Xie soon shook his head at the words. That was an impossible idea. Over half of the Xie Clan servants had been born in the estate. They counted as members of the Xie Clan too, so how was he supposed to kill and replace them?

"Father," Xie Anshi stood blankly for a while before he asked timidly, "Now that Yan Hong's fallen into Lou Zigui's hands, will she..." He trailed off as the Grand Preceptor's eyes flew open to fix him with a cold stare, his words dying in his throat.

"Yan Hong," Grand Preceptor Xie repeated the name to himself. Xie Anshi prepared to explain himself once more that he didn't fancy the woman, but his father simply shut his eyes again and fell silent.

In the dark and stormy streets, the imperial guard who had placed Yan Hong across the saddle of his horse suddenly let out a wretched cry. Lou Zigui stopped his horse. Ning Xiaoyao looked back in time to see Yan Hong bending back at an impossible angle, like a snake, to entwine herself around the imperial guard's waist.

"A femme fatale?" Ning Xiaoyao said, utterly floored.

"Be careful!" Shadowgale shouted. Lou Zigui unsheathed his sword, and Ning Xiaoyao heard the clatter of metal against metal as his blade blocked a few dark blue needles flying their way. They fell to the ground.

"Damn her," Fang Tang cursed as he spurred his horse towards Yan Hong. But before young General Fang could pull out his weapon, Yan Hong released a cloud of thick, disorienting smoke.

"It's poison!" one of the guards shouted. Fang Tang immediately covered his mouth and nose. Yan Hong took the chance to slip away from her guard hostage. Once she landed on the ground, she fled in the direction of Fragrant Gauze Alley. Lou Zigui was about to shout out orders when he felt something empty in front of him. By the time he glanced down, Ning Xiaoyao was already running to the imperial guard who had tumbled off his horse.

"There's poison!" Shadowgale nearly went crazy when he saw His Majesty rush into the poison smoke.

"No problem," Ning Xiaoyao shouted as he grabbed the imperial guard by the hand. "I'm immune to hundreds of them."

"........." said everyone else.

In the midst of escaping, Yan Hong felt a sudden pain penetrate through her body before an arrow buried itself in a wooden peg before her. She staggered before falling into a waterlogged depression by the side of the road.

Lou Zigui lowered the bow in his hands.

"Don't give chase," Ning Xiaoyao shouted. "She knows how to use poisons. What if you all get poisoned on the way?"

The imperial guard that Yan Hong had bitten on the left shoulder was now sporting blackish purple skin around her teeth marks. Despite this, Ning Xiaoyao had to take care of his swollen throat first. Yan Hong's second round of poison had swelled his throat up alarmingly. If she had come a second later, the young man would have died from asphyxiation.

"Bastard woman, you think you're so great just because you use poisons?" Ning Xiaoyao cursed at Yan Hong. "See if your Xie Laibao wants you anymore after Xie Anshi hugged you! You're still trying to run away? So you can run back and eat your medicine? Blockhead!"

"........." said everyone else. She'd be a fool if she didn't run away, right?

Yan Hong crawled up from the ground, a hand pressed over her wound as she kept running.

"Just you wait," Ning Xiaoyao shouted. "I'm going to come over and beat you to death!" Someone who could poison others with a single bite must be full of poison inside her body. How could a person like that be allowed to exist?!

Yan Hong's figure disappeared at the end of the street. The guard with the swollen throat regained his ability to breathe and gulped down lungfuls of air with his mouth. Ning Xiaoyao pressed her hand against his arm. Slowly, the blackish purple skin receded to a normal hue. Lou Zigui walked to Ning Xiaoyao and the guard.

"He's all right now," Ning Xiaoyao removed her hand. Reality proved once again that she was a miraculous existence in this world. Feeling much better, Ning Xiaoyao patted the imperial guard's face in front of Lou Zigui and asked, "Do you need me to pull you up?"

Before the imperial guard could answer, Lou Zigui picked up Ning Xiaoyao by the collar. She looked up at him and asked, "What happened?" Just then, she'd sensed some acute killing intent from this man. What was going on?

Everyone else averted their gazes. Since His Majesty hadn't lost his temper from being picked up like a kid, they'd just pretend they didn't see a thing. Supreme Commander Lou didn't want to talk to this girl anymore. Patting a man on the face? He really felt weary of it all. Meanwhile, Fang Tang had started coughing as he suddenly found breathing difficult. Ning Xiaoyao ran to his side and patted his chest. It seemed like he wasn't seriously poisoned, so she sent a tiny ball of pale green light into his body.

Fang Tang rubbed his throat as it stopped hurting and his breathing turned normal once again. He was beginning to doubt whether his recent discomfort only came from his imagination. Ning Xiaoyao then patted the shoulders of all the imperial guards who'd been near Yan Hong just then. After using her powers, she felt hungry once more.

"Are they alright now?" Lou Zigui waited until Ning Xiaoyao stopped moving to ask.

Ning Xiaoyao returned to his side and said, "They're all fine. Are we going back to capture Yan Hong? And beat her up again?"

Lou Zigui took Ning Xiaoyao's hand and led her towards Little Red, his voice low. "That woman won't live much longer. We don't need to worry about her."

"She's poisoned herself too?" Ning Xiaoyao asked.

"Wouldn't she have an antidote for her own poisons?" Lou Zigui helped Ning Xiaoyao onto the horse before climbing on himself to reply.

"That makes sense," Ning Xiaoyao scratched her head. "Then Supreme Commander, did your arrow just then contain poison?"

"Drunken Flower Fragrance," Lou Zigui replied. "That woman's part of the poison sect."

"What sect?"

"A faction of the not worth mentioning," Lou Zigui said flatly.

"Oh, so it's like that," Ning Xiaoyao nodded. If it wasn't worth mentioning, then she didn't need to worry about it. Everyone else was speechless. The poison sect! Grand Preceptor Xie's efforts in the jianghu had nearly succeeded in uniting all the factions until his rule. Supreme Commander, don't speak of it as something as harmless as your Lou Clan's front door!

"That's right," Ning Xiaoyao leaned against Lou Zigui as she suddenly recalled something else. "What's Drunken Flower Fragrance?"

"The scent from just then," Lou Zigui said.

"Oh, that fragrance made from chemistry? It makes flowers drunk too?" Ning Xiaoyao ridiculed. Never trust in man made perfumes. Even a shower in perfume wouldn't rid the stench of a single zombie fight! (Author: Wake up already, you. That was poison, not perfume, ah geez!)

Lou Zigui asked, "What's chemistry?"

"Urk," Ning Xiaoyao replied, "It's a branch of science, it..."

"Alright, don't say anymore," Supreme Commander Lou said. He didn't know what science was, either.

"Then let's go home," Ning Xiaoyao wasn't that great of a teacher herself, and quickly changed the subject. "I'm hungry."

Fang Tang and quite a few Dragon Guards nearly fell off their horses. His Majesty is hungry again!


When Yan Hong got home, she didn't use the front doors, but climbed over the walls to enter a courtyard and went straight to the study. Xie Anshi's eyeballs nearly popped out of his sockets at the sight of her by the door. "You," Third Young Master Xie pointed at her and stammered, "How did you escape?"

"Let her in," Grand Preceptor Xie said from behind the study desk.

Yan Hong entered the room.

"You've been injured," Xie Anshi noted the blood on her when she drew closer.

Yan Hong shook her head with a smile. "This servant thanks Third Young Master Xie for your concern. An injury like this won't cost this servant's life."

Xie Anshi's mouth twitched. He wanted to say that he didn't care about her at all, but he ultimately decided to keep quiet. His relationship with this woman was already muddled beyond belief.

Grand Preceptor Xie glanced at Yan Hong before gesturing to the empty chair on his right. "Lou Zigui was that careless?"

Yan Hong sat down before expelling a long breath. "Did Grand Preceptor forget about this servant's poison skills? Not only is Supreme Commander Lou and his man incapable of capturing this servant, they'll soon come begging me to save them instead."

Grand Preceptor Xie nodded and told Xie Anshi, "Go call the doctor."

A person like Yan Hong needed a young master of the Xie Clan to summon her doctor? Filled with resentment, Xie Anshi went to do as he was told. In the end, he still didn't dare to defy his father's words.

"Did you see the bodies that Lou Zigui took away?" Grand Preceptor Xie asked her after Xie Anshi had left.

"Yes, and this servant's counted them too. There were 21 bodies in total," Yan Hong said.

"21 bodies?" Grand Preceptor Xie raised his eyebrows. "Aren't there supposed to be 23 bodies?"

Yan Hong curved her lips into a grin. "The two youths who died were eaten by that big snake in the pond." (Author: Hey, your subordinates only managed to throw one body away, you know. ╮(╯▽╰)╭)

Grand Preceptor Xie asked, "You saw it with your own eyes?"

Yan Hong's smile froze on her face, before she chuckled again. "There's still a half-eaten corpse in the flower gardens now. If Grand Preceptor doesn't believe me, you can see for yourself."

Grand Preceptor Xie said, "Why wouldn't this old man believe you? However, now that there are rats hiding by this old man's side, I can't help but be cautious."

"This servant understands," Yan Hong replied hastily.

"When will Lou Zigui and his men arrive?" Grand Preceptor Xie asked.

"Very soon," Yan Hong said confidently. "This servant used Drunken Flower Fragrance. Lou Zigui might not care for the lives of the Dragon Guards and imperial guards, but he'd definitely mind the lives of his own generals, right?"

Grand Preceptor Xie nodded and smiled. "You did well."

Yan Hong kept her hand pressed against her wound. Whoever hurt me will have to pay the price, but it isn't certain whether that Cuckoo Lou could afford to pay it.

 Chapter 119: His Majesty says, you humans are too complicated

Chapter 119: His Majesty says, you humans are too complicated Original and most updated translations are from volare. If read elsewhere, this chapter has been stolen. Please stop supporting theft.

Yan Hong watched as the rain outside the windows stopped and daylight crept into the room. Still, the people who were supposed to beg her for antidote never came. Her expression grew bewildered--how could this be?

Grand Preceptor Xie had been leaning against his chair the entire time with his eyes closed. When he heard the rainfall lessen, he opened his eyes and looked out the window. "It looks like your Drunken Flower Fragrance was useless against Lou Zigui and his men."

Yan Hong leapt to her feet in alarm. She stood there blankly for a moment before kneeling at Grand Preceptor Xie's feet. "Grand Preceptor, this servant didn't betray you."


"If I go to Fragrant Gauze Alley now, will I be able to grab Yan Hong's corpse?" Ning Xiaoyao was currently sitting on the edge of Lou Zigui's bed. "I've been thinking it over all night. It's too terrible for humankind if we leave such a disaster such as her in this world."

Lou Zigui pinched his brows after he'd been slapped awake by Ning Xiaoyao. He still felt weary after falling asleep. "You can't just barge into a man's room as you please. Forget it, what did you find me for?" Lou Zigui asked as he gave up on talking about relationships between men and woman.

"I was asking you about Yan Hong," Ning Xiaoyao replied.

"If I sent someone to beg for the antidote last night, that woman would've died for sure," Lou Zigui said.

Ning Xiaoyao paused in the middle of stuffing sugar beans into her mouth. "But you didn't send anyone last night, did you?"

"None," Lou Zigui replied. "I've thought it over. That woman can't die yet."

"Why not!?" Ning Xiaoyao exclaimed.

Lou Zigui patted Ning Xiaoyao's hand to hint that she shouldn't shout. His voice was still hoarse from sleepiness as he spoke. "Judging by that woman's skills, she was probably in charge of locking up Ning Xiaoluo and the rest. If Xie Wenyuan suspects her of being a spy, then he'll definitely figure out that Ning Xiaoluo's still alive. Then it'll be nearly impossible for Third Young Master Ning to return safely to Fengzhou."

Ning Xiaoyao stuffed a few beans in her mouth and munched on them until they entered her stomach, but she still didn't speak.

"Why aren't you saying anything?" Lou Zigui asked. "Did you not understand?"

"If you sent people over, then Yan Hong's a spy," Ning Xiaoyao muttered. "If you don't, then she's not a spy. Aren't you humans a little too complicated? What's the logic behind all this?"

Lou Zigui laughed out loud. The way this girl put it, it was as if she wasn't a human at all. Ning Xiaoyao crossed her legs to sit in front of him. "Explain it to me," she said.

"It's not complicated at all," Lou Zigui half rose to a sitting position. "Xie Wenyuan knows you have some sort of miracle doctor by your side. Wouldn't it only be natural that the doctor could treat Drunken Flower Fragrance?"

"Suppose the miracle doctor couldn't?" Ning Xiaoyao asked.

"If the doctor couldn't, then Xie Wenyuan wouldn't offer the antidote, either. That means Fang Tang and the rest would die without fail," Lou Zigui said. "If I sent men over to Fragrant Gauze Alley and didn't get the antidote, but Fang Tang and the rest survived all the same, then he'd only conclude that Yan Hong was actually on my side. Would you have any other explanations?"

Ning Xiaoyao blinked, then asked, "How did you grow a brain like that?"

Lou Zigui tousled Ning Xiaoyao's hair and laughed. "You still don't get it?"

Ning Xiaoyao always felt like she had an insufficient IQ to interact with the humans of this world. What to do? She decided to eat a few more sugar beans to get over the shock.

"You really still don't understand?" Lou Zigui asked as he watched her eat.

"It's a crime to let people like that Yan Hong loose, you know, Supreme Commander?" Ning Xiaoyao said unhappily. "Moreover, you're treating Ning Xiaoluo as someone way too useless, alright? You're that certain he won't make it home if the Grand Preceptor sends men after him?"

"........." said Lou Zigui. What kind of skills could a guy like Ning Xiaoluo have?

"Forget it," Ning Xiaoyao said. "Let me take care of Yan Hong."

"What are you planning to do?" Lou Zigui tried to grab Ning Xiaoyao, but missed.

"I haven't decided yet," Ning Xiaoyao said as she jumped off the bed. "You should hurry up and get up. We need to send off Qin Xuan and Miss A'Xin before Grand Preceptor finds a replacement for Tao Chen. Quickly." Lou Zigui sat in his bed and watched Ning Xiaoyao run off like the wind.

"Miaow~" Big Boss Black leapt onto the bed, his eyes opened wide as he meowed at Lou Zigui.

Lou Zigui stroked his head and said, "I didn't see you all last night. Where did you go?"

"This cat went looking for news about your big brother, ah!" Big Boss Black meowed at Lou Zigui. "Supreme Commander, don't you worry. Xiaoyao will definitely save your brother, miaow~" He meowed at Lou Zigui for quite a while, but it was a pity the man didn't understand him.

"Are you trying to talk to me?" Lou Zigui smiled at Big Boss Black, but the smile didn't reach his eyes.

"Meow," Big Boss Black's head hung as his tail drooped.

Meanwhile, Grand Preceptor Xie was leaving the estate while being supported by Xie Anshi. Yan Hong followed behind as he ordered, "Seal off the stone door to the basement. In the future, never open it again."

"Yes," Yan Hong obeyed.

"Three days from now, I'll go find a suitable new courtyard. You should all prepare as well," Grand Preceptor Xie added. Yan Hong understood his words. Now that this courtyard had been exposed as the Grand Preceptor's property, it was useless. They needed to move to a new place.

Yan Hong watched Grand Preceptor Xie entered his sedan chair before she said charmingly, "Grand Preceptor, don't worry. This servant understands."

"Hurry and find out who detoxified the Drunken Flower Fragrance," Grand Preceptor Xie's voice came from inside the sedan chair.

Yan Hong immediately made a noise of assent.

"Or perhaps," Grand Preceptor Xie's voice grew cold, "You should see which member of the poison sect betrayed this old man." He didn't stop to wait for a reply, but kicked at the floor of the sedan chair to indicate they should leave.

"Rise," the steward outside shouted in a hurry. The sedan chair bearers lifted the ride and headed towards the entrance of the alleyway. By the time he disappeared, Yan Hong was still standing by the door. She touched her throat and felt a thread of fear at how close she'd come to death today.


"To the palace gates," Grand Preceptor Xie ordered once they left Fragrant Gauze Alley. The sedan chair bearers quickly changed directions to head towards the imperial palace. At the same time, Ning Xiaoyao stood pounding the doors outside Qin Xin's room.

"Miss Qin, Miss Qin, it's time to get up!"

The mama in charge of serving Qin Xin quickly came to open the doors. Qin Xuan rushed out from his resting quarters next door and saw Ning Xiaoyao with one foot poised to enter the room.

"Is Your Majesty planning on going inside?" Regional Commander Qin asked.

Ning Xiaoyao glanced at Qin Xuan, then lowered her head to look at her foot, before withdrawing her leg. She almost forgot that she was supposed to be a man right now. Qin Xuan rushed before Ning Xiaoyao and knelt down, preparing to offer his respects.

"You still have time to worry about that?" Ning Xiaoyao hauled him upright. "The fire's already burning your butts!"

Qin Xuan's face changed as he grew serious. "What did the Grand Preceptor do this time?"

"He and Tao Chen are planning to kill you and Miss Qin on the road," Ning Xiaoyao said as she patted her chest. "But I took care of both of them last night."

Qin Xuan was shocked. "Your Majesty killed them?"

"Urk," Ning Xiaoyao said, "I knocked them down with bricks."

Qin Xuan had difficulty imagining how His Majesty had vanquished that father and son-in-law pair with bricks.

"Pack your bags," Ning Xiaoyao pushed at the stupefied Regional Commander Qin a few times. "Take Miss Qin and hurry back to Jiangnan. Supreme Commander said before, you guys will be safe as long as you reach the Jiangnan navy."

Qin Xuan glanced at the mama standing before the door. Ning Xiaoyao told the mama, "Mama, don't you just stand there. Go help pack the bags. Bring along anything that's worth money. And don't forget about food, either. That's the most important thing."

The mama didn't understand her last words. If travelers had money, they could buy food along the way. Did someone with Qin Xuan's status need to pack their own food? It wasn't as if they were heading off to war! Still, the mama went to do as she was ordered. By now, Lou Zigui had reached the courtyard. After paying respects to Qin Xuan, he glanced at Ning Xiaoyao before smoothing out the stray locks of hair on her head.

Qin Xuan said, "Your Majesty, could we change to a different place? This subject has words to tell Your Majesty."

Ning Xiaoyao arched a brow. "No way, right? You're already getting ready to leave. It can't be that you have another sweetheart back in Jiangnan as well?"

Qin Xuan quickly shook his head. "This subject has no one!" He's not going to cancel the union between Elder Sister A'Xin and me just after bestowing our wedding yesterday, is he?

"Oh, then that's alright," Ning Xiaoyao walked forward. "Then speak up, what is it? Haha, even if you tell me the Earth will explode tomorrow and turn humans into zombies, I'll still be able to take it, ah."

Regional Commander Qin looked towards Supreme Commander Lou. Do you understand any of His Majesty's words? Supreme Commander Lou simply pretended he hadn't seen Regional Commander Qin at all.

Soon enough, the three of them were sitting in Qin Xuan's temporary quarters, where Qin Xuan unfurled a map on the table. Ning Xiaoyao glanced at the map and said, "General Qin, are you going to discuss travel routes with me? I suggest you guys take the direct route."

Qin Xuan coughed and said, "Your Majesty, this subject knows the way back."

"Oh," Ning Xiaoyao replied as she dug her fingers into her palms. Once again, she stuffed a sugar bean into her mouth. If he wanted her to study military tactics with him on this map, she'd have nothing to say. Qin Xuan took a brush and drew two circles on the map.

Ning Xiaoyao said, "Big Carp Island and Little Carp Island? General Qin, are you going to feed me some carp?"

Qin Xuan wanted to sigh. Why didn't His Majesty think of anything else besides eating carp when he circled those two island names? Could it be that His Majesty couldn't eat carp at the palace?

As Qin Xuan stared at Ning Xiaoyao, Lou Zigui spoke up. "You say your piece."

Qin Xuan said, "Your Majesty, there are silver mines on these two islands."

"Oh, so it's not carp, but silver mines. Silver--wha, what did you say?" Ning Xiaoyao jumped up from her stool and cried out in excitement. "Silver mines, so silver?!"

Her shouts made Qin Xuan nod his head in a hurry. He knew that His Majesty lacked money, but he never expected him to be so moved.

Pah! Ning Xiaoyao slapped the map on the table. "You can't lie to me. If you try to cheat a pauper into thinking you have money, it's immoral!"

Qin Xuan said, "This subject doesn't dare to trick the sovereign."

Ning Xiaoyao felt like the sun was shining and the skies were clear, that hundreds of flowers had burst into bloom and all the zombies were dead. Qin Xuan's lips twitched at the sight of the overexcited emperor. Is His Majesty so happy that he's starting to dance?

"You didn't tell Xie Wenyuan about them?" Lou Zigui asked coolly as he grabbed the foolishly happy Ning Xiaoyao. Ning Xiaoyao felt her heart and stomach tremble at the sound of 'Xie Wenyuan.' Her eyes grew wide as she turned on Qin Xuan.

If he says he's told him, I'll bite him to death!

 Chapter 120: Trust in Your Majesty and find happiness

Chapter 120: Trust in Your Majesty and find happiness Original and most updated translations are from volare. If read elsewhere, this chapter has been stolen. Please stop supporting theft.

"I haven't," Qin Xuan shook his head empathetically.

Ning Xiaoyao stopped glaring.

Lou Zigui glanced at the map. "The silver mines you're talking about, can we extract the ores right now?"

"You'll need manpower and money," Qin Xuan replied. "Moreover, moving the silver itself will be an issue after extraction."

Lou Zigui nodded and lowered his voice. "You'll still need to be on guard against the official circles in Jiangnan."

Ning Xiaoyao sat there completely ignorant. Why was there so much fuss involved with digging through a silver mine?

"How much money do you need?" Lou Zigui asked next.

"There's refugees in Jiangnan, so I can solve the manpower issue, but I can't do anything about the money," Qin Xuan said honestly. "After going against Xie Wenyuan, I have no hopes of getting any money from him to raise the Jiangnan navy."

Lou Zigui asked, "How much did Xie Wenyuan used to give you?"

Qin Xuan held up five fingers.

"Fifth....fifty thousand?" Ning Xiaoyao asked weakly.

Qin Xuan said, "Your Majesty, it wasn't just to support the men, but the battleships as well."

"Then 500,000?" Ning Xiaoyao added an extra zero.

"5,000,000 taels," Lou Zigui remarked. "Xie Wenyuan was certainly liberal with his money."

After all, the Xie Clan wasn't only raising the Jiangnan naval officers, but the entire navy. The annual cost was already 5,000,000 taels, a testament to the Xie Clan's extreme wealth. Ning Xiaoyao almost couldn't take the facts. Still, she was good at consoling herself and said, "Then General Qin, you won't need the government to issue salaries, right?"

"Government?" Qin Xuan echoed.

"Urk, I mean the imperial court."

"Your Majesty, this subject hasn't seen silver from the imperial court in a long time."

Ning Xiaoyao felt that this was pretty nice. Grand Preceptor Xie had to raise the navy out of money from his own pockets. She had to give the old man a 'Like' for that, and then maybe a banner or two as a gift. But upon further reflection, Ning Xiaoyao felt that something was off.

She turned to Supreme Commander Lou and asked, "Then where's the silver from the imperial court?"

The palace didn't even need to worry about feeding its navy and still allowed its refugees to die despite seeing them suffer. How could it be so poor? Where did the silver go?!

Lou Zigui said, "Xie Anyi's the one in charge of the Ministry of Revenue, which overlooks all silver in the imperial court. Naturally, the Xie Clan took all of the money for themselves."

Ning Xiaoyao fell silent. So in the end, the navy's silver still came from the government after all? "5,000,000 taels?" she asked Qin Xuan again.

Qin Xuan nodded.

(ノ°Д°)ノ︵ ┻━┻ , went Ning Xiaoyao.

As Regional Commander Qin watched Ning Xiaoyao leave after flipping the table, he didn't know whether he should laugh or cry. Lou Zigui rested his forehead in his hands before he bent down to straighten up the table again.

He told Qin Xuan, "His Majesty wants some peace and quiet. You can give me a rough estimate of how much money you need to excavate those mines, aside from the 5,000,000 taels to support the navy."

"And let His Majesty just leave like that?" Qin Xuan asked.

Lou Zigui was about to smooth out the wrinkled map when Qin Xuan's words made him look up. "You want to persuade His Majesty yourself?"

Qin Xuan thought it over before looking down at the map again. It was hard enough talking to His Majesty, so how would he ever persuade him?


Ning Xiaoyao went to the flower gardens and raised her foot to kick the pear tree in front of her. But when she recalled how that must have cost money too, she used all her strength to kick a pebble near her foot instead. 5,000,000 taels? Even if I sell myself, I can't raise that much money!

Meanwhile, the mama at the empress dowager's palace had hung up her dance clothes to dry in the gardens. These silk dresses had been buried at the very bottom of the chest, so their water damage was slight at most. The mama figured that some time in the sun would restore them to their former state.

Empress Dowager Xie held Ning Xin as she sat on the veranda, staring at the clothes hung up to dry. Her eyes were filled with nostalgia as she spoke to her child. "Those were given to imperial mother by Xin'er's imperial father. Aren't they pretty?"

The innocent and naive Ning Xin simply sucked on his thumb and babbled a few times.

"But imperial father's not here anymore," Empress Dowager Xie said as she grew saddened. She kissed Ning Xin on the cheek and said, "So Xin'er has to grow up quick. Only then can imperial mother and your grandfather stay alive."

At this very moment, a dusty pebble fell down from the air and crashed into the clothesline pole. There was a loud crack before the pole split into two. A wind blew in from outside the gardens, whistling through the leaves like the crashing of ocean waves. Empress Dowager Xie's resplendent dance clothes were caught up by the breeze and sent flying into the garden pond, where they soaked up the water before sinking to its depths.

"........." said the mama. Empress Dowager Xie slowly rose to her feet before she gave a shrill cry.

"Wahhhhh---!" Scared by the exclamation, Ning Xin started bawling.

"Who threw that rock?!" Empress Dowager Xie screeched, on the edge of falling apart, again.

The mama raised her head to look at the skies. They were a bright, clear blue and speckled with fluffy white clouds. She didn't understand why a rock would suddenly fall out of the air. The eunuchs on duty ran out the courtyard to look around, but there was nobody there. They exchanged looks with each other before a cold chill ran down their backs. What a terribly fantastical event.

"Esteemed Empress Dowager!" Cries of alarm came from within the courtyard. The eunuchs hurried back in, only to see that the empress dowager had fainted again.

How are we supposed to live our lives from now on? Worry and anxiety pervaded the mood at the empress dowager's palace.


Ning Xiaoyao stood in the gardens of Supreme Splendor Hall and rubbed her nose. She glanced at the building where Supreme Commander Lou and Regional Commander Qin were sitting. There was no way she could stand hearing about 5,000,000 taels again, so His Majesty Ning went to find comfort from her fellow womenfolk.

Ji Yuerong blocked Ning Xiaoyao at the entrance to Qin Xin's quarters and rolled her eyes. "Your Majesty, elder sister Qin is a married woman. She can't see outsider males."

Ning Xiaoyao stuck her head past her to peek into the room, only to see that someone had set up a screen in front of Qin Xin's bed. "Do we have to be like this?" Ning Xiaoyao muttered. Ji Yuerong noticed Ning Xiaoyao's look and silently told her that yes, it had to be this way.

Mute Nanny came from the room and paid respects to Ning Xiaoyao, before signing to say that Qin Xin's luggage was all packed and done. Ning Xiaoyao thanked her before turning to Ji Yuerong. "You're only paying attention to the fact that I'm a man? I'm also a doctor. If I don't go in, how am I supposed to know how much Miss Qin's recovered? I don't know when I'll see her again after today's farewell. Are you going to take responsibility for your elder sister Qin's health?"

Now Ji Yuerong had no reason to hold Ning Xiaoyao back. Ning Xiaoyao strutted in with her chest held high. See who'd stop her from seeing Miss A'Xin now! (Author: Why do you insist on competing for such things....) Qin Xin was half reclining on the bed, all dressed for traveling. When she saw Ning Xiaoyao, her expression grew grateful as she attempted to rise and pay her respects.

"No need," Ning Xiaoyao strode to her bedside with a grin. "Miss Qin, your complexion looks much better today."

Qin Xin said, "This commoner thanks Your Majesty for saving my life. This commoner..."

"What 'commoner' business?" Ning Xiaoyao said as she sat on the stool by her bed. "You're going to be Lady Qin soon, ah. The wife of the Regional Commander, how trendy."

Qin Xin didn't understand what 'trendy' meant, but she still smiled thankfully at Ning Xiaoyao. Ning Xiaoyao brushed her finger against Qin Xin's right wrist, sending in a ball of pale green light as she remarked, "You've recovered quite well. After you get home, rest and recuperate well."

Ji Yuerong said, "Your Majesty, will elder sister Qin be able to walk again?"

"Sure," Ning Xiaoyao replied. "Not only that, she'll be able to have babies as well. Miss Qin, live a good life with Qin Xuan and let that jerk Xie Anyi go die."

Qin Xin nodded. "Your Majesty, this commoner will forget about the Xie Clan."

"That's right, forget them," Ning Xiaoyao said, "They're a bunch of bastards not worth remembering." Ji Yuerong couldn't approve more of Ning Xiaoyao's words. In terms of Xie Anyi, they were on common grounds.

"But don't hate him too much," Ning Xiaoyao added when she was done. "Because he and that little white flower definitely won't live as well as you. He can't be compared to General Qin, and that little white flower's nothing compared to you. So Miss Qin, you just go on and be happy."

Qin Xin smiled. "This commoner will remember Your Majesty's words."

"That's right. Trust in Your Majesty and find happiness, hahaha," Ning Xiaoyao laughed.

No matter what Qin Xin's worries were, Ning Xiaoyao's teasing made her feel much better. Ji Yuerong was even more delighted. More and more, she found His Majesty quite congenial. No matter what he said or how foolishly he smiled, she was still fond of him. Next door, Qin Xuan paused in the middle of his hushed words with Lou Zigui. Just earlier, His Majesty had looked like the world was ending, but now he was laughing like this? More stifling was the fact that His Majesty had sought peace and quiet through a chat with his elder sister?

"His Majesty has superb medical skills," Lou Zigui explained on behalf of Ning Xiaoyao. "He must have felt that Miss Qin recovered greatly and congratulated her as a result."

Qin Xuan felt a bit better upon hearing that.

"Your Majesty," Qin Xin's face was red, but she still kept her eyes on Ning Xiaoyao for her question. "Can this commoner's body still get pregnant?"

"Yes," Ning Xiaoyao nodded hastily. "You just need to nurture your body for it to recover. There's no need to fear. You'll have your share of babies and plenty of money--ah, geez." Ning Xiaoyao suddenly recalled something at the mention of cash and leapt up from her stool. She ran out of the room as she cried, "I still have to tell General Qin something, talk to you later!"

Qin Xin quietly asked Ji Yuerong, "Is His Majesty always like that? So hustling and bustling?"

Ji Yuerong hemmed and hawed but didn't reply. She wanted to say that His Majesty had always been a little insane, but it seemed greatly disrespectful to voice those words out loud.

Ning Xiaoyao dashed all the way to Qin Xuan and blurted, "General Qin, can you let me take over the Grand Preceptor's smuggling business in Jiangnan?"

"........." said Qin Xuan.

"I'm really short of money," Ning Xiaoyao said seriously.

"Half of it, maybe," Lou Zigui spoke up. "I don't think it's possible to take over the entire venture."

Qin Xuan felt his head swell as he looked at the pair before him. He wasn't the final say when it came to the seaports and official circles of Jiangnan. They shouldn't pretend the Grand Preceptor had passed away already, right?

"Let me borrow as much money as I need from you first," Ning Xiaoyao said. "When I have money of my own, I'll definitely pay you back."

Qin Xuan was stunned. His Majesty wants to borrow money from me?

"I've got all of Prince Fu's lands. There's so many other vassal lords that I'll definitely be able to scrounge up the case," Ning Xiaoyao did her best to prove to Qin Xuan that she could pay back her loans.

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