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Chapter 111: Corpses, an addled youth

Chapter 111: Corpses, an addled youth Original and most updated translations are from volare. If read elsewhere, this chapter has been stolen. Please stop supporting theft.

Lou Zigui looked at Ning Xiaoluo before breaking into a smile. The curve of his lips made his smile look very warm and gentle. This was the first good impression Ning Xiaoluo had felt ever since being released from that cage. He was so moved that he started weeping openly, snot and all. "Supreme Commander, you're such a good guy."

Ning Xiaoyao shook her head as she faced the Dragon Guards and pointed at her temples with a finger. All of the Dragon Guards understood: that boy had mental problems.

Meanwhile, Ning Xiaoluo had taken out a jade pendant from his robes and handed it over to Lou Zigui. "This is a token of authentication from my Duke of Yue's estate."

Ning Xiaoyao walked over to Lou Zigui's side with her fists clenched. "Is this jerk seriously one of the Duke of Yue's men?"

Lou Zigui examined both sides of the jade pendant, which was fashioned into the shape of a , before returning it to its owner. In a low voice, he asked, "How could the Grand Preceptor have captured Third Young Master Ning in the first place?"

Third Young Master Ning couldn't figure out why or how his face had provoked Grand Preceptor Xie's ire! He shook his head and murmured, "I don't know."

"I do," Ning Xiaoyao answered. "That's because--mmph." Supreme Commander Lou muffled His Majesty Ning's mouth.

"The Grand Preceptor's always dreamed of capturing forces from the military," Lou Zigui told Ning Xiaoluo. "Perhaps you were but his first move against the Duke of Yue's estate."

Ning Xiaoyao's mouth twitched. The Duke of Yue's estate had even sent Grand Preceptor Xie a birthday present. They were on excellent terms, so why would that idiotic Ning boy believe Lou Zigui's words?

Ning Xiaoluo only gaped at Lou Zigui, who lifted his hand to pluck a stray off Ning Xiaoyao's head. Quietly, he added, "It's best if you leave the capital quickly. You'll be safe once you reach Fengzhou."

"That's right," Ning Xiaoyao added. "Hurry and run away. The Grand Preceptor's pretty ferocious."

"Their, their family doesn't have anyone who's ever been a general. Why would Xie Wenyuan dream of holding our military forces captive?" Ning Xiaoluo suddenly lost his temper as he raised his voice. "When did our Duke of Yue's estate ever did anything unworthy to that Xie Wenyuan?!"

Because Ning Xiaoluo had already been beaten up multiple times, blood flew from his mouth as he yelled. Lou Zigui raised a hand in front of Ning Xiaoyao to block her from the blood.

"Why is there blood?" Ning Xiaoluo wiped his mouth and ended up with a handful of the red stuff.

"Some of your teeth fell out," Ning Xiaoyao explained.

Ning Xiaoluo glowered at Ning Xiaoyao, who simply pursed her lips. "Little doofus, you might as well find a place to hide. Then flee tomorrow as fast as you can, got it?"

Ning Xiaoluo said, "I want to go to the Grand Preceptor's estate."

"To seek death?" Shadowgale interrupted.

Ning Xiaoyao supplied, "Oh, that's right. His subordinates might have gone there to look for help according to him."

Immediately, Lou Zigui said, "If they went to the Grand Preceptor's estate, then there's no way they made it back out alive."

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