Brokenly Strong

By blackspark270

348 38 16

"Kat" I said closing my eyes, remembering her. Her eyes, nose, lips, hair. "She is beautiful" He chuckled. Oo... More

Chapter 1: SECRETS
Chapter 2: The Gang
Chapter 3 : BAD DREAMS
chapter 4: SPY-MARE
CHAPTER 10: Disaster
CHAPTER 11: Glimpses Of Past


25 3 0
By blackspark270

Neel's POV:

"Come in" I said to whoever was knocking my room.

"Hey man, what's up? " Seb entered with an apple in his hand.

"Hello there, I never thought you will come back this early" I stated.

"Due to your sweetheart" Seb replied as he sat down on my bed.

"My sweetheart! Who?" I asked innocently.

He took a bite of his Apple. "She has a headache"Seb replied casually.

What? Headache! I was about to leave my room to check on Kat but Seb stopped me.

"Hey Romeo, now you get who is your sweetheart" Seb mocked.

I made my way toward him with a glare. "Don't mess around me"

"No loverboy" he stood up "don't you think your sweetheart is acting wierd from that moment when she heard about Malicate."

Yeah, she is acting wierd. First when we were discussing to come here. Second, when she came to my room to ask to stay there. Third, during the ride especially when she saw that guy, and fourth, today when I sent her to the store. I looked at Seb expecting to get some information regarding this. He burst out laughing. "What's so funny?"

"Dude, your face" he replied after his laughter died.

"Done! Now tell me what happened in the store"

"Dude, chillax. She was perfect until she saw a guy with brown hair. She started to panic when she saw him. When Nick was asking her what was wrong, I followed that guy to his house. I bumped into him in front of his house then introduce myself. He is James Black very friendly guy but feel like he held a lots of secret. It looks like he was showing something but he is something else. Something was fishy about him." Seb ended on a thinking note. I took a second to process all the information. I dial Jake's number. "Yes Jake come to my room. Quick with your laptop and tracking device" I hung up before he can reply. Seb looked at me expectedly. I raised my eyebrows as in 'what?'

"No appreciation, no thank you. Dude you suck" Seb complimented with a fake pout.

"You called me?" Jake entered with his laptop. Alex, Nick, Ryan and Tracey too came behind him. Oh god! A lot of explanation have to do.


"Yeah, that's the guy" I said as Jake tracked down the James guy. Well, apparently I told them what I know, then Seb told them what he knew.

"Why she is so afraid of this James dude?" Alex asked.

"That we have to find out. Jake!"

"I am on it Neel, just give me 24 hours and his all the history will be in your hand"

"Hmm" I went to Seb and patted his shoulder "thanks man"

"Mention not. Just give me permission to let my girls in my room" Seb said

"No, that will not happen" Nick protested.

"I agree with Nick. Beside that in yo-" The breaking sound of glass broke our conversation.

"MISS!" Mrs Gerald's panic voice came to our room. We rushed downstairs to found a tray and the glasses were shattered near the sofa. Mrs Gerald was helping Kat to sit on the sofa. I ran toward her. There was cuts and bruises on her whole body. Her hairs were a bit wet too. There was something I notice. There was only cuts and bruisesbut there was no blood. It looked like she had washed all the blood. Even her clothes were blood free but looking at her condition, it's impossible that there is not a drop of blood on her clothes with such cuts.

Mrs. Gerald put the first aid box on table and started to treat her. i took her free hand in mine and asked "how this happened?"

"I somehow met with a small car accident" she replied.


"When I was coming from ...umm park"

"But it's fucking 9 in the evening" I asked checking my watch.

She gulped some medicines "I-I-I want to rest. Can I go" she asked weakly.

"Yes miss please. You need rest" Mrs Gerald replied. Kat gave her a thankful smile. She got up from the sofa but again fell down. I sigh and carry her bridal style.

"Finally my wish came true" Ryan commented as he already wanted me to carry her that day when we came back to Malicate. I rolled my eyes. They laughed softly on my behavior. I carried her to her room. She was out as a light, sleeping peacefully in my arms. I guess due to tiredness and her wounds. I laid her on the bed. I was about to stand but her hand on my hands restricted it.

"Do you really think I will buy your bullshit" I said to her sleeping form quiet annoying and pulled my hand from her. her face reflected an expression of pain. I instantly regreted pulling my hand harshly from her. I covered her with her bedsheet. "You have a lot to explain later, Kitty" I said and got out of her room.

Everybody was present when I entered my room

"That was bullshit man. That type of cuts and bruishes can never be get buy any car  accident." Seb set as soon as I entered the room.

"Her cuts were at least 5 to 6 hours old "I committed.

" How do you know that? " Nick asked.

"Did you forget, we deals with cuts and bruises all day " Alex replied showing his muscles.

"We have to found out about her. Jake, first find out about James, then Kat. "I ordered Jake " Ok dude "Jake replied leaving my room. Others follow him too.


Kat's POV

(Earlier that day)

"Thank you so much Zack. You are a life saver" I pulled out from the hug. "Anytime girl" he handed me my bag and his black badass bike.

Zack is the husband of one of my friend from the cafe where I worked. he owns an automobile showroom. So whenever I have some sneaking job in bloodshed gang, I borrow the bike from him and change my attire in badass girl.

"Thanks once again "I greated and made my way towork a shopping mall. I parked the bike and ran to the trial room to change my attire. I remove my tank top and jeans and wore a tight top, a rugged tight fit black jeans, a sleeveless jacket, a long chain around my neck. I stick tattoos on my both arm. The tattoos look very realistic, no one can tell these are fake. I wore a fake earing on top of my ear. At last I put shades on my eyes. I got out and went towards my bike. I threw a bubble gum in my mouth and went to fetch the delivery.


"Here Fred" I handed over the box full of cocain still chewing the chewing gum. "Here the amount of your work, Sam " He through a bunch of notes toword me. I salute him with two fingers. A phone call interrupted us.

"Yes Boss, on the way " he Hung up and left without a word. I to let him go. what I had to do I have already done. I had put a tracker on that box so that I got information what is happening in bloodshed gang. The same way I get to know about Trent that who and when and what they are going to do. I was about to go but I saw a van which stop just in front of the gate of Nakestar bar.

Yes, me and Fred decided to meet near a bar which was indirectly under bloodshed gaig. The area was quite quite in daylight so this is the perfect place for these type of things.

I saw some boys came out of the van dragging a girl with them. The girl's hand were tied behind and her face was sealed by duck tape.

Shit, they had kidnapped a girl. I threw the chewing gum nearby, fixed my jacket and made my way casually toward them. I saw one guy touched the girl's butt. She flinched.

The guy came near me and touched my naked butt. I flinched still begging not to come near me but the guy just continued to give an evil smile coming toword me. I just begged and begged to him but he didn't stop and completed his work.

I rubbed the single tear which leaked from my eyes and made my way towards them. I won't let other girls to go through the same pain that I had went through.

I pulled a black skeleton printed scarf from my backpack and wore it around my face. It's time for some action.


"Thank you so much for your help "the girl, Sophie, whom they have kidnapped showed her gratitude from the back seat of the bike. She was coming back from her friends house when they kidnapped her. Now she was sitting on the back seat of my bike. I was going to drop her.

"That house" I stop my bike. "You are bleeding. You have cuts and bruises too. Please come inside, we have to treat your wounds" she pleaded but I shook my head. I should not talk to anybody. I don't want others to know me. I still had my scarf on.

They can identify me that I am Sam according to Fred due to my badass attire and tattoos if the kidnappers describe my appearance in front of Fred. Only Fred and some upper people know about Sam (that is me). If they get to know that Sam have saved a girl from them then they will hunt me. Moreover I will not able to get further information from them.

In order to save that girl I just messed up my revenge plan. But I don't regret saving her. I am feeling that I have saved myself with that girl.

I went to nearby park and wash of all the cuts and bruises after I dropped her. It hurts like a bitch washing these. when the pain subdue, I went to another mall and changed in my usual get up, the get up with which I had left. I went back to Zack, gave him his bike and went back to the way of my current house.

I guess today is the worst day of my life. soon it started to rain. No vahicle was in the range of vision. The rain water heating my body making me winch in pain due to the wounds, but I didn't stop, continue limping on my way. After about half an hour, the rain stopped. Cold air started to blow which result in to shiver in my spine. Soon I dried up but the coldness didn't leave me.


I took the door as a support as I reached my destination. I was so tired, I just wanted to hit the bed under the covers. I was very cold. The sound of shattering of glass and dropping of a vessel snap me out of my thought.

"Miss!!" First Mrs Gerald's voice came then her touch. Her fingers were freezing on my skin. She help me to sit on the sofa. My cold hand were soon covered by two warm hand.

"How this happened?" Came a worried, deep warm voice.

"I somehow met with a small car accident "

"When?" Came the next question.

"When I was coming from ...umm park"

Mrs Gerald hand me some medicines.

"But it's fucking 9 in the evening" seriously, my head was going to explode any second.

I gulped the medicines "I-I-I want to rest. Can I go?" I asked weakly.

"Yes miss please. You should rest" Mrs Gerald said with worry. I gave her a thankful smile. I got up but my legs refused to support me. For a second I saw only black clouds in front of me. I fell down. I felt someone carried me bridal style. I just didn't give a shit who carried me and to where. I was so tired that I just rest my head on that person's chest and relaxed against that warm comforting body and allowed my heavy eyelids to have its wish.


Neel's POV:

"Finally, good morning Alex" Nick greeted sarcastically as he is late as usual.

"Good morning guys and... Where is Kat?" Alex asked.

"In her room" Nick replied.


"Don't know, maybe still sleeping"

"Oh yeah, that means I am not the last one to get up. Great!!" Alex did a little victory dance.

"Yeah Nuckle head but don't you thin-" before Nick could complete Seb cut him. "Don't you think it's very uncommon for Kat to sleep this late!" He asked everyone but his eyes got fix at me. I satup straight cleared my throat "Nick!!"

"On it!" Nick got up and made his way to Kat's room.

"Any update on that James guy" I asked as soon as Nick was out of sight.

"Still working on it. He seems a very interesting guy with interesting history. Just let me get the full information and the information will be yours" Jake replied. I hummed in agreement. My phone started to buzzed.

"Nick! " I exclaimed seeing his name flashing on the mobile the looked at Kat's door.

"Just pick it up" Trace said.


"Neel bro, come fast. Quick" he hung up.

"What happened?" Ryan asked. I just ignored him and dashed to Kat's room. Kat was on her bed under two covers, sleeping while Nick was pacing in her room.

"What happened?" Ryan asked putting his left hand on my shoulder comforting me before I said something.

"She-her body- she's very hot"

If someone had commented about her being hot in other situation, I would have broke his teeth and feed his tiny body pieces to lions but in this situation, the comment made me worried. I pulled Nick at the side and took a seat near her head. I checked her head. It was burning.

"Jake, call the doctor immediately."

"OK" he answered working on his phone.

Kitty, today I wanted to confront you to know the whole truth but I guess I have to wait for it.


Kat's POV:

My head hurts, body hurts, every fucking thing hurts, even my eyelids hurt to open them. ' Come on. Open up. open up.' I was screaming inside my head but the fucking eyelids were not hearing my commands. I tried to raise my right hand but some force was stopping it. I tried to lift my left hand. I succeeded to lift it a little but a stinking pain made his way to my whole body. I again tried to open my eyes. This time I succeeded.

I looked at my left hand. It was bandaged. I remember the cut I got from that kidnapper. He sliced my arm with his pocket knife during the fight.

I was on my bed with a sheet covering me. I was wearing my regular oversized shirt and pajama. I wonder who have changed my dress. I looked at my right side and find the black hair boys sitting on the chair beside my bed holding my right hand. His eyes were closed, light dark circus under his eyes. His mouth was a little open. He was looking so adorable, so handsome, so cute, I had a strong urge to touch his cheeks, to roam my hand in his thick black hair. I raised my left hand but a sharp pain shoot up in my hand, as a result I groaned.

"Hey you awake... No don't mive that hand. It will take two more weeks to heal completely." Neel helped me to sit on the bed.

"Is it paining?" I asked.

"Why? I mean that question that question is supposed to ask by me" he asked.

"Your neck. Your neck must be paining. You should have slept beside me" I said awkwardly. He gave me a wierd look, a mix of surprise, happy, shock, confusion and I don't know what.

At that moment, the door opened. "Sis!" Nick ran toward me and hugged me. The force was so high that I might have hit my head at the back but Neel's hand behind my head saved me.

"I am so happy sis that you are awake" Nick said pulling back. I pinched his cheeks. "You don't know how worried we were, especially Neel bro..." He removed my hand then massaged his cheeks and continued "...he never left your side for 2 days. I mean one and half day to be exact" I widen my eyes in surprise. " For how long I have been out?" I asked looking at Neel but Nick beat him. "Yesterday at 11 a.m. I came to check on you. You were very hot and now its 6:30 p.m."

"What! I was out for that long!"

"Yes but no worries, doctor gave you medication and that made you unconscious so that your cuts and bruises get healed." Nick replied.

Did they saw my brucises? what are the things they know?

"Nick, tell Mrs. Gerald that she is awake" Neel ordered. Nick gave him a salute and ran out of the door.

"So, now tell me how did you got those brucises?" He said seriously folding his hand in front of his chest. This was the thing I was afraid of. Now! here we go.

"Oh, that... Umm... Well...." He raised his eyebrows. "I...I have to go!"I said removing the sheets. He caught my upper arm.


"Bathroom" I placed my both leg down and stood up but my legs can't able to take the weight. I fell down but Neel's grip on my upper hand saved me. He gave me an annoyed look but then what he did, surprised me. He picked me up bridal style. "Don't think that you successfully dodge the question" he said and opened the bathroom door brocking my shock state. "Just put me down here" i said when he took her stuff inside the bathroom.

"Are you sure?"


slowly he placed me on the floor. "You know, I could have helped you with your dress" he commented mischievously. I wider my eyes at his comment. What! this sick pervert. "Get out" I pointed my finger toward the door. He raised his hand in surrender and took a step back. I closed the door at his face. I turned around and slide down against the door letting out a sigh. Oh god! How can I face them and their uncountable questions. I am doomed. Give me strength.

I got up, did my business and made my way out. Suddenly I was picked up bridal style.

"You are now a bit lighter" he commented. I hit his arm while he chuckled. He placed me on the bed, then grabbed the chicken soup bowl from the nightstand. "Mrs Gerald has send it" he answered my unspoken question. "Now open your mouth"



"SO this James guy, full name: James Adolph Black, current age: 22 has an interesting history. At the age of 12, he lost his childhood crush and bestfriend Selene in an accident in front of him. They were playing beside a pool and somehow she ended up in the pool and died. Some say that due to James it happened but there's no proper evidence. Moreover James refused to talk about it. He becomes depressed. His mother Britney and father DeAndre Flan Black didn't had any healthy relationship either. They always argued especially about Money which was not even helping in his depression. Slowly he became distant and silent. In the same year Britney married another man, Arthur Roger Wilmin. She made a false story about being divorce to her ex husband. Arthur was a good man. He wanted a mother for her 8 year old daughter Katherine Annie Wilmin. DeAndre too started to work for Bloodshed gang as a drug delivery man. James lived with his dad. When James was 14, Arthur died. DeAndre came back in Britney's life. After that, they - Britney and Katherine - shifted to Roliaden with DeAndre and James. James started to change after he met Katherine. He again became full of live. One day, at the age of 19, came home to find DeAndre was stabbed by his wife. Police arrested Britney for murdering DeAndre. James and Katherine came back to Malicate after the very second day. Katherine became depressed after the incident. She refused to come out of the house. James took good care of her but after some months Katherine jumped from the bridge. Her body was never got found. But James didn't broke down this time. He still thinks that Katherine is alive and he is still finding him. Here's the picture" Jake gave us Katherine, Arthur, DeAndre, Britney and James' picture.

"Hey, if she got brown hair and a bit older, she would have been looked like sis" Nick remarked. Kat!

I, Jake, Ryan and Tracey shared a look while Alex, Nick and Seb were still admiring the picture. Could it be....

A knock was heard on the door. I signed the boys to hide all the things. "Come in" I said after all the things were hidden.

"Umm, get guys what's up! Important meeting I guess" Kat said opening the door. "Umm, I will meet you later. Sorry to disturb" she said when no one replied and started to close the door.

"No wait!" I snapped. She and others looked at me. "Wha-what are you doing here. You should have been resting"

"I was getting boared so I wanted to spend some time with you guys but it's okay, I will come later" she again went to close the door but Seb cut her. "No beautiful! I know no one can get spare of my charm. You don't have to make excuses for that" Seb winked.

"Shut up! Sis let's go and watch a movie"

"Ok" she agreed. Others followed suit too. I once again looked at Katherine's photo and then her retreating figure.

Yeah, they are too much alike!


Hello fellas!

The thing is going to be interesting.

Exited for next chapter?

What do you thing about Kat's past? Is whatever Jake find about James is all true! What do you think?

Answer me in the comment section.

Don't forget to-




Stay tuned for next chapter ✌️

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