Let Me Love You

By Babi_Cakes

525 25 5

Etsu Shoto is a pure blood and has decided to go to Cross Academy. However she doesn't want to be bothered bu... More

Etsu Shoto
Mei Keigo
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four

Chapter Five

46 3 0
By Babi_Cakes

"Etsu-chan!" Mei said coming towards me but Kaname got in front of me. "Lord Kaname."

"it would be wise to leave Etsu alone for awhile. Everyone should leave her alone."

i looked to the floor blankly, I moved passed Kaname making sure to bump his shoulder. I walked up the steps and when i got to the top I looked down at Kaname, he was already looking up at me.

"Kaname." I said. "You..." I stopped as a crunching was echoed the room and looked at my hand seeing I was breaking the railing causing me to release it. I looked back at him. "You have to go talk to Kaien, Takuma and I can watch the Night Class." I said.

"Of course Etsu." Kaname nodded and turned to exit.

"Just know." i said causing him to freeze. "I've forgiven you once." He looked back at me over his shoulder. " I won't forgive you a second time." He fully turned to me and glanced at Mei before looking at me again. "Just wanted you to know."

"I'll keep that in mind, Etsu."

"While you're keeping things in mind Kaname, remember what we discussed earlier with Kaien."

"Of course." He said.


"So Yuki whose bite marks are those." Hanabusa said leaning against the railing. "Last night out of the blue the smell of blood came into out classroom, it was a bit shocking to all of us. I only knew whose blood it was, the blood I smelled was your blood, Yuki. Lord Kaname just told us to ignore it."

"Is that what Kaname said?" Yuki said blushing.

The candles blew out and Aido gripped the railing angrily causing it to freeze.

"Do you know how annoying this is Yuki, just what are you to Lord Kaname." I watched as Yuki's foot was covered in Ice and Hanabusa jumped down in front of her. "Come on tell me Yuki, he likes you but why."

"Ten years ago I was going to die from a blood thirsty vampire and he saved my life."

"Well I never heard of this, but if Lord Kaname is your savior it would be your gratitude to let him drink every drop of blood your body has to offer."

"What?" Yuki said.

"Now I understand, your blood belongs to Lord Kaname. But what doesn't make sense is that bite mark because that's not his." He leaned in and touched her neck. "Don't let anyone else drink your blood, not even me, because one day your neck will be graced by the fangs of Lord Kaname and when they pierce your neck and the sound of him drinking your blood makes it to your ears, your body will tremble with ecstasy" Hanabusa stood up. "You know why don't you just let him drink you blood now, you should plead with him.

"That's enough okay." Yuki pulled away.

"What did I embarrass you, hmm?" He asked holding onto her causing ice to spread onto her.

"Aido that's enough!" She exclaimed and went to hit her but someone caught her wrist.

"Please stop, Yuki." Kaname said.

"Kaname how did you-"

"Lord Kaname." Hanabusa said nervously.

I narrowed my eyes and quickly got in front of Aido and caught Kaname's wrist.

"Did someone ask you to do this?" Kaname asked Hanabusa, ignoring my presence.

"Uh...No." Hanabusa went on one knee. "I was out of line, please for give me, Lord Kaname."


"Yes." Hanabusa said glancing at me before darting up the steps. .

"Yuki.Leave." I said not letting go of Kaname's wrist.

"Kaname." Yuki said.

"Yuki it will be alright. Thank you for stopping by." Kaname so as smiling down at her. "I'll see you another time."

"Okay." She nodded before leaving.

Kaname yanked his wrist from my grasp angrily. My hand dropped to my side.

"Why did you stop me?"

"There was no reason to hit Hanabusa." I said. "He was just teasing her."

"He was upsetting Yuki." Kaname said aggressively.

"And? No one knows Kaname so you don't have to be so protective of that human all the time." I said emphasizing he human part. "Because that's all she is to them, a human."

"You need to learn your place." Kaname said taking a threatening step towards me.

"My place is of equal status with you, Kaname." I said standing my ground. "Yuki is a human and nobody knows of her past bedsides you and me. Hanabusa didn't deserve to be reprimanded. In my opinion Yuki had no right to try and slap him."

"You were there the whole time yet you did nothing to try and stop him."

"I can do whatever the hell I want Kaname." I said turning around and slowly walking up the stairs."Remember that."

I sat in the corner of my room not moving.

"Etsu." A familiar voice said before the door was opened. "Etsu!" I felt hands on me, "Etsu whats wrong?"

"Takuma please step away from her."

"Kaname."Takuma said. "But-"

"She's fine, just when she has blood lust her gifts reverse on her."

"What does that mean."

"Like she gets flashbacks of her life and like now, she doesn't feel pain but she just doesn't feel at all."

"If she's that thirsty I'll let her drink from me."

"That is not needed." Kaname said.

"But Kaname she's-"

"Etsu." My eyes went to Kaname. "Come take a walk with me." I slowly staggered up and Takuma caught me, I froze as my gums started to ache. My hand went to the back of his neck and pulled it to my nose. "Takuma get away from her." My tongue rubbed on his neck causing him to shiver, his heart sped up. "Etsu!"

I slammed myself against the wall and I starred at Takuma's daze face. I gulped and took shallow breaths before looking at Kaname. I slid against the wall and held my head in my hands.

"Takuma you need to leave." I said. I closed my eyes tightly and listened as Takuma left the room, I gulped in nervousness. "Kaname..."I trailed off.

"You will stay here for class. Mei will watch over you while we're gone."


I had ditched Mei a while ago and now I was walking through the trees following my instincts. I stopped when I came across a barn and looked around making sure no one was around.

"What are you doing here?" I turned seeing Zero standing there. "you're suppose to be in class."

"I can't go to class." I said touching the barn wall.

"And why not?"

"If I go I'll take what's not mine." I said looking up at the sky.

"What's that suppose to mean?" Zero asked.

"Nothing." I said looking at him.

"No it means something." Zero said.

"It's just I have deep feelings for." I cut myself off with a sigh. "You wouldn't understand would you."

"Tell me and maybe I would." Zero snorted.

"Nothing. I'm just so thirsty all the time and having him around doesn't help me with any of it." I said.

"Maybe I could help you." Zero said walking in front of me. I looked at him curiously. "I took from you it's only right I return the favor right?" Zero asked rolling up his sleeve.

I looked at his wrist before I looked into his eyes. They were telling me it was okay. My tongue licked the surface of my fangs and my eyes drifted down to his neck. Maybe just one bite. My hands shakily went up to his collar and I pulled him towards. He's already turning so one bite couldn't possibly hurt. My nose hit his neck and I took a deep breath causing him to tense. Did he not want this? Zero leaned into my touch causing me took let out a deep breath, no he did want this. My tongue and lips massaged the spot I was going to bite. My fangs rubbed against the sensitive skin causing a shiver to run down his spine.

"Are you sure." I mumbled against his skin.

"Yes." Zero breathed out his hands going to my hips.Suddenly I froze, no this wasn't right. I let him go and stepped away from him. He doesn't want this, he doesn't want me to bite him. "Etsu?"

"No this is wrong." I said. "i have to go." I said before leaving in a flash.

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