Mei Keigo

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Race: Vampire
Age: 16
Height: 4'9
Eye color: Blue
Hair color: Blonde
Status: Alive
Occupation: Etsu's protector
Relatives: Hanabusa Aido (Lover)



Mei is a short girl who has blonde hair that goes down passed her waist. Some of her hair is up in two pigtails while the other half is down.  She wears a blue ribbon instead of the usaully red ribbon. When she's not in the school uniform she wears a black ruffle skirt with a black v-neck t-shirt.


Mei is very hyper and excited about everything. To her Etsu isn't only something she needs to protect but as a bestfriend and she looks up to her. When it comes to protecting Etsu she is very serious and doesn't act so childish. Mei will listen to every word and demand of Etsu's with happiness.


Mei was born into a vampire airstocrat family as the only child so she was very spoiled, however she was forced to stay into the house all the time and never really made anyfriends. Her parents were usually away, her mother a famous model and her father was a busy politician, so she was used to being alone with only her things to acompany her. When Etsu came and lived with her,  Mei took this as her first friendship and this is why she's admires Etsu the way she does.

Powers and Abilities

Mei has standard aristocrat powers such as quick healing. She also has a gift that allows her to controll plants (I.E flowers, vines, trees, etc.) along with this she can use certain flowers for hypnosis.


Etsu Shoto

Mei highly admires and respects Etsu and dhe's her as her bestfriend. Even when Etsu is angry at her she still will be happy with Etsu. She also wants to protect Etsu to the best of her abilities. She veiws Etsu as a sister.

Hanabusa Aido

Mei finds Aido cute and likes being around him however she does find herself getting jealous when he flirts with the Day Class students. Even though she likes Aido she doesn't show interest in him when he tries to flirt with her. Which gets Aido interested in her and causes them noth to gain strong feelings for each other. Eventually they find themselves being lovers.


"Don't you dare put your filthy hands on her."

"Etsu-Chan you're okay! I'm so relieved!"

"Not interested Hanabusa."

"Why would you did that you idiot! You scared me..."

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