Dopamine {Senku X Reader} *De...

By VicsShavedHair

81.8K 3.1K 867

"I like you inconveniently You're squeezing out my dopamine Yeah, you like me in spite of me I feel these f... More

Authors Note


4.4K 199 56
By VicsShavedHair

"I won't hurt you unless provoked." Tsukasa says, putting together some form of clothes.

"Are you sure this was the best choice? Anything could provoke a man of his size." (Y/N) whispers to Senku on the side.

"I'm ten billion percent sure. He may scare you, but we need him right now." Senku replies.

"He does not scare me!" She defends, crossing her arms while pouting.

"Well then, you should have no issue with dealing with him for the time being." He says.

"So, this camp you spoke of. Where is it? Show me." Tsukasa speaks, breaking their little conversation.

"This way. Follow me." Senku says, beginning to lead the pack away from their spot.

When they came out of the trees, Tsukasa looked around the camp everywhere, observing everything from the shed to the tree house.

"I'm not sure if you knew this, but there's a lion on a leash in your land here." Tsukasa points out, like it got there by itself.

"Yeah. He's mine. His name is Reynus." (Y/N) says, causing Tsukasa to look down at her.

"Your lion? You tamed it?" He asks.

"No. It's a descendant of my baby lion from 3000 years ago." She says sarcastically. "Of course I tamed it."

Choosing to ignore her first remark, he continued. "That's amazing. How did you do it?"

"Well, when it was life as normal, I planned to be a vet, zookeeper, anything to do with animals. Therefore, I studied animals all I could when I wasn't reading something else or caught up in school work. I learned the biology of all these animals, and lions happened to be one. I also learned how to cognitively calm and control them. Useful for when there's an animal who won't settle down. Just so happened that it still works to this day. Even with no human contact." She explains.

"Can I touch him?" He asks.

"I mean, it probably depends on the day. However, I'd say he's been pretty well fed. You can go up and touch him. If he tries to bite you, smack him in the face." She says, not lying about the last part.

"That's a bit harsh, huh?" Senku implies as Tsukasa walked towards the lion.

"Nope. He's gotta learn. And if that means smacking him in the face a couple times, so be it." (Y/N) shrugs. "Why? Are you the animal expert here?"

"It's not my strong suit." Senku says, not wanting to really admit that he wasn't good at something.

(Y/N) hums in response as Tsukasa gently placed his hand on the lion's nose.

Despite the impulses rushing through the lion's body, he stayed there and took it as the strange man touched his nose.

"Truly phenomenal." Tsukasa breathed.

•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•Time Skip•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•

"Wow. This beach. I've never been here before." (Y/N) breathes, seeing the beauty through all the petrified bodies.

"Never?" Senku inquires.

"Never." She repeats. "I didn't get out of the house much. I was... scared to, I guess."

"Scared?" He asks, quirking his neck to the side.

(Y/N) turns and smiles at him. "Story for another day. Don't worry too much about it."

Senku hums, continuing to pick up seashells.

"What are these for, exactly?" (Y/N) asks, peaking at the collection of shells.

"Well, technically, they can be used for four things that would be useful to us." He starts.

"I know that much. I just wondered which one you were inclined on." She says, looking back to face him.

"Soap." He states plainly.

"Soap? You can make gu-" She starts before Senku hushed her.

"I know. I don't want him to know. He's going to end up being a danger to us, so I don't want to let him know exactly the power of this stuff." He says in a hushed tone.

"Oh. I see." She says, not saying anything about the shells further. "I never asked. Do you--have parents waiting in stone somewhere?"

He says nothing for a second, causing her to panic.

Was this a touchy subject?

"Something like that." He says. "I don't know where my real parents are, and the guy who adopted me, well he was on the ISS when we were turned to stone. I don't know what happened to him."

"Oh wow. I-I'm sorry. I didn't mean to bring up a sore subject." She says, regretting ever having said anything.

"Don't worry about it." He says, making her feel a little less guilty. "What about you?"

"Mine are... gone. They were, uh, murdered when I was ten. My sister raised me from there. I don't know where she is either. I tried looking for her, but she hasn't shown up." She says. "Damn, what I wouldn't give for her guidance right about now. She'd always say the most inspiring things when I didn't know where to turn."

"She sounds like she was important." He says.

"She was. And, it may take awhile, but I'm gonna find her one day." She says, silently making that a promise.

This chapter is literally all over the place. I have no idea what happened. Credits for this chapter go to the one and only: Writers Block. Give a round of applause.

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