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"Backtrack. Tell me. Where was the last place you saw it?" Senku asks, pretending to study the ground or something.

"Where do you think the last place I saw it was? It was literally right in your yard, nimrod!" (Y/N) yells, about ready to hit him upside the head.

"Hmm. That doesn't give us much to go off of. There don't seem to be footprints either..." He says, still looking around like an idiot.

"You dimwit! You're not gonna find him looking at the ground! He's not an ant!" She snaps, bringing her hand down to the top of his head. "This is actually serious, and you're taking it like it's not! If I fucking lose him, there will be hell to pay for all of you!"

"My question is, how the hell do you even lose a freaking lion in the first place?!" He shouts back.
"There are several lions around here! It's not like I can go up to any old chum, give him a pat on the back, and ask him if he is my lion!" She says, steam practically coming from her ears.

"Maybe we should all calm down here and think about this rationally!" Tsukasa interrupts with a stern voice. Startled, they both looked his way, halting speech. "I mean, think about it. This lion has been your companion for about five months now. It only ran away last night. I don't believe that that was really enough time for him to return to his animalistic impulses. And, as far as it goes, you always have the collar to identify him by. You don't really have to take a total shot in the dark when you look."

"Wow. You're right." (Y/N) says, giving it a good thought. "That means that Reynus can't be all that far! He's gotta be around here somewhere!"

Without hesitation, she ran off into the woods.

" (Y/N)! Wait!" Senku calls out, not able to reach her anyway. "Was that really the best idea? Let the girl run off into the woods in search of a feral lion?"

"He's not feral. Besides, she's strong. She'll be fine." Tsukasa says, sitting back with his eyes closed, not a care in the world.

"Reynus! Reynus!" (Y/N) calls, her hands cupped around her mouth to amplify the sound. What? Were the neighbours going to file a noise complaint?

Her steps slowed as she ran out of breath. Cardio was not on the top of her talents list. But that didn't deter her. It just made her go at a much slower pace.

"Reynus?" She asks, softer this time.

That stupid lion. If only she could make a sturdy enough rope to keep him tied to a tree. It was past time that this had become a major unneeded pain in the booty.

So while I was writing this and writing (Y/N), I really started to wonder what some of the readers names are. I wanna know y'alls names! I wanna connect with my readers also, and I think that would be a good way to achieve that.

And, excuse me real quick while I have an aneurysm, because of how this book blew up. I mean, I kinda expected like maybe five hundred, if that, but literally, we're at over 2k. I just started making this book about a month ago, and already we're here. I get comments and votes every time I check my notifications, and let me tell you, that feels damn good. I love when people enjoy my work. It makes writing so much easier.

This chapter was mostly an authors note, but I just had a lot to say. I also really wanted to crank out a new chapter before people started hating me. Besides, I do plan for some wonderful drama in the next chapter.

Also, it was exam season for me, so I couldn't get any chapters out last week. So sorry about that. I made a wood thingy (actually a truss) in my construction class for my midterm. It was easy. And I'm talking too much now. Aight. Bye bye!

Dopamine {Senku X Reader} *Deleted And Republished*Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu