Enderlox- My life is a mystery

By Kira-And-Eren

338 8 8

Deadlox turned into Enderlox and finds even more that are hybrids and one of them is also enderdragon! What w... More

Enderlox- My life is a mystery
Who is this?
When Highschool Calls
The whole shabang!

Another One!

51 2 0
By Kira-And-Eren

Shadow P.O.V

I walked in the woods till I saw a flash of purple. I ran to the light to find a hut. Its Seto's hut! I look a little to see. . . I dozed off into amazement (yes i do that sometimes so SHUT UP!) theres another one! Im not alone! But it looked less friendly that is until his eyes turned green. After the strangers were leaving i came in.( i am not noticed often OKAY!) I asked Seto WHAT DID HE DO! He told me everything that happened. I looked in amazement. I forgot that the enderdragon could do that! I wish i could be friends with him ,but me and the enderdragon didn't really talk. I hugged Seto and waved goodbye. Finally im not alone. After leaving I ran to the others to tell them the news but . . . stopped. Looked down in disappointment. I remember now. Leaving them is so hard. My head spin harshly. I grabbed my head slowly falling down. When I look up . . . I see. . . people. . . no hybrids. . . no wait humans. . . I. . can't. . tell. Whatever it was it was dragging me some where. My head hurt and I couldn't move. I decided to give in. Even if its bad i'll escape. I will.

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