txt oneshots ( ◜‿◝ )♡

By SaurasDino

49K 647 79

A collection of the TXT ship fic's I wrote on Amino! They will be listed with their prompt and a picture of t... More

¡EXTRA! #1
¡EXTRA! #2
¡EXTRA! #3


3K 55 21
By SaurasDino

Before we start, I aged up the boys and a trigger warning non graphic character death! It gets a little intense in this fic not going to lie. It's also long. I hope you enjoy it took me 2 days to write it and make sure it liked the flow and all that! I really enjoyed writing this and it almost overwhelmed me but I understand now why writers take days to write things! Anyways enjoy!


Soobin forgetting everything but Taehyun after an accident... but not remembering they broke up some time ago.


"Taehyun? Is that you?"

It was a simple question, a question that had no hidden meanings, no suggestive undertones, and no hate or spite behind it. It was a simple question, that Taehyun didn't want to answer. 


Exactly 2½ years ago Soobin and Taehyun broke up. It wasn't messy, but it still left bitter hurt feelings on both ends and split their friend group. Taehyun was fine with this, he just wanted everything to be over with his boyfriend of 2 years. They just fell out of love.

So once Taehyun had all of his things loaded up he moved in with Hueningkai for a while until the subtitle tension between the two ended up in a fist fight and the two were promptly separated. Then Taehyun moved in with Beomgyu, and while it was nice Taehyun felt he needed to get his own place. Beomgyu understand that want and even helped him look for apartments, until Taehyun got the offer of a lifetime. The modeling agency he was under gave him the chance to go work in France under a famous designer. He accepted to opportunity immediately and packed his things as quickly as he could. Beomgyu didn't necessarily tell Taehyun he was happy that Taehyun was moving out but Beomgyu's enthusiasm while helping Taehyun pack got the message through. 

When Taehyun got to France he felt right at home. The architecture, culture, and fashion made him love the country even more than his previous home.

Then he meet Jeon Jungkook and instantly fell for him. Taehyun couldn't even understand the man but he knew that Jungkook was his Mr. Right. So of course Taehyun attempted to speak with him in broken french and Jungkook laughed then spoke to him in korean. Taehyun was even more mesmerized after that. Later that week Jungkook asked him out to dinner and of course Taehyun said yes. Soon after they started dating and Taehyun even moved in with Jungkook. Life was finally perfect for Taehyun. He had an amazing boyfriend, an adorable dog, the job he always wanted, and all of his troubles far away in Korea.

Then his picture perfect life started to fall apart and it all started with that phone call. 

Taehyun had gotten home from work a bit late that night. Jungkook had already finished making dinner and was waiting for him. Taehyun smiled fondly at his amazing boyfriend. 'So what if he's 28 and I'm only 23, he's the most perfect boyfriend ever.' he thought. Taehyun then went inside to greet him. Jungkook's face lit up and hugged Taehyun tightly. Taehyun smiled and pecked Jungkook. Then the two chatted over dinner and did the dishes together. I was their 1 year anniversary and they had a fun night ahead of them. After the dishes were done Taehyun went to shower first. Once he was done he called Jungkook up to shower. While he waited for Jungkook, in the living room, he was scrolling through Instagram when his phone started buzzing. He went to ignore it because he didn't recognize the number, then he saw that it was a Korean area code. By that time Jungkook had finished his shower and was downstairs read to watch movies, so Taehyun answered the phone. "Hello? Taehyun?" The voice shocked him, it was deep, and he didn't recognize it at first. Then it hit him. "Soobin?" His voice was shaky and he sounded shocked. "Babe, I…I think I…I'm hurt.. can you come…my head really hurts….." Soobin's line went quiet. Taehyun was confused but upset, "Soobin-ah you can't keep calling me drunk anymore. I can't come pick you up anymore. Call someone else about your problems now." He was aggressive and rude(in a Taehyun kinda way), then he promptly hung up the phone. Jungkook eyed him with a worried expression. "What was that about?" He asked. Taehyun brushed off the question, "An ex. He called me drunk or something." Jungkook scoffed, and threw his arm around Taehyun possessively, "Too bad, you're mine now." He stated simply turning on the movie they picked out.

The next morning Taehyun felt very happy. Somehow, (Jungkook probably brought his upstairs after he fell asleep) they had ended up in their bed. Taehyun giggled softly as Jungkook cuddled into his back. 'Of course he had woken up first' Taehyun thought, a find smile settling in his face. Taehyun soaked in the good feeling of the morning and the feelings of love from his boyfriend. Then his phone started buzzing.

Taehyun checked the clock, it was noon. He wiggled towards his phone, Jungkook wining at the loss of touch, and looked to see who was calling him. Surprisingly it was a Korean area code again. The buzzing stopped and he saw that he had 12 missed calls from the same number, 11 from a different one, and 2 from the one last night. He sighed and set his phone down only for it to start ringing again. Taehyun scoffed and ignored the call. He thought that was the end of it until his phone started to ring again. He glared at the phone. Jungkook's smile faltered, he picked up the phone and answered the call, "Hello?" He sounded annoyed. He smirked as the person on the other line started to yell. "What are you saying? I can't understand you?" He asked, clearly messing with the person on the other line. Taehyun stifled a laugh as Jungkook kept the act up. The person on the other line finally screamed something that made Jungkook's face drop. Taehyun noticed and his own smile faltered. Taehyun reached out to take the phone. "Hello" he said in Korean. "F***ING FINALLY! What the heck man?! I've been trying to get a hold of you all day!" It was Yeonjun, he sounded pissed, Taehyun rolled his eyes. "What do you want?" He snapped. Yeonjun must have been fuming but he replied calmly, "Soobin is in the hospital. He was in a bad accident." Taehyun felt all of the blood in body go cold. "What?" He wasn't sure if he heard Yeonjun correctly. "Just please come back to Korea. We need you here, please." The previous anger was still there but it was mostly replaced with exhaustion and pleading. "O-ok" He replied shaky again. The line went dead. Taehyun looked at Jungkook. He started to tear up. Jungkook pulled him into his chest. Taehyun weeped as Jungkook kept him steady and pressed against his chest. Taehyun looked up at Jungkook, "Will you come with me?" His voice wavered. "Of course, baby." He replied. Taehyun felt his heart swell with happiness but a feeling of being distraught soon buried it's way into his heart.


Taehyun had booked them the first available flight out to Korea and arrived a week after the call. Beomgyu met them at the airport. He looked like crap, and that was being kind. Beomgyu's hair was disarray and his eyes had dark bags under them. Taehyun ran up and hugged him. Beomgyu hugged him back. Taehyun was worried but Beomgyu calmed him. "He's not dead, but he was in a coma for a week. He just woke up yesterday and all he can remember is you." Taehyun froze at that. Jungkook rubbed his back to calm him but it wouldn't work. How they got to the hospital Taehyun can't say for sure, but when they got there, Yeonjun was waiting for them. At first it was an angry look but it soon softened and he just looked tired. Taehyun dropped his things and rushed to Yeonjun. Yeonjun started to tear up. "He's…All he can remember…" Yeonjun tried to explain, but Taehyun stopped him. "I already know, can we see him?" Taehyun asked quietly, unsure if that was really what he wanted to do. Yeonjun noticed even in his tired state, "Go check into your hotel, then we can eat out tonight? You can visit in the morning." Taehyun felt relief flood over him. "Yeah, ok, tomorrow…" he mumbled. Jungkook cleared his throat and Taehyun turned to him. Taehyun smiled, his rock through all of this was with him. "Guys?" He said. Beomgyu and Yeonjun turned to him. "This is my boyfriend, Jeon Jungkook." He stated. Yeonjun's face contorted but ended in a seemingly forced smile while Beomgyu just smiled weakly at him. Taehyun turned to Jungkook, "Jungkook, this is Yeonjun and Beomgyu." He said as he motioned to them. They all shook hands. Yeonjun then escorted them outside and hailed a taxi for them. Taehyun was happy to see his friends but nervous about what was to come tomorrow.

As promised they all went out and caught up. Taehyun found out that Yeonjun was becoming bigger as a model and Beomgyu was helping at a big idol company. They all chatted and had fun until Soobin was brought up. Turns out Soobin didn't get over their break up so easily, he became depressed and uninspired. But that when him and Kai started dating he was doing better. Of course until that night. Taehyun shook off the topic and changed it to family and the previous aura was reinstated with a hint of tension. Though overall it was a nice dinner and it was good for Taehyun to catch up with his friends. 


The next morning he got ready as slowly as possible. Jungkook caught ahold of this and held his shoulder. "It's going to be ok, ok? Everything is going to be just fine." Jungkook reassured him, "I'll be right beside you the whole time." Taehyun nodded and finished his morning routine. 


The hospital looked out Taehyun's window. His past awaited him there; something he had spent the last 2 years trying to forget and leave behind. Jungkook squeezed his hand to reassure him but it did little to comfort Taehyun. After Jungkook paid the taxi driver they made their way through the pristine glass doors and into the front of the hospital. Yeonjun was waiting for them there, his face gave way to his worry. "Hey" Taehyun said tentatively. Yeonjun looked up at him, eyes wet and puffy. "Come on, he's not doing well. All he wants is to see you." Yeonjuns voice was so hoarse and dry it sounded like sandpaper. Taehyun cringed and felt a few tears well in his own eyes. "No!" Taehyun exclaimed. "He should be with his friends and family! He shouldn't want to see me!" He almost yelled, all the emotions he hadn't been able to identify, become identifiable and very strong, all pour out of him. Yeonjun's jaw clinched and protruded, "Then why the hell did you come back?!" He was yelling now. "WE TOLD HIM YOU WERE HERE TO SEE HIM! YOUR ALL HE TALKS ABOUT! Why you?! WHY NOT ME, HIS BEST FRIEND? WHY NOT KAI, HIS BOYFRIEND? WHY are you all he can remember?" Yeonjun's anger was muffled by his sobs. Teahyun was distressed and scared, angry and confused. He looked up to Jungkook to see that his boyfriend wasn't even paying attention to the scene. He wasn't even at Taehyun's side anymore, instead he was across the room talking to the nurse at the front desk. Taehyun felt a ping in his heart. He wasn't ready for anything. He didn't deserve to be here, wanted by the man whose heart he broke, he should be in France far away from this. Yet he was here, and he had to face what he wasn't ready for. If not for Yeonjun and his friends, if not for his own closure, for Soobin who he deserved this at least for all of the pain Taehyun put him through. He shook and stood up straight, wiped his eyes and touched the hysterical Yeonjun. "Ok, take me to him." He said with a false brave face.


"Taehyun? Is that you?"

It was a simple question, a question that had no hidden meanings, no suggestive undertones, and no hate or spite behind it. It was a simple question, that Taehyun had to answer. He moved further in the room, Yeonjun behind him. 

"Hey, Soobin." He smiled shyly at the sick man. Soobin's face lit up. 

"Come here! I've been waiting for you to show up! See Mr. Park I told you he would come! My handsome boyfriend always comes!" He said with a excided and happy voice. The nurse looked at Soobin and smiled. 

"Ok, then I'm guessing you want some time alone with him?" The nurse said. Soobin nodded as Yeonjun and the nurse walked out of the room. 

This gave Taehyun time to examine him. He looked gastly, almost the same color as the white bed sheets he was laying in. He looked like he was withering away. The previously playful, full cheeked, giant, bunny was reduced to skin and bones. Taehyun's instincts told him to run out of that room and cry, but he wouldn't he couldn't do that to Soobin. So instead he moved closer and seated himself beside Soobin instead. Soobin smiled and reached a boney hand out to Taehyun. Taehyun took it and held it gently. Soobin's hands had always been big and sort of boney but they were always warm. This wasn't the case, they were ice cold and hurt to hold. 

"Why didn't you come sooner?" Soobin asked, still smiling and happy, despite the decrepit state he was in he was still as happy as ever. Taehyun wanted to cry.

"I was with my parents, I didn't have good reception. I'm sorry." He lied. Yeonjun had made him rehearse excuses like these, to preserve whatever world Soobin was living in. Soobin squinted but smiled anyways. 

"I missed you, but I'm so glad you're here now." Soobin said. Taehyun had to physically stop himself from sobbing. "It's hard to remember things, but I could never forget you. Your the love of my life. After I beat this thing, we can move out to that house you used to show me and get a dog. Maybe even adopt a few kids? That's what we've always wanted right?" 

Taehyun let a few tears escape his eyes, "Yeah, we can do that." He smiled tears starting to run steadily down his face. Soobin's smile dimmed. 

"Hey don't cry! I'm not going anywhere, I have to take care of you!" He said as his freezing hand wiped Taehyun's tears. Taehyun forced a smile. Soobin smiled. His face contorted as he tried to fight back a yawn.

"I'm tired, but I don't wanna sleep!" He laughed. "If I got to sleep, you won't be here anymore!" 

Taehyun froze, it hurt that he said that, so he promised something he didn't know if he could keep. "I'll be here and if I'm not, I'll be here soon. I promise." He said.

Soobin lit up again, and slowly shut his eyes. Taehyun felt an urge he hadn't felt in a long time, but he refused to act on it, and soon Soobin was fast asleep. 


That night Yeonjun asked him and Jungkook out to dinner. 

The air in the hotel room was tense and Jungkook couldn't take it. "Ok, what's wrong? You haven't talked to me since we got back from the hospital." He said. Taehyun stiffened still very upset, "You weren't there when I went to meet him." He stated, trying to not cry again. Jungkook was confused, "Yeonjun said you two needed alone time." Teahyun scoffed, "You weren't there after either." Jungkook faltered but recovered quickly, "I didn't know where you were. I'm sorry, I swear I'll be there tomorrow." Taehyun was tired and accepted the excuses, not really believing them but finding them acceptable; after all he was in the waiting room waiting for them when Taehyun came down. He brushed it off and accepted Jungkook's apologies.


As the week progressed Taehyun found it harder to leave Soobin's side. So when his week of leave was up and he was to return to France, he made the decision to not go back. 

"What do you mean your not going back?!" Jungkook exclaimed. Taehyun calmed himself, "Soobin needs me by his side. He's suffering, and the doctors have said he's gotten better since I've been here." Taehyun explained. Jungkook was fuming. "Babe, you two broke up! You can't expect me to just leave you here with your ex in the state that he's in! There's no way!" He exclaimed. Taehyun narrowed his eyes, "You aren't in control of me. I'm staying, I've already talked to my boss and I can stay. He needs me and I'm going to be here for him." Taehyun shot back, a fire that Jungkook had thought dulled while they were here, in his voice. Jungkook huffed, but with no other options dropped his argument.


Soobin was getting worse. He couldn't remember what any of the guys names were and he was forgetting his family. The only person he could remember was Taehyun. This made Yeonjun and Beomgyu very upset but both were glad that at least one of them was remembered. Kai on the other hand was completely and utterly upset. He tired to hurt Taehyun and when Soobin caught ahold of it he banned Kai from seeing him. Kai became extremely depressed and would hardly leave his house. Taehyun couldn't focus on that though. He needed to be there for Soobin, but Soobin would only get worse from there. His mental and physical state continued to deteriorate to the point that he couldn't even lift his hand to eat. Yet Taehyun stayed by his side. Once Soobin fell asleep Taehyun would go to the hotel and cry. Every day was a fight to not give up and run away back to France and forget about everything thats happened.

It was on one of these nights that he got a text from one of his co-workers. He normally wouldn't have opened it but he had gotten an overwhelming feeling of homesickness and this he had thought would cheer him up a bit. This co-worker had always been on the cheerier side and had always been nice to him. So he opened it. But if he could go back he definitely wouldn't have. It was a picture of a man with a woman and they looked to be too close to be friends, he thought it strange that it was sent to him until he read the message. 'Is that Jungkook?!' it read with a shocked emoji face. He quickly scrolled up, missing the picture all together. He held his breath as he scrolled down then up slowly again. Low and behold there was Jungkook way to close to a woman. He needed to be sure though, it could have just been the lighting or something, he thought. 'Can't tell.' it was curt and it probably would have come across as rude to anyone else but this guy just didn't catch that drift. He sent some more pictures and even a video zooming in on his face. There was no doubt after all of those pictures and the video that it was him and that they didn't just meet. They knew each other they had been together for a while. He let out a sob. He needed to make sure it was actually him. He was shaking as he clicked on the contact. It felt like an eternity of ringing until he picked up. Taehyun could hear faint thumping and it sounded like he was in a club. "Hey, what's up babe?" Jungkook sounded breathless and there was a faint giggle after he said that. "Where are you?" Teahyun sounded distressed and maybe even a little upset, all because he was trying to hold back tears. "Out, what's wrong?" Jungkook sounded bored and even a little upset. "Your cheating one me…" By now Taehyun didn't even care that he probably sounded brokenhearted. "So what? Your cheating on me! With that diseased, broken, and disgusting ex of yours!" Jungkook was shouting now. Taehyun let out a loud sob. "You can pick up your things when you get back, or you can pay for shipping and I'll send it to you." Jungkook said then the line went dead. Taehyun let out the loudest sob yet and curled in a fetal position in the bed. He didn't sleep much that night and once the morning came he knew he probably looked like crap. He did his best to tidy himself up before he went to see Soobin but he knew he probably still looked terrible. None the less he still went to visit him and stayed with him the whole day, working while Soobin was sleeping.


Taehyun got worse as Soobin's mind deteriorated further. Taehyun focused solely on work and caring for Soobin. Beomgyu and Yeonjun worried for him but they were more worried about Soobin. He was getting worse and he only had a few weeks left.


When Soobin died Taehyun was with him. Yeonjun and Beomgyu were there too. They were all just together. Taehyun was holding Soobin's hand as he drifted off to sleep. Yeonjun was reading and Beomgyu was eating the rest of Soobin's lunch. Then chaos struck. The heart monitor started beeping slower apart. Then a slight flat line. Teahyun panicked. He squeezed his hand hard and Soobin's eyes glazed over but he was there, if not bairly. "Soobin! SOOBIN! Stay with me please?! Please just hang on!" Taehyun was yelling and crying. Yeonjun had ran out to get the nurse but Soobin was fadeing fast. "Babe? Taehyun? I can't hold on much longer." He was studdering and coughing. "I just want to say that I love you. I love you so much. Remember that ok? Remember that I love you." His breath was labored. Then he smiled a withered smile, a ghost of what it used to be. Taehyun was screaming as the nurses came to try and resuscitate him. They pulled him out of the room. He was sobbing and hysterical. They moved him to the waiting room and he was calming down. They came back hours later to tell them that he was dead. Taehyun felt something break inside him. Yeonjun suggested that he go back to his hotel. So he did.


The funeral was hard, at least that's what he heard. He couldn't bring himself to go. He locked himself up in Beomgyu's house, (he ran out of time in the hotel and he couldn't keep paying the climbing bills) and cried the entire day. His citizenship was never revoked so he just moved back in with Beomgyu. This time there was no complaints and he welcomed Taehyun with open arms. Taehyun stayed locked up for months working and crying. Beomgyu was concerned but he couldn't do anything. Taehyun would have to learn to live without Soobin.


Ok hi everyone! This is my longest yet. Almost 4,000 words. So yeah! If you read all the way through thank you! I have an epilogue planned a short one it'll be about what happens after. So if you'd be interested then let me know! Also if you like this type of fic (long and detailed compared to my other works) let me know that too! I know that it got a little tense but I hope you enjoyed!

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