bryles one shots ♡

By mylessite-

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just a girl with a lot of time on her hands 💀 More

new years kiss

falling in love

819 25 84
By mylessite-

it was a bright summer day here in toronto, ontario. the dance season had just wrapped up, as well as school, now it was summer vacation! although i would still do some dance things over the summer i was happy to be getting a break. i train for other twenty hours a week; i'm desperate for at least one day where i can lay on the couch and binge watch youtube videos all day. anyway, i went inside my house after the last day of school finally ended.

my mom smiled and came over to me, "there's my babyyy! how was school?" she pulled me into a tight hug causing me to smile.

"amazing," i responded, wrapping my arms around her

"perfect," she kissed my head, "so i have good news baby," i raised an eyebrow at her, "remember that show you auditioned for?"

"the next step? of course," i smiled.

"well i just got the email today.. you're going to be in the next season!" she picked me up and spun me around causing me to giggle.

"seriously?!" i exclaimed, "i'm going to be a tv star!"

she laughed, setting me back down, "of course you are baby. the worlds gonna love you. anyway you start filming tomorrow," i smiled as she pulled me into another hug, "i am so proud of you."

"i couldn't have done it without you," i said quietly, laying my head on her chest.

i made my way into the set of the next step. i've never been on tv before so honestly this whole filming thing was weird to me. but i'll get used to it. i went to wardrobe and got dressed, i found out that my characters name will be richelle. so exciting! i also found out that i had to improvise a solo today, i'm kind of nervous because i watch this show all of the time and everyone i so talented - i just don't want to make a fool of myself.

after getting dressed i made my way to hair and makeup, they put on some light powder and such. then they pulled my hair back into a ponytail. i thought it was pretty cute. soon, a crew member directed me to go over and hang out with the other 'j-troupers' that would be on the show. they wanted us to get acquainted so that on camera it wasn't awkward.

"hi my names briar and i'm so excited!" i exclaimed whilst smiling from ear to ear, "what's your name?" i turned to a boy, slightly taller than myself.

"kolton," he smiled.

"great to meet you," we shook hands as i turned to the two girls. they introduced themselves as a young boy came over. we made eye contact as he was making his way over to kolton. they exchanged whispers causing me to raise an eyebrow at them.. but i just brushed it off. i was so excited to be here and to meet these new girls. we are going to be bffs!

"dude do you know her? she's so cute," kolton whispered in my ear causing me to chuckle.

"i have no idea who she is," i responded, looking over at her, "but she is super cute."

"i call dibs," he said seriously.

"or we could let her decide who she likes?" i looked at him as he shrugged slightly.

i redirected myself back to this girl, she was so cute. especially when she accidentally made eye contact every couple of minutes or so.

"do you need something?" she looked at me, annoyed.

"i'm m-myles.." i stuttered.

she laughed a little then stepped closer to me, "i'm briar. nice to meet ya!" she held her hand out.

i smiled slightly then happily took her hand gently, shaking it.

"wait oh my gosh, i remember you from last season! you sang that song.." she paused for a moment then began singing, "wish you welllll i wish you wellll-"

i laughed, cutting her off, "yeah that was me. way to bring up that embarrassing moment."

"hey, it wasn't embarrassing," she explained, "i thought it was pretty cute," she continued, causing me to smile.

"alright briar and myles?" amy made her way over, "it's time for you guys to start filming some scenes together."

so we did, we went and filmed our scenes and we had the best time. briar is actually such a nice girl - i'm so happy to call her my friend now. but unfortunately today is coming to an end very quickly. just as i'm about to head out for the day i feel a light tap on my shoulder.

i turned to see the one and only briar nolet, "what's up?" i smiled.

"i have a question," she grabbed my hat, placing it on her head.

"are you asking to borrow that? if so, no it's my favourite," i took it back quickly while she laughed.

"no silly. at my studio there's an open ballet class.. i think you should come," she smiled.

"wait really? why me?" i said, confused.

"because surprisingly, i enjoy your company," she giggled, "so see you at seven tonight? at canadian dance company?" she grabbed her bag as i nodded.

"i wouldn't miss it for the world," i smiled while she made her way out.

i was supposed to go to my moms studio tonight to help out but hopefully she understands.

after leaving set i got into my moms car, she had been waiting for me outside, "ready to come to work?" she asked happily while starting to drive.

"actually.." i started slowly, "i was invited to a ballet class at canadian dance company tonight. can i go?"

"canadian dance company?" she replied, "why would you want to go there i thought you loved stars academy?"

"i do, but this girl-"

she laughed, cutting me off, "say no more. of course you're going because of a girl."

after some bickering in the car, she took me to canadian dance company at the right time. i went in and had what felt like the best class ever. i really loved it there, everyone made me feel so welcomed. plus.. it's briars studio. she's such an amazing dancer and a sweet girl. i would love to get to know her more and be able to dance as well as her - maybe i should consider switching studios? i just have to think of valid reasons to bring up the topic to my mom of course.

"so who was that guy you were hanging out with at dance?" she smirked as we went inside our house.

"a co-worker," i replied, making my way to my bedroom upstairs.

"a co-worker? briar you're thirteen, you don't have a job," she followed.

"i do, i work on the next step," i said proudly while stopping in my door way, "he's my friend okay? like you said i'm thirteen. i don't have a job and i'm too young for a boyfriend so don't even get that idea," i shut the door then got ready for bed. i love my sister but she gets so annoying.. like all of the time.

oh well, the next day i went to set once again.. and i was greeted by myles in hair and makeup, "good morning," he said happily, wrapping his arms around me.

"morning!" i smiled doing the same.

hugs became our thing. sure we only knew each other for one day but we could both tell that we were made to be best friends.

"did you have a good sleep last night?" we both sat down as the girls started doing their work.

"yeah it was pretty great, what about yourself?" i asked.

"it was good. i dreamed about you," he smirked causing me to laugh as i watched him in the mirror.


months had gone by, it had practically been a year since myles and i became friends. nothing had really changed, we were a lot closer than we used to be. to be honest.. he's the best thing that has ever happened to me. i've never had a best friend like him, i'm just so blessed.

but putting all of those thoughts aside it was our first dance competition together. that's right myles transferred to my studio, i was so excited when he told me it was going to happen! allain instantly arranged us to do a trio with devon, we performed that yesterday and it did amazing. i'm so proud of both of them, and myself of course. we all worked so hard and it paid off.

but today was solo performances.. i'm honestly so nervous. i'm used to doing solos for the younger divisions but this year i was moved up and the pressure was just getting to me, i didn't know how to deal with it.

just minutes before it was my turn to dance, i was sitting in the dressing room. i didn't know what to do or how to feel - i was just nervous.

i played with my hands while focusing on the ground as i heard a familiar voice, "what are you doing in here bri?" i looked up seeing a worried myles standing over me.

"i don't think i can dance.. i feel like i'm gonna be sick," i looked away.

i frowned, sitting down in front of her, "briar nolet, nervous? since when?" she looked at me again, "you are one of the most talented dancers i know. way more talented than the girls that are on stage right now. just because your small doesn't mean that you aren't a crazy powerhouse that can explode at any given time she wants to. now what's making you feel this way?"

she sighed, "everyone's so much older than me and worked longer than i have.. what if i don't have what it takes to win this? everyone will be disappointed in me."

"b, everyone will be proud of you regardless," i explained, taking her hands in mine, "you're one incredible dancer and i believe in you. you got this in the bag okay? and if you don't then.. i owe you a twenty piece chicken nugget meal from mcdonald's."

she laughed a little while nodding, "okay fine. sounds good," i smiled while getting up. she got up as well, "you always know what to say."

i took my hands away and placed my hands on her cheeks, wiping her tears away, "that's what best friends are for."

she pulled me into what felt like our tightest hug ever we stayed there for a moment until we were interrupted by our clearly stressed out dance teacher, "briar you're on now!" he shouted.

we quickly made our way out of the dressing room and over to the stage. briar going on, taking centre-stage, looking like a queen as always.

she began dancing and wow.. it was the best i had seen her dance ever. everything was technically perfect, her emotions was on point, her tricks were unbelievable, "that's my best friend!" i shouted while smiling, watching her from the side lines. she was the most perfect dancer i had ever met.

she happily ran off of the stage after posing for a few seconds, she then came over to me instantly giving me a big hug, "i did it!" she exclaimed happily.

"you did! and you killed it," i smiled, returning with the same excitement.

"now it's your turn to dance then awards then ice cream," she giggled while i nodded, "you're going to kill it m."

"thank you b," i replied, still smiling.

after myles danced they announced all of the awards i got third place, myles placed first in his division. i'm so proud of him.

we then went out for ice cream like we promised and just shared an amazing time together. he's my best friend you know? i say it a lot but he really means so much to me. i would be lost without him, he really is kind of a rock that holds my life together haha.

anyways, a few weeks have passed now and it was time to get back into the studio again. our next competition was at the end of the month so we needed to take the critiques we got from the judges and really apply them so we can be even better the next time around.

right now we're just wrapping up our trip rehearsal. myles has his solo practice after this, which makes me sad because usually we hangout after practice but it's okay. he wants to be the best dancer he can be and i admire that so much.

as i'm heading out to meet my mom i heard that familiar voice, "b wait!" myles came running outside after me.

i laughed a little as he picked me up and spun me around, "what are you doing?"

"saying goodbye," he smiled, setting me on the ground. he pulled me into a tight hug while i wrapped my arms around him.

"i'll see you tomorrow," i muttered into his neck. it was so cold outside but he was warm so.. this hug was really helping me out.

"of course, i'll miss you," he smiled while slowly letting go.

"i'll miss you too m," i smiled.

then i was taken by surprise when i felt his soft lips placing a gentle kiss on my cheek. but after he had done so i felt the blood rush right to my cheeks as my face begun turning red.

"bye!" he smiled then made his way back inside.

myles just kissed me? wow.. i thought to myself. i just calmed down as much as i could then got into my moms car.

"i seen that," she smirked, "so when's the wedding? is abbey the maid of honour? can i decorate?" she teased, causing me to laugh.

"he's my best friend mom, stop secretly shipping us, it's weird," i continued to laugh.

she chuckled, "well franci and i have placed bets already as to when you two will get together. my guess is running out so you better make it soon."

"ha ha," i rolled my eyes slightly.

"can you be honest with me for a second though?" her tone changed to a more serious one, "do you have feelings for him?"

i shrugged, "i never really thought about him in any way other than as a friend before."

"do you think he's cute?" she replied quickly.

"i mean.." i giggled, feeling my cheeks turn bright red again, "i guess so."

she sighs, "what it would be like to be young and in love again."

i laughed, "i'm not in loveeee."

"yeah whatever," she smirked to herself and continued to drive us back home.

"hey baby how was practice?" i was greeted by my mother as i got into the car.

"it was great," i smiled, remembering what happened after my practice with briar.

we've only known each other for like two years now but if i'm being completely honest.. ever since i first met her i knew that this girl was mine. she was everything i had hoped for in a girl, if not more. she was talented, sweet, caring and she loves puppies. what more could i ask for in somebody? we are so in sync and if anything ever worked out between us i know it would last for a long time. she's basically my girlfriend now but we don't have the title yet.

"how's briar and devon?" she snapped me out of my thoughts as she began to drive.

"briar's.. fantastic," i smiled to myself.

she laughed, "and devon?"

"what? oh we didn't talk much," i looked at her as she continued to laugh.

"okay what happened? you're usually distracted but not this distracted. what's up?"

"i kissed briar today," i kept smiling as she gasped, "on the cheek. but i kissed her!" i continued excitedly.

"cute!! when's the wedding?" she asked half seriously.

"mom we're still babies," i replied as we both started to laugh.

"but seriously what was her reaction?" she parked after a minute.

"well i don't know.. i got scared, yelled bye and left," i looked at her.

she shook her head in embarrassment, "oh my gosh myles you're dumb."

"hey, no i'm not."

"you should've said something, not just bye," she laughed.

"it's fine.. i think," i tried to reassure myself.

"mwah! oh shit bye!" she teased.

i rolled my eyes and got out of the car, then made my way inside. i decided to skip supper and just go right to bed.

after plugging my phone in i decided to text briar. my mom made me feel embarrassed about kissing her so i thought i should apologize.

hey b! i'm sorry about earlier.. i don't know what i was thinking. forgive me? i texted.

then i soon got a response, sorry for what? kissing my cheek?

yeah, i responded.

why are you sorry?
it was cute :)

her response caused me to blush and feel sooo many butterflies. what? i can't be a soft guy? this girl drives me crazy in the best way possible.. i really like her.

really? i texted back, still trying to process it in real life as well.

yeah! best friends kiss all the time.

oh. well that didn't go as expected. instead of continuing the conversation, i decided to end it. i was too embarrassed now. why can't she see that i like her without me having to tell her? i sighed to myself then shut my phone off.

this turned out to be a bad day.

a few more months have gone by, briar and i are closer than ever. we're practically dating at this point but i haven't popped the question yet. i went over to her and jordan on set, "hey."

"i'll leave you two alone," she smirked at briar then walked away while she giggled.

"hey m," we shared a hug, then i gently took her hands.

"so i was thinking, movies tonight?" i smiled, looking into her eyes.

"actually i have a class tonight.. unless you can go to the late show?" she repeated my actions.

"sounds good. what class though?" i asked.

she shrugged, "some hip hop class. allain thinks i should expand on my hip hop skills more so i guess i should listen."

"cool. you better show me videos," i took my hands away as she laughed.

"jessy or someone will probably post videos on instagram," she replied.

"yes.." i paused, "but jessy isn't as good as the briar anne yuriko nolet, is she?"

"shut up. i hate when you use my full name," she rolled her eyes.

i laughed, "that's why i do it," i placed a gentle kiss on her head, "go have a nice class. i'll text you the details about the movie."

"sounds good," she smiled, making her way off set.

i have just now decided that tonight is the night that i'm going to ask her to be my girlfriend. it's been sooo long of us basically being that but i want it to become official. i had texted her all the details now just to wait until the class is over.

after a couple of hours of waiting, the movie was about to start in like ten minutes. i waited at the theatre, popcorn in hand, hoping she would show up any minute.. but she didn't and the movie started without her. i cant believe she stood me up like that - maybe she got a better offer?

i sighed to myself as my phone began to ring. shit. a tonne of 'shh's' were shot my way as i quickly got up, leaving the theatre.

i answered the call, "hello?"

"myles?" tamara asked through sniffles.

"yeah, it's me what's wrong?" i asked, concerned.

"it's briar.." she paused, "she had a seizure at dance and now she won't be able to make it tonight. i'm sorry."

"mom i told you not to tell him!" i heard her shout in the background causing my heart to break.

briar was in trouble and she didn't want me to know about it?

"can you text me what room you're in? i'll be right there," i stated, ignoring what briar had said.

"of course honey," she hung up.

"he cares about you baby, he's coming whether you like it or not," my mother sat down beside me.

i sighed, "but i look terrible! and he's never seen me in a weak state like this, he's going to think i'm a baby."

she laughed a little, "don't be ridiculous sweetie. myles loves you."

"myles doesn't love me," i argued.

"yes, he does. in fact he's in love with you," she implied as i rolled my eyes.

"whatever, what time can i go home?" i asked.

"whenever the doctors get your tests back," she kissed my head gently.

i just nodded in response. i was happy that myles was coming.. but i didn't want to see him looking like this. i look so bad. i have a bruise on my head from falling on the floor and my hair is all messy, plus my mascara is all under my eyes i look like a raccoon!

also, i didn't feel like explaining what happened to another person, even though it was just myles. i didn't want to relive that moment over and over again, it was scary. i had no control over my body or my mind and.. i just don't want it to happen again.

"briar," he said happily, making his way over to give me a hug, "oh my gosh are you okay? what happened?"

i hugged back, "i feel better now, but i don't want to talk about it."

"of course, don't worry about it," he replied understandably, "i was just worried about you. are you sure you're alright?"

"yeah i'm good. better now that you're here," i smiled a little then moved over on the bed, "lay with me?"

he nodded and laid beside me, "wait. first, i got something for you."

"you did?" i asked, confused as he held up a beautiful bouquet of flowers, "myles they're perfect," i smiled.

"like you," he responded while passing the flowers to my mom, "i know they won't heal you but i got them so you would know that i was thinking about you," he smiled while wrapping his arms around me.

"aren't you always thinking about me?" i bragged.

"of course," he joked.

after a while of talking, sharing some laughs and just enjoying each other's company, the doctor came back and we were finally able to go home. he said that all of my tests came back negative, which is an amazing thing, don't get me wrong.. but that doesn't explain why this happened and i guess that scares me a little.

we stood outside of the hospital as my mom walked around trying to find her car, "i'm really sorry about tonight," i looked at him, frowning.

"hey don't worry about it, your health is more important. we have our whole lives to watch movies together," he replied causing me to smile.

"why are you so understanding like that?" i laughed slightly, "no matter how bad a situation goes you always try to find the positive things."

he shrugged, "i've never really been like that.. i guess you just bring out the good in me," he smiled.

i blushed in return as my mom cut us off by honking on her horn.

he chuckled, "i'll come over tomorrow okay b?"

"sounds great," i smiled. he kissed my head then we were off.

i put on the nicest dress i owned, straightened my hair and put on some light makeup. it had been a few months since my last seizure.. i've been a little more cautious lately but i'm slowly getting over it. anyway, i just got ready to go to cdc's end of the year party. i'm so excited.. myles and i are going as each other's dates. no, we aren't dating but we thought it'd be fun to switch things up a bit.

since the next step season four had come out, there's been quite a bit of buzz around myles and i. so many fans shipped us together, they call us 'bryles' it's so cute! i never looked at myles in that way, i always thought that he's cute but other than that i just kind of looked at him in a brother way.. but i thought going with him tonight would be fun so here we are now.

i met myles in front of cdc, he greeted me by pulling me into one of our legendary hugs, "how are you?" i asked kindly after he let go.

"better now that you're here," he chuckled while opening the door for me, "how about yourself ms. nolet?"

i giggled and went inside, "i'm fantastic. also thank you for opening the door for me. how chivalrous."

he raised an eyebrow at me at the same time he followed me inside, "chivarl-what?" we both laughed.

"you'll learn when you're older," i joked.

he frowned, "but i'm older than you?"

"not mentally."

"mean," he started tickling me, causing me to let out probably the loudest scream ever. all eyes were on us as this annoying sixteen year old tickled me. he's so weird sometimes.

"stop please!" i said through tears of laughter, "i'm begging you!"

"fine," he laughed, placing his arm around my waste, "just because i love you."

i rolled my eyes slightly in response to that. he says he loves me all of the time.. i don't know what way he means it but it confuses me every time. is he in love with me? does he love me how i love him? or what? i honestly don't know.

after spending a lot of time with briar, i decided to go say hi to some of my older friends. being casted for the next step was an amazing experience that i'll never give up but i'm sad that i don't really get to see my friends outside of the show that often.. i'm glad there's these events though, so that we can catch up.

i talked and talked to my old buddies after what felt like hours, as i heard allain start to panic.

"have you called the ambulance yet?!" he whisper-yelled to his son, isaac as i made my way over.

"hey what's going on?" i asked curious.

"nothing. go enjoy the party," isaac scoffed, i rolled my eyes slightly in response.

"briar had a seizure," allain blatantly told me. oh my gosh.. this was my fault! i left her to hang out with my friends and now look what happened. i bet if i wasn't such a dumbass and i stayed with her this wouldn't have happened?

"where is she," i asked.. more of a statement rather than a question.

"in the first studio, my wife is with her now. tamara and alan are going to the hospital when she gets picked up," he responded.

i quickly ran out of the lobby and into the studio. the second i seen briars poor lifeless body laying on the bench, i immediately went over and picked her up. i sat down, holding her close, "i got her from here mrs. lupien," i looked at her. she nodded and made her way out, "fuck b i'm so sorry. this is all my fault," i felt my eyes tearing up as i stared at her blank face, "i love you. so so much. i can't even put it into words. i'm the reason this happened to you and i'm so sorry, i won't ever leave your side again no matter what. i love you and i really need you to be okay. i know you're still breathing but whatever's going on i need you to fight.. please," i frowned.

eventually, the ambulance workers came and picked her up. we went to the hospital, she woke up, tests came back fine and she was sent home. briar forgave me for what happened despite telling me multiple times that i was being ridiculous and that i had nothing to do with it.. i still felt responsible. i couldn't help but feel that way. she was my date and she ended up in the hospital.. i sighed to myself as i made my way into my house.

i went up into my bedroom, closing the door once i got in. i took my shirt off and changed my jeans to sweatpants then i laid down on my bed.

after a few minutes of laying in the quiet i started to hear my phone ringing. i rubbed my eyes then picked it up, i was more than delighted to see that it was a facetime call from briar. i answered it immediately to see her worried face, "what's wrong?"

"i just started to have a seizure.. i stopped it but i don't know what to do. i'm shaking and i want to cry," she teared up.

i frowned at her words, i can't imagine what she's going through, "do you want me to come over?" she nodded a little, "say no more then. i'm on my way."

"t-thank you.." she replied nervously while wiping her eyes.

i ended the call then got my things and went back downstairs. after a few minutes of driving (and i quick stop at tim hortons) i finally arrived at briars house. i texted her to let her know i was here so i didn't wake anyone up. she told me just to go in, so i went in and directly made my way into her room.

she looked up at me, her whole body was shaking.. but a tiny smile had appeared on her face, "thank you for coming."

"of course b," i smiled, sitting down beside her, "i even stopped at tim's to get you your favourite timbits."

i passed her the box as she giggled, "you're the best."

"i try," i kissed her head gently, "now why don't we lay down and watch a movie or something while you enjoy your treat?"

"sounds like a plan," she smiled then laid back, i followed her actions. i turned on disney plus, turning on some of her favourite disney movies as we just cuddled and watched them all night.

we had already watched frozen, a few episodes of hannah montana, the first and second high school musical, but once the third one came she was out like a light. i looked down at her as she slept softly, i can't even imagine what she's going through right now.. i just want to be there for her you know? like have you ever loved someone so much that you just want to take all of their pain away from them because you only want to see them happy? i don't know maybe i'm just being silly.. i just love her and i want her to be okay no matter what.

"are you sure this is going to work?" kingsley, myles' youngest brother looked up at me as i giggles and nodded.

"he's going to be so surprised!" i said excitedly placing the last candle on myles' birthday cake, "tah dah!" i smiled.

it has been roughly a month since my last seizure, in about a week i'm going to a neurologist to get special tests done on my head to try and figure out what's going on.. i'm extremely nervous so because of that i planned myles a surprise party.

it's his seventeenth birthday, he deserves a party! what kind of a best friend would i be if i didn't surprise him?

after a while everyone arrived, i put on my favourite dress and did my hair just how myles liked it - now it's just a waiting game for him to get here! i can hardly wait.

"he's here!" tyson, his older brother, whisper-yelled. everyone made their way to their hiding spots as i stood beside the door.

soon, myles opened the door and in unison we all shouted, "surprise!"

a huge smile appeared on his face, "holy shit you guys!" he chucked.

i quickly wrapped my arms around him, "happy birthday m!"

his smile grew as he wrapped his arms around myself, "thank you. did you plan this?"

"duh, isn't it the bestest thing ever?!" i giggled, kissing his cheek.

he laughed, "well bestest isn't a real word but it's definitely incredible. why did you go through all of this trouble for me b?"

"because i love you," i smiled, looking into his eyes.

his cheeks turned a bright red, "really?" he asked in disbelief.

"of course! now let's dance!" i took his hands and led him over to the dance floor.

it's been an amazing party - everything is perfect. briar killed it, as always. what can't this girl do? eventually a slow song had started to play.

quickly, i made my way over to briar, "may i have this dance?" i smirked.

she giggled, "of course birthday boyy," she placed her hands on my shoulders as i placed mine on her waist, "did you enjoy your party?"

"this has been the best day ever, i can't thank you enough for this," i smiled.

"it was nothing, honestly. i just wanted to make this day perfect for you," she smiled in return, looking into my eyes.

"any day with you is perfect," i pulled her closer.

she looked at me, confused, "why do you always say things like that m?"

"like what?"

"like you're in love with me or something," she laughed a little.

i could feel chills run all through my body. was i being too obvious? what do i do? what do i say?

after pausing for a moment, "maybe i am," i looked back into her, gentle blue eyes.

"what?" a small smile starts to appear on her face as her cheeks turned bright red.

"i'm in love with you, briar anne yuriko nolet," i said, proudly.

"it's about time you told me," she giggled causing me to laugh.

"how long have you known?"

she leaned in, our lips connected quickly after her actions. we kissed for what felt like forever in the best way, once our lips parted she just laid her head on my shoulder, "forever."

i smiled, leaving a gentle kiss on her forehead, "will you do me the honour of being my girlfriend?"

"i thought you'd never ask."

myles, along with my parents and i waited in the doctors office for my results to come back. it's been a week of myles and i dating, its been amazing.. he's helped me through so much. of course lots of things through my whole life but especially within this last week. i went to see the neurologist, i had to have this things attached to my head for a whole twenty four hours, it was terrible.. but thank goodness myles was there to help.

the doctor made his way in, sitting down at his desk, "mrs nolet?"

"that's me," i assured him as myles squeezed my hand slightly, i looked over at him.

he smiled a little and mouthed to me, "you're the strongest girl i know."

i smiled in return as the doctor spoke up, "so we've come down to what your problem is," he caught my attention, causing me to look back in his direction.

"what is it? am i okay? am i dying?" i looked.

he laughed, "no, nothing that extreme don't worry."

i nodded a little as my mom piped up, "whats the problem then? is it curable?"

"briar has epilepsy.. not necessarily curable but definitely manageable," he said reassuringly.

i just felt numb. i know there are lots of people in the world who have it worse than me.. but what would this mean? i take pills for the rest of my life? i cant dance again? what is it?

"it seems that her triggers for seizures are picking up new things, like dance choreography? i'm not sure exactly, but as life goes on she'll be able to tell what triggers her and what doesn't. the most common trigger is strobe lights, she doesn't suffer from that one though which is a good thing, the potentially worst trigger isn't yours," he explained to my family as i just sat there.

i didn't know what to think of this, what would come of this?

after the appointment, my parents drove us home. myles and i sat in the back seat, i stared blankly out the window which clearly caught m's attention, "it's gonna be okay b."

"how do you know that?" i replied calmly.

"because you're a fighter," he wrapped his arm around me, "remember when we were little and you dislocated your shoulder? you thought it would be the end of everything for you?" i nodded slightly, "guess what? you made it through that. remember when you got a concussion and you thought you wouldn't be able to come back from it? look at you, better than ever."

"telling me dumb things i got through isn't going to help the situation at all myles," i snapped, turning my head towards him.

"maybe not.. but i just want you to realize that you're strong. this maybe a setback but you won't let it stop you. because you're briar nolet. you're my fighter and i know you got this. so have a little faith in yourself okay? your whole life seems to be crashing down right now, i get it, trust me.. but you still have me. you'll always have me, maybe i'm not dance but i'm going to stand by your side and help you through everything no matter what," he said leaving a soft kiss on my cheek.

"i don't need anyone by my side myles," i replied harshly, "i need this stupid disease to go away!" i raised my voice.

"shh baby, we're going to get through this," my dad reached back placing his hand on my knee, he used to do this all of the time when i was younger and upset.

"we aren't going to get through anything. you guys don't have the problem! i do! my whole life is over!" my eyes began to fill with tears, i noticed myles our of the corner of my eye. the same thing was happening to him so i turned towards him, "whats your problem?"

he blinked away his tears, "i just hate seeing you like this b."

i looked away again. after a few minutes we stopped at his house, he said goodbye but i said nothing. then we got home and i went straight up to my bedroom, closing and locking the door.

maybe i was overreacting but i had every right to. life right now is shitty, i may not even be able to dance again.. it's like my whole life is falling apart and i can't do anything to stop it.

dance is my world, ever since my first recreational class i knew it was my passion. it was something that i would never be able to live without.. but now i may have to.

is this disease worth blocking everyone out? is it worth ruining the things in my life that i can control? no.. but i still just need time to myself to process everything.

it's been a month since i was diagnosed. i've been taking pills and overall they had seemed to be working. myles reached out to me a million times a day but i just didn't feel up to answering him. he was my boyfriend but i didn't want him to see me like this.

you heard what he said, i'm his strong girl.. not really. i'm an average girl who's scared of literally everything now.

but today was finally the day that i attempt to go back to dance. i'm starting off with just a private class with allain.. i'm nervous but he knows my conditions more than anyone else so i trust him to help me through this.

i walked into cdc a little while before my class, i wanted to make sure i was extra prepared. as i quickly made my way through the lobby i bumped into devon, "shit, sorry!"

"hey it's okay," he laughed a little, as myles turned his attention onto me.

"b?" he looked at me in disbelief, "you're here," the sweetest smile appeared on his face as he pulled me into a warm hug.

i smiled at his actions, i've been in need of a hug from him for so long. i wrapped my arms around him tighter, "i'm so sorry," i began to tear up.

"what? why?" he pulled away slightly, his arms still around me as we made eye contact.

"i shut you out.." i sniffled.

he released me from his embrace, placing his hands on my cheeks soon wiping my tears away, "you were going through stuff, i get it. you don't ever have to apologize when you're going through something. i just wanted you to know that i was there no matter what."

"so you don't hate me? you don't want to break up?" i asked.

a shocked look appeared on his face, "no baby, never. you're my girl," he took my hands, "forever and always."

"how did i get so lucky?" i smiled looking into his perfect eyes.

"how did i get luckier?" he joked.

after two years of briar being diagnosed with epilepsy a lot of things have changed. her attitude at first wasn't the best. she became depressed, anxious and stressed out all of the time, it was understandable considering what had happened in the past. she shut me out at first.. it was hard but i understood. when my parents got divorced i didn't want anything to do with anyone.. i can't imagine possibly having the thing that i love to do taken away from me. so i stayed. no matter what i was going to be there for her, even if she didn't want to be my girlfriend anymore.

but.. spoiler alert she did. we've been dating for almost three years now, we're so in love. she's literally my soulmate, i'd be lost without her.

although we're extremely young, me being nineteen, her being eighteen.. i want to propose to her at some point. or give her a promise ring. she's the love of my life, the girl i want to spend the rest of my life with.. damn i'm just so in love.

but putting that aside, she has some exciting news to tell me today, so i'm just waiting in my studio for her to come and tell me what's up.

i felt a pair warm hands cover my eyes, "guess whoooo!" briar exclaimed excitedly.

i laughed, "ummm.. jlo?"

"no, but funny you guess that," she took her hands away and sat her stuff down on the chair beside me. she sat on my lap in a straddle position pulling me in for a passionate kiss.

after kissing for a couple of minutes, as we pulled apart i was greeted with a very happy briar, "so what's up?" i asked, wrapped my arms around her waist.

"remember how someone from jennifer's team reached out to franci about me being on world of dance season two?" i nodded, "well you know we had to say no.. but they asked me to audition for season three!" she squealed happily.

"that's amazing babe!" i hugged her, "i'm so proud of you!"

"thank you! i'm so excited," she giggled while hugging back, "i already sent my audition video and i'll be getting an email any second to find out if i get to go on the show. i'm so nervous," she pulled back, leaving her hands on my shoulders.

"i know you got in, come on you're briar freaking nolet," i smiled as she placed a gentle kiss on my nose.

"i love you."

"i love you to-" i was cut off by briar gasping.

"i got an email!" she said excitedly, she used her phone for a minute then started screaming.

"you got in?!" i asked.

"yes!" she hugged me again.

"that's sick baby, i'm so proud of you," i hugged back, leaving a soft kiss on her cheek.

after pulling away she sat up slightly, properly reading the email, "okay they want me to use the piece jo and i created for my video at the qualifiers."

"to the billie eilish song?" she nodded.

"we go to la next week to start filming," she replied, setting her phone down, "oh my gosh i can't even believe it."

"the whole worlds gonna know your name babyyy," i smiled causing her to laugh.

"as if they don't already," she flipped her hair dramatically while still laughing.

i joined in then after a moment i put a serious, flirtatious face on, "i guess this calls for a celebration then?" she smirked while nodding as i chuckled.

she wrapped her arms and legs around me, i got up and carried her upstairs for a long, sweet night of lots of celebrating.

i sat with tamara and alan as we watched briar stretch and prepare for her first dance on the show. she was nervous but because the cameras were filming her she had her brave face on. she was killing it though.

after talking to the camera men, they eventually walked away. she came over to us, frowning, "i'm scared."

"you got this girl," alan said happily, having full faith in his daughter.

"if any female soloist can do it, it's you baby," tamara stood up, hugging briar. i smiled while watching them.

eventually they let go and she turned to me. i stood up, taking her hands, "repeat after me."

"okay?" she laughed a little.

"i am briar nolet," i said seriously.

"you are myles erlick," she laughed again, causing me to break my serious state.

"i was trying to helpppp," we continued laughing, "look baby, you're gonna go out there and kill it okay? go show those judges whats upppp," i smiled.

"what's upppp," she mocked, we laughed again as we embraced each other in a hug. we pulled away, sharing a small peck on the lips then it was her time to dance.

we said our goodbyes and quickly made our way to our spots.

"now introducing briar nolet!" the announcer said excitedly. i watched as my perfect girlfriend made her way to the centre of the stage. i whistled as she did so.

she danced her routine beautiful, everything was technically perfect. her face was incredible throughout the whole routine, she owned that stage just like always. she killed that.

after the judges gave their critiques, although i don't think she needed any, she was flawless and definitely deserved a one hundred.. she got an 87.3% which is highly incorrect in my opinion, we still celebrated her because she killed it.

after about of month of filming world of dance, it had finally ended. i was proud of everything i did on the show, all of my dances were amazing, i improved so much as a dancer from just being on the show and meeting so many new people. it was such an amazing experience that i'll never forget.

i got 87.3% in the qualifier round, 90.3% in the duels, i won redemption, 95.3% in both the cut and the finals, then in the world finals i unfortunately got 92.7% which put me in last place of that round.

it was a little discouraging since i really thought i had this in the bag.. i wanted to prove to every young girl out there that no matter what your struggles are, you can do anything. you don't need a big group, you don't need a man, you don't need anyone but yourself to accomplish something this big.. although i didn't win i still hope that i was able to inspire others to live there dreams and to not let difficult bumps in the road stop them from accomplishing anything.

"i'd like to make a toast," myles piped up catching everybody's attention, "to my amazingly talented, strong, inspiring badass lady. to us, you're a winner. forever and always. our world of dance champ," he smiled while looking into my eyes.

i blushed, pecking his lips, "i love you."

"i love you too," he smiled as everyone shouted cheers.

maybe i didn't win the money.. but i have the best prize of all. a loving, caring family. the best dance coach i could've ever asked for.. and the best boyfriend ever. life couldn't get better!

"now i have an announcement," he set his glass down, looking around at everyone, "so as some of you may know, i auditioned for a steven spielberg movie at the start of this year," some of us nodded in response, "well.. i found out today that i got in. you're looking at snowboy in west side story!" he explained excitedly.

"that's amazing!" i smiled, pulling him in for a side hug.

"that's great myles! where are you filming it?" my mom asked happily.

"well, in new york. i move out there next spring," he looked down at me.

i frowned slightly but tried to hide it.. maybe this day wouldn't be the best. in twenty-nineteen it's going to be so busy. i have to film the next step, and another movie.. how am i going to have time to see him..?

i moved my last box into my apartment. i looked up at my beautiful girlfriend as she walked around the place, "it's pretty nice i guess."

i laughed a little going over and wrapping my arms around her waist, "it's beautiful. even more when you're in it."

she blushed slightly, turning around to face me.

she was upset that i was going to be living here for a while. not because she doesn't want me to follow my dreams but because she hates when we spend a lot of time apart. i hate it to but we have to take into consideration that we're both young emerging artists. we need to take time and do whatever we can to help our careers. i'm going to miss her but she's also going on tour with jennifer lopez! which is absolutely crazy if you ask me.

i'm so proud of her.. but this is gonna be the longest time we've been apart. it's going to be hard but i know we can make it through.

i took a small box out of my pocket and looked up at her, "i have a present for you, close your eyes," she raised her eyebrow slightly but still continued, closing her eyes. i lifted her arm up then opened the box to reveal a bracelet, after putting it on her wrist i said, "okay open."

she opened them and looked down at her wrist, "aw thank you baby, it's cute."

"it isn't just cute," i rolled my sleeve up slightly, "i have a matching one.. well kind of. these are called distance bracelets. you have one with all white beads which represents yourself, i have one with all black which represents me - then when you turn it around, you have one black bead and i have one white. which basically means that we have a piece of each other with us at all times. no matter how far away we go from each other, no matter how long it is, we are and always will be connected."

she teared up slightly then embraced me in a tight hug, "i'm just going to miss you so much."

"me too," i reciprocated her actions.

it was going to be hard but i know we can make it through. one hundred percent.

"i love you," she smiled.

"i love you more," i replied happily, then placing my finger gently on her lips, "shh. don't fight me. you know i'm stubborn and i'll win."

she laughed in response. we then made our to my new bedroom, laying down on the bed. we cuddled up to each other and eventually fell asleep.

the next day, we said our goodbyes. it was time for her to go off on tour with jennifer and for me to begin filming west side story. it sucks but i know we're such a strong pair, we can get through anything.

"i'm so excited for tonight!" i said happily to my sister, after a month of being on tour with jlo, i was finally in toronto for a show. i missed my friends and family so much so getting to perform in front of them is so exciting.

"i'm so excited to," she replied, "i've been watching instagram videos, you've been doing so well."

"awh, thanks a," i smiled, hugging her.

"no problem," she hugged back then soon let go, "dad left you a present upstairs before he left for work. let's go get it?"

"i love presents!" i giggled as i made my way upstairs, abbey following behind.

as soon as i got closer to the top i was greeted by a familiar voice, "i see you've made it home for dinner," i looked up to be shocked by a happy mylo looking back at me.

"oh my gosh shut up!" i squealed whilst my eyes filled with tears, "stop it!" i started crying as he made his way over wrapping his strong arms around me.

"surpriseeee!" he laughed softly, rubbing my back.

"so that's why you've been ignoring me," i wiped my eyes then wrapped my arms around him as well, "i can't believe you're here! like what?"

"i had a surprise day off and i wanted to come surprise you," he kissed my head gently, "unfortunately i can't stay for the show.. but i am here for a few hours."

"i think that's my que to go?" abbey laughed then made her way back downstairs.

myles picked me up and took me upstairs, into my room. we caught up, kissed a lot, among other things.. we just mainly enjoyed each other's company. i haven't seen this man in so long, so i'm glad that we had this time to catch up and just cuddle.

soon though, it was time for him to go. i was sad but i understood. we both are just so busy right now, even seeing him for this long was a miracle.

i dropped him off at the airport, performed at the show then made my way to the next city.

once the tour ended, i filmed the next step season seven. it was weird without myles but.. i made it through. then we went on an australian tour with the next step - sadly more time away from him.. but then we went on a uk tour and he came!! i was so ecstatic when he told me he was coming.

we had so much fun, shared so many amazing moments together, on and off stage.. we just had the time of our lives. but now that the excitement has calmed down, myles and i both realized that this year we barely seen each other. we were both so busy in so many ways.. we cherished every moment but looking back i feel like i haven't spent real time with him in a year. so when myles noticed that we both felt the same way, he surprised me with a trip to paris!!

we've already been here for a few days, we go home tomorrow but we have one last night here. myles is taking me on a lovely date, his words, not mine haha. i'm just so excited.

"are you ready baby?" i yelled from the bottom of the stairs. we were staying in an airbnb, an amazing one to be more clear. only the best for my girl.

"coming!" she replied happily, making her way down. she was wearing a stunning dress, her hair was half up half down and curled as well.. she looked beautiful.

"wow," was the only thing i could say.

she giggled while taking my hand, "i could say the same about you. you clean up nice," she smiled.

we went outside, got into our lift. it was a small drive to the first place we were going to - but when we got there we made our way over to a gate on the side of a bridge.

briar gave me a confused look as i took a lock out of my pocket, "what are you doing babe?"

i held it up, "this my beautiful lady, is a love lock. see it says m heart b?" she looked at it and nodded, "we're going to lock it on this bridge then throw away the key.. because it symbolizes unbreakable love. no matter what comes our way, we'll always be together. we're together forever."

she smiled, "that's so cute."

we both put the lock on the gate, then she threw the key into the river below us. she watched as it hit the water, i wrapped my arm around her as she did so.

she looked up at me with an adorable sparkle in her eye, "you know this means you're stuck with me forever right?"

i chuckled, "i wouldn't have it any other way."

then, we shared a kiss. eventually after that, we ventured to the restaurant. after getting settled in, we started eating and just having casual conversation.. until it was finally time for my surprise.

"mom?" briar looked over as her parents sat down beside us, "what are you doing here?" she laughed.

tamara looked at me while smiling, then turned her attention back to her daughter, "you'll see."

"what?" she raised an eyebrow at me.

"before i start anything, i have a question," i turned to face alan, "do i have your permission to do this?"

permission to do what? i thought to myself.

"of course," my father responded.

"okay what's going on?" i laughed, looking at everyone.

myles got up, "briar anne yuriko nolet," i turned my attention to myles, "you are the most amazing thing that's ever happened to me. you know i don't like to get sappy too often.. but i really am the luckiest guy to have you by my side," he took out a small box out of his pocket then got down on one knee, "i am in love with you. i always have been and i always will be. you're like this light in my life that i never knew that i needed to have until i met you. you have helped me become the person i am today.. you've been through so much with me and i wouldn't change any second we've spent together, any memory we have together.. i just wouldn't change anything, okay? you're my girl briar and.. i want to make that permanent so," he opened the box to reveal a gorgeous diamond ring, "baby, will you marry me?"

my eyes began to fill up with tears as i looked down at my sweet, caring boyfriend.. i can't believe this was happening! i've been waiting for this for so long and now it's finally happening.

i've known this guy my whole life.. if you told thirteen year old me that this would be the guy i was going to marry - i wouldn't believe you. we've been through thick and thin.. through everything together. i'm so blessed that i have someone like him in my life.

from the highs to the lows.. he's always stuck by me, no matter what. if i was on my period and treated him like shit, he'd still show up with chocolate and flowers. when i couldn't get a certain trick and wanted to quit.. he never let me give up. myles is my other half; hes my missing piece. he completes me. not everyone gets to find their true soulmate.. but i am so incredibly thankful that i was able to find mine.

"of course!" i replied happily, we both stood up. he slid the ring onto my finger then his lips instantly crashed into mine.

everyone around us began to cheer, but it honestly didn't matter to me. i wouldn't have cared if it was just me and him there for if it was in front of a million people.

i fell in love with him. and now it's just him and i forever, against the world.

(sorry this is trash, this is what happens when my friends want me to finish a story when i have no motivation😭)z

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