falling in love

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it was a bright summer day here in toronto, ontario. the dance season had just wrapped up, as well as school, now it was summer vacation! although i would still do some dance things over the summer i was happy to be getting a break. i train for other twenty hours a week; i'm desperate for at least one day where i can lay on the couch and binge watch youtube videos all day. anyway, i went inside my house after the last day of school finally ended.

my mom smiled and came over to me, "there's my babyyy! how was school?" she pulled me into a tight hug causing me to smile.

"amazing," i responded, wrapping my arms around her

"perfect," she kissed my head, "so i have good news baby," i raised an eyebrow at her, "remember that show you auditioned for?"

"the next step? of course," i smiled.

"well i just got the email today.. you're going to be in the next season!" she picked me up and spun me around causing me to giggle.

"seriously?!" i exclaimed, "i'm going to be a tv star!"

she laughed, setting me back down, "of course you are baby. the worlds gonna love you. anyway you start filming tomorrow," i smiled as she pulled me into another hug, "i am so proud of you."

"i couldn't have done it without you," i said quietly, laying my head on her chest.

i made my way into the set of the next step. i've never been on tv before so honestly this whole filming thing was weird to me. but i'll get used to it. i went to wardrobe and got dressed, i found out that my characters name will be richelle. so exciting! i also found out that i had to improvise a solo today, i'm kind of nervous because i watch this show all of the time and everyone i so talented - i just don't want to make a fool of myself.

after getting dressed i made my way to hair and makeup, they put on some light powder and such. then they pulled my hair back into a ponytail. i thought it was pretty cute. soon, a crew member directed me to go over and hang out with the other 'j-troupers' that would be on the show. they wanted us to get acquainted so that on camera it wasn't awkward.

"hi my names briar and i'm so excited!" i exclaimed whilst smiling from ear to ear, "what's your name?" i turned to a boy, slightly taller than myself.

"kolton," he smiled.

"great to meet you," we shook hands as i turned to the two girls. they introduced themselves as a young boy came over. we made eye contact as he was making his way over to kolton. they exchanged whispers causing me to raise an eyebrow at them.. but i just brushed it off. i was so excited to be here and to meet these new girls. we are going to be bffs!

"dude do you know her? she's so cute," kolton whispered in my ear causing me to chuckle.

"i have no idea who she is," i responded, looking over at her, "but she is super cute."

"i call dibs," he said seriously.

"or we could let her decide who she likes?" i looked at him as he shrugged slightly.

i redirected myself back to this girl, she was so cute. especially when she accidentally made eye contact every couple of minutes or so.

"do you need something?" she looked at me, annoyed.

"i'm m-myles.." i stuttered.

she laughed a little then stepped closer to me, "i'm briar. nice to meet ya!" she held her hand out.

i smiled slightly then happily took her hand gently, shaking it.

"wait oh my gosh, i remember you from last season! you sang that song.." she paused for a moment then began singing, "wish you welllll i wish you wellll-"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2020 ⏰

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