T. B. Sangster Imagines [REQU...

By BloodyinspiredTri

305K 5.4K 5.6K

~REQUESTS ARE CLOSED~ the title says it all.. some of them are imagines with his characters. Some of them are... More

Hello Shanks!!
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Thomas Brodie-Sangster- Pre-nups and Wedding photos pt. 2
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β†’ Simon Brown- Scullery maid's Voice ←
β†’ Donald Clarke- My Escape is Gone ←
β†’ Newt- Nice to See ya, But I'm Not Her ←
Newt- Nice to See ya, But I'm Not Her pt. 2
Newt- Nice to See ya, But I'm Not Her pt. 3
Newt- Nice to See ya, But I'm Not Her pt. 4
β†’ Thomas Brodie-Sangster- Holy Shuck! ←
β†’ Newt- You can't give up ←
β†’ Thomas Brodie-Sangster AU- Royal Arrangement ←
Thomas Brodie-Sangster AU- Royal Arrangement pt. 2
Thomas Brodie-Sangster AU- Royal Arrangement pt. 3
Thomas Brodie-Sangster AU- Royal Arrangement pt. 4
β†’ Newt- Please.. ←
β†’ Thomas Brodie-Sangster- Read Me Your Fanfictions ←
β†’ Paul McCartney- Beauty and the Beast ←
Paul McCartney- Beauty and the Beast pt. 2
Paul McCartney- Beauty and the Beast pt. 3
β†’ Sam- Mistletoe ←
β†’ Thomas Brodie-Sangster- Mental Institution ←
Hands Down (mini sequel to That's what you get..) Chapter 1
Hands Down- Chapter 2
Hands Down- Chapter 3
Hands Down- Chapter 4
Hands down- Chapter 5
Hands Down- Chapter 6
Hands Down- Chapter 7
Hands Down- Chapter 9
Hands Down- Chapter 10
A Weird Title
β†’ Newt- Happy Pills ←
β†’ Thomas Brodie-Sangster- That's a Wrap! ←
β†’ Whitey Winn- For Once, Louise ←
β†’ Sam- One Guy ←
β†’ Samuel Emerson- Next Door ←
β†’ Paul McCartney (AU)- Stuck In a Movie ←
Paul McCartney (AU)- Stuck In a Movie pt. 2
Paul McCartney (AU)- Stuck In a Movie pt. 3
β†’ Newt- What did I do? ←
β†’ Newt (AU)- I wish I was her... ←
Newt (AU)- I wish I was her... pt. 2
β†’ Thomas Brodie-Sangster (AU)- 'Fake' Couple ←
Thomas Brodie- Sangster (AU)- 'Fake' Couple pt. 2
Thomas Brodie- Sangster (AU)- 'Fake' Couple pt. 3
β†’ Thomas Brodie- Sangster- Ballet Recital ←
I got tagged.. again
β†’ Thomas- Brodie Sangster- I'm Home! ←
β†’ Newt- Where Could She Be? ←
Newt- Where Could She Be? pt. 2
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β†’Newt AU- Incoherent Presence←
β†’ Paul McCartney- You Send Me←
β†’ Samuel Emerson- Girl Under the Moon ←
Samuel Emerson- Girl Under The Moon pt. 2
Samuel Emerson- Girl Under The Moon pt. 3
β†’Newt- Circle←
β†’Paul McCartney- Stage Fright Effects←
β†’ Benny Watts- Teenager in Love ←
β†’ Newt- Song for Him ←
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Simon Brown AU- Upon the Blue Walls pt. 2
Simon Brown AU- Upon the Blue Walls pt. 3
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β†’Newt- "The hell is your problem?"←
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Newt- "The hell is your problem?" pt. 3
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Newt- "The hell is your problem?" pt. 5
Newt- "The hell is your problem?" pt. 6
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β†’ Thomas Brodie-Sangster- Tension in the Convention←
It's been fun!

Hands Down- Chapter 8

1.4K 32 93
By BloodyinspiredTri


I didn't know how, but at some point the microphone slipped out of my hand as soon as my eyes caught those familiar chocolate brown orbs.
All of a sudden, I'm having a hard time to breathe.

"Thomas.." My voice came out in a whisper.

Should I be glad that he found me somehow?

Should I run into his arms and cry hysterically?

Should I go ballistic and let it all out in front of the crowd?

My thoughts were interrupted when I felt a familiar pair of lips are attached to mine. Those lips that I've been longing to touch with mine ever since I left...

But I just remembered why I left him.

So I pushed him away from me and slapped him across the face. I heard the crowd gasp but I didn't care, I was too distraught to care. There were tears running down on my face and I didn't even noticed.

I was breathing heavily, trying to contain myself. Thomas came closer to me but I backed up. I was out of words. I shook my head as if saying that I don't want him near me.

I looked around me to find myself that I was still on the stage, with the other looking at the scene we were making.

I couldn't take it..

I'm tired of crying..

So I ran..

I ran without the audacity to care about the people that were still watching the whole situation.

I don't have any idea where my feet will take me. But I sure do hope it's a place where no one will notice me and my current state right now.

A place where I can just forget about this evening.

Soon, my feet came into a halt as they led me to a pub down an alley.

I was about to enter, but my conscience said otherwise. It made me hesitate.

Is this really the right way of forgetting this whole thing?

Sure, I have had a drink of these alcoholic beverages before, but not so much that I would do something stupid enough to get myself hurt.

But of course, I entered the pub anyway. There were only a couple of people hanging here so that was nice. No paparazzi will pester me for the night.

I sighed as I sat in front of the bar. The bartender looked at me, expecting me to say what I want to order. "A bottle of beer please," I quietly ordered. He nodded in understanding and finished wiping a newly washed mug.

He opened the bottle with a bottle opener and let it slide down to my hand. "Thanks." I said to him as I lifted my bottle up as if I was saying 'cheers' to him. I took it to my lips and drank it up as I neglect the burning sensation that was runing down to my throat.

The next thing I know, 6 empty beer bottles are gathered up in front of me and a half-empty bottle of this alcoholic beverage in my hand.

Of course, I got drunk already; my eyes are droopy, my vision is starting to blur, and my head is spinning like a windmill. But I didn't let anyone notice that I was.

I zoned out like a fly. Until the bartender served me a glass of margarita. I looked up to him in bewilderment.

"It's that guy's treat." He nodded across the bar and I followed that direction to see a man checking me out with his smug face.

I may be drunk but that doesn't mean I'd let these kind of people go sauntering over and flirt with me.

I rolled my eyes at him and formed my face into a frown as I stand up from the stool with the glass of margarita in my hand. I approached him whose face is still sitting there smugly.

He was expecting me to go and talk to him like some chick who literally lives in bars. Instead, I glanced at him and put the drink back to him as a sign of not accepting his offer. "I appreciate the treat, mate but I got my own drink," I slurred as I show him the bottle of beer I was holding.

"So I suggest you.." I cut myself off by sneezing in front of him accidentally from the scent of his strong, disgusting cologne tickling my nose, "I suggest you leave me alone before I spit some beer on your... Gucci jacket." With that, I pat his shoulder and his face and got back to my stool afterwards.

I glanced at him once more with a fake smile and put the bottle on my lips to take a swig. But a hand stopped me from doing it.

I frowned and looked up to see who this shank was. Since my vision was blurry and my mind was fuzzy, all I could see is a mop of dirty blonde hair and a pair of brown orbs. "Could you let me drink my beverage darl', please?" I said to him drunkenly as I retract my wrist back from his grip.

I was about attempt taking a swig again, but this guy stopped me once more by snatching the bottle away from me.

Thomas' POV

I snatched the bottle away from her hand this time to get her to stop drinking.

"Give it back, you bloody prick!" She whined as she reached for the beer again.

I've never seen her this drunk before.

"No, Y/N. You're too drunk already. Stop!" I lectured as I get rid of the bottle.

Y/N scoffed and knit her brows together, "why do you care? It's not like you're my dad... oh wait, how would I buggin' know what having a dad feels like? Mine's practically in prison!" She laughed like it was all just a joke. She was already making a scene.

"That's it," I muttered under my breath. I stand her up from the stool and put her arm around my shoulder, "let's get you back to the others," I quietly said to her.

"But I'm not done yet!" She complained. I ignored her complaint as I head out of the door with her. Thankfully, she didn't fought back.


"How do you even know my *hiccup* name? I don't even know who the *hiccup* bloody hell *hiccup* you are.."

She kept stumbling and I was stumbling with her, "You really wasted yourself, didn't you?" I remarked as I struggle to keep my balance with her. She laughed and nodded.

"Funny," she giggled, "you sound like Thomas."

"He was the guy who.. *hiccup* broke my heart. He lied to me as I saw him smooching with another girl." She continued with her Holly Golightly voice impression.

Guilt rushed through me but I stayed quiet. I should never have done that..

I stopped when she stood with her amused, droopy eyes, "Wow, You even do what he does whenever his guilt got the best of him," and the she let herself out of balance and fall backwards. It was a good thing I was fast enough to catch her.

Her head that was hung high went down to face to face with mine. She smiled drunkenly and slurred, "Could you please carry me home tonight?"

I chuckled silently and shook my head as I carry her bridal style. She snuggled against my chest as she clung on my shirt. "You really remind me of Thomas." She mumbled.

"Why do you talk about this guy anyway?" I asked, pretending that she's talking to someone else but me.

"'Cause there might be a possibility that I still love him.." she grumbled.

I wanted to smile. But why would I? She's drunk and she's saying something to me as if I was just some stranger walking her back to the hotel.


Third person's POV

They arrived back at the hotel with Y/N passed out in Thomas' arms.

The blonde boy entered the elevator and pressed the button with his elbow that'll lead them to the highest floor where the group's rooms were.

As Thomas waits for the elevator to reach this particular floor, his thoughts clouded his mind as he looks at the girl.

Should I stay here until we have the chance to talk?

Or should I go?

Does she even want to talk?

The list of questions went on and on in his head. Until he heard the elevator ding. The doors opened automatically and he walked out of the lift. He walked through the hallways, trying to find Y/N's and Stella's room number; 520.

Once he found it, the boy rang the doorbell. Stella immediately opened the door with concern look plastered on her face. "What happened to her?" She questioned quietly.

"Well, if it isn't obvious, she passed out from drinking lots of beer like they're a bucket of fruit juice." Thomas answered.

"Has she done this before?" Asked Thomas.

She looked up to him and shook her head. "She's had a couple of drinks with us while traveling around the world but she doesn't get wasted like this." She recalled.

The blonde boy sighed.

This is my fault..

"May I come in?" He requested.

Stella widened the doorway for him as an answer and Thomas came in. He went straight for Y/N's bed and laid her down like a fragile masterpiece. He took her shoes off and covered her with the duvet.

Thomas looked at her with loving eyes. Loving eyes that also felt sorry for betraying her.

He couldn't contain his tears that were running down his cheeks. It pains him to see her like this. And he blames himself for it.

I shouldn't have done such things..

If I hadn't, we wouldn't have this whole fight..

I'm so bloody stupid..

These thought went on and on inside his head. He bent over and kissed her temple. Oh how he missed doing that; the way he would brush her hair away from her face and give her a loving kiss goodnight before they snuggle together in the same bed until they fall asleep, the way they would wake up in the morning seeing each other's faces and give each other a good morning kiss, everything.

His thoughts were interrupted when Stella spoke up, "You should stay,"

The blonde boy turned to look at her, "It's probably best if you two talk things out without shouting at each other. Besides, it's getting late, you probably don't have a place to stay." The short haired girl added.

"What if she just shuts me off?" He asked.

"If you really love her, you shouldn't just jump into conclusions saying that she'll just shut you off. You shouldn't give up on her." Stella advised.

"Isn't that why she went on going around country to country? To get away from me?" He remarked.

"Maybe," Thomas looked down sadly as Stella answered him, "but it's been months. It think it's time to give up the getting-away treatment and talk to each other face to face. So you have two choices: it's either you break off your whole history together or you make it alive again."

The boy pondered for a moment.

Maybe I should stay.. he thought to himself.

He looked at Stella and nodded. The girl smiled proudly in return, "Alright then. You could sleep on my bed. I'll just sleep with John next door."

"Thank you, Stella. For being our glue." Thomas tells her.

Once again, she smiled, "Anytime, mate. Good luck tomorrow." With that she headed out and closed the door.

Although Thomas's mind was still clouded with thoughts. So he went to his luggage- John brought it to the hotel- to grab a shirt and a new pair of boxer shorts and head to the bathroom to take a quick hot shower to take his mind off of things.

Once he was done, he put on his sleeping clothes and head to Stella's bed.

As he laid down to his side, he analyzed Y/N's sleeping figure where her shoulders went up and down from breathing and her eyes are closed, peacefully sleeping.

I finally found you..

Was the last thing he said in his head before he drifted into a dreamless sleep.


Eyyy.. I updated!! 😂

So.. what do you think about chapter 8?

I hope you all enjoyed reading this chapter as much as I enjoyed writing it.💙💙


Up next is part 2 of 'Beauty and the Beast'💙

Have a nice day/night💙


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