Happily Ever after!

By Unalittlesisofuma

6.2K 123 5

Harmony and the gang are living peacfully in Auradon with a new generation of V.K's that will get to go to Au... More

Good to Be Bad
Queen of mean
Happy Birthday Jane
Do what you gotta do
Night Falls!
One Kiss
Speechless/My once upon a time!
Break this down

Harmony will you marry me?

776 16 0
By Unalittlesisofuma

Harmony's Outfit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Harmony's P.O.V

I walked out to the middle of the belcony crossing my arms seeing Mal looking for Uma every since then Mal's been a little protiev of me i crossed my arms

"Mal really?" I asked her as she jumped a little bit as i crossed my arms

"Harm you scared you" Mal said as i smriked a little bit

"That was the idea, what are you doing?" I asked as i squeld a bit as Ben grabbed me from behind

"Looking for Uma, and there's no tentacle in sight " Mal said as i shook my head a bit

"Mal, i'm pretty sure if Uma was up to something, we'd know by know" Erin said as i nodded in agreement

"Yeah Mal i knew Uma for a long time she'll stric when she wants to" i said as Mal shoom her head

"No, guys Harmony come on we know how villains think as far as i can throw her she's gonna wait until our defenses are down and then that's when she's gonna strike. I really wish i had time to go do the dragob flyover because i can go so much higher" Mal said as i laughed a little

"Mal, you can't be everywhere at once , besides me Ben and Erin got your back now Melody is waiting for ever since she became royal advisour she became scarier" i said as Erin nodded as Mal sighed

"Wait Ben you are getting more guards around Harmony's room right and follow her when she goes out?" Mal asked as i rolled my eyes

"Stop being protieve that's Mom's and Mini Mom's job i'll be fine" i said as Mal smiled a little Mini Mom is Evie

"Okay, Okay let's go" Mal said as i smiled a bit as i locked hands with Ben as we walked off i heard Mal ask Erin to get more guards

"I heard that!" I yelled as Ben laughed a little bit as we walked to front of the school i waved at the cheering crowd

"Hi!" I said with a smile as Melody walked up to us

"Finally! Stay here" Melody ordered me as i looked at her

"Stay here?" I asked pointing to the spot as she nodded i smiled as i saw Evie and Mal beside each other they no something

"Yes" Melody said as she walked off giving Fairy Godmother the wand

"Bippity- boppity one, two, one, two can everybody hear me?" Fairy Godmother asked as i laughed a little bit

"Yes!" Jane yelled at her mother smiling a bit as Carlos had his hand on her shoulder

"Ben" Fairy godmother said as Ben smiled at her

"Thank you Fairy Godmother. What's up Auradon?" Ben asked as everyone cheered happily making me smile a bit

"Thank you. Thank you so much for  coming out to welcome to are new arrivals" Ben said as i smiled happily

"Not like we had a choice" i heard Queen Leah mumbled i chose to igroned her

"It worked out pretty well for the frist five" Ben said as i smiled at my friends

"Yeah, especially for you!" Chad said as i rolled my eyes Coral snapped her fingers at him

"Real funny Chad" Coral said as Stella and Morgan where beside each other

"Harmony, this is exact spot we first met no so long ago. I feel like i've know you my whole life" Ben said as i smiled a bit i saw Melody pointed out Doug okay she need a vaction she's already stressed

But did i mention
I'm in love with you?
I met this girl
That rocked my world
Like it's never been rocked
And now i'm living just for her
And i won't ever stop
I never thought that it could
Happen to a guy like me
But now you've done
You got me down on my knees

Ben sang as i he kneeled down i went wide eyed what is he doing?!

"Harm, it's you and me forever will you marry me? Will you be my Queen?" Ben asked holding a Turquoise and purple gem i gasped in shocked crying a bit

"No!" Audrey yelled as Coral rolled her eyes at her

"Yes!" I yelled happily as he put the ring on me as we hugged happily and kiss each other everyone cheered happily

"Yes!" Mal and Evie yelled as they hugged each other happily

"Yeah!" Carlos yelled as he chest bumped King Beast when did he stole Doug's band hat?

"Oh, i am so sorry" Carlos said as Ben dad smiled at him

"It's okay" King Beast said as Carlos looked at him

"I'm so sorry" Carlos said as Erin and Melody cheered happily

"Yes! My best friend and my baby sister is getting married!" Melody yelled happily hugging Jay happily me and Ben pulled aprt smiling

"Makes our movir nights, seen a little tame?" Doug asked Evie as Evie looked at him

"I love y..... Movies" Evie said as i sighed a bit oh come on E i smiled as i hugged Melody Erin Coral Stella Morgan Ariana and Luna

"Yes! Bea is complet!! My ship has siled!" Luna said as we laughed a little bit

"Congrates, Ben hurt my twin i hurt you in a mysterious drowing indcented" Erin said as Ben went wide eyed

"Erin!" Melody and Mal scholed him as Evie laughed a bit i walked to my friends/sisters

"Did you two know?" I asked Mal and Evie as they smiled a me

"Pretty much, Ben asked your Dad and Erin permisson and i had to be to make Erin" Mal said as i smiled and huged her

"Everything, you my friend are gonna rock the crowned" Evie said making me and Mal laugh a bit Melody walked up to us

"Congrates sis" Melody said as i hugged her

"Thanks Mel" i said as Evie smiled at me

"Okay so i've only done about 1,000 sketches of your wedding dress" Evie said as i laughed a bit of course you did

"And i did a bunch of desined of your jewelry" Mal said as i shook my head smiling a bit

"And Belle's and Mom already planned an engagrment party next week" Melody said as i smiled at her and my two friends

"Well it's a good thing i said yes" i jokingly said as they laughed a bit

"Hugs Hi" King Beast said as i smiled at my father in law

"Hugs Hi!" I said happily as Queen Belle hugged me and smiled at me

"I finally get a daughter" Queen Belle said as i smiled at her softly

"Congrats son" King Beast said as Ben smiled holding my hand

"Thanks. Dad" Ben said as i smiled at Queen Belle

"I love you, Belle" i said as she smiled softly as we hugged each other

"Awe, i love you two" Queen Belle said as i smiled at her i saw my parents

"Mom, Dad!" I yelled happily as we hugged each other

"My baby girl is growing up so fast" Mom said as i giggled a bit

"Mom, your gonna make me cry" i said as we hugged each other same with me and Dad

"Sigh i was gonna give Ben hurt you speech but Erin beat me to it" Dad said as i laughed a bit

"Daddy!" I said with a laugh as Fairy godmother walked up

"Oh, sweetie i'm so happy for you" Fairy godmother said as i smiled at her

"Thank you " i said as we hugged i saw Jay and Carlos with Evie Mal, Melody and Erin

"All bow to her royal Majesty " Jay said jokingly as Evie Mal Melody Carlos and Erin bowed

"Oh yes her, her royal Turquoiseness"
Carlos mocked as i rolled my eyes at him Morgan and Stella giggled

"Silence, you annoying peasants" i jokingly said waving my hand as my friends smiled

"As you wish my liege." Jay said as they laughed a bit

"Your crankiness" Carlos mockingly said as i laughed a little bit as i felt someone grab my arm ugh great Audrey

"Congratulations. You won him fair and square oh, wait no you didn't you spelled Ben to destory all of Auradon... Touching story for the grandkids" Audrey said as i glared at her

Melody's P.O.V

I smiled at Ben and Harmony there finally getting married i was with Jay

"All bow to her Royal majesty" Jay joked making me laugh as me Evie and Mal bowed to Harmony

"Oh, yes her royal Turquoiseness" Carlos mockingly said as i laughed a bit

"Silence, you annoying peasents" Harmony jokingly said as she waved her hand i laughed a bit as i saw Audrey talking to Harmony

"Specking of kids Harmony has to go get some there waiting for her" Coral said as i nodded as Harmony's Turqoise Limo pulled up i waved bye as they drove off i smiked at Coral

"Nice save" i said as Coral smiled at me

"No one will let my cousins happiness day runied" Coral said as we kept waving

Harmony's P.O.V

I smiled as me and Erin and ny friends stepped out of the Limo Sam and Flapy ran up to us.

"Hey guys" Erin said as i smiled at him  as Dizzy squeld and ran to me

"Eep! Congrats Harm can i see the ring?" Dizzy asked as i laughed a little bit and showed Dizzy the ring

"Oh my gosh it's so you" Dizzy said as i laughed a bit

"Lady Treamine" i said bowing a bit knowing she would like that

"Princess Harmony, promise me you and Evie will look after Dizzy?" Lady Treamine asked as me and Evie smiled

"Always!" Evie said as i nodded at her

"If this will make you feel better i can push Chad into the creek again" i said with a small smile as Evie shook her playfully Lady Treamine laughed a bit

"Thank you" Lady Treamine said as i looked at are new V.K's

"Alright boys let's hit the road!" Jay said as Erin smiled holding Flapy's hand

"Hey, you two are gonna see him too okay? I promise you that" i said to Squeaky and Squrimy as they nodded  as Jay and Carlos went with them to the Limo

"Do you have everything?" Lady Treamine asked as Dizzy nodded a bit

"Yes i have everything" Dizzy said as i saw the glue gun behind her back making me smile a bit

"Are you sure?" Lady Treamine asked as Dizzy nodded

"I'm sure Granny" Dizzy said as Lady Treamine held hmthe glue gun

"Oh, really?" Lady Treamine asked knowing Dizzy can't go anywhere without her Glue gun

"My glue gun!" Dizzy yelled happily as Lady Treamine smiled sadly

"I don't know what you're gonna do without me"Lady Treamine said as me and Evie smiled at each other

"I'll miss you" Dizzy said as Lady Treamine smiled at her

"Oh go on" Lady Treamine said as Dizzy looked at me and Evie as we both nodded

"Goodbye Granny" Dizzy said as she hugged Lady Treamine Lady Treamine was taken back a bit

"Alright trouble makers, let's get going!" I said to Sam and Flapy as the smiled and steped in the middle me and Evie and Ben step in and Finally Mal and Erin walked in i smiled as i had my arm on Ben's shoulder

"So Diz as soon as we get to Auradon you have to try Ice cream and sees Harmony closet" Evie said making me smile a bit

"And go swimming?!" Dizzy asked me as i smiled at her

"Me, Ben and Evie can take you to the Enchanted lake" i said as Dizzy squeld a bit making me and Ben laugh a bit

"I can't believe i get to live with you in your very own castle" Dizzy said as Evie smiled a bit

"It's just a little started castle" Evie said as i smiled at Squeaky in the diver seat

"Great grip. You play sports?" Jay asked as i giggled a bit as Squeaky just stared Squrimy was holding onto me Sam and Flapy was attacking the candy bar

"Go on. Trust me" Carlos said as Squrimy ate the candy

"You're gonna be a wise Night and brother" Celia said to Erin as  Mal smiled a bit

"He already is" Mal said as Celia smiled a bit

"See? The cards never lie" Celia said as i laughed a bit as Erin gave the kid some money Squrimy attached to my arm again

"Should i be worried? He really likes you?" Ben asked me as i laughed a little

"No i use to babysit Squeaky Squrimy Dizzy Celia and Sam and Flapy so they get attached to me" i said as Dizzy whipped around

"Harmony was the best babysitter next to Evie Harm gave me my frist glue gun" Dizzy said as Celia smirked a little

"And my cards" Celia said as i just smriked a bit as we all laughed a bit

"Stop the Car!!!" Evie yelled as we turned to her i went wide eyed as i saw Dad i mean Hades trying to get out the barrier

"He's trying to escape!" Mal yelled as me Ben Mal Evie Jay Carlos and Erin walked out i looked at the kids

"Stay we got this" i said as they nodded worriedly

"I am a god! I don't belong here!" Dad yelled as i transformed into a dragon

Melody's P.O.V

I gasped a bit as we saw Hades trying to escape Harmony and Mal was trying to attack him

"Harmony!" Mom yelled worriedly as Dad cofter her

"Okay nobody panic!" Fairy Godmother yelled as Audrey glared at the T.V

"There's your precious Queen she can't even protect us!" Audrey yelled as everyone started to painc Coral got angry and grabbed the airhorn and the mic she blew the airhorn as everyone looked at her

"Is everyone clam?" Coral asked as everyone nodded

"Okay good look Hades trying to the threw the barrier wasn't planned Audrey i like to see you try fighting off that" Coral said pointing to the T.V as Harmony and Mal where struggling

"So i know my cousin and Mal are trying there best so please everyone leave in a ordnary fashion" Coral said as everyone did so

"Nice job Coral" Ariana said as Coral shrugged

"Eh no beggy i didn't want Audrey making everyone hate Harm" Coral said as we nodded and watched

Harmony's P.O.V

I struggled to fight off Dad- i mean Hades he got pushed back threw the barrier Mal transfrom to normal as i flew down as i collapse on the floor with Ben and Evie holding me up i sadly looked at Dad as he left

"Are you okay?" Evie asked me as i shook my head no

"No..... He was draining all of my magic with the ember" i said as Mal looked at me as i leaned on Ben's shoulder

"You're safe. He's back where he belongs " Mal said as i nodded a little

"Yeah for now" i said sadly hugging Ben's arm as Mal looked at us

"And you laughed at me for getting more guards around you shame on you" Mal said as everyone laughed a little bit

"We should go" Jay said as i nodded a little bit

"Okay" i said as we walked in the limo

"Are you okay?!" Dizzy asked me worriedly as i hugged her back nodding a bit

"Yeah, i'm fine" i said as Celia looked at me worriedly as Jay droved off i rested my head on Ben's shoulder as i held Evie's hand

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