The Enigmatic Outlander

By Pensive_rambler

454 31 1

Enigma - A person, thing or a situation that is mysterious or difficult to understand. That is how Shaden en... More

1 - "Ouch! And here I thought you loved me!
2 - Illegal. Illegal
3 -Why Simba!?
4 - Is that a nest or what?!
5 - And a good amount of food goes to waste
6 - Pro- Shaden or Anti-Shaden?
7 - I am Louis Enrique Emerson
8 - It was not her fault, she was not at fault. I loved her and you killed her
9 - But I really am sorry, I am engaged
10 - Rock Paper Scissors
11 - I am the Protagonist and you are all my sidekicks
12 - Then you either bleed or break a bone
13 - One fucking family dinner!!
14 - Good to meet you Amtullah Urmi Mahfouz
15 - Shut up Louis. She is after all, just 15
16 - Teary eyes and Snotty nose
17 - Cam has a sister named Cam??
18 - You don't have a crooked nose!
19 - Woman, stop going all cannibal on him!!
20 - I see. You have decided to wear your pants...
21 - Huh? Illegal? Like underground? Huh?
22 - Broken ribs and a broken heart. Aren't we a perfect pair?
24 - You have a little something there
25 - Everything Darling, you gotta show some skin
26 - Oh yeah! You are Remora. Red+Gamora
27 - My favorite phrase, 'Time of death'
28 - Woah Woah! Wait right there, you green looking Jealousy monster
29 - So, who decided to puke lemons and lavenders all over the room?
30 - Let's go meet that Asshole with a fancy name
31 - This is my Happy 'not-an-ending'

23 - A rabbit high on helium?!

12 1 0
By Pensive_rambler

Casey's Pov

"I feel like a jerk. That's it! I am the jerk in our relationship." I said flopping down on my best friend's bed.

"I am not gonna disagree with you." Ashton said rolling his eyes at me. He raised his hand up to stop me from speaking. "But, it's better to be a jerk now and end a relationship you don't want than turning out to be a bitch who is harboring secret feelings for your boyfriend's brother." He pointed out and I scowled at him for speaking the correct thing.

"I hate you." I said with a huff.

"Of course, hate the one person who can speak some sense into you." he said in a flat tone.

"Why did I not realize that I was in love with this Bennett and not that one?" I groaned into the pillow.

"Why did you guys start even start getting serious? I thought you were fake dating to make Sam jealous." He asked.

"It started with a stupid kiss at a stupid party and I realized that I liked kissing him. He said that he liked it too. At first it was just supposed to be a physical thing. But you know how good Nate is. He's perfect. He respects me, cares for me and even tries to protect me. He tries to understand me. So, I thought I actually liked him. That's how." I said with a long sigh.

"Suddenly he turned bad?" Ash asked, looking as if he wants to figure me out.

"No you idiot. He didn't. I just realized that I like him like a friend." I said.

"A friend you like to kiss?" I threw his pillow at him.

"I thought what I had with Sam was just a crush. Now, I am not sure." I groaned. "How could I not know the intensity of my crush towards that idiot?"

"That's because you are mentally stunted in that department dear Casey." He said plopping down beside me on his bed. His dog nuzzled his way between us and laid his head on my stomach.

"My sweet sweet beans. Why is your brother my best friend? Why haven't you come to my life before he did?" I asked rubbing the golden retriever's neck. He sighed contently and looked at me with those big confused brown eyes.

"That's because he is two years old and I've met you when you were two." Ashton said blankly.

"Exactly! Why didn't I meet him instead of you?" I said with a frown on my face. He narrowed his eyes at me.

"I know what exactly you are doing here." He said sitting up, pulling me up along with him. "You are trying to put off meeting Nate." He pointed out and I tried to slide back onto the bed but he held my shoulders tightly preventing me from lying down. "Stop being a wuss and go confront your problems head on." He told me softly.

"I hate that you are very convincing." I said with a pout and he rolled his eyes though a small smile was playing on his lips.

"We already established that you hate me for many unreasonable reasons. Get going now." He said kicking me, making me fall off his bed. I glared at him while rubbing my sore butt.

"You could have just told me that you wanted me out of your hair. Didn't have to act like a good friend giving good advices." I huffed while picking up my stuff from his floor.

"You know me too well. That's the only reason we are still friends." He said laughing. I scowled at him and slammed the door shut cutting off his laughter.

I reluctantly took a cab to his house. Or should I say mansion. I didn't see anyone downstairs so I quickly made my way to Nate's room. I knocked on his door twice before opening his door. He was on his phone when I entered the room but said quick goodbyes when he saw me.

"Hey Casey, whassap?" he asked nonchalantly but I could see that he looked a little guilty. Why, is beyond me. I should be the one who should be feeling guilty.

"Hmm... Hi Nate. How are you?" I asked sitting on the foot of his bed. He raised his eyebrow at that.

"I am good?" he answered confused and then we both sat in awkward silence. "Did you come all the way here to just ask me that?" he asked amused. I looked at him with narrowed eyes.

"Why? Can't I come and see my boyfriend when I want to?" I asked and he looked at me more guiltily.

Great going you idiot! Call the boy you are breaking up with your boyfriend. Absolutely great.

"Nate, I need to tell you something." I finally said with a sigh and he looked at me with a serious expression now. "But before that I need to apologize to you. I need you to know that you aren't the reason for my decisions. I am really sorry for-" he cut me off by jumping up from his bed and his hands in his hair and a distressed look on his face.

"Casey, I cheated on you." he blurted out and the next word on my tongue froze. What?

"You did what?" I shouted out aloud.

"Okay. It came out wrong. But I was about to cheat on you." he admitted, sounding resigned. He slumped on his bed beside me.

"Almost?" I asked confused.

"Yeah, I was having a good time with her and it was like in the moment thing. I was about to kiss her but then I remembered you. I couldn't be a jerk to you. You don't deserve this kind of shit from me." he said sounding miserable.

I now realized why I agreed to date him in the first place. He is the most gentleman kinda guy I've ever met. He is always sensitive to others feelings. I smiled at him to ease him off his misery.

"Who is the girl?" I asked with a smile and he looked at me with wide eyes and a confused look on his face. He looked at me wearily but then realized that it is safe to give out information.

"Ashlyn. She goes to Silverstone high. She is also in the student council." He said with a blush, but his eyes held that admiration in them.

"You are blushing." I pointed out and he blushed darker.

"No I am not." He said, a smile threatening to fall on his lips.

"Sure." I said rolling my eyes.

"Are you fine about this?" he asked after a while. He sounded scared and guilty again.

"About that. I came here for the same reason." I said and now it was my turn to look at him with guilt.

"Sam." He nodded his head in understanding.

"What? How did you know?" I asked with a gasp.

"Isn't he the actual reason why we got together in the first place?" he asked rolling his eyes.

"But, I was fine for a while. I thought I lost my feelings for him." I admitted.

"Well, I didn't. Everything about you changes when he is around." He said with a shrug.

"But I haven't done anything with him." I said with my hands crossed across my chest.

"Figures. I know you wouldn't act on it as long as you are with me." he said leaning back on his bed.

"Yeah, but it still is very shitty. I mean he is your brother. The brother who you are not in good terms with." I pointed out and he just shrugged.

"I know we don't have good relationship. I know that he hates me. But he is still my brother." He said with a small smile.

"Why am I leaving the matured brother for the idiotic one?" I asked exasperated and lay down beside him.

"That's because you suck at big life choices." He said facing me and grinning at me. "And also you forgot to mention that I am the better looking between the two of the Bennetts." He said with a smug smile and I mirrored his expression.

"How ever did I forget that?" I said turning my face towards him and grinning at him.

The door suddenly opened wide and I turned away from Nate to see Sam near the doorway, his hands clenched on his side.

"I am sorry. I didn't know I would be interrupting something." He said and I looked at him confused and then glanced back at Nate just to realize the position we both were in. We were lying down beside each other closely, facing each other. No wonder he thought that we were about to kiss.

I turned back to see that the door was shut. Oh, he left. I was pulled away from my thoughts when I heard Nate laughing.

"My green and overly jealous brother is gonna flip with envy. Go put him off his misery." He said with a cheeky smile.

"I don't know about that. Green is good colour on him." I said and he smiled at that. We laid there like that for a minute or so.

"So how is this gonna work?" he asked, breaking the silence.

"I am guessing we just broke up." I said staring at the ceiling.

"Yeah. Must be the cleanest break up in the history of break ups." He chuckled.

"Yeah, so now we are no longer a couple. I think I will speak to Sam about this after a week and date him secretly for a month and then announce to the school about our grand relationship." I said flipping my hair. He looked at me with a cocked eyebrow. I blushed at the look he was giving me. "I don't want people to speak dumb shit about my private stuff." I finally said.

"Yeah, how could I forget? You are the most famous girl in the school." He said amused and I rolled my eyes at him.

"I am not the most famous girl in the school." I grumbled.

"Are you sure about that? I mean you are not that typical high school cheerleading famous kinda girl. And you sure are not the most beautiful and a girl who all guys fall for. But you broke all the clichés. Everyone knows you. Everyone respects you and the few who don't are too scared to do anything about that. I think that is the main reason why I wanted to date you in the first place. I mean the golden boy and the golden girl dating is like a perfect story for a teen fiction." He said chuckling.

"Really? I thought the bad boy and the nerd is the perfect story." I said with a cheeky smile.

"Is that the reason you want to date Sam?" he teased and I am pretty sure I was as red as a tomato.

"Shut up! I am not a nerd. I am the pitcher for speaking out aloud." I said waving my hands dramatically.

"Come on, you are a perfect nerd. You get straight As every time, you don't do parties, you hate confrontations, and you would rather lock yourself in a room filled with books and CDs instead of interacting with people other than your teammates. And oh, you blush like a tomato." He said pinching my cheeks. I swatted his hands away from my face and scowled at him.

"But seriously? Is that the reason why you asked me out?" I asked and he looked at me sheepishly.

"I really liked the idea of us together." He said playing with his fingers and when he saw the look I was giving him he threw his hands up in air. "I know, I can be a jerk sometimes." He said with an exaggerated expression.

"Funny how I thought it was I who was the jerk in our relationship before I came here to speak to you." I said looking at him with a small smile.

"Nope, that's all me." he said and then got up clapping his hands. "Now is as good as any other time where you slap me and storm out of the room with tears flowing down your cheeks and running into Sam's arms." He said and I rolled my eyes at his theatrics.

"Yeah, that's not happening. Though I would take you up on your offer of me slapping that pretty face of yours." I said with a grin and he just pushed me out of his room and shut the door on my face when I was about to make some witty remark

"This is the second time in a day that the guys in my life kicked me out of their rooms." I grumbled under my breath.

"We could change that. 2 is a boring number. Let's make it three." Shaden said from behind me.

"And how do you propose we do that." I asked her.

"Donn's room is right around the corner." She said with mischief.

"Noooo." I groaned and she raised her eyebrows at that.

"The last time I opened his door. I was scarred for my life because of the vision he and Natasha presented me with." I said pressing my head as if I gained a headache just thinking about that memory.

"Speak no more. We are never stepping into his room." She said with understanding and then her eyes lightened with another idea. "What about Ruby's?" she asked.

"Are you sure you want to subject yourself to their wrath? I mean they have that –I am the one who is surrounded by dark tendrils of death –kinda aura. You wanna mess with them?" I asked her, feigning fear.

"Now that you mentioned it, I think they are out of option too." She widened her eyes when another idea hit her. "What about-" I cut her off by shaking my head.

"No. Sam is out of option too. I saw him storming out of his room looking as unsteady as a rabbit high on helium." I quipped.

"A rabbit high on helium? Casey, you need rest. Getting kicked out by two guys in a single day has damaged your brain cells." She said with pity while patting my shoulder.

I shrugged her hand from my shoulder and started walking towards the stairs, with her right on my heels. When I turned around the corner I bumped into a brown headed, curly haired boy.

"Hello, little bro!" I said swinging my arm around my brother, Joshua.

"What's gotten you so cheerful this dreadful day?" he asked with a frown and I waved away his question with a laugh.

"Josh, I want you to meet someone. This is my friend, Shaden." I said turning away from him so that he could see her. He widened his eyes when he saw her and I looked at him in confusion but ignored him and introduced him to her. "And Shaden, this is my brother Joshua." I said and saw her narrowing her eyes at him. I finally huffed and put my hands on my hips. "Okay, what is happening here?" I asked.

"This is your brother?" she asked still looking at him with scrutiny.

"Yeah. You know each other?" I asked.

"I will leave you siblings to discuss that." She said walking away from us and towards the stairs.

"Okay, how do you know her?" I asked my brother.

"Remember when Chris came home with a bruise on his face?" he asked and I nodded my head. "She gave him that?" he said.

"Why?" I asked confused but instead found him widen his eyes at something. "What's with that look?" I asked him.

"Chris is downstairs and she wouldn't be happy when she sees him." he said rushing back towards the stairs and I followed suit.

By the time we reached the top of the stairs we already found Shaden looking at Chris with an intense glare and Chris looking at her with a mix of nervousness and apology. Beside them stood Sam and Louis with confusion written across their faces.

"I should have realized that I would see you here when I saw the other boy." She said glancing back at Josh who stood beside me with wide eyes.

"How do you know my cousin?" Sam asked puzzled.

"He is your cousin?!" she asked shocked. "This keeps getting worse with each second." She said, trying to contain her anger in her clenched fists.

She glanced down at her phone when it went off and looked back at the people in front of her again. "I need to go. Ron is here." She said and threw one final glare at Chris before disappearing out from the front doors.

"What was that?" Louis asked climbing up the stairs and joining us while Sam was interrogating Chris.

"She was the one who gave Chris the bruise few weeks ago." I provided him and he raised his eyebrow at this and finally a small smile broke on his face.

"Makes sense. No one can pack a punch perfectly like her." he said and then frowned. "She never hurts anyone without a reason? What did Chris do to make her punch him?" Louis asked looking at Josh.

"Can't tell you here. Sam will kill him if he knows what happened." Josh said tiredly and then looked at Louis. "Can you take us home? I will tell you there." He asked and Louis nodded.

I wanted to say goodbye to Sam but I realized that he was facing away from me to avoid speaking to me. I sighed and just walked out with my brother and Sam's best friend.

The ride home was silent. Every time Louis tried to pry answers from him I shook my head at him with a warning glare.

Wait until we go home Dammit!

As soon as we settled into our den Louis opened his big mouth to grill my brother.

"So what happened?" he asked and I put my hand on Josh's shoulder to comfort him when I saw him fidgeting. He looked up at me and I nodded my head in reassurance.

"So he might or might not have slept with a girl Shaden know of." He said timidly and I saw Louis's face turn white.

"Is it Cameryn?" he growled and Josh widened his eyes.

"You know Cameryn?" my brother asked and Louis glared at him.

"What do you mean might or might not?" I asked diverting them both. Josh flinched at that question.

"We are not sure if he slept with her or not." He said raising his eyes to meet mine. I narrowed my eyes at him.

"We?" I probed.

"Yeah we. Chris and I." he admitted and Louis jumped up from his seat.

"What the fuck do you mean by you aren't sure." He asked angrily and I jumped up in my brother's defense.

"Emerson, if you don't sit back this very second, I will tear you limb by limb. No one speaks to my brother that way." I said glaring at him. He held my glare with his own but at last reluctantly backed down.

"What do you mean you aren't very sure?" I asked my brother sternly and he chewed his lips nervously. "Josh! Don't get on my nerves. Answer me." I said in a clam tone and he widened his eyes in fear knowing what would come next.

"Chris doesn't remember. Cameryn doesn't remember. They didn't go into the room together and they woke up beside each other naked. And all three of us were drugged." He said in one breath and I slumped my shoulders and sat beside him.

"What the hell? You were drugged?!" I yelled and now, it was Louis's turn to calm me down.

"Why were you all drugged? Why you?" Louis asked and my brother just shrugged his shoulders.

"I don't know. Probably because I would prevent Chris from doing exactly that." He said.

"Who did this?" Louis asked calmly though I can still see the anger in his eyes and his fists clenched.

"A girl from our grade. Roxanne." He replied.

"Why?" I asked.

"Probably she wanted gossip?" he said but we know he wasn't so sure himself.

"Even if Rina doesn't remember having sex with Chris, Chris should remember it. He can't do it if he wasn't aware of it. So either he had sex with her when he was alcohol induced and forgot about it the next day or he didn't do it at all. What did Rina tell you about it?" Louis asked.

"Rina is Cameryn right?" my brother asked dumbly and I wanted to smack him on his head. Louis glared at him and Josh just laughed nervously. "My bad, who else would it be?" he said laughing nervously again.

"Josh. Answer him." I said, putting a stop to his rambling.

He cleared his throat to answer. "I don't know. She never spoke to me or Chris after that night. She even opted out of the elective because I share it with her. And then she made a new friend named Brett and that guy hates us with passion. Because he thinks that Chris raped Cameryn, which we aren't very sure of. So he prevents us from even approaching her." he confessed.

"Oh." Was all Louis said with closed expression and his thoughts miles away.

"Louis, what are you thinking?" I asked him.

"Do you think she will still be at school?" He asked Josh ignoring my question.

"It's 4:30" Josh said inspecting his wrist watch and a few frown lines appeared on his face when he concentrated on his thoughts, glaring at his watch to give him answers. "Yeah, I think so. I heard Matt telling his older brother that he is gonna stay back at the library with Cameryn." He answered finally.

"Matt? As in her new best friend?" Louis asked him and Josh looked at him surprised.

"How do you even know so much about her?" he asked.

"She is like a sister to him. So Chris really did screw up this time." I answered instead. My brother looked mildly embarrassed on behalf of his friend.

"You wanna go there with me?" Louis asked me and I jumped up at the opportunity.

"Of course. She needs some girl who she could speak to. And Shaden is for sure not that girl. I don't think she can understand stuff like this." I said with a shrug and saw him agreeing with me. We quickly got up and got into the car for the second time that day.

"Now I know why Shaden asked Jess those questions about losing virginity when drunk." He said halfway through the drive.

"When did this happen?" I asked him while stretching my legs and placing them on the seat. He glanced at me but didn't comment anything about the position of my legs.

"Few days after we went to the beach." He replied.

"Makes sense. Will you ask Rina or should I?" I asked.

"She doesn't know you. You will freak her out. I don't know how to approach this topic. I will freak out. So I will introduce you guys to each other and we will do this together." He said and I nodded my head. After that the entire ride to the school was silent, each of us thinking about what laid in front of us.

After he parked the car, he took out his phone and pressed it against his ear after dialing a number.

"Hey Rina, I am inside your school grounds. Can you meet me here?" he asked and listened to her speak for a second before responding.

"No no. Cam didn't send me here. I just wanted to see you." he said laughing.

"Okay cool. I will be waiting for you." he said and cut the call.

"You seem close to her." I commented.

"You will find yourself getting close to people when you spend a lot of time with them. Half the time I go to meet Shaden, Cam and Rina are there with her. So she is like a sister I never had." He said with a small smile. "There she is." He said glancing out of his window and got down a second later.

A girl and a boy walked out of the school building discussing something and when she saw Louis standing in the parking lot, she broke into a grin. She walked towards us fast and the boy followed her with his eyes cast downwards. I could see the relation between Cam and her as she got closer to us. Both of them had the same blue eyes and the same brown hair. And the boy beside her looked like a cute bookworm with a bowl of red curls and big round glasses covering his big green eyes.

"Louis! Why are you here?" she asked after giving him a quick hug.

"Why? Can't I come see my favourite girl when I want to?" he asked and then looked at the other boy. "Hey Matt, how are you doing?" he asked.

"I am good. I need to go home. See you tomorrow Rina." He said waving her goodbye and walking away from us quickly.

"I thought Shaden was your favourite girl." She teased, coming back to the conversation they shared

"Well, you know.." he trailed off.

"No I don't." she said smirking.

Okay now even a fifteen year old girl can see that there is something going on between these two. When will that idiot Shaden realize?

"Anyway, this is my friend Casey. And Casey, this is Cam's sister Cameryn." He introduced us to each other.

"You know Cam?" she asked and I nodded my head.

"I am friends with Shaden. And you guys have similar names. Cameron and Cameryn." I noted with a small smile.

"Well my dad and his sister had similar names too and his mother before him. So he wanted to continue the tradition." She waved her hands to dismiss the topic. "So are you her classmate?" she asked and she pondered over it. "I thought they were all lying when they told me that Shaden actually has friends at school." She said laughing.

"Why?" I asked in amusement.

"Well, for starters it is hard to like that girl. Even if you like her, it is hard to tolerate her. If my brother wasn't best friends with her, I am not sure if I would be able to stand her." she said feigning frustration.

"Are you the same girl who threatened to cut my parts and feed them to a crow if I ever hurt her?" Louis teased and she glared at him.

"Well, if you start to tolerate her, then you fall in love with her. You have a first -hand experience with this. So stop questioning Me." she said with a fake sweet smile.

"How long have you known her for?" I asked walking towards a tree and settling below it.

She looked at me and Louis confused but settled beside me and Louis sat beside her.

"When I was six or seven, I am not very sure, my brother got into a fight with few older boys because they were bullying me. They were beating him up before Shaden stepped in and bashed them. I think that is how their friendship started. They were best friends even if their continents apart." She said fondly.

"Aww... a long distance friendship! How did they maintain it?" I asked.

"It was mostly on calls and later on they decided that they will have one week dedicated to their friendship. Just those two. So since then, they started meeting each other yearly once. For a week and decided to fill the entire year's gap in that one week. I met her just yearly once but I never went with them for that week's trip. I only heard my brother telling me all the things they used to do. They shared so many adventures together. I was always jealous of their friendship." She said with a sigh and I am not kidding, but even I felt a bit jealous. It is hard to maintain a long distance friendship for so long.

"Wow! Simba never told me about these trips." Louis said in a daze.

"Yeah, they stopped two years ago when my dad died and my mom got diagnosed with Cancer. She lived with us in Boston for six months then. She helped Cam through the loss." She said with a shrug and my eyes widened at that. I didn't know Cam was kinda like the head of the family now. "Don't look at me like that. It's okay. I have Cam, Kara and Shaden. And now I even have two best friends." She said with a small content smile.

"You lived in Boston?" Louis asked to divert us from that topic.

"Yeah, Dad worked in MIT. That's how we met her there. Her dad was attending a seminar there." She said and then narrowed her eyes at us. "Why are you really here? I am pretty sure it's not because you wanted to know about my life story." She said poking his chest and he looked at me to help him.

She turned back to look at me. "You have something to say too. Come on, spill It." she said and I looked at her with discomfort.

"I am Casey Williams. Joshua's sister." I said and she widened her eyes.

"Why are you here? I wasn't going to file any complaints on any of them." she said glaring at me. All the friendliness from a few moments ago was gone.

"So you didn't tell about this to Cam?" Louis asked. She glared at him too.

"What makes you think that I didn't tell him?" she asked with a quirked eyebrow.

"The fact that Chris is still alive?" he said and then sighed. "Rina, we are here to help you." he pleaded with his hand on her shoulder.

"How?" she asked and I spoke up making her look at me.

"Rina, I am sorry for everything you went through. But you need to tell us what happened that day." I said and her shoulders started having small tremors, indicating the oncoming tears. I hugged her to ease her from the pain and she broke into full blown crying now.

"Don't tell this to Cam. He is already worried enough about mom's health. I don't want to tire him more with my own problems." I softened at her request. I know how it is to have only a single parent. I also know how it is to be the elder sibling. But it must be harder to see your only parent sick and bedridden.

"I won't. I promise." I said and held her at an arm's length to look at her.

Louis got up from his spot and settled beside me, placing himself in front of her.

"I told this to Shaden already. But I get it if she doesn't understand stuff like this. She doesn't know anything about these kinda things. I didn't have anyone to speak to except Brett but I couldn't even speak to him because he always kept blaming himself for what happened with me. I don't know. I am scared to speak about it now." She said with tears running down her cheeks.

"It's okay. We will try to understand. We just want to help you." Louis said wiping the tears off her face. She kept silent for a while before finally deciding to speak.

"I didn't even drink alcohol that night. My brother warned me against it. I don't know why she hated me so much to do this to me." she sobbed.

"Roxanne?" I asked and she nodded her head. "What did she do?" I asked.

"She spiked my orange juice with some drugs and I lost my consciousness immediately. Apparently she did the same thing to Joshua and Christopher. The next thing I remember, I am waking up beside Christopher naked. My body was hurting so much and I don't know, that's it. He didn't remember anything either. I don't know, I freaked out and he freaked out. I think I lost my virginity that night." She said sobbing harder.

"Maybe nothing happened that night." I reasoned and she glared at me.

"How can you think nothing happened? What would you think if you woke up beside a drunk guy naked?" she asked and I understood where she was coming from.

"Are you getting your periods regularly?" Louis asked and she blushed at that question.

"Yes." She said in a small voice. "But he could've used a contraceptive." She argued.

"He must have but he doesn't remember having sex in the first place and if he did find a condom the next day, he would've remembered." Louis countered.

"He could've lied to you." she provided.

"No. He never lied to my brother and my brother never lied to me." I said, still deep in thought. "Did your pelvic region hurt that day?" I asked after a while and she looked over at Louis uncomfortably.

"Rina, it's okay. You are like my sister. You don't have to feel uncomfortable with me. If you want, I can stay in my car." he said with a soft smile and she shook her head at him holding onto his hands.

"I don't know. My entire body was hurting a lot. Even my lower regions were hurting." She confessed and I saw her tightening her hold on his hand.

"Was there any blood on the sheets?" I asked as a final resort.

"No, but I used to do horse riding. So if you are going with that Hymen tearing theory, we are out of it." she said and I cursed under my breath.

"But, Chris should still be able to remember if he had sex with her. I mean, a guy can't do it at least without a bit of consciousness." Louis said staring at the grass intently. He then raised his head to look at Rina. "I am pretty sure that Chris wasn't lying to his best friend. But tell me, how did you feel Chris was acting the next day?" he asked.

She looked at him in confusion and then frowned with concentration. "He looked guilty and he was as confused as I was. He was remorseful and then he was really angry with Rox. I don't think he was lying when he said that he doesn't remember a thing." She finally said.

"What about Rox?" I asked.

"What about her?" she asked with a frown.

"How did she act?" I asked again.

"She was scared when Shaden turned up there. Then she started blaming it on Chris. However she admitted that she drugged us three that night. That's it. After that she started avoiding me and Chris at the school. Not that I am complaining." She said clenching her fists.

"Maybe we need to have a word with her." I said looking at Louis and he nodded his head at me.

"Will you take me home?" she asked and Louis looked over at her apologetically.

"First let's deal with this and get over with it. Then we can all peacefully go home." He said and when he saw her getting scared, he spoke up immediately. "You can sit in the car. We both will go in. Right?" he asked and I nodded my head at him.

We pulled out of the parking lot and headed towards Louis's house.

"She lives closer to you?" I asked and he nodded. We reached there in a few minutes. "You sit here, we will be back soon." I told her softly and she nodded her head.

With that both of us headed towards the house. I stood beside Louis as he knocked the door.

"Yes, how can I help you?" a woman with a petite figure and a tight and short designer dress asked and then there was a hint of recognition in her eyes. "Aren't you Ms Martinez's son?" she asked with a small smile.

"No Ma'am. I am here nephew, Louis Enrique Emerson." He said taking her hand and kissing her knuckles with practiced charm. I wanted to gag at this theatrics. "And this is my good friend Casey Williams." He introduced me and I gave her a small wave which I know went ignored by her. I rolled my eyes at this.

"Oh, I am Julia Hadfield. You can just call me Julia." She said with a small smile. "Come inside. Come inside." She said wiping away the imaginary folds from her designer dress. "Would you like something to drink? Eat?" she asked still looking at Louis.

There was a bottle and a glass of red wine and few sheets of paper on the table in the center of the house. She tried sliding it away to a corner as discreetly as possible. Was she doing drugs and drinking even before dawn broke? Her eyes were red and unfocussed, confirming my previous question.

Who's to blame Roxanne with a mother like this?

"No Julia. That's alright. We just wanted to speak to you about your daughter." he said, jumping directly into the topic.

"My daughter?" she asked with a frown.

No longer excited to speak to the young and handsome boy sitting in front of her.

"Roxanne is your daughter, yes?" he asked and she nodded her head. "Well, did you know that she had a house party few weeks ago?" he asked and she shook her head with wide eyes.

So she didn't know. Poor Rox, she is going down.

"Did you know that there were alcoholic beverages and drugs involved in the party?" he asked again and she widened her eyes in shock and then there was a slight nervousness which she covered it up with confusion.

"That can't be possible." She said shaking her head in denial.

"I am sorry Julia." He said looking very apologetic.

Man! He is a great actor.

"No, you shouldn't be." She said looking at him apologetically. "Roxy, get down here." She yelled and a second later there were light footfalls from behind us. The girl looked like a carbon copy of her mother, though the younger version. She had the same deep red hair and the same big green eyes.

"Yes." She asked bored and then looked at me and Louis.

Thankfully unlike many other girls she didn't go on to set her clothes or her hair when she saw the handsome boy beside me. So I concluded that she wasn't similar to her mother in every aspect. She looked back at her mother in boredom. "Why did you call me?" she asked her mother again.

"Why did I not know that there was a house party involving drugs and alcohol?" she asked with her hands on her hips and I saw Roxanne's eyes widen for a minute fraction of a second before she covered it up with an uninterested expression.

"Yeah, sorry. I forgot to mention that to you." She said, still in a very unconcerned voice.

"How dare you act that way with me? Why did you not take my permission before doing this?" she asked getting red with anger with each passing second.

"The same reason why you don't seek my opinion when making decisions involving Me." she said blowing at her nails.

Even before I could see what was happening, I heard an unmistakable sound of someone being slapped. Roxanne had her hand over her cheek and her eyes shone with hatred towards her mom. She clenched her fists but then went back to giving her mother a bored expression.

"If you are done, I would like to go back." She said and before Julia could hit her again, Louis held her hands to restrain her and tried calming her down.

"Julia calm down. You can't hit her." he said in a soothing voice and Julia widened her eyes to realize that she had an audience here.

"Oh my God! I don't know what came over me Louis. I am not usually a very aggressive woman. I am a good mother to her." she said leaning into Louis's chest and Louis scrunched his nose in distaste. Roxanne rolled her eyes at her mother.

"Julia, can we speak to your daughter alone?" I asked and she looked at me confused.

"Who are you?" she asked and I wanted to slap that woman.

I came here with the boy you are hugging. I barely stopped myself from saying so.

"Casey? Remember?" I said as if I were speaking to an obnoxious smile. I hate the way she is treating her daughter. Though Roxanne isn't a good person, no one deserves a mom like her.

"Yes Julia, I think you should go rest. You look a bit pale." Louis convinced her and she nodded her head with her hand pressed against her forehead.

"Can you help me up to my room? I am not feeling very well." she said leaning back to his chest and I saw him looking over at me for help while I just smiled at him sweetly.

"Of course he would help you. I think he might even sing you a song until you fall asleep." I said to see him narrowing his eyes at me. I turned towards the daughter as soon as they left the hall.

"What do you want to speak to me about?" she asked glaring at me.

Woah lady! Keep your attitude in check.

"I am Casey." I said and she gave me a bored look.

"Does it look like I care?" she asked with a quirked eyebrow.

I groaned heavily. I hate girls like her. I mean I get that you have problems at home. But stop imposing yourself on others.

"Casey Williams." I said blankly and watched as it slowly dawned on her what I meant.

"You are Joshua's sister?" she asked and I nodded. "You are here about Cameryn?" she asked with wide and contrite eyes and I nodded again. She groaned while holding her head before falling down on the sofa beside her.

"I hate you so much, you know." Louis said walking into the room while dusting his chest.

"Aww... Come on, I am just being your wing woman." I said cooing at him and he just rolled his eyes.

"Set me up with someone beautiful and maybe someone my age." He said and glanced at Roxanne. "No offence there." He said with raised hands to which she just shrugged.

"None taken. And it would have been a pedo case if something happened there." She said shuddering.

"Speaking of cases, what happened between Cameryn and Christopher that night?" he jumped directly to the topic at hand.

"Nothing happened that night." She said rubbing her head tiredly.

"What do you mean nothing happened?" I asked confused.

"I don't know why I did what I did and I can't even give you a reasonable explanation other than the fact that I am a jealous bitch. Nothing happened between them that night. I was with them both throughout that night to make sure that they weren't having any side effects because of those drugs we gave them." she said with slumped shoulders.

"But she told us that she woke up beside him naked." Louis said looking lost.

She bent her head down in shame. "Yeah, she wasn't wrong. When I woke up in that room with them in the morning, my friend Caroline started taunting me and telling me that I am a wimp for not going along with the plan. I didn't want to look like a coward and lose my friends, so we both undressed Rina and Cam together and made it look like they slept with each other. I thought it would be funny to see their reaction but only later I realized that they both were really scarred because of my actions." She said in a resigned tone. We looked at her with wide eyes because of what she told us.

"What?" Louis whispered harshly.

"Yeah yeah, I know I am a screwed up person and I blame no one for that. I tried to explain this to both of them. But they didn't let me." she said with a shrug.

"What's wrong with you?" Louis finally asked.

"I don't know. I think I am just clinically insane. Now get out before I do something crazy again." She said shooing us out the door. I was about to give her piece of my mind but she shut the door on our faces.

"That girl, something is really wrong with her." I said glaring at the door.

"Would you blame her even after seeing her mom?" he asked and I just stared at him as if he lost his brain.

"Still, that is not an excuse for whatever she did." I said glaring at him.

He shook his head and as we turned away from the door to walk down the stairs, the door opened and Roxanne looked out timidly.

"And would you please tell Cameryn that I apologized." She said and quickly closed the door again.

"Whatever." I said throwing my hands up in the air. 

I can't believe I got the door shut on my face by three different people in a single day. Yeah, seriously, I don't care anymore. This is good for Rina. With that thought in mind I ran all the way to the car.

"Rina!" I said singing happily.

"Why are you so happy?" she asked looking at me weirdly.

"That's because you are still Jane the Virgin." I said and she widened her eyes at me.

"Really?" she asked with open mouth and looked at Louis who just got into the car.

"Yes." He said with a small smile while buckling his seat belt.

Tears of joy started running down her cheeks and she started crying loudly with her face in her hands. I smiled at her and looked back at Louis.

"We need to tell your Simba." I said with a wink and he smiled at this.

"We need to tell my Simba." He agreed.

"We need to tell the Simba." Cameryn said laughing from the backseat.  


I am planning on writing a new book on Roxanne. I have a story prepared in my head, but I am looking for motivation. But if the good old people of this beautiful planet could provide that to me, I would be eternally grateful.

Love y'all ;)

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