Finding you (soulmate au and...

By Pupuyt

20.7K 538 528

The first words your soulmate says to you is written on your skin, at least, that's what we learned in school... More

Lance {1}
Keith {2}
Lance {3}
Keith {4}
I got tagged
Lance {5 part one}
Okay peeps and aliens and living beings
Hiatus notice (More information below)
Keith {6}
Lance {7}

Lance {5 part two}

1.4K 42 21
By Pupuyt

"Sorry I'm late!" Hunk said, rushing in through the door.

I shook my head. ^What took you so long?^

"I had to talk with Mr. Iverson about getting extra credit." Hunk said sheepishly. I rolled my eyes at my best friend.

^How's about we start this? Oh, and Romelle isn't going to be here, but Allura is going to be joining.^ I sign. Hunk looks at me confused. ^I'll tell you later.^ I add.

He nods before turning to the class. "Okay, this afternoon we'll be doing..."

Time squip to after the baking class

"Wow, that was actually a lot of fun! I might join you guys more often." Allura said.

"We'd be glad to have you." Hunk said with a smile. "Also, a little bird told me that Romelle and you are soulmates? Am I misinformed?" Hunk asked mischievously. Allura started blushing while I laughed.

"You told him?!" She said, looking at me.

I shrugged. ^He's my best friend, of course I did. He was going to find out one way or another.^

Allura sighed. "Well, I guess you're right there. But we really must be going, I need time to get ready."

"Ooh! Can I help?" Hunk asked.

"I don't see why not, the more the merrier. Do you know fashion?" She wondered.

Both myself and Hunk started laughing. "Yes I know fashion 'llura, I've been around Lance long enough."

^Shouldn't we get going?^ I sign.

"Yes, yes, let's head off." Allura said, leading us to her car.

Time skippy to when they get to Allura's apartment

^Okay. First things first. Where are you going for your date? That is a major component to what you will wear. Is it casual? Formal?^ I start off.

"Well... we thought of going to dinner, a nice restaurant but not one of those you restaurants where you have to reserve." Allura said.

"Okay, so maybe something simple, yet elegant at the same time?" Hunk adds.

I nod. ^I was thinking the same thing Hunk.^ I walk over to her closet, opening the door. ^Okay, how about this blouse and these trousers?" I say, picking out the clothes and showing them to the group.

"Perfect!" Hunk exclaims. "What do you think Allura?"

"I think its absolutely stunning. May I try it on?" Allura inquired.

^Of course!^ I sign, passing her the outfit. ^Go, go!^

"I'm going Lance." She said laughing.

Once Allura went into her bathroom, Hunk turned to me. "So, how are things with Keith so far?" He questions.

^I've known him for not even a day yet Hunk.^ I sign, rolling me eyes. ^But, he is something. From what I know.^

"Yeah, he seemed pretty awesome to me." Hunk adds. "And with trying to keep it a secret, I feel Shrio will have the hardest time with it."

^Why do you say that?^ I question.

"Well, remember all the stories he's told us about his little brother and the fact he 'doesn't have a soulmate'?" I nod. "He's always tried to tell him he does and now that we know he's your soulmate, I don't know how long Shiro will hold out. I'm guessing a week at most." Hunk explains.

^That's a fair point. Well, the weekend is coming up, why don't we invite the gang out and ask Keith to come with?^ I propose.

"Sounds like a plan." Hunk said as Allura walks out. "Wow, that looks amazing 'llura."

"Why thank you Hunk. And thank you Lance, this does look quite spectacular." Allura said.

^Spin for us darling.^ I sign.

Mid spin, we hear the doorbell ring. "That would be Melle. I don't think I'm ready." Allura said, worried.

^It'll be fine, sis. You are an amazing person and myself and Hunk know that you'll have fun. Just be yourself.^ I said, reassuring her.

"Yeah, you got this 'llura! Now go have fun, we'll see you tomorrow." Hunk said, pushing her towards the door.

"Thank you, both of you." Allura says as she puts on her shoes and coat. Opening the door, she turns back at us. "You two have a ride home?"

We nod. "Now go!" Hunk exclaims. "And hi Romelle. Have fun you two!" He adds.

As we close the door, we turn to each other. "So... I left my car at school..." Hunk says, scratching the back of his neck.

I smile, shaking my head. ^Let's go to Shiro's, he lives close by. He might be willing to give us a ride to school to get your car.^

"Good idea, let's go."

We grab our coats and walk to Shiro's house which takes us five minutes. I knock on the door. We hear a muffled voice through the door. "Can you get that?" The door opens and we see Keith.

I wave sheepishly.

Okay. So. Sorry that took longer than expected. I meant to have this out like, a week ago but things came up and it's only coming out now. But happy new years! It's already 2020. Hope your new years started off better than mine. For this year, I'm trying to get an update scheduled for every second and forth Saturday of every month. (So two updates a month) I'd try for more but I'm doing more volunteering so I won't have as much time as I would like. If anything changes, I'll try to update more but as of now, that's what I'm aiming for. Thank you to everyone who has read Finding You, I really appreciate every one of you. Anyhoo, have a good day (or don't, it's up to you) and I'll see you soon.

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