When Natural Meets the Supern...

By umhimynameischarlie

1.8K 110 53

The worst feeling in the world is when you're an outsider. And that's the vague feeling that I had every day... More

Episode 1: Formalities
Episode 2: Streak Bet
Episode 3: Alone Time
Episode 4: Extra-Virgin Olive Oil
Episode 5: Did it Hurt to Fall from Heaven?
Episode 6: Adults Only
Episode 7: The Hangover
Episode 8: Lost Loves
Episode 9: Rebound Sex
Episode 10, Part 2: The Unexpected One-Eyed Snake
Episode 10, Part 3: Resolution

Episode 10, Part 1: Low-Key

63 3 6
By umhimynameischarlie

"Ugh," Dean groaned, "I hate witches."

"That's the fourth time you've said it this hour," Sam rolled his eyes, "we get it."

I came into the room, bearing gifts.

"Guys. Put down the books and have some food. You've been at it for hours and my brain is hurting just looking at you." I smiled and put the burgers and beers in front of the boys.

"You know, reasearch would take like half the time if you actually helped," Dean asserted.

I hated doing research, and so if I could, I would always work to get out of it. I would usually put on some tight yoga pants, or offer to buy them alcohol. Honestly, I'd do practically anything to get out of spending hours trying to look for information that might not even be there. I'm good with hunting and killing things. Hell, I'm great with stuff like that. But reading boring textbooks or staring at a screen for hours on end? No thank you.

"I just don't get why we can't use the resources we have... You know, that angel we met a couple of days ago? Why can't we bring Cas into this? It'd make things so much easier."

"We don't need to bring Cas into this!" Dean protested loudly.

"Whoa, chill, Mr. Testosterone Powerhouse, all I'm saying is that there's no need for us to waste our time staring at the same five pages trying to find something if we've got another way."

We all heard a flapping sound echo through the room, and with that, Castiel and another angel we haven't met yet appeared.

"I agree, it is unwise to waste your time with such trivial things," Castiel agreed.

"Mmmhmm, yes. We wouldn't want to engage in any frivolous affairs, now would we, Scarlett and Dean?" The other angel donned a shit-eating grin which made Dean and I uncomfortable.

"And you are?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Balthazar," the angel retorted proudly.

"We have come with information that may be of interest to you," Castiel began, "it's about your current case."

"Yeah, it's actually pretty straightforward though. Witches, hex bags, all that stuff. It's nothing that we can't handle ourselves," Dean stated with a touch of attitude.

"Well, if you're actually thick enough to believe that what you're running in circles after is, in fact, a witch, then sure, good luck with that." Balthazar smirked condescendingly. 

"Fine, then," Dean began, "I'll bite. What do you think we're dealing with here?"

Castiel interrupted Balthazar as he began to talk. "It is not a witch. Your current case is that of an ancient god. Loki, the ancient Norse god of trickery, to be precise."

"You're kidding." Sam panted excitedly. 

"I most certainly am not," Castiel argued, "this is a dangerous case for you three to take on by yourselves. I won't let you guys do this on your own."

"Maybe," Balthazar suggested, "we should let them attempt it on their own. Natural selection, perhaps?"

"Why does he even need to be here?" I asked angrily. 

"He is the one who provided me with the information which I previously gave to you. It would not only be impertinent, but quite dishonest to pass on the information as if it were my own."

 "Of course, Cas," Dean started sarcastically, "we'd hate for you to be dishonest." 

Sam smiled, as he always did when Cas said things. I didn't know what was up with that boy, but I swear, he looked at the angel like the sun shined out of his fucking ass.

After getting some research done on Loki, we discovered that he was a Norse god of mischief. He actually sounded pretty fun.

All over the town we were in, practical jokes were being played by this Loki guy. Most of it was really juvenile stuff, like changing a young boy's arms into flippers, or making an adult woman able to speak nothing but gibberish. 

I wondered what motivation Loki had to do any of these things. Was is really all just pranks? I didn't understand it but at the same time I thought it was pretty interesting.


I was alone, until Dean came into the room.

"Hey, uh," he began, "can I talk to you for a sec?"

I nodded my head. "Shoot."

"What should we do about last night?"

"What do you mean?" I raised my eyebrows.

"I mean, like, does this change anything? What does this mean for us?"

I paused for a second to think about what I felt, and what I wanted in my relationship with Dean. 

"It means that we were outrageously horny. That's it."

"So," he licked his lips, "that means that we're still just friends?"

"Friends that do this," I stood up and kissed him on the lips.

I pushed him down onto the chair I was sitting on, and straddled his lap with our bodies facing each other.

He quickly realized where this was going, and before long, the tips of his warm thumbs began to lightly trace the outline of my ass.

Starting to sway my hips, I was slowly letting my core grind against the growing bulge in his lap. I wanted to tease him; I wanted him to crave it.

Then, with my hands in his hair, our lips met. 

Kiss by kiss, our intimacy slowly built intensity. 

Soon enough, I was grinding on top of him, with my hands making their way up to his chest.

Within a couple of seconds, Dean's jacket and shirt were off, and I was working on getting his pants off as well.

"Whoa, there," Dean jokingly protested, "it's your turn to lose a piece of clothing."

I playfully bit my lower lip, and lowered my head. Then, I brought it back up to look directly into Dean's eyes while I took my tank top off, exposing my chest. 

His eyes widened in awe before his dazed glance came back up to see what I might do next. 

I flirtatiously nipped at his earlobe, before bringing my lips down to the base of his neck, and with every kiss, I brought my lips back up to his ear.

"So," I began to whisper in my best attempt at a seductive tone, "where's the condom? You couldn't have possibly thought that you'd leave this room unfucked."

Dean frantically searched through his many pockets for a small square wrapper, but he seemed unable to find one.

"I'm all out. You on the pill?" Dean asked.

I raised my eyebrows in minor disbelief. "I'm not having sex without a condom."

"You won't get pregnant if you're on the pill."

I stood up. "You know, pregnancy isn't the only negative side effect of sex. And, even if pregnancy were the only concern, you can still get pregnant even when you're on the pill. Nothing is 100% effective, and personally, I'd rather be safe than sorry."

He moved closer, trying to kiss me. 

I pushed him away lightly. "Nope. Not without a condom."

He nodded, and went into the bathroom. 

I heard the water begin to run.


Both of us had cold showers that night.


The next morning, after a painfully sexually-frustrating night, things felt different. 

I looked around to make sure that I was still in my bed. I was.

But, something just felt... Different.

I stood up, tossing the covers aside, and went to the bathroom the three of us shared.

After turning on the light, I screamed.

That's... Not... Me.

What. The. Hell?


Thanks for reading! Don't forget to comment when you're ready for the next part to be uploaded. 

(Just FYI, I don't usually upload the next part until there are a couple of people telling me that they're interested.)

And in the next episode, you'll find out what's up with Scarlett, and you'll get to meet Loki for the first time. ;)

So stay tuned!!

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