Change Of Heart-(Perrie Edwar...

By kpop-girlgroupstan19

18.2K 488 108

17 year old Y/N is the star player of her school's soccer team 'The Red Devils'. At school she's the girl eve... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Not a new chapter.

Chapter 8

1.2K 46 6
By kpop-girlgroupstan19

Perrie's POV:

I woke up with my eyes burning most likely from all the crying I did last night. My body was pretty sore as well so dragging myself out of bed was a task in itself.

Don't even get me started on having to go to school cause that meant I'd have to face Y/N and her new side piece which is something I'm certainly not looking forward too. I brush it off and began to get ready before leaving for school. When I arrived, I parked by Jesy's car where her and Jade sat talking. They turned to wave as I pulled in. 

"What's up, guys." I greeted once I stepped out the car. 

"Hey." They both said. I gave them each a hug and sit beside them as they talked. I listen in as Jade's telling us a story only for her to stop all of a sudden. She looks to the entrance of the school with a confused expression on her face. She points. Jesy and I follow her finger to see her pointing at Y/N and Leigh-Anne walking towards the school's entrance. I scoffed and rolled my eyes. 

"Wtf, did they come together?" Jesy asks.

"I mean from the looks of it yeah. Leigh-Anne's following her these past few days and not gonna lie it's probably cause she knows it gets under my skin." I sigh. Both Jade and Jesy look at me with sad eyes. 

"I'm sorry Pez, I know it must be hard." 

"Anyways, Jade do you know who she got in a fight with? When I was with her she had some bruises and when I asked she wouldn't go into detail?" I ask.

"Um, no why?"

"Oh, I just figured you knew since ya'll made up and stuff."

"Oh, no I don't but we did talk and well honestly it's not my place to tell you what to do and what not to do, but if she does talk to you, then I know she won't be 100% honest. Look things have been hard for her, she's been through a lot and well she was scared, so she did the only thing she knows how to do." She explains. 

"Oh and don't be afraid to defend yourself! Be a bitch back if you have to. I'd say she deserves it." I nodded and Jade left so I headed to class. When I got there she was already in her seat scrolling through her phone. I sighed and sat down beside her. It was a bit awkward but I did my best to ignore it. 

"So I uh just wanted to say that I'm sorry for being a bitch." Y/N said quietly looking down at her lap. I turned to her disbelieving. What changed? I swear she goes from hot to cold within seconds. 

I nod my head, not wanting to give her the satisfaction. I wasn't sure if whether to respond or not seeing as she wouldn't care what I had to say either way because of how stubborn she was. A few minutes later Mr. Jackson came up to the two of us with our poem in his hand.

"I went over what you had and I didn't see anything wrong with it but if you need to, I'll let you both look it over and see if it needs changing since Y/N missed a few days." He looked to Y/N and held the poem up. I was about to answer him but Y/N spoke up before I could.

"Yes, that works. Thank you, sir." She nodded. Mr. Jackson smiled and walked back to his desk. 

"Why'd you say yes? I already looked it over and it was good." I snapped. Y/N looked up at me.

"I don't know, I just thought it'd give us a chance to hangout and get to know each other a bit more." She shrugged her shoulders. 

"Us? Hangout? Yeah, right." I snorted. "Like I would want to sit and have you insult me time and time again. And then for you to act like there's nothing wrong with that. Thanks, but I'll pass." I looked away.

"I said I was sorry though." She laughs humorlessly. 

"And? Am I just supposed to forgive you and act like what you said didn't at all hurt me!?" I snapped again. "I honestly thought that you were different, but deep down you will always be a cold, heartless bitch." Y/N looked at me with wide eyes. 

"Oh I'm sorry! Did I insult the all-knowing Y/N Y/L/N? Well-off soccer all-star who has her future made for her already?" I feigned surprise. That seemed to rile her up.

"I"m not well-off first off all. And second of all I worked my ass off to get to where I am and to earn what I have. If anyone's well-off, it's you. You have the perfect family, the perfect grades, and clearly the money to get you to places! Don't fucking assume you know me and my life." She spat.

"Well I wouldn't regardless if I even got the chance! All you do is push people away when you feel them getting too close." I was  going to continue but I was cut off. 

"Miss Edwards, class has started if you could please quiet down." Mr. Jackson said sternly. I nod and bow my head. Y/N scoffed beside me shaking her head with a glare. Her glare wasn't pointed at me but at our teacher. Once he started talking again, Y/N spoke up.

"Can't you see that I'm trying to make things right between us. I know it isn't easy to forgive me and I get why. And if you hadn't noticed, I'm not good at these type of things. But if you just don't care then that's fine by me, I won't either." Y/N spoke lowly. As much as I wanted to keep my facade up, I didn't because in reality I cared too much. 

"Here take the stupid poem. Forget I said we had to do work on it." She put the paper on my desk and turned to look up front.

I look down at the paper debating if whether or not I should take her up on her offer or just turn it in. Of course I wanted to spend time with Y/N but I wasn't sure if we would be able to have a simple conversation without getting into an argument. I looked back at Y/N to see her head down doodling in her notebook. 

I put the paper in my bag, causing Y/N to slowly look in my direction. She gave me a confused look but didn't say anything as she stared at me. "Meet me at my house after your out of practice." I whispered. 

Y/N raised an eyebrow, so just shrugged my shoulder trying to keep a calm expression. 

She nods slightly before turning her attention back to her notebook. I could still see the outline of a small smile as I looked at her side profile. Boy was it hard to stay mad at her when I was this head over heels for her.


Throughout lunch, Jesy, Jade and I watched Y/N converse with Leigh-Anne. It was really hard to not feel jealous. "So what do you think about that girl taking your best friend away from you?" Jesy nudges Jade in the side with a smile on her face.

They were so cute together. The way they joke around with each other and didn't make a big deal out of it. "Pfft, no one could ever take my place I'm way to awesome." Jade flipped her hair to the side boldly.

"Shit, Y/N will come crawling back to me in no time. But what about you, Pez? I mean If anything it seems as though she's taking your spot more than mine." Jade smirked. I rolled my eyes with a scoff. Leigh-Anne was incredibly touchy with Y/N. It reminded me so much of the girls that would normally hang off Y/N's arms during lunch. 

The thought itself made me laugh. Jesy and Jade looked at me confusedly. In that moment, I saw Leigh-Anne kiss Y/N on the cheek, really close to her lips. I scoffed standing up briskly, earning even more confused glances from the girls. 

I locked eyes with Y/N. Leigh-Anne's arm was wrapped around her shoulder but she didn't seem the least bothered. We kept eye contact until I looked away, storming out of the cafeteria before anything else could happen.

I hurried into the  hallways passing by a few people eating their lunches. Footsteps followed and I just knew it was Y/N but didn't make a move to turn around. 

"Perrie? What's wrong?" She stepped in front of me, cutting me off. 

"It's none of your business." I spat.

"Don't be like that."

"Don't even bother coming to my house later." I shook my head attempting to step around her.

"No, wait. What did I do know?" She asks grabbing hold of my wrist to keep me in place. 

"Nothing, why don't you just go back to Leigh-Anne."

"Are you jealous? Is that it? She chuckled humorlessly. I don't know what switched inside of me but in a matter of seconds I was pulling my wrist from her hold and watching as my hand came in contact with her face.

Y/N's face was thrown to the side. When she turned to face me she had a look of shock bringing her hand up to caress her cheek.  Not even a few seconds later I noticed a little red liquid forming on the right side of her lip. Blood. 

"You're bleeding!" My voice cracked as I brought my hand up in an attempt to clean it for her. 

Y/N wiped at her mouth staring down at her hand before stepping back a step.

"Wait, Y/N-" I stutter as she just stands there frozen in place.

"Oh my god!" A voice sounded from behind her.

Leigh-Anne rushed to Y/N's side grabbing her by the shoulders in an attempt to observe the cut on her lip. She looked towards me with an icy glare as she lead Y/N away from me before they disappeared around the corner. Jade and Jesy came out a few minutes later, both of them seeing my tears.

"What the hell happened?" Jesy asked while trying to calm me down. Jade stood there to the side just watching us.

"It happened so quickly....I-." 

"What?" Jesy asked.

"I-I hit her." I hiccuped.

"You did what?" Jade yelled.

I was taken out of Jesy's arms and shoved into one of the lockers by Jade. She had the collar of shirt in her hands, holding me against it roughly.

"You're lucky I consider you a friend if not I would've beaten the shit out of you!" She growled. Jesy was trying to pry Jade's hands off of me but Jade wasn't letting up. When Jade finally let go of me she took a few steps back.

"I know I said to be a bitch and defend yourself, but laying a finger on her is stepping over the line." She stormed off in the direction of where Leigh-Anne had taken Y/N. Jesy pulled me into a hug and I immediately broke down. How could I have done that to her. Jesy led us into the nearest bathroom, locking the door behind us so no one saw would walk in and see me crying. 

"I fucked up Jes." I whispered. 

"Of all things, why would you hit her?" She asks.

"I don't know. I guess I let my anger get the better of me." I shook my head, looking down at my hands.

"That's not an excuse." Jesy said. I nodded in agreement and tried to wipe my eyes but it was no use as more tears filled their place.

"Honestly, how are you gonna ever get her to open up to you if you keep letting your jealousy get in the way?" She questioned. The realization hit me in the face like a brick causing more tears to pour out of my eyes at the thought. She had a point. Jesy wrapped her arms around me and let my cry on her shoulder.

"I don't want to lose her before I even have her Jesy." I sobbed.

She rubbed my back soothingly. After a few more minutes of crying my eyes out I had finally calmed down enough to clean myself up. Jesy redid my makeup but even then you could still see the puffiness around my eyes. After we left the bathroom, I practically ran to the nurse's office in hopes of finding Y/N there.

Thankfully I saw them as I walked in. The nurse was swabbing Y/N's lip. Leigh-Anne was by her side holding her hand as Jade stood to the side observing.

Jade heard me enter, looking at me with anger. She walked up to me and grabbed me by the wrist pulling me out of the room. "You have no fucking reason to be here." Jade spat once we were out of ear shot. 

"I thought you loved her." 

"I do!" I raised my voice.

"Yeah, well you don't hit the people you love!" My breath hitched.

"You know what? Maybe you should just leave her alone. She's already got enough to deal with, she doesn't need to worry about you beating on her too" Her eyes widened as she realized what she had said. 

"Wait, what do you mean by 'too'?" I ask.

"I..nothing. Just leave us." Jade moved in front of the door.

"Jade, please tell me."

"No, you don't deserve to know and even if you did, it isn't my place to speak on the subject." 

"Jade, just leave her alone." Jesy walked up to us.

"What? She thinks that just because she's "in love" with Y/N she has the right to know everything involving her. Well newsflash: you don't." She snapped.

"Jade, stop it." Jesy yells.

"Please just leave, my best friend needs me." Jade said coldly. 

"You're the same when it comes to wanting to know things! Last time I checked you were the one that walked away from her! Not the other way around! You left her when she needed you the most, so you don't deserve to be in there by her side either!" Jesy kept trying to pull me away but I wasn't budging as I stood my ground.

"Who the fuck's been there since the beginning? Me! Who does she trust? Me! Not you! You don't deserve Y/N." 

"Jade!" Jesy gasped pulling me away.

"She's right Jes. I don't deserve her after what I did." I sighed.

"She didn't mean it. It was just in the moment. Don't listen to her, okay?" Jesy tried to reassure me.

"Y/N deserves better."

"Stop. She deserves you okay? And you do deserve her. If you want Y/N to see how much you care then you need to not give up and continue fighting for her. Don't let Jade or anyone bring you down.'

I was too upset to go to my other classes so we skipped the majority of them until it was finally Art class. I didn't see Y/N as I walked in and sat in my seat. Jesy was right. I need to keep fighting to show Y/N just how much she means to me. She needed to know just how I felt.

Not even 30 minutes later, Y/N walked in. The first thing I noticed was how swelled up her lip had gotten. It wasn't dramatically big but it was definitely noticeable. She handed the teacher her pass and slowly walked to her sit which just so happened to be next to mine. She sat down with a sigh and propped her head on her hand.

"I'm so-" 

"Don't." She cut me off.

"I swear I didn't mean t-"


"Please just-"

"Don't you think you've done enough?" She spat.

"Miss Y/L/N is there a reason for you to be interrupting my lecture?" The teacher stopped to address Y/N.

"No, there isn't." Y/N replied sarcasm dripping in her voice.

"Then if you could please stop interrupting my class and pay attention." 

"Right." Y/N whispered rolling her eyes.  

"What was that? Go to the office."

"Sure." Y/N got up and threw her bag over her shoulder walking out of the class. The teacher looked to me.

"Your welcome to join her, Miss Edwards." 

"Okay." I gathered my things and followed in Y/N's footsteps. As I caught up to her I noticed that instead of walking to the office she had made a beeline towards the school's parking lot. By the time I got to her she was throwing her bag in the back seat before getting in. 

I quickly got in before she could even think about locking the doors. 

"Can't you just leave me alone?" She sighed.

"I want to talk and then you can decide for yourself if you want you to hate me forever." 

"I don't hate you. And forever seriously? Don't you think that's a little too dramatic?" She responded in a teasing tone.

"Maybe just a little. But seriously I wanted to apologize for slapping you. I swear I didn't mean for that to happen. I was angry and I'll be the first to admit that that shouldn't be an excuse." I exclaim.

"I forgive you, okay? Don't be hard on yourself, I'm at fault too." She sighs. "How about we start over? I can't promise that it'll be easy but I'm more than willing to try." 

"Are you sure you're not at me mad for hitting you?"

"Let's be honest, I kind of deserved that." She chuckled.

"No one deserves that."

"Maybe not but I was a bitch to you for no reason, so I kind did need a little smacking around." She laughed. Like she genuinely laughed and it was music to my ears. 

"I just want you to know that I really am sorry. Hitting you regardless of the reason wasn't right." 

"Like I said it's fine, let's put it behind us and move on. And at least now I know to never mess with you." We both busted out laughing. Once we calmed down, I smiled to myself at this new side of Y/N. This was definitely the girl I had fallen for. Their was a comfortable silence between us for a few minutes before Y/N broke it. 

"So, are you willing to start over?" Y/N asked. I nodded shyly and looked up to see her already staring at me. "Hi, I'm Y/N. Y/N Y/L/N." She held out her hand.

"Perrie Edwards." I took her hand in mine. A surge of electricity ran up my arm. I felt all giddy inside now that I was able to hold Y/N's hand.

"Nice to meet you Perrie."

(Sorry it took me so long to update! But anyways here's Chapter 8! I hope you enjoy!)

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