New Moon

By The_Revenant_King

26.9K 1.7K 818

Thanks to SanderStalker, I was inspired to write my own Werewolf story... Here is it lolz! Virgil Dean was ju... More

Full Moon


1.1K 88 17
By The_Revenant_King

Virgil sat there staring. Yes, he was staring. It was lunchtime and Dee and Colt were sitting at a table. Colt was happily chit-chatting away as he ate but... Dee never said a word. Dee just sat there head down eyes on the table. Virgil blood boiled at the sight. Usually, Remus was running around laughing at everything in his overly hyper way of his. Dee would only smile and laugh at the boy. He'd be so happy. NOw he's not... And Remus still isn't here!

 Virgil pushed himself up grabbing his tray and moved closer to the two. He placed the tray down beside Colt and immediately put on that fake smile. When Colt looked over at him he noticed how Dee shied away.

"Virgil?" Dee's head shot up as Virgil just smiled at the two of them. "What..."

"Sorry, I just uh..." Virgil pointed over at his empty table as laughed as he sat beside Colt. "Sitting here with you seemed far nicer." 

"Of course... You can always sit with me." Virgil smiled as he leaned in slightly suppressing the gag as Colt immediately held him close. Dee's eyes were filled with complete horror. 

"What... uh. When did you two..." Colt lost his smile and Dee quickly clammed up making Virgil frown in concern.

"After you went home last Saturday." Virgil could see the anger in his friend. He could see the fear to and that was what kept him going. "We uh... went on a date."

"Are you two dating?" Dee's voice was cold and stern, as Colt squeezed Virgil closer.

"Well, I don't think..." Virgil jumped placing a soft kiss to Colt's cheek shocking the boy into silence as Dee literally crushed his milk carton.

"Oh, come on, Colt. Don't hold back now." Colt's eyes shined as Virgil beamed in his arms. "We should see where this goes, yeah?"

"Virgil, do..." Dee flinched as Colt narrowed his eyes but Virgil pretended not to notice. He was doing all this for them. The closer he was the easier it would be to save them all. "I'm glad... for you both." The bell rang signaling the end and Virgil already had a plan. 

"Hey Colt... do you mind if we meet up later?" The boy beamed as he nodded furiously. Ok, check one for that. "Good, I'll see you later then." Virgil watched as Colt rushed out of the room.  Dee never moved once. 

"What are you doing?" Virgil frowned as he let that mask drop. He cringed horribly as he brushed his arms as if trying to wipe the fact that Colt touched him away. "Virgil."

"Where's Remus?" Dee sighed as Virgil pulled his phone out with a determined gaze. 

"Home." Virgil groaned as he pushed his phone into Dee's shaking hands.

"Put the address in."

"No, Virgil..." 

"Put. The. Address. In. Now, Dee." Dee's eyes went wide with shock as he did what he was told and Virgil smiled. "Thank you. Don't worry, Dee. I know what I'm doing."

"Virgil, no... You don't. You're getting yourself involved in things you can't possibly..." Virgil got up from the table only to frown as Dee slammed his hands on it. "Where are you going, Virgil?"

"To get Remus." 

"VIRGIL!" The pure terror in Dee's voice was enough to stop the boy in his tracks. He could see the pain in his friend as he smiled softly at him. "Don't do this. He will hurt you."

"You two are my family. I refuse to sit by and watch someone hurt you..." Virgil laughed as he hugged his hoodie tightly. "It's not in my nature, Dee. I'm very protective of my family."

"Your pack..." Virgil's eyes narrowed as Dee frowned. "Virgil, you just don't understand. You don't know who colt is. If he finds out..."

"I don't give a flying fuck about any of this. If he hurts you... I'll fuck him up."

"He will kill you!" Virgil flinched at the growl that escaped his friend's lips. The way Dee's eyes shifted caught Virgil's attention though. His pupils shrunk as the color in them brightened almost as if glowing. "I don't want to find my friend dead."

"Neither do I." Virgil smiled softly as he inched towards the door. "That's why I'm doing this Dee. I can't just sit back and do nothing. The thought of you two hurting... I NEED to do something. I need to help you."

"That isn't your place. You're only a human Virgil!" Dee's eyes went wide as he quickly backtracked. "What I mean is, theres only so much you can do."

"No... No, you didn't."

"Virgil, please. You just can't do anything."

"So leave him." Dee froze up as Virgil stood there with a neutral but serious gaze.

"I can't."

"Then I'm going to..."

"Virgil, this isn't fair." Virgil could see just how desperate his friend was but he wasn't about to change his mind. "You're telling me I'm going to lose my friend."

"No, I'm saying, that since you can't leave him, I'm going to do everything in my power to protect you."


"I don't know why you can't leave him, but I'm not about to push on that. I just want you to be safe until you can..."

"I can NEVER leave him." Virgil's blood went cold as Dee actually started to cry. "Virgil, he's my alpha."

"Alpha?" Dee sighed as he shook his head and frowned.

"Forget it. It doesn't mean anything. Just... I told you how I felt. I can't stop you..." Dee wiped his tears as he smiled sadly. "Just know... I can't stop him either. If he wants you dead... I have no choice." 

"It sounds almost as if you'll be the one killing me." Virgil laughed but Dee's eyes only darkened, stunning the poor boy into silence.

"Just be careful. You're the only friend Ray and I ever really had here." Virgil's eyes widened as Dee smiled softly. "Please... be careful."

"Dee..." Virgil frowned as he turned away not wanting to see the pain in his friend. "I'll do anything for you guys... regardless of what happens to me."

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