Sloan's Kid

By delaney4real

9K 63 20

Yah your my dad I say to Mark. More

What, no!
Court Case
Christmas Wishes
Christmas Wishes Part 2
Crashing Together
True Happiness
Having Two Lives at Once
Relationships are the Issue Here
Mending Whats Broken
IDK What to do!
Living out of Lost Love
Why are the views of this story becoming less and less each chapter?!
Oh Hey, Dr. Torres!
Teenage Dirtbag
Smoking kills
Healing the Broken

Have Two Lives at Once Part 2

268 1 0
By delaney4real

I hate school so much I hate everything about it the only thing I don't actually hate is my grades I mean I have great grades amazing grades to be exact I have all A's and thats great right the only thing is, is that I have no friends none at all and of course Callie or Arizona don't know that right but I can't shake the feeling that I should at least try to make some friends.

Then when I thought that this school was getting better it just got worse and this is how it all started.

I was in English class right and she was introducing a new book to the class I of course already read it and did all of the 120 questions for the book so I was kind of bored.

Then she wrote something on the board that caught my attention she wrote, "About me."

She then said we need to do a 5 page paper about us and it's due next week.

What's some stuff about me that's actually interesting I mean I had a dad that died and then I got two moms that are surgeons.

Then the bell rang.

I went up to my English teacher.

Um Ms. Burns I don't know what to write about for the 5 page paper I don't really have anything to say I say.

Everyone has something to share so you should to you got this Avery Ms. Burns says.

Ok bye I say.

Now I thought that class was bad just wait until I tell you about history class.

So I was in history class and my teacher handed out a project about a president and we had to do slides.

I picked a president and I finished the project by the end of class.

I was about to lay my head down when someone touched my back.

I turned around to see who touched me and it was a girl that seemed like she would be really rude.

You have gay parents right she says.

Yah so I say rudely.

Well are you gay she asks.

No I don't think so I say.

Well you could be I mean gay's in your blood now and you could end up being gay I guess your not as smart as your dear old daddy Makenna says.

Shut the hell up you don't get to speak about my dad in that way and about my moms usually when people are that rude they are hurting on the inside and also my dad now is the name of one of the top 5 best hospitals in the world so I would shut the hell up if I were you I say angrily.

Not only the girl was shocked but my entire class including my teacher was shocked too.

Makenna, Avery in the hall please now Mr. Baker says pointing to the door.

I get up and so does the sorry excuse of a girl too.

Now I would like to know what exactly happened for you interrupt my class like that young lady Mr. Baker says.

She was talking shit about my dead dad and I couldn't take any more of that so I started talking shit to her back I say.

Now a young lady like you shouldn't be saying those words in my class let alone to me Mr. Baker says.

I'm sorry when I'm angry I just let words like that fly out of my mouth I apologize I say.

No Makenna this is my second time today speaking to you so I'm sorry but I'm going to have to call your parents Mr. Baker says.

What no Mr. Baker please my parents will take everything away from me Makenna says starting to cry.

Mr. Baker please I don't want anyone to get in trouble because of what they said so please just give her lunch detention or something like that I say.

Ok then lunch detention for you Makenna and Avery your out of the woods for now Mr. Baker says.

We both came back in class.

At the end of the school all I wanted to do was cry or scream I didn't which one to pic.

Also on top of that my moms are having couple's therapy and honestly it's breaking me apart the last thing I have from my dad is Sofia and Callie and Arizona together if they break up I don't know what's going to happen to me I feel like I'll break into a million pieces with their relationship.

So I walked home from school and I got to the hospital.

I saw Meredith and that was when I couldn't breath.

I was having my usual panic attack I haven't ever had one since I've been with Callie or Arizona or even my dad so usually when I have a break like that my panic attacks get more severe.

Avery are you ok Meredith says.

I need to sit down I say trying to catch my breath.

Do you need me to call your moms Meredith says.

N-no I'm fine I-I don't need to add to their stress already I say.

What do you mean Meredith asks confused.

I mean they are going to couple's therapy I don't think me having a panic attack because of their issues is a good thing to be brought up I say.

Are your panic attacks regular Meredith asks.

When I'm nervous or scared other than that no I say.

Ok Meredith says.

Hey you ok kid Alex asks.

I nod.

She had a panic attack she's not ok Meredith says.

What Alex says surprised.

Meredith I say.

I had to tell him Meredith says.

Now he's going to tell Arizona and they are going to worry about me I say.

I get and I get dizzy.

Woh there Avery you need to sit back down and calm down Alex says.

I'm fine I say.

At least let me help Alex says.

Fine I say.

I get up and feel a little dizzy.

Woh Avery sit down Alex says.

Alex I'm fine ok I say.

Ok whatever you say Alex says.

When was the last time you had a panic attack Meredith asks.

Well, I actually think it was when my mom came back and tried to take me back with her and when Callie and the car accident and the plane crash I say.

Ok only when your stressed out Meredith says.

Yes I say.

That makes sense Alex says.

I then see Callie and Arizona.

Please don't tell them I say to Alex and Meredith.

I can't promise that Alex says.

Please I'm begging you I say begging.

Ok I'll try Alex says.

Thank you I say.

Avery Callie says.

I hug her and she was going to let go but I kept holding onto her.

Sweetie what's wrong Callie asks.

Oh nothing momma I'm fine I say.

No she's not Meredith says.

Meredith you said you wouldn't tell I say getting mad at her.

Well I'm sorry I can't keep it from Callie Meredith says.

Keeping what from Callie Arizona says.

She's been having panic attacks because of you two Meredith says.

I then start having one again because of her telling them.

Oh my gosh Avery baby calm down Callie says hugging.

I start to cry into her.

I don't want you to leave me when you divorce I say.

Oh honey we won't ever leave you Arizona says.

But your getting divorced I ask them.

We don't know yet Arizona says.

If you do can you at least share custody of Sofia and I  I say.

They look at each other.

We'll try very hard to work that out ok Arizona says.

Ok I say.

Then Callie gets paged.

Ok baby I have to go it's a 911 love you Callie says to me and kisses my cheek and hugs me and leaves.

Want to do go check some patients with me Arizona says.

Sure mom I say.

She gives me the charts to hold and I feel like a doctor which feels pretty cool.

I helped my mom and then sooner or later we came to the final patient.

My mom and I were about to walk in when I saw McKenna the very girl who was really rude to me and her mom and little brother who was in bed looking very sick.

Uh mom I- I say looking at her.

What's wrong honey Arizona says.

Nothing I say.

We walked in.

Hey Tommy how you feeling today buddy Arizona says.

My tummy hurts Tommy says.

Oh poor thing I say.

MaKenna looks at me rudely and so I just look back at the chart ignoring her.

Mrs. Parker this is my daughter Avery she is going to be helping me today a little bit Arizona says.

Hi Avery it's very nice to meet you Mrs. Parker says.

You too I say.

Makenna I be she's about your age Mrs. Parker says.

Yah actually she's in my grade and at my school too Makenna says.

Avery do you know her Arizona says.

Yah I do actually she said that I'm gay because of you and she said I'm not as smart as my dad I say.

Arizona and Mrs. Parker looked at Makenna shocked.

Makenna did you say what she just told us

No she's lying Makenna says.

Avery wouldn't lie about that Arizona says.

I know she seems like a good girl Makenna your grounded and you need to apologize to Avery and her mom Mrs. Parker says.

Yes ma'am I'm sorry that I said those things it was very wrong of me MaKenna says.

I forgive you I say.

Ok now that is resolved we are going to prep Tommy for his surgery Arizona says.

We turn and leave.

I then break down crying.

Oh baby Arizona says hugging me.

I wish my dad was here I miss him so much I say.

I know honey I miss him too Arizona says.


So Callie and Arizona got divorced and Arizona won custody.
I mean I guess it's cool but I really don't like it at the same time when the custody battle was happening they were fighting like all the time and I really didn't like that but when it was over Callie came over and hugged me tight and when I looked at her she looked like she had been crying.

I didn't like it that I barely see Callie anymore and Sofia asks about her all time so I let her call her on the phone sometimes.

But one time in the middle of the night I saw Arizona getting dressed and she was going to work.

Mom what are you doing I ask her.

Oh sorry honey can you get Sofia's stuff ready I have to go to work early and bring a backpack full of snacks Arizona says.

Ok I say.

I hurry and get everything ready.

I keep my nightgown on.

I wore this and my backpack is this.

This is what I had in my bag.

And I had MacBook and my phone with me too so she could watch a movie and I had a cute outfit for her and I bring my computer charger and my phone charger too.

This is her outfit.

Then I bring a cute gold bow and some hairties and some hair pins to do her hair and a brush too.

I later do her hair like this.

I miss seeing my moms together and I just wish it would have worked out.

I look at myself in the mirror and I felt like the world stopped, I look different but why?

This is what my ears look like.

Since my father died I haven't done anything other than getting my ears pierced for the 5th time but then I then just get impulsive to cut my hair so I got the scissors and I put my hair up in a ponytail and cut my hair.

I cut my hair this short.

It felt good to just let go of the years past.

Avery you ready--oh my gosh Averianna Lynn Sloan Robbins Torres what the heck did you do to your hair Arizona says

I cut it I say.

Your in trouble young lady Arizona says.

What why this is my life no puedo creer te, no puedes juzgarme que me arruinaste necesitaba hacer esto por mí mismo no puedes decir nada I say.

What did you say Arizona says.

I can't say I say crossing my arms.

Well, guess I have to go to the person who taught you huh Arizona says.

I get my backpack and I wake Sofia up and I pick her up.

Let's go Arizona says.

I live with Arizona of course and we live in an apartment and Callie lives in our old house.

We're going to your mother  Arizona says.

We are why I ask her.

To ask her what you said and I'm also dropping you two off to spend some time with her Arizona says.

Oh great I say grunting.

What did you just say Arizona says.

Nothing I say.

Avery don't start now Arizona says.

I roll my eyes and put Sofia in the back and I get in the front and she starts driving.

After a while she starts talking to me.

Honey what's wrong Arizona asks.

Nothing I'm fine I say.

Ok if you need to talk I'm here for you Arizona says.

Thanks mom I say.

After a while she pulled over and I saw my old house.

I looked in the back seat and see that Sofia is still sleeping.

I hope Callie's home, stay here ok Arizona says.

Ok I say.

I check the time and it's pretty late at night it's 1 and I'm tired.

I then here a sigh and a yawn from the back of the car.

Hey Sof, go back to sleep vuelve a dormir I say to her.

Ok buenas noches Sofia says.

Buenas noches Sofia I say.

She falls back asleep.

I look at the front door when Callie opens it surprised.

They start talking and they seem to get along quite well than before.

Callie hugs Arizona.

I guess that was my cue of getting my backpack and getting Sofia.

So I then did just that.

I walked with Sofia and my backpack.

Hi mi a more how are you Callie asks.

No buena momma necesito hablar contigo sola I say to her.

De acuerdo mi a more Callie says.

I nod.

Oh she said something to me in Spanish today knowing I can't speak Spanish Arizona says.

Avery what did I tell you about that Callie says.

I just said that it was her fault that my life is crap I say with tears brimming in my eyes.

You and Sofia were the only things I had left from my dad and now since your not together anymore it's only Sofia I say.

I walk inside with Sofia and take her to her old room and all my memories here came back and I felt finally at home once again I felt like myself and I looked at the little mirror and I didn't see me anymore I just saw this version of me that I never wanted to see I saw a lost me and that was never supposed to happen ever.

I guess this is what I get for having two lives at once.

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