
By IffieEffie

9.4K 275 86

An action romcom with Fatgum meeting Hinako Suzuki a new girl that has moved into his apartment building. The... More

Laundry Day
Sick Unicorn
Tamaki's Struggle
Sun-Eater's Stand
Visit with Grandma
Sweets Girl

Red Stain Orange Shield

853 29 10
By IffieEffie

Hinako works as a chef at Living-Well, but once worked as a nurse before she had caregiver's burnout.  Well she was in culinary school, she had gotten engaged to a well-to-do businessman though after the engagement he became cruel. He sadistically used her healing quirk to get away with brutally beating, and cutting her.  Luckily she had enough sense about her to escape, with the aide of a group, she was able to make a new start in a new city.

Since Taishiro Toyomitsu, and Hinako Suzuki, have met there has been a couple of odd things that have happened. A man has broken in to Taishiro's apartment, text messages from a fake Hinako to Fatgum, as well as belligerent texts to Hinako.  Though changes have been made to prevent the text messages, the muscular man with a buzz cut is still in the wind.

But today is the first day of U.A sports festival, where Heroes gather  to scout out new talent. In the past Fatgum usually donates his plus one ticket, however, this year he found a use for it, the timid Hinako, has agreed to go with him to the event.  The two have been seeing each other casually for about a month, though they haven't acted on their shared desires yet.  Officially this is their first actual date, since the last one was set up by a fake Hinako over text. 


This time it is Hinako getting nervous for the outting, she stands in front of the mirror making sure everything is just right.   On her living room table sits open a couple of magazine with heroes stats, and their ranks in order, she has made notes on some as she studied them.  She takes a deep breath, trying to settle her nerves before leaving the apartment

Making it down to the foyer, she leans against the wall trying to be casual waiting for Fatgum.  Glancing at her phone, she is 10 minutes early, and he has so far been the type to arrive either on time or a couple minutes late.  She looks out the lobby window, as people walk by the apartment building.  The streets are busy, with people in support of heroes, as U.A is not the only festival.   As she scans across the sea of faces, she locks eyes with a man who has walked past a couple  of times.


Fatgum leaves his apartment, pulling the door all the way shut behind him, something that he started doing since the break in.  When he gets to the front foyer, he looks about than casually leans on a part of the wall to wait for Hinako.  When she doesn't come down 5 minutes after they were suppose to meet, Fatgum starts to get restless.  'She's usually early, should I go check... see if she is okay?'

The front door to the apartment building flies open, startling Fatgum out of his thoughts.  "FATGUM! Villian Attack!", the man and woman that come rushing in are winded from running to get him.  The woman remarks "They said you would be here!", as though surprised.

"Where!", already in costume for the festival Fatgum goes rushing out the door pausing only a moment to see the direction that the two point.  The commotion outside is apparent people rush past him fleeing away from Restaurant Ally the quickest route to the train station.  Unconsciously Fatgum seeks the crowd for the petite brunette that he was supposed to meet.  Several people in the crowd point him towards the action, as he hurries past.

At the end of Restaurant Ally, there is a busy intersection, people have cleared away from the man that stands there, he is large and loud, with buzzed hair and a muscular frame.  Around his immediate area are piles of large red goo, some of which appear to have begun to solidify into crystal. There are civilians, some nearly completely covered, others stuck by only their foot or hand.  it looks as though he panicked and began flinging the jam like goo everywhere, 'It looks similar to the stuff in my apartment and on the door!'

The muscular man wears a long red scarf, a simple mask, he is yelling out wildly at the center of the action.  "Heroes of this city lounge around fat and lazy, while we all have to work!  They don't deserve the luxury that they have! Stain is right!  Stain is righteous!!There are no more true heroes that help! All of them want for profit!  I, Red Stain am here to reveal that the heroes of this city are FAKES!"

Pinned to the ground immidiately next to Red Stain is Hinako, who has fallen on her side, and since covered in the goo, some of the red goo has begun to crystallize around her.  Stuck holding Hinako's hand is a young waitress, that is attached to Hinako holding her hand as she attempted to pull her out of the goo.  The two women are looking about panicked not sure what the crazed villian may do next.

"Time you quit paintin' the town red pal!", Fatgum stands ready for a fight making sure to have a large smile on his face as he does so.

"Oh no its LazyBum! Whatever will I do?!", Red-Stain mocks him in a childish sarcastic tone. "HA!  As if!".  The goo comes streaming out of his hands directly at the BMI hero.

Fatgum guards his face but allows it to hit his body, shielding other fleeing people behind him.   'Gotta get him fast!  Before more people are caught up in this guys goo!', the goo that hits him begins to crystallize right away.  'Goo to crystal, in my apartment it stayed goo, so this guy must have control over when it crystallizes, maybe it can go  back too?'

"Pretty messy quirk ya got there!", Fatgum says trying to provoke the villian into revieling more information.

Red-Stain glares at the still smiling Fatgum, "Just you wait!", he reaches out with the same hand that threw the goo, he clenches the out stretched hand into a fist.  Fatgum feels the goo on his shirt crystallize and begin to shrink.  Pulling his costume taunt limiting his movement, 'so he can control the crystal after the fact too... gotta get them out as fast as possible then!'

Fatgum rushes forward at the villian to push him into his stomach.  As he hears the cries of others in the crystal, including Hinako.  "Stay back! Or I crush em all!"

Fatgum stops dead in his tracks as the people scream out in pain.  Less then half a block between the hero and villian, "Ya got a problem with heroes then come at me!  These people got nothin' to do with it!"

"I disagree! These people are also fakes! Their blind to the failings of society allowing it to continue! They are complacent in your laziness allowing it to continue.", with his left hand he creates more of the goo, as he does so his right hand takes it creating a large floating crystallized fist.  "I will crush them and you into pulp!  And from it those who are chosen by Stain will create a new better society!", he raises his right arm moving the newly made crystal into the air as a large fist.  "Now the real question is, how many hits does it take to turn you into pulp! FATGUM!"

Fatgum raises his arms to protect his head once more, as the crystallized fist beats into him.  His large form being pushed back with every blow, he looks down just time to step out of the way of a pile of the red goo.  'Dammit, guys trying to keep me guardin' so he can push me into this stuff!  I gotta make an opening!', there is a man stuck in the crystal that Fatgum moves to be in front of.

As the red fist pulls back, Fatgum uses some of the stored power from the blows and channels it into a firm kick, the kick only manages to crack the red crystal around the man's leg.  "Please help!", he pleads up to Fatgum his leg still stuck in the crystal.

Suddenly, Red-Stain yells out, "What the hell! Hey you little bitch!", the crystal pummeling stops for  brief moment.

Fatgum drops the guard around his face for a moment, seeing a young high school girl with red stained hands cleaning the crystal off of one of victims.  She looks up in horror as the fist has turned on her, "Sara! DUCK!", Fatgum isn't able get in front of the crystal fist fast enough, so instead he is forced to punch it.

The blast that bursts out from the punch, knocks Sara back, her and the woman, she was trying to release, roll off.  The two scramble to their feet, and begin to run off.  As the dust clears Fatgum is thinner, though some of his bulk is gone he still turns back to face Red-Stain.

(From right to left)

'I got 1 maybe 2 of those punches left, though I can still store up punches if he starts hittin, but from here on out I'm gonna be taken damage... Hinako... why didn't you wait for me?!', Fatgum glares over at Red-Stain who stands there stunned for a moment.

"Red-Stain was it... I'm gonna smash every crystal ya make!", His eyes stay fixed on the villian, but he can hear the screeching tires and sirens of the police arriving at the end of the alley.  Panic begins to set in on Red-Stains face as he realizes he's surrounded, and Fatgum can smash the Crystal's he makes.

"I... I still got hostages!", he clenches his right hand again, and as he does so the people trapped in the crystal cry out.

"Yeah ya do...", he can't help but look at Hinako.  Her eyes closed, and face twisted in pain as the crystal around her body and the hands of her and the waitress begin to crack as the two of them are squeezed. 

Hinako looks up at the waitress, she mouthes something that Fatgum can't quite make out.  The waitress nods and keeps her eyes fixed on Red-Stain, seeming to be ready for something to happen.

Fatgum glances about, including Hinako and the waitress, there are 5 people trapped in the crystallized red goo. Hinako and the waitress are the closest to Red-Stain and the furthest from Fatgum.  For a brief moment Fatgum locks eyes with Hinako, who nods at him, her eyes full of fear but she has a determined look.

With a shimmer on her body the crystal around her and the womans hand melts away into Hinakos flesh.  This frees the waitress who at first slowly then very quickly runs off.  Red-Stain whirls around, shocked to see another to have gotten loose from the crystal.  "No! What the Fuck!", In this moment Fatgum rushed forward quickly clearing the distance between himself and Red-Stain.

'Sheddin' a few more pounds, but I gotta knock this guy out so he can't crush the hostages.', steam rolls off of Fatgum as he gets in for the final shot, his fist lands directly in the gut of Red-Stain.  The villians eyes roll to reviel only whites, as he launches backward into a street lamp.  As the steam clears Fatgum stands unharmed over Hinako with most of his bulk has now melted away.

Catching his breath, Fatgum looks down at the small soft frame of Hinako which is still locked in the crystal.  "Don't worry, you'll be out of it soon.", his grin still large and warm.

The police close in on Red-Stain, they bring out a device to encase his hands in, carrying off the unconscious villian. An officer comes up to Fatgum, "Thank you Fatgum!  His crystal will only stay hard for 10 minutes, if our information is correct about his ability."

Fatgum, nods to the officer, "Thanks...", bending down to be next to Hinako, "Hinako ya okay? I... why didn't ya wait for me?"

Hinako is quiet for a moment, a look of shame plays across her face, "I'm sorry...he seemed to recognized me, and took off running... I didn't think and before I knew it I was chasing him into Restuarant Ally... it wasn't smart I know... I dont even know what I was going to do, I just couldn't stop thinking about what if he hurts someone.", Hinako looks down at the crystal encasing most of her body, some of it already starting to soften.

'She's okay so that's what matters...', burying his concerns, he smiles at her. "Stick around, I gotta talk to the cops."

Hinako rolls her eyes, as she chuckles reluctantly at his bad choice of words.  Within a few minutes a couple of cops help Hinako and the others out of the softening crystal.  The red still dyes her clothes and the others as well.  They are all asked questions some of them pertain to the real Stain and whether or not they saw him about, no one had so the questions finished quickly.

The police pull away leaving people to go about their day.  Fatgum makes his way back to Hinako, "It took longer because he started talkin' 'bout Stain.  Ya sure your okay?"

Hinako nods, "I wouldn't mind getting changed before we head out but yeah I'm okay... mostly I'm just glad that you caught the guy."

They begin to quickly walk back to their shared apartment building.

(Sorry about the late upload, I was mostly writing over a trip away home and when I got back it was busy at work.  This one was mostly made well on that break but was edited weeks later and finished, so the end is a little abrupt.  I should have the next piece ready to go in another couple of weeks.  I didn't think many people were ever going to read but over 20 views on my first couple of entries I was amazed! Thank you to the people who read and vote!  I would love to know what you think!)

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