The Life Of My Dreams

By __DollFace

126K 5.2K 346

Tyla is an 18 year old filthy rich girl, who wants so badly to know what it's like to be from the ghetto. & s... More

The Life Of My Dreams (chapter one)
The Life Of My Dreams (chapter two)
The Life Of My Dreams (chapter three)
The Life Of My Dreams (chapter four)
The Life Of My Dreams (chapter five)
The Life Of My Dreams (chapter six)
The Life Of My Dreams (chapter seven)
The Life Of My Dreams (chapter eight)
The Life Of My Dreams (chapter nine)
The Life Of My Dreams (chapter ten)
The Life Of My Dreams (chapter eleven)
The Life Of My Dreams (chapter thirteen)
The Life Of My Dreams (chapter fourteen)
The Life Of My Dreams (chapter fifteen)
The Life Of My Dreams (chapter sixteen)
The Life Of My Dreams (chapter seventeen)
The Life Of My Dreams (chapter eighteen)
The Life Of My Dreams (chapter nineteen)
The Life Of My Dreams (chapter twenty)
The Life Of My Dreams (chapter twenty one)
The Life Of My Dreams (chapter twenty two)
The Life Of My Dreams (chapter twenty three)
The Life Of My Dreams (chapter twenty four)
The Life Of My Dreams (chapter twenty five)
The Life Of My Dreams (chapter twenty six)
The Life Of My Dreams (chapter twenty seven)
The Life Of My Dreams (chapter twenty eight)
The Life Of My Dreams (chapter twenty nine)
The Life Of My Dreams (chapter thirty)
The Life Of My Dreams (chapter thirty one)
The Life Of My Dreams (chapter thirty two)
The Life Of My Dreams (chapter thirty three)
The Life Of My Dreams (chapter thirty four)
The Life Of My Dreams (chapter thirty five)
The Life Of My Dreams (chapter thirty six)
The Life Of My Dreams (chapter thirty seven)
The Life Of My Dreams (chapter thirty eight)
The Life Of My Dreams (chapter thirty nine)
The Life Of My Dreams (chapter forty)
The Life Of My Dreams (chapter forty-one)
The Life Of My Dreams (chapter forty-two)
The Life Of My Dreams (chapter forty-three)
Not An Update
The Life Of My Dreams (chapter forty-four)
Author's Note
Sequal !

The Life Of My Dreams (chapter twelve)

3K 125 5
By __DollFace

The Life Of My Dreams (chapter twelve)


"Get up Richard." Tyla said shaking me.

"Dont call me that." I groaned rolling over on my stomach. She sat on my butt and wrapped her arms around my torso.

"Come on babe, I wanna take you out." I frowned and rolled over with her still on top of me.

"Ty thats gay, you're not supposed to take me out. Its the other way around." I said staring at her. She smacked her lips and folded her arms over her chest.

"But you always do stuff for me." She pouted. I sighed.

"No Ty."

"Please?" I shook my head and closed my eyes placing my arm over my eyes and resting the other one on her waist.

"Richard." I ignored her and fake snored. She pinched my nipples making me jump up.

"The fuck Tyla, damn. That shit hurt." She laughed.

"Oh thats funny?" She stopped laughing quick and darted across the room cause she knew I was about to get in that ass.

"Why you running?" I asked chasing after her.

"Stop Rich!" She yelled as she ran through the kitchen. She picked up a roll of paper towel and threw it at me. It hit me right in the face and she took off again. I walked around to the other side of the kitchen where she was hiding in a corner. I grabbed her and she screamed. I laughed and sat her on the counter and kissed her neck.

"Rich, you scared me." She giggled. I smiled and kissed her. She wrapped her arms around my neck and her legs around my waist.

"Dont tease me." She whispered softly in my ear.



We walked through the mall hand in hand as we went to different stores.

"Hey Rich, long time no see." Some girl said walking up to him and giving him a hug like I wasnt standing there. She gave me a stank look and I raised my eyebrows, he didnt hug her back he just nodded his head and kept walking. Every female that we walked passed looked at me dirty and spoke to Rich.

"You sure do have a lot of fans." He laughed and shrugged his shoulders.

"Yeah but I dont entertain em." I nodded my head as we walked into the Michael Kors store. As soon as we walked in, some female stared at us. I ignored it and continued shopping and walked to the register to pay for my things. As soon as I was about to give the lady my card Rich gave her his. I rolled my eyes.

"Richard, I can pay for my own things." He ignored me and paid anyway. The same chick that was staring was now mugging me. I smirked at her, and Rich turned to look at me.

"You ready?" He asked I nodded my head and he grabbed my hand. I kept the smirk on my face and looked at her the whole time we were leaving.

"Rich!" She yelled. He turned around and when he saw who it was he sighed and rolled his eyes.

"The fuck you want Yvonne?" She stepped from behind the clothes rack. My eyes widened as I looked at her pregnant belly. I looked up at Rich and he had the same expression.

"Rich, this baby is yours." She said with an attitude.

"That aint my damn baby, fuck outta here with yo hoe ass."

"Im six months pregnant, yo fuck ass was the last nigga I had sex with. And to be honest, it wasnt even good." I laughed and shook my head. Now I know this bitch lying. Even if they did have sex, I know for a damn fact she enjoyed that shit.

"Man take yo bald headed ass on somewhere." Even though I didnt show it, I was pissed. Six months ago Rich and I were seeing eachother. Im not gonna assume but I do want some answers. We left and pulled into the parking lot of Benihanas.

"Im tired of eating here." I groaned, he laughed.

"So you tell me that after I pull up."

"I didnt know you was going to come here." He smacked his lips and pulled out.

"What you wanna eat?" He asked.

"I got the taste for a fat ass burger and some fries." He chuckled.

"Yes ma'am."

The whole ride home, the scene at the mall kept replaying in my head. It was really bothering me.



"You okay?" Rich asked sitting next to me on the bed. I nodded my head slowly, plastering a fake smile across my face.

"No you not, whats wrong? Talk to me." I sighed and proceeded to tell him.

"Is her baby really yours?" He stared at me blankly and opened his mouth to speak but no words came out. Then after a long pause, he said the very words I didnt want to hear.

"Its a possibility."

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