Brokenly Strong

By blackspark270

348 38 16

"Kat" I said closing my eyes, remembering her. Her eyes, nose, lips, hair. "She is beautiful" He chuckled. Oo... More

Chapter 1: SECRETS
Chapter 2: The Gang
Chapter 3 : BAD DREAMS
chapter 4: SPY-MARE
CHAPTER 10: Disaster
CHAPTER 11: Glimpses Of Past


18 3 2
By blackspark270

Kat's POV:

After the group , we went to usual work. I came back from library, get fresh and now I was going down towards the living room. I saw Neel sitting on the sofa resting his head on the back of the sofa with eyes closed, relaxed. I stood there watching him, his features, his Jet black hair, his eyes, his nose, his cheek bones, his jaw. Control K.

He was wearing a dark green colour t-shirt from which his muscles will visible. I have saw him without shirt before but with a shirt like this, he was looking equally hot. " Hey sis, what are you doing? "Nick whispered from behind me. I looked at Nick then back to Neel. My lips on their own went up giving an evil smile. "What's thinking sis? Can I join." Nick asked eyeing me then back to Neel.

"Wait here" I told him and jog towards my room. I grab some colours, sketch pens, markers and when down. On my way down, I show Nick the pens with a smile. His lips mimic my evil smile. I put my things on the table. I grab a black marker while Nick grab a red marker. Me and Nick shared a look then nodded and when to our work and the Canvas was... Yes it's the sleeping Neel's cute innocent face!

When we finished, we both give each other a silent high five. I grab all the colours and went to my room to keep it in its place. When I came back I saw Nick with a paper bag in front of Neel. "Sis, back away." I obeyed him.

Nick blew air in the bag and put it very near of Neel's ear. Oh poor Neel. God bless Neel's ear and his ear drum. I prayed. Neck should me fingers:

3... 2... 1... BOOM!!!

"W-what happened?" Neel stood up panickingly. Me and Nick burst out laughing. We had made a big moustache on his face with black marker. His nose was coloured with red while on his forehead it was written 'I am a loser' with colourful pens. On his one cheek there was a drop of water drawn like he is crying. "What happened ?" Ryan asked coming toword us.

"What was that sound ?" Jake asked

"I was sleeping" Alex said with a yarn. Seb and Tracey follow them down. They look at me and Nick. We both shared a look and burst out laughing again. They looked confused. Then the turned their head at Neel and burst out laughing too.

"What happened? Can anybody tell me why you all are laughing?" Neel asked in confusion.

"Dude, I never knew you could have look this fucking awesome" Ryan burst out. Jake took a pic in his phone.

"Yeah dude, nice makeup" Seb said laughingly.

"What? Why? What makeup? Why you took my pic?" Neel asked confused. When he found nobody is doing anything except laughing , he snatched the phone from Jake. He stood shocked seening the pic.

"Any girl would die to see you like this" Seb complimented him. Neel look at everybody with a forced anger but he himself can't able to hide his smile or I can say laugh. His eyes found me "KAT!!" He leaped toward me playfully. I made a mad run "Hey, it's cheating. Nick was also involved in this." I defended myself still running around the sofa to be safe from him.

"But you are the main culprit" he ran toward me. On getting a chance, I ran to my room. I pushed the door, there was a slight gap between the door and door frame from which Neel entered and at the same time I closed the door. Oh Shit !

I was about to run towards my bed but Neel grab my wrist pulling me towards him. I put a hand on his chest. He slowly slide his other hand around my waist pulling me towards him more. We locked eyes. "you think you can get rid of me?..." He asked huskily. His brown eyes focus on my eyes like he was searching my soul. His eyes flicker to my lips then again came back to My eyes. He leaned towards me "...but you can't" he whispered so close to my ear huskily that his breath on my ear send shiver in my body. He rested his forehead on mine. He then pulled back from me but I was frozed at the spot. He is winked at me and then got out of my room. I got back to my senses when he closed the door. What is happening to me? Why is he affecting me so much? I thought making my way towards the mirror. My eyes got fixed on my reflection. 'I am a loser' is printed on my forehead. "NEEL!!!"


"Kat, it's meeting time" Jake entered my room.

"Me! In the meeting?" I asked dumbly pointing at me.

"You are now one of our family member so you have to attend the meeting. Now let's go" he grabbed my hand and lead me to the living room. We took our seat while Neel stood in front of us. Nick came and quickly took a seat beside me when he saw Seb coming towards me to sit at my other side. Nick showed his tongue to him while Seb rolled his eyes and took another seat. Others came shortly and joined us.

"Care to explain why disturb my sleep this morning. "Alex asked with a yarn.

"It's fucking 8 o'clock dumbass" Seb commented.

"Yeah, it's only 8 o'clock" Alex defended. I saw Neel making his way toword the door scratching his forehead.

"Mr wounded man" I called him. He stopped dead in his track. He turned and was about to say something to me but Ryan cut him. I exactly know what you wanted to say 'don't call me wounded man.'

"Where's going dude?" Ryan asked.

"To wait for their argument to die down" he replied.

"Ok, sorry. You may proceed so that I can get back to sleep" Alex replied.

"Oh, that, I am afraid, you can't right now"


"Because we are going back to Malicate"

"Why Malicate?" Jake asked but I cut all their conversation. Malicate, no. I can't go back to Malicate. That's the place where everything started. I don't want to go there. It's like my nightmare is becoming true. "No, this can't be happening" I whispered to myself. I could feel my eyes becoming glossy.

"What?" Neel asked. I looked at him.

"K-Kat, are you ok?" He asked. No!

I opened my mouth to say something but can't find my voice, instead I nodded weakly.

"Then why are you still shaking like this?"Nick asked from beside me.

"I-I-I d-don't sha-shake" I can't even able to complete the words. I found difficulty in breathing. No this can't be happening. After 2 years, I am again having a panic attack. 'control your breath K' I told myself. I counted my breath. Slowly I came to my senses. Neel handed me a glass of water. Thank god that was just a mild attack.

"Are you are right?" He asked removing the stray hairs from my face. I nodded.

"Iam fine. Can I go to my room?" I said. Without waiting for their answers, I went to my room.


"Come in" Neel's voice came from his room when I knocked on his door. He looked at me zipping his bag closed.


"Wait! You call me Neel." He asked, surprised.

"Yeah! That's your name" I said in duh tone.

"No. I mean no 'wounded man'" he said air coating the words. I gave him a pointed look.

"Seriously if you are so in love with that name then I will call you'wounded man'" I said air coating his mocked name with two fingers.

"No, I hate that name, beside, my name from your mouth feels so... good"

I bet my cheeks would have got a slight pink or red or something like those shitty colours.

"You looks cute when you blush" he commented smiling at me.

"Shut up" I said. Now I know my cheeks had got a darker shade judging by the heat on my cheeks. He chuckled. I turned back to get out from his room but he stopped me by calling my name.

"You came here to say something."

"Oh yeah, I was wondering that isn't it possible if I stay here. I mean if you want I can stay in my apartment. That's no big deal." I said with a clap and a smile on my face while inside silently praying that he got agreed. He folded his hand in front of him eyeing me up and down figuring me.

"Why don't you want to go Malicate?"he asked.

"I don't want to travel. I get the you all are going there for some work. I don't want to be a trouble. I-" he cut me by putting a finger on my lips.

" You are not a trouble sweetheart" he said softly leaning toward me. I suddenly become nervous under his gaze.

"I..." I started which was just a whisper under his finger.

"Shhh" he said removing his finger from my lips. He slide his hand around my waist and lean toward me more until our face was just an inch apart.

"Go get dressed and pack your bags" he said whisperingly. His breath hit my lips. We just lock our eyes. His brown eyes were piercing me. My breath stopped. He tightened his grip around my waist pulling me toward him more. His breath hit my ear. "Breath kitty" he whispered then slowly pulled back. I just stared at him shocked to do anything else. My mind froze.

"Now go" he said calmly but whisperingly. My frozen mind nodded mindlessly and my stupid legs dragged me to the next room which was unfortunately mine. I closed the door and leaned my head on it still processing what just happened.

What just happened? Why did that happened? Why did I went there in first place? Then suddenly I remembered I went there to tell him that I am not going. But now what? I went to my bed to get my bag which was already packed, still thinking about my stupidity.

Stupid, stupid me. Can't do a single thing right. Suddenly I remembered the same words from my past.

'you are useless'
' waste of space'
'slut' 'fat'  'whore'
'can't do a single thing right'
'no one want you'
'no one care about you'
'useless piece of shit'

A knock on the door snapped me out of my thoughts. "Hey what happened?" Alex asked entering my room.

"N-Nothing " I shook my head.

"then what's this?" He slide something from my cheeks and showed me. It was a drop of water. Wait, I was crying? I rub my face to get rid of any trace on my face of that salty water drop. I gave him a huge smile and pick my bag up. "Hurry up, we are getting late "I shoved him out of my way and made my way down.

"Someone told me he will not let our wild cat to carry her bag." Seb commented when I got down."oh..yes.. I was just..." Alex snatched my bag from my hand "...going to do it" he said and made his way towards the door.

"Is it necessary to go there? I am fine out here "Jake groaned making his way down with his bag

"yes, it is" Seb replied casually.

"I Exactly know why you want to go there " Nick smirked

" why?" I asked

"To meet Lacey" he replied

"Sorry to burst your bubble Seb but neither Lacey nor Arnold would be there" Neel smirked.

"Don't worry, there are plenty of girls there too" Jake said rubbing Seb's chest seductively.

"Shut up" Seb remove his hand forcefully and make his way to the passengers seat.

Jake, our usual driver hop on the driver seat. Nick hopped at the back middle seat. Neel followed him for. Alex Hop on the last backseat then Ryan then Tracey. They all looked at me. I guess I have to hop on too. I sign and hop beside Neel. Oh God what is going to happen?



"Finally, we reached Malicate" Seb commented.

"still we have to reach our place " Jake said in calm voice. It's been one hour we are in the car. We were occasionally chit chat with each other. Everyone was enjoying the ride except for one person who was acting strange today. First she didn't wanted to go to Malicate, Then she was hasitated to step inside the car, and now she kept figgeting with her fingers. She even zoned out on our talking.

"Are you all right?" I whispered in her ears. She shivered when the hot air from my mouth hit her ear. She turned toward me. "Yes, I am fine "she replied in soft voice. Her words were exactly opposite of what her eyes were showing. Again she turned her head towards the window. I decided to not bother her after that but still I did observe her. Her behaviour changed suddenly. She was now more nervous when we reached a market area in Malicate. Her eyes roamed outside like she was finding someone or hiding from someone. Her eyes suddenly find someone. she widened her eyes. I looked outside where she was looking. I found a guy with brown hair and brown eyes maybe one or two years older than me talking to someone. I again shift my gaze to Kat. She was looking down with hand covering her face but from the gap of her fingers she was looking at him. Is he her boyfriend? A painful feeling hit my heart thinking that. No, it can't be, but how can I be so sure of that. I don't even know her past life. I again look at her. She was taking long breath in and out like she was calming herself. Her eyes become glossy with water. I was seriously concerned with her.what is happening? She covered her face with her hand. I can't able to take it anymore.

"Are you seriously allright?" I asked. She nodded her head. Did she really think I will buy her shit!

"Just some mild headache" she replied. I still don't buying it.

I put a hand behind her shoulder. She flinched but relaxed. I pulled her toword me and let her rest her head on my shoulder. She relaxed in my embrace. I rest my head on the back with a sigh. I felt someone's gaze on me. I look back at Ryan. He was smirking at me. I roll my eyes at him.


Don't forget to




Stay tuned for next chapter.

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