I wish

By lovelyisyou

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Do you know those Arab cultures about wedding? Those cultures are about parents choosing and looking for the... More

I wish
chapter 2
Chapter 3
chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
Chapter 12
chapter 13-love is confusion
chapter 14
chapter 16
chapter 17
Chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20

chapter 15

590 14 8
By lovelyisyou

Chapter 15

Hey there! I change my plan...

 I can't let you guys wait for so long...

This is for you guys...

I'll start my mid-term next week so, wish me luck..okay? J


Harry's POV

The doctors and nurses showed up from the room made all of us stood up.

"Is she okay?" I heard Zayn asked for her condition while I still can felt the tears on my cheeks. I wish she is fine. Please God! I don't know what would I do if You take her from me.

"Fortunately, yes. She'll be in hospitalization room after some minutes. So, you guys can see her" The doctor said and smiled to us make our faces light up. Thank you, God. I can't even asked anything better.

"Harry..." was all she said for her first word that I could heard. Oh my God! She really said my name for her first word! I can't believe this. As soon as the smile grew on my face, I heard someone slammed the door. He ran. Zany Malik was ran and didn't even care about us. I want to see him outside the hospital but Liam stopped me.

"you should come to her room first. She wants to talk to you. We'll go and try to find him." Liam said.

I just nodded and came closer to Nadia's bed to see her. I saw her clearly now. She was really  pale and hurt. But when her eyes opened she smiled to me. Well, that was a weak smile but its still can and will always can comforts me.

"Harry.." she said again.

"ssh, I'm here. Its okay." I told her.

"I'm sorry, Harry. I didn't meant to hurt you." She said in a sad and weak voice of her.

"sshh, its okay. You don't need to be sorry. You should take a rest now. I'll be here when you open your eyes." I said to her. I still felt bad about her now. I felt like I'm the one who deserved to be blamed about this situation. She be in hospital because of me. The one I love is in this place right now because of ME.

And now we got another problem. Zayn was missing. I've tried to calls and texted him for so many times but he just ignored it. My mind full with thoughts now.

I thought with this holidays we got, I could be closer to Nadia. But I just get the reality. Now, she is belongs to Zayn. Ah, what should I do now?

She's a good girl, loves her mama

Loves Jesus and America too

She's a good girl, crazy 'bout Elvis

Loves horses and her boyfriend too, yeah yeah

And it's a long day livin' in Reseda

There's a freeway runnin' through the yard

I'm a bad boy 'cause I don't even miss her

I'm a bad boy for breakin' her heart

John Mayer's voice is really great. Well, that's the song I use as my ring tone so, I should have answered it by now. Liam's name showed up as the caller id.

"hey, mate! You find him?" I asked him to the point.

"yes, we found him in the hospital's garden. Smoking. God, he's so bad now." Liam told me.

"oh.." that's what the only thing I could said.

"well, I called you just to know how's she?" Liam asked.

"She's fine. Sleep now." I answered him.

"Ok, be there in a few minutes." Liam hung up.

My eyes back to her. I never felt tired to stared at her. She just so beautiful. So peace like an angel. I remember those times we had together especially when we were in the park.

"So, why you are afraid of roller coaster?" I asked her.

"I'm afraid of height position and its trajectory. What about you?" She asked me back.

"I don't like its trajectory."I  answered her honestly. We be in silence before I realized that she stared at me.

"Enjoy what you staring at, little girl?" I giggled made Nadiablushed.

"I'm not little, you know? We have the same age!" She stated after not blushed anymore.

"When you was born?" I asked her again while we walk in the park.

"July 20th 1994." She answered me quickly.

"See? I'm older than you for some months." I said it and laughed.

"Ok, old boy would you take a picture with me?" She took her phone from her pocket.

"Old boy? I don't like that name." I walked away made her mumbled.

"You gonna stay there all the day?" I shouted while she followed me.

"Please take a picture with me." She pleaded.

"No." I kept on walking.

"Please.. big fan here." She still pleaded with  her puppy eyes. Made her more cute.

"Ok, with one conditional." I stopped walking and turned my face to see her. Face-to-face.

"What's that?" she asked me curiously.

"You have to be with me tomorrow night." I stated.

"What? My dad won't let me have a date." That words suddenly came from her lips. Made me burst out of laughing. How could she thought that I asked her out for a date? I still could remember her face at that time. She was totally puzzled.

"i won't ask you for a date. You're not my type." I said it still in laughed.

"Ouch! Its hurt, you know." she pretended like a knife was on her chest made me laughed more louder.

"Don't you have feeling? Oh my God!" she said it once again and I still laughed.

"So, what do you want, Styles? Playing truth or dare with me tomorrow or ask me to do a stand up comedy in your house?" she asked me with serious face now.

"Well, ask you to do a stand up comedy maybe is a great idea but I have to come in a friend's party tomorrow." I explained to her when I could controlled myself.

"Party? Again?" she asked. Surprised!

"Yeah, why?" I looks confused.

"I thought you had a party last night. Moreover, why not asked the boys?" she asked me again.God, he really never know how to live in a big city like London, I told myself.

"You are in London, girl. There's a lot of party here. And they will come but since it was have to be in pair to go there, they asked their girlfriends to go there." I explained everything to her.

"Oh, ok. As long as you get my dad's permission." She said to me.

"No need to worry. Zayn's parents and yours will have a vacation tomorrow. Zayn told me today." I chuckled.

"What?" she said.

"Lets take a picture." is all I said then.

I  be in reality again now. I looked at her face again before saying, "You light up my world, I love you now and forever." Then I heard Zayn with the boys here.

Zayn's POV

While we dance in the moonlight

I wish it was me

That you call later on

Cause you wanna say good night

Cause I see you with him slow dancing

Tearing me apart

Cause you don't see

But I see you with him slow dancing

Tearing me apart

Cause you don't see

Whenever you kiss him

I'm breaking,

Oh how I wish

Oh how I wish

Oh how I wish, that was me

Oh how I wish, that was me

I can feel my tears as the end of the song. Then I took my headset off and heard someone shouted my name.

"There you are! We've been looking for you around the hospital and you are here enjoy the wind, music , and your cigarette!" Louis started to complain.

"Shut up!" I snapped him.

They look surprised, then Liam try to fix this.

"ok, I know you are jealous but you shouldn't get angry with us, Zayn. We all also tired and sad here. So, no need to be angry. Get it?" Liam spoke.

"Ok, I'm sorry guys, especially to you, Lou." I said to carrot boy.

"Its okay." He smiled to me made me smile too.

"We should go back to the room. Nadia and Harry must have waiting for us." Liam said calmly.

"Nadia and Harry? You leave them there alone?" I can't believe Liam did this to me.

"we should go back now!" I said again and started to walk followed by them.


Ever  you feel of insecurity, fear, and anxiety over an anticipated loss of the person values, particularly in reference to a human connection?Then you also often feel of a combination of presenting emotions such as anger, resentment, inadequacy, helplessness and disgust? Well, that's what I feel now.

We reached the room to see Nadia sleeping and Harry sat next to her stared to her. I could heard Harry whispered to the sleeping Nadia, "You light up my world, I love you now and forever."

"enjoy what you look at?" I brook the silence makes Harry blushed. God, that boy really makes me want to yell on him. How dare he is to be blushed and stared at my girl!

"I'm sorry, Zayn. I didn't –"Harry said before I cut him off.

"You didn't what? You didn't meant to falling in love with my girl?!" I snapped him.

"I just.." Harry can't continue his word.

do you guys love it?

Please tell me what do you guys think..

I enjoy wrote this chapter and the previous one..

what about you guys? enjoy reading it?

Comment, vote, and fan me (maybe)?

thank you..


Me xoxoxoxo

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