Our Weird Relationship (BWWM)

Galing kay karrie_999

1.2M 41K 11.3K

I Nia Gardson hated Aiden Thomas with all my guts, and I'm sure he hated me too. With his blonde hair, icy bl... Higit pa

Chapter 1: The Meeting
Chapter 2: So you think you're Cute?
Chapter 3: Stalker
Chapter 4: Friendly
Chapter 5: Verterinarian
Chapter 6: Meanie
Chapter 7: Boredom
Chapter 8: Pretend Marriage
Chapter 9: Karaoke Bar
Chapter 10: Chick-Fil-A
Chapter 11: Wifey
Chapter 12: Concert in The Park
Chapter 13: Dreaming
Chapter 14: Football Game
Chapter 15: Grandma's House
Chapter 16: High
Chapter 17: Breakfast
Chapter 18: Fake Baby
Chapter 19: Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
Chapter 20: Afterwards
Chapter 21: Skipping School
Chapter 22: Finally
Chapter 23: Babies
Chapter 24: Touched
Chapter 25: Birthday Party
Chapter 26: Sickness
Chapter 27: What's Wrong Babe?
Chapter 28: Weird Dream
Chapter 29: Insecurity
Chapter 30: Nurse Gardson
Chapter 31: Halloween Part 1
Chapter 32: Halloween Part 2
Chapter 33: Florida Aftermath
Chapter 34: Wedding
Chapter 35: Homecoming
Chapter 36: A Homecoming Dance
Chapter 37: The Big Game
Chapter 38: Naiden
Chapter 39: New Year's
Chapter 40: Rejection
Chapter 42: Graduation

Chapter 41: The Future

15.1K 611 270
Galing kay karrie_999

Alright Home Skillets, I may update tomorrow, cause I don't have school! It decided to snow in the middle of November and now I don't have to go :) However if I do, that will be it. :( So Enjoy. 

Also, i dialed down some of my curse words. Lol, maybe that is the reason some people can't read the chapter. I don't know, but I hope that helps in the future. 

Chapter 41: The Future

               It was during spring break when all my worries were washed out the window. I got home early, not feeling like being surrounded by people. I have been feeling like complete and utter shit lately. And of course, I could have just sucked it up and went on with my life, but how do you do that when the person you love is gone?

                    After everything, there was no way he was not going to take the scholarship. And yes I did the worst thing possible to get him to leave, but I hope maybe later on in life, he’ll thank me. I pushed him to go, but I still helped him. And that’s all I wanted to do. He was gone by the time spring break was over.

                    I actually got a letter from him the day he left. When the mailman handed it to me as I was going outside to my car that day, I was confused on why he would even think about me. I crushed his heart and stomped on it, why did he even spear however long it took for him to write this letter and mail it to me. I would never know.

                    But on that next day, I got mail from the last resort college I applied for. Mrs. Alcott the counselor put in great recommendations for me, and I checked out the website and wondered why I didn’t apply here first. They offered English classes and things pertaining to my major and the campus was amazing. I finally prepared myself for success and maybe failure for the third time. Reading the words, my eyes widen. Joy and Happiness sprung through me like a firework. My eyes watered from happy tears as I read the letter over and over again.

                    “I got in!” I jumped up and down. I started doing weird dances, knowing damn well I couldn’t actually dance. It didn’t matter how bad my moves were, I was celebrating my final acceptance to somewhere I believed will help me become what I want to be. I was happy and wanted to call someone. I dial my mother’s number first, waiting for her to pick up. When she finally does, I yell my news.

                     “Oh baby that is so good!” She said back. “I know.” I said. I call my dad and tell him the same news. He was happy for me and said that we will talk about it later. I hang up and sit down on the bed. The happiness wore off now and quietness settled in. I was sitting alone in my room, with nothing to do. I left my friends at school and the only boyfriend I had, I pushed him away.

                    Way to go Nia

                    When I hear a knock on the door, I look through the window to see who it could be.  I was surprised when I saw dark brown hair and a green eye staring back at me. I open the door and see Brenda and Ashlynn


                    “Hello.” I said. Brenda smiles at me, while Ashlynn was jumping up and down. “Nia. Hi.” I let them in, even though I was confused beyond measure why they would be here. “I know you’re probably confused why we’re here.” I nod, closing the door. Her thick accent always interested me. “Well I wanted to give you theses.” In her hand were a stack of papers. She passes them into my hands and I set them down. “What are all of these?” I asked. “Notes from Aiden’s room.” Ashlynn blurts. Brenda scowls at her.

                    “I wasn’t going to say that, but yes, they are notes from Aiden’s room. He wrote these all to you, but didn’t send them. I know he asked me to mail that one letter to you, but I don’t know why he didn’t send all of these. So I brought them here to you, just in case they were important.”

                    My heart dropped when she said they were from Aiden’s room. The two stood up and walked to the door. “I hope that this helped, I don’t know what happened between you guys, but I know that Aiden loves you, and I think he always will.” Wise words from the Brit. When she left, I gathered all the paper and took them back to my room.


                    I sit in my room on the bed, with the light from the window barely shining through; criss cross with the letters in my lap. The first one just said Dear Nia. I move that one along and swift through the rest. There was some where he didn’t even write a complete sentence, before scratching everything out and starting over. I finally find one long enough where he didn’t scratch out like a whole paragraph. As I read the words, it makes me want to cry. However, I do not; I suck it up and read.


                    Why was I messing with this girl that doesn’t even want me, When I could have anyone in this school, I asked myself. Cause she is one of a kind. There was no one else in my world like her, and I needed that. Someone who would challenge me in a way that would forever change me. And it did, being with you changed me for the good and the bad. The good was that I learned to love, I learned to not just have girls throw themselves at me, and I just take it like it was an extra cookie for dessert. I learned to care for others, knowing damn well I have issues with caring about myself, rather than other people. But who can we blame that on? My shitty parents.

                    The bad thing about this is that, as I continued to learn new things, it all seemed to crumble. With the whole Willow thing, it was crazy as can be and I wasn’t expecting it. I should have believed you when you were saying all of this stuff about her, but I didn’t and it all resulted in this. I know you say you don’t care anymore and that it doesn’t matter. But I know it does. It bothered you now and it probably still does. You are probably confused on how it affected me, when I know in some way you were affected. She did something to me to spite you and I know it. If I had just given in and told her to piss off, maybe this would have all been avoided.

                     And the whole New Year’s thing, after I asked you what my father said to you and you lied, it killed me. I know when you don’t tell me the truth Nia. I know when you are irritated or when you sometimes feel insecure. I know when you sometimes have trouble sleeping so you play music at night, and I know when you are stressed and don’t want me to hold you like I usually do. Even though you think I don’t know, I do.

                    But for some reason it was hard for me to tell this time. I was confused and hurt. At first it was irritating; I didn’t know where you were getting all of these thoughts from. Were you thinking them the whole time? Or was this just a last minute thought?  I didn’t know and that was confusing the f*ck out of me. Then you said stuff like my choice would be stupid to stay here and then I got upset. I wanted to stay here with you. It didn’t matter if it was an early offer or a late one; I wasn’t going to take it. I was going to risk that for you, and I thought that was what you wanted.

                     Isn’t that what the girl always wants? For her man to take risk and go the full length to be with them. But no, like I said before, you aren’t like the other girls. You are a one of a kind, and that kind is beautiful, smart, and crazy annoying, but it is also damaged. You tend to be guarded, and I realized that the first time I met you. You are careful with who you open up to, even though you seem  like the most social person to strangers. You haven’t had anyone care or be with you like I have and I totally tainted that feeling for you. We tainted each other, and I don’t know if it was just me, but I’m tired.

                    I’m tired of being told what to do, or what to think. I’m tired of going by the terms of my parents, and not being able to get out this bubble I call life. So in a way us ending was a wakeup call. It reminded me that I had a chance; I could make a new living with doing something that I wanted to do. And I know that wasn’t what you expect to hear when you read this, but it’s what I realized.

                    I’m leaving at the end of Spring Break. I called everything in and I’m all settled. I want you to know that I’m not going to forget about you. You may have ruined the chances for me to fall in love with anyone every again (I’m joking) But it’s all good. And like I said I’m going to fight for us, even if I have to fight you to be together. I meant it when I said it. You’ll see me again love.

                    -Aiden xx


                    When I look at the letter that actually got sent to me, it was the same words, just without some mistakes and words being crossed out. With every word he wrote, I imagined his voice in my head. I imagined his mouth forming into a smirk when he wrote the last part, and his eyes being that beautiful color and sparkling as ever. I fold the letter back up and lay back on my pillows. Facing the clock it reads back to me 8:45. I sigh and decide to take a shower before I get up the next day and finish off the rest of my days.

                    I dream the rest of the night about Aiden’s letter. Like he said, it was a wakeup call. Maybe this was a push for the beginning of life, and that was just what I needed. I took his words as a sign that I needed to move on with my life. He said he would see me again, and whenever that time comes, whether it’s in the next year or the next ten years, I hope Aiden is successful in whatever he will achieve for.


                    The next day Beth and I celebrated my acceptance over lunch. She took me to Starbucks, and we sat at a little table outside. “To growing up.” We tap our drinks together and laugh. “You know, after this, its cap and gown time.” Beth said. I sigh, “I know right, remember when we were talking about getting boyfriends as goal for freshman year.” Beth laughs, “Yeah, good times.” She jokes. I shake my head and sip my drink.

                    “Enough about the past, let’s talk about this beautiful campus you get to be on.” Beth was looking at the school website on her phone; it showed pictures of the campus and the events that go on at the school. “I’m jealous.” She said. “Aww, don’t be. We can take turns in driving to see each other. It’s only three hours away from your college.”

                    Just before the day Aiden and I broke up, Beth got into the college that I first applied for. I knew she would, and that’s why I was most crushed when finding out I didn’t get into that one. But it was all okay now, I had a plan and I could finally follow through with it.

                    “I am happy for you Nia. I really am.” I smile at her. “I am happy for you too Beth. Hope you and Adam enjoy it there together.” She smiles wide at the mention of Adam’s name. Adam got accepted to the same college as Beth, so they were going to be together with each other every day. “Try not to strangle him while I’m gone.” I joke. She laughs, “Whatever, try not to go all depressed Nia on me while you’re gone.” I raise an eyebrow at her.

                    “What do you mean go all Depressed Nia?”    

                    “You know how you get sometimes, you distant yourself from people and is mean to everyone. I’m saying try to be a little more open and be nice.” She tries to muffle the last part, but I heard her clearly. “I am nice.” I lie. “Mmhh, Alrighty Nia. I’m just saying. Try being nice.” I take a long sip of my drink and change the subject. “Did you see the trailer for Fifty Shades of Grey?”


                    When we got back to school, during one of the last hours of the day, my classroom was buzzed for me to go to the counseling office. I awkwardly get up and take my stuff with me. Walking down the quiet halls, I walk down the steps, towards the senior office. Going in, I was greeted by one of the ladies working and sent to back where the counselors room is. I sat in the chair, looking around the room. Mrs. Alcott was a nice white mid-aged woman who was very dedicated when it came to her job. During junior year when I was assigned counseling aid, I enjoyed helping and talking to her. And that is why I wasn’t nervous to come and see her, I was nervous about what she was going to tell me.

                     “Nia Hi.” She said as she came in. I wipe my hands off on my jeans before speaking. “Just give me the bad news first.” I blurted. She laughs, “The only bad thing is that you have to give a speech, I don’t know if you are afraid of speaking in front of your whole graduate class, but don’t sweat it.” I give her a weird look, “What do I have to give a speech for?” She smiled and clicked some stuff on her keyboard. “You were chosen to be one of the many Valedictorians to give a speech. Along with Kara Marshall and Denise Abbey." I loosened up a little bit after that news. “So what’s the good news?” My stomach flopped with excitement.

                    “The college that you have applied to and been accepted by has offered a chance for you to actually study abroad.” My eyes widen at her words. “Study Abroad?” I repeat. “Yes dear, study abroad in places like Singapore, Italy, and London,” She smiles at my reaction. “I want to tell you to consider it. I know it sounds expensive, but you have earned yourself the funds and time to be able to go. I think this experience will really help with the major your trying to get into as well. And It will expand your creativity and sights on the world.” I was listening to everything she was saying, but I was also considering it all.

                    Did I want to leave the only home I’ve had and spend a year or two in a foreign place?

                    Was I really prepared to do this?

                    Questions like this continuously ran through my mind as she explained the things and options I had. “I know you’ll choose the best choice for you, and with that being said dear, I have to leave early to pick up my nephew from school.” I follow her out her office as she turns off the lights and hands me some paper about the things she just went over. She closes the door and walks out the office. I stood outside to calm my heart. Walking out I put the papers in my bag and go back to class.

                    When I return people look at me. I felt my pocket vibrate and see a message from Beth. I look at her; she was sitting two seats away from me. “Text me back.” She mouthed. I open her message.

                    Beth: What was that about?

                    Me: College Stuff


I bet you guys don't really care about Nia cause she f*cked up Naiden.

Well I hope some slightly still care, cause boy will you enjoy the second book! :) :) :) :) Alright on to the questions

Who is happy that Nia finally got into College? (ME!)

Who was heartbroken about the letter Aiden sent her? *wipes tear away* (I was)

Who can't wait for OUR WEIRD LIFE? (ME!!!!) Comment what you think is going to happen in the end 

Comment what you think about the sequel too! (: 

Alright my lovely reads, be prepared. Without all of your support and love I would have never been about to finish this. This is my first story that I've actually completed and I am really grateful that you guys really enjoy this. I enjoyed staying up late....SKURRTTTTTTT...I actually half enjoyed staying up but I had to until i got it done, so then again I bless my soul for staying up, even though my eyes got sleepy around 10pm. Lol but like i've been saying I love you all and going back to my famous line: 

Don't foget to Comment, Vote, and Share This Story. Until Next Time (; 

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