Let Me Love You

By Babi_Cakes

523 25 5

Etsu Shoto is a pure blood and has decided to go to Cross Academy. However she doesn't want to be bothered bu... More

Etsu Shoto
Mei Keigo
Chapter One
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five

Chapter Two

64 3 1
By Babi_Cakes

"Brother!" i smiled widely running towards my older brother with my arms opened wide.

"Hello Etsu." He said as my arms circled around his leg. "How have you been." He said running his hands through my hair.

"I have missed you." I sighed looking up at him. His smiled dropped and he looked towards the door. "Brother?" I asked in my small voice.

"Etsu." He said still looking a the door.A loud bang came from it causing me to jump. "I need you to."

Before he could respond everything turned dark and the image faded away. Frantically I looked around trying to find a way out.


"Takuma?" My voice sounded different now, it sounded like myself, my older self.

"Etsu." I closed my eyes. "Etsu open your eyes." I blinked my eyes opened to see that I was in a maze "Etsu." I walked and followed the voice. "Etsu hurry!" I saw the back of someone disappear.

I quickly followed the figure seeing that I came to a dead end. Confused I took a step back.

"Etsu~" I turned seeing myself, however I was covered in blood.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"I am you."


"yes you, silly." she giggled and twirled around with her hands up in the air. "Well the old you."

"Where's Takuma."

"Takuma whose that?" She asked looking at me with a tilted head.

"He has blond hair." I ansered.

"Oh you mean him." She said.

"What did you do with him?" I asked getting angry I wuicly grabbed her upper arms."Whose blood is this."

"Mine." she whispered.


"Ours." She said leaning up to whisper in my ear. "Of course you killed me, don't you remember." The voice sounded different though. "You killed me." It was a very familiar voice now. "Why would you do that Etsu-Chan? Why would you kill me?" I did't dare to look and closed my eyes not wanting to believe the voice.. "I thought we were lovers." The voice ws male now. "I thought you loved me Etsu." I shakingly looked up seeing Takuma's face with blood around his mouth, his eyes were dull. "I thought you loved me." the voices combined causing me to pull away quickly. "Etsu why would you kill us?"

I backed up into someone and froze when they put their hands on my biceps. I looked up seeing my brother with blood coming out of his mouth. His face morphed to Kaname's causing me to scream.

I jolted up awake quickly, i closed my eyes and let out a deep breath through my nose. I got up going out of my room and down the hall, I followed the voices I was hearing which brought me to the stair case. I leaned my forearms on the railing as I watched Mei talking with the aristocrate vampires. They seemed amused by her hyperness. I let out a deep sigh and stood all the way up looking down the hall towards Kaname's quaters.

"ETSU-CHAN!" I blinked and looked down at them seeing everyone was looking at me. "HOW WAS YOUR NAP ETSU-CHAN?" Mei asked excitedly. I shrugged not causing a damper on her mood at all.  "That's good!" She exclaimed. "I'll talk to you more in the evening Etsu-chan." She said happily.

I nodded at her before looking back down the hall.

"Well good afternoon Etsu." Not fased at all I looked the opposite way seeing Takuma. "How was your slumber?" My mouth opened a bit as  I saw the face from my dreams.  In shock I quickly closed my eyes and shook my head.  I held my forehead in pain as flashed of my memories came to mind. "Etsu are you alright?"

My hand went up and grasped his hand that was about to touch me. I looked at him and sighed as his face was back to normal. He was confused causing me to let go of his hand. i quickly turned and went back to my room deciding that  I would talk to Kaname later.


"St. what day?" I asked looking up from my book to Mei.

"St. Xocolotls day!" She exclaimed happily.

"Sounds stupid." I said looking back to my book.

"Awe! Come on you don't even know what it is! Come on guess~!"

"I don't want to know what it is." I said.

"it's tomorrrow!"

"I still don't care." I said standing up, while still reading, and going out my dorm room.

"Come on just guess!!!!" Mei whined as we walked into the kitchen, me still reading. "Just come on!"Not taking my eyes off the book I opened the cabinet and grabbed something random. "Etsu-Chan please!"

"Fine." I sighed aggravated and looking at the smaller teenager. "What is St. Xocolotis Day?" I asked walking into the living room and sitting down on a couch.

"You don't know!?"

My eyes flickered from the  book to that vampire boy, Aido. I sighed slightly annoyed and slammed my book shut angrily.

"It seems I still don't ever get any reading done." I said. "Mei please inform me what this day is."

"OH!  I heard that it was a day that all the day students gave chocolates to us Night students! FOR FREE AND FOR A WHOLE DAY!" She exclaimed excitedly.

"Actually it's only when we had to class since we can't really mingle with the other students." Aido corrected. "And I usually get the most chocolates." He smiled widely.

"Thank you Smart Ass."

"Mei. What have I told you about using that langauge?" I askded.


"That wasn't me." I said standing up.

"Oh wait...no that wasn't! That was myself." She laughed.

"Your a little crazy aren't you?" Aido asked. "Don't worry I like crazy."

"Not interested Hanabusa." Mei said crossing her arms gaining my attention.

"What? Everyones interested in me and how'd you know my first name?"

"Well I'm not interested." She said flipping her hair over her shoulder gaining Aido attention. "And I found out when Akatsuki called you by your first name. " She simply said. "I'm not like Etsu I actually make friends..." I starred at her with a raised eyebrow. She gasped and quickly waved her hands in front of her. "Not that you don't have any friends Etsu-Chan! You have plenty of friends!"

I shook my head at her and stood up opening the thing of cookies I grabbed. I put one in my mouth.

"I'm going to my room."  I said before walking away.

I went up the stairs just as someone was coming down.

"Hey you're eating my cookies!" Takuma whined.

"Uh?" I asked confused.

"Those are mine!" He exclaimed.

"Sorry." I said handing him the cookies back.

"No! You can have them." Takuma said giving me the cookies.

"Thank you Takuma." I said feeling the bridge of my nose start to heat up.

"Hey Etsu. You're blushing." Takuma chuckled. On instint  i shoved a cookie in his mouth. His eyes widen in shock before he smiled and ate the cookie. "Yummy." He laughed. "So what are you doing?"

"Going to attempt to read." I said before I walked passed him.

"Hey wait." Takuma said walking next to me.

"Yes Takuma?" I asked and eating a cookie.

We made it to my room and Takuma still didn't answer me. I looked at him with a raised eyebrow, suddenly he took the book from my hands.

"Can i read to you like old times?"

"...sure." I said opening my door. I went and saw on my couch wrapping the fuzzy blanket around myself. Takuma appeared next to me in an instant. "Page Twenty-five." I whispered.

"How long have you been reading this?" He asked flipping to the page.

"two weeks, it's hard to read with Mei around."  I said uninterested.

"I see." He said before he started reading to me.

After about five minutes I found myself closer to him, to were i could feel his body heat. Takuma continued reading as if i didn't move. My head drooped to his shoulder causing him to stop for a moment and looked at me. He gave me a warm smile and movd me slightly so I was cuddled into his side and his one arm was around me. He looked back at the book and continued to read.


"Then he walked away into the forest, I stood there hopeful that one day he would come back to me." Takuma finished closing the book. "Wow look at the time." He said causing me to lift my head up to the alarm clock. "It's almost time for school." He said placing the book on the other side of him.

"Hey Takuma." I said gaining his attention. "Whats the big deal about St. Xocolotls day?" I asked boredly.

"Well it's for people to give chocolates to someone they admire but most of the time it's the Day Class girls that give chocolates to the Night Class males." He said.

"Hmmm." I muttered rubbing my fuzzy blanket on my cheek. "Seems stupid, why would you wait a whole year to hand out chocolates to someone you admire when you can just do anyday?" I asked with a bored tone.

"Well you see Cross Academy has a lot of rules, mostly the Day Class aren't allowed to be involved with us and vice versa."

"That makes abosolutely no sense. From what I'm aware of the school is for vampires and humans to co-exist so why seperate the classes?" I sighed.

"Vampires give in to blood lust you know, if they go crazy they break the rules of not being allowed to harm the Day Class." Takuma explained. "The seperation of classes is so that no harm comes the humans, because of course they don't know we're vampires."

"Sounds troubling, but we should be allowed to interact with them, that's the whole reason for vampires and humans to try and co-exist." I stood up letting the blanket fall from my body. "Anyway we have school soon you should go get ready."

"Okay." Takuma nodded standing up also. "I'll see you in class." He said kissing my forehead before leaving as fast as lightning.

I rose an eyebrow but just rolled my eyes. I quickly changed into my school uniform and went out my room. I walked down the stairs just as Kaname did. We walked down together and half way down Kaname moved in front of me and looked at me stoppping us walking.

"What Kaname?" I asked.

"Stay by my side and don't leave it." he said.

"Don't tell me what to do." I growled. Suddenly something made a popping sound and I looked up to see the chandeleir lights broke. Everything became silent as I walked passed Kaname and went to  the door. "Mei."

"Coming!"  Mei said happily as we walked out the door.

"Etsu." Kaname's voice rang with demand causing me to look back at him.

"Kaname." I said with equal demand.

We starred at eachother for what it seemed like eternity, I mean we did have eternity if we really wanted to. A tense atmosphere floating around the room, leaving everyone completely stunned at our interaction. Kaname let out a small sound of amusement before he looked over at the others.

"Let's go." He annouced before he moved next to me. "Let me get the door for you Etsu." He said opening the door for me.

"Thank you Kaname." I said going through the door. "Mei."

"Coming Etsu-Chan. Excuse me Lord Kaname."

"Of course Mei."

"Thank you Lord Kaname."

My eyebrow rose when I heard shouting coming from the other side of the gate, I definitely will never get used to that. I'm too used to quietness and Mei hyperness. There was a huge whistle causing me to wince at the loudness, I  noticed a girl on the wall talking and shouting at the others. As she jumped down the gates opened.Takuma walked passed me with Aido and the boy Akatsuki behind him. Mei smiled and ran over to them. I felt a hand on my back and looked seeing Kaname smiling down at me.

"Shall we go?" He asked.

I got out of his touch and walked with him out the doors.

"Alright! No Pushing stand back!"

I looked seeing a familiar face. I stopped dead in my tracks

"Goood morning how is everyone today?" Aido's voice said.

"Etsu." Kaname said gaining my attention. "We really should get to class." I looked back at the girl and he looked at what I was looking at. "Morning Yuki." He smiled at her and gave me a little push.

"Ah! Good morning." The brunette said bowing.

Kaname stopped and turned around, I turned with him. Kaname walked over to the boy I was talking to last night.

"Morning Zero how are you feeling." Zero didn't respond. "You take care." You could hear Kaname's smirk in his voice as she turned around and walked towards us again.

I noticed Zero tightening his fist causing me to tilt my head to the side.

"Listen, if you're trying to challenge me, I'll be ready and  waiting anytime you want, Kaname."

Kaname ignored him and stopped next to me with a smile.

"Shall we continue?" Kaname asked me.

My eyes flashed back to Zero's seeing his eyes focused on me. I walked up to the boy and everything became quiet. I reached up and brushed his hair out of his face only to have it fall back in place. He didn't do anything and just looked me in the eyes.

"I apologize for him." I said. He starred at me, just starred. My hand retracted from infront of his hair to his collar causing him to tense. I simply just fixed it while still looking him in the eyes. I turned quickly on my heels and looked at him from over my shoulder. "I hope his actions won't have any affect on us being friends." I walked towards Kaname who looked surprised. "I'll see you around Zero Kiryu." I said grabbing Kaname's sleeve and continued walking slightly pulling Kaname along. "Kaname."  I looked him in the eyes. "Dragging your feet is not well mannered." I said with a bored tone, completely ignoring what just happened.

"Of course." Kaname said and his resistance disappeared. I removed my grasp from his sleeve. "And after class I would like to talk to you."

"I know." I said uninterested.

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