His Rules Remain

By amndasingletary

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He leaned down very slowly and my eyes fell to his lips before snapping back up. He gently pressed his lips a... More

Chapter 1: A Man I Used to Know
Chapter 2: Honesty
Chapter 4: Bare Your Soul
Chapter 5: Leather and Lace
Chapter 6: Learning the Ropes
Chapter 7: The First Time
Chapter 8: Needs and Wants
Chapter 9: At His Hands
Chapter 10: Here's the Plan
Chapter 11: Facing It
Chapter 12: Tyler
Chapter 13: Ashton
Chapter 14: A Night in the Pool
Chapter 15: You're Okay
Chapter 16: Submission
Chapter 17: Fair is Fair
Chapter 18: Cassy
Chapter 19: New Experience
Chapter 20: The Day is Here
Chapter 21: Preparation
Chapter 22: Boys and Girls
Chapter 23: The Stage
Chapter 24: In the Spotlight
Chapter 25: More than Me
Chapter 26: Daniel
Bonus Chapter: Daniel's POV
Chapter 27: Memory Lane
Chapter 28: Home Sweet Home

Chapter 3: Contracts and Commitment

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By amndasingletary

"Your daughter is quite wonderful. I'm more than willing to accommodate you, and your family, of course, to keep her by my side." He spoke quickly and with confidence assured in the fact that my parents would agree to this as if my parents opinion on the situation mattered. He knew I was his at that point and whether or not they liked it, it was my name he needed signed on the agreement.

"Sir?" My father stepped forward but the tremor in his voice was easy to hear exposing how nervous he was while trying to understand the new situation. How did you explain to your parents that after three hours of intimacy, you were going to give someone your life to control?

"I'm keeping your daughter here instead of her going to market." Aaron stated with finality in his voice, "It assures her safety and well being more than anywhere else would."

My mother began to cry and I quickly spoke up, "It's okay," I reassured my parents, "I'm willing to stay with him. He's not going to hurt me like I previously thought. I believe I can trust him." I felt Aaron's hand on my knee and the motion was all I needed to know I was safe.. He knew I was still scared and he wasn't going to rush this on me. "He actually wants to take care of me."

Despite my reassurance, my parents both seemed destroyed by the idea of their little girl entering this world. I took my mother's hands in my own as I continued, "I'm just another mouth to feed at home right now and at least I know what Aaron is capable of doing to me. There are rules and contracts here that they actually follow and abide by. The money he is willing to pay for my company is more than we could expect from Market," I paused, looking from both my parents to my little sister, "and you need it to raise Cassidy. She is a lot smarter than me and she can go far if she has the resources."

"You are just as much our daughter as she is though. We don't want to lose either one of you." My mother protested with tears streaming down her cheeks, "Don't take her away from us, please." She turned to Aaron as she cried and begged him to let me stay with them while I serviced him during the days.

"Mr. and Mrs. Dowell, I know it seems to you that I only want her for her body, and don't get me wrong, it's an incredibly wonderful part of the deal, but it isn't the only reason that I want her here. McKenzi used to be a great friend of mine and I do want to look out for her and protect her. While I do have the intention of being intimate with her, I'm not going to use her as someone would elsewhere. I genuinely care about her wellbeing and life after this if she were to choose a different path after our time together."

Aaron was kind. He wasn't the same guy I had known years ago but he definitely wasn't some vicious monster of a man as I had come to believe. He wasn't abusive or violent and he wore his emotions openly. He never stopped being respectful to my family as we discussed the terms of my submission. He kept calmly reassuring my parents that I was safe with him and that no one would hurt me while we were together. He was holding my hand in his lap and every time he would look at me, he smiled.

Aaron had made it clear that I was going to be only his while in the house. He wasn't going to allow anyone else to lay their hands on me and that by the end of the month he would have his current submissives reassigned and that he would only be working with me from that point on. He knew I was worried about it but he showed me where it was typed up in the papers and we both signed by it. I still feared he wouldn't be able to keep his end of that promise but he signed his name next to it and if he broke that deal, it was on him.

It took some time for all the proper paperwork to be completed because financial decisions had to be discussed along with my healthcare and proper attire. Aaron took everything in stride. When it came to light that I hadn't been to the doctor in a few years, he didn't seem concerned. He said that he would get the in house doctor to set up an appointment and that we would go from there. I obviously didn't have lingerie in the styles he would prefer and while I knew he would expect me to wear skimpier clothing, I didn't expect him to make me agree to co-shopping when it came to what I would wear. Nonetheless, I signed my initials as I agreed to let him pick out the things he wanted me to wear in his presence.

Then came the subject of my virginity. The topic I wasn't exactly thrilled to discuss in front of my parents. I knew that it needed to happen though because one way or another Aaron would be the first to take me to bed and then life would change for me in terms of who might want to marry me.

"Your daughter's well being is the most important thing to me and I can't stress that enough. I don't want her to ever worry about what the future holds for her. With that being said, a young girl's virtue can hold a lot of weight in her life and I understand that. It can affect the man she can marry, the money she would receive after marriage, along with the overall dignity of her name in town, among many other things.

"So I do understand that when I take it from her, and I will be taking it from her, that there is a backlash. However, with that being said, I am hopeful that she will choose to stay with me many years into the future as my wife if the situation were right."

Of all the things I imagined Aaron talking about at this table, it wasn't marriage. I was fully prepared for him to talk about what possibilities there were for me, but marrying him hadn't been on my mind as a topic that might be brought up

I squeezed his hand and he looked over at me, "And what do we do if it the situation isn't right? What if we don't work out?"

He sighed, letting go of my hand to tuck a stray piece of hair away from my face, "Well, our contract would end and I would set you free. Most men of the town would understand your obligations and if someone wanted me to state that you had only been with me during our time, I would do so."

We were signing the last of the papers when an older lady came into the room and over to us. She held a small black box in her hand and quickly opened it as she handed it to him.

"As you requested, sir." The lady said as she handed him a silver chain with a circular pendant on it.

"Thank you, Melinda." Aaron nodded at her and she smiled leaving the room promptly. He unclasped the chain and wrapped it around my neck, clasping it together again.

"This is your necklace. Don't ever take it off. It's white gold and won't be affected by water, so you shouldn't ever have a reason to remove it. My name is engraved on the back so that other dominants that come will know you are taken and they cannot touch you without permission from me." Aaron explained as he pulled my hair out from under the chain.

I felt the engraving on the back of the charm and smirked, "So you've collared me? Like a puppy. I belong to you now and that's what this necklace means, right?"

"Essentially, yes, it's just a very nice collar. But it keeps you safe and that's my goal." He kissed my forehead and collected the documents from the table.

He stood up, leaving my parents and I sitting down. "Feel free to say your goodbyes. I will be back in about 10 minutes. I can have someone collect your belongings from your home later."

He disappeared through the double doors and I stood to hug my parents and little sister goodbye. "Everything is going to be okay, I promise. I trust Aaron. He's been honest and open and I can't ask for more than that in this situation. Market would have horrible for me and we all know it. Take it to heart that I am safe in his hands."

My mother began to cry again as she held me close. My father patted me on the back as he held back the tears I could see forming in his eyes. I didn't want my parents to be so sad but perhaps it was because they bore witness to the conversation which they wouldn't have been privy to if I had gone elsewhere.

I turned to my sister as I picked her up and swung her around. "Be good, Cassidy, even when it all seems bad, stay good." Cassidy was only 10 years old but she was already showing how smart she was. She was full of life and innovative for such a young age. I knew she would be a success if she was kept in school. I had made sure that Aaron included a fund just for her education in our contract. I wanted to care for my parents but more than anything I needed to watch out for Cass. She would be better out there in the world than in this town and I needed to make sure she had the chance to escape. "This life is not your limit, remember that, okay?"

She nodded as I placed her back on the ground and hugged everyone goodbye again. I felt Aaron place his hand on my lower back as he approached us again, "This won't be the last time you see each other. It just may be a while while you get trained and acquainted with the rules here." He stated as my parents waved goodbye at the door.

Once they were gone, I let out a sigh of relief because I really didn't want to deal with anymore crying for the day, but it also meant that I was alone with Aaron and I didn't know how to handle that either.

"Come along, Kenz, I want to show you some things."

Aaron led me down the hall where the playroom had been at and then turned right. There was another long corridor filled with doors. He opened the first door on the left for me and I stepped inside. It was a beautiful bedroom. The bed was decorated in a plush white comforter and there was gray carpet on the ground that led to the ensuite bathroom which was the same size as a master bathroom in a regular home. I turned around and observed the TV on the mantle and the desk in the corner. The closet was large compared to what I was used to as well. The room as a whole was like that from an upscale hotel.

"It's lovely. What's it for?" I asked as Aaron watched me walk around the room.

"For you." I would be living separately from him? I guess that made sense but I figured he wanted to keep me close for now.


"Don't sound so happy." He smirked as he approached my side.

"I'm sorry. I just don't know what to expect and overall I'm pretty confused about everything and how it works."

"This room is for you. You will have a key and so will the maids that come to clean when you want them to. You can decorate it any way you want and put things wherever you want; whatever makes you happy." He smiled and took my hand in his, "This is a safe room. It means that if for whatever reason, things get out of hand during a scene or you simply need an escape from everything you can come here and get away from everything until you can calm down."

I nodded my understanding and he continued, "With that being said, a lot of submissives here do use these rooms as a bedroom when they aren't with their doms. I would prefer that you stay with me though." He seemed to pause in order to assess my reaction to the statement, "I want to be with you as much as possible, especially in the next coming weeks while I get you acquainted with everything. I won't make you sleep in my bed with me, but it would make me very happy if you did."

I smiled. It's where I wanted to be. I didn't know if it was because I wanted to be next to Aaron or if it was because I didn't want to be left alone in this new room yet, but I was definitely glad he made the offer for me to stay with him.

"I'd like that too." He kissed the back of my knuckles as he pulled me towards the door. "How did I get lucky enough to have one of the first doors?" I joked as we left. He handed me the key and I locked it.

"I have had this room reserved for my next long term submissive. But when I got my last one, it didn't feel right giving it to her. I just assigned her a different room and she didn't know any different. But it feels right for you. I hope you won't ever need to use it because I hope things never get out of hand in a way that you feel you need to escape from me. As your dom, I should be the person you can trust the most to take care of you and help you with aftercare and everything after a scene."

As we walked down the hallway Aaron held my hand securely in his and I couldn't help but notice the looks that were being thrown our way. Some were jealousy while others were welcoming and seemingly happy. I was relieved to see that people were welcoming here rather than the judgment I expected.

Aaron opened a large wooden door and we stepped inside. There was a large mahogany desk and black leather chairs in front of it. He motioned for me to sit in one as he shut the door and sat down on the other side of the desk. Aaron pulled out a stack of papers and handed them to me before folding his hands in front of him on the desk.

Contract of Limits was bolded at the top of the paper. I sucked in a breath before letting it out slowly. So this was the moment of truth where we started talking about sex.

"I know it's a lot. Paper and content." Aaron was as calm as ever, "Just take a little bit to read over it and we can discuss it. It outlines a lot of information you need to know. If you don't understand something, just ask, and I will be more than happy to explain it. The biggest part of this relationship is being open and honest with one another and I need to know your thoughts and feelings on practically everything."

As I scanned through the paperwork a lot of words jumped out to me that made me feel queasy and while I thought I may throw up, I held it down and kept reading. I got to the last page of the contract and set it down on the table. Rubbing my hands over my face I heard Aaron chuckle to himself as observed me.

"Okay, I read it. Now what?" He smiled as he handed me a pen.

"We review and edit the things that you are comfortable with and those that you aren't." He flipped the contract to page one as he began speaking again. "Okay, read the page again, ask me any of the questions you have and tell me if you're uncomfortable with anything here."

I nodded and began reading the page again. It was pretty mundane. Oral intercourse, both giving and receiving, is definitely something I could do. Not like I hadn't already, I blushed as the memory flashes of us a few hours ago with me on my knees in front of him as I begged him to let me satisfy him as well.

Then there was vaginal penetration. Logically, I was okay with it, I'm sure it would be something that happened frequently between us. While I was nervous about my first time, I certainly wasn't afraid of the act itself. It went on to detail what I would allow to be put into me and it mostly listed different toys that I had heard of before and didn't mind being used on me. But then it came down to the last line: fisting.

My eyes met Aaron's and he seemed to know what I had just read over. "Is fisting what it sounds like it is?" I pressed my tongue against my cheek as I tried to push my embarrassment down on the topic.

"More or less, yes." He shrugged, "It's something that you definitely work up to and takes time to stretch out."

I shook my head slowly, "No."

"It's not that bad. I will tell you though, I only allow you to say absolutely no to five things in this contract. Everything else, you have to give it a chance at least once before you decide it's a hard no."

I looked back down at the paper and sighed. He took my hand in his from across the desk, "As I said, it's not that bad. On top of that, it isn't something I typically do. I might do it just so you can experience it, but I'm not going to push your limits right away. We are going to get used to each other first and experience pleasure together before I ask that you step out of your comfort zone. It might be something that I never do but I want you to stay open to the idea, okay?"

"Okay, I'll stay open to it as long as you promise to take things very slow on that topic."

"Of course, love."

I turned to page two of the contract and we went through the same process again. It was all about anal penetration this time. There was a yellow X by quite a few of the items on that page. "What does the yellow X mean?" I asked, not looking up from the paper.

"It means it's something I am not particularly fond of, but if for whatever reason, I were to be put in a situation where I became a submissive, those are the things I am willing to do. However, I will not let you do them to me since you are my submissive and not the other way around." My eyes met his and his expression was still soft.

"You have been with a guy before? Someone else was your dominant?"

"How do you think I was trained? Most everything that you experience, outside of the obvious things that I can't do, I have been trained on as well by another dominant. Sometimes it was a female, other times a male."

"I refuse to give fisting a chance in this category. Hard no."

"That's fine. I wouldn't do that to you but I understand why you want to put the hard limit here. Mark through the line in red and it will be taken out of the official document." I picked up the pen crossing through the line with the bold color.

"Is anal in general something that you like? I've never been particularly fond of the idea."

Aaron leaned back in the chair, regarding me as my voice trailed off and my eyes continued to read the paper. "Your posture tells me you're a little less than "not fond" of the idea."

I tried to relax my shoulders and breathe out but I could still feel the tension in my body. "It's really not something I ever wanted to try," I whispered, but the room was silent and it seemed to echo off the walls.

"It's not something I do often and I'm not very interested in anal play in general unless my submissive is, however, I will say that sometimes there can be pleasure in a finger or two inside while having sex. It creates a sensation of fullness and can be very satisfying for you." Aaron openly laughed at my expression before composing himself. "Sorry, that face was pretty great. But seriously, it will be a while before I try that with you. Just give it a chance and you might find that it brings you some pleasure."

The next two pages were toys and contraptions used for bondage play and different scenes that we might take part in. For the most part, I was okay with everything that Aaron was going to use on me or would want me to do. He had marked out quite a few things that he didn't do and wouldn't do even if I asked, though, I certainly wasn't interested. He explained things that made me nervous and while I was still left in that state he promised me everything would work itself out as long as I agreed to be open to new things.

When we finally got to the last page, I figured it would be cut and dry since we had already discussed my opinion on being with others but based on the sigh that he let out, the conversation was just about to start.

"Okay, I know how you feel about this topic," he started, "but hear me out."

I could feel my chest tighten as the words left his lips. "You promised. When I agreed to be here you said you would make it happen. That contract says that you will sign off on the fact that I have only been with you and that would mean that I have only been with you."

"You're right." His hands went up in the sign of surrender, "Will you just listen to me, though? I just want you to hear what I have to say."

I pressed my tongue to my cheek because I had to force myself to swallow my anger and hear him out. This relationship was about communication and trust so I had to start with one of them.

"I won't make you be with anyone else. I know how you feel about the topic and I am still going to hold my end of that deal up. I will reassign my submissives so that it will be you and I." His voice was low as he spoke softly, "I want you to be open to the idea of one day allowing yourself to be shared with others. Not right now by any means, but in the future, you might find that others can bring you different forms of pleasure and I want you to be able to experience that as well."

I was shaking my head no, when he stood and came around the desk, kneeling in front of me. He took my hands in his and kissed the back of each one as tears formed in the corner of my eyes.

"Don't cry, Kenz. I promise I won't break our contract over it." He stood up and pulled me into his arms, wrapping me against the wall of muscle he had built up over the years. "I just don't want you to cross it out completely. I promised you all of me, and I meant it, but I have enjoyed threeways and couple swapping every now and then. If you really can't compromise on it then cross it out. But if there is even the slightest chance that down the road you might be more willing, just leave it there."

His embrace was everything I needed to feel safe. I knew we would take things in stride together so I nodded against his chest, "I won't cross it out but just promise me you will keep me safe and that you won't rush me into being with other people anytime soon."

He hugged me even tighter, "I promise, my love, I promise."

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