The Unfading : Origin

By Velnar_

278 22 3

When a normal innocent village girl gets her hands on the most powerful weapon possible, she uses it for the... More

Chapter 1:The beginning
Chapter 3: Details of the codex:
Chapter 4: The prayer
Chapter 5: The liar
Chapter 6: The meeting with the codex
Chapter 7:The angel of time & speed
Chapter 8: The final angels
Chapter 9: Summoning of the fire demon
Sequel Announcement

Chapter 2: The guardian

27 2 0
By Velnar_

(Reminder: In the previous chapter our Main lead Warisha got a book called the codex of Amarantha, created by Theo The angel of creation & prayer.She used the book to heal the town's guardian instantly at which everyone was shocked now without further adue let's dive into the story)
One of the men surrounding Leo came back to Warisha. Leo was putting his armor back on, in the background. "Come with us to Leo's mansion, we'd like you to meet the chief",the man said to Warisha. Her father looked at her with high hopes. She agreed to go meet the chief and started to walk along with them to the mansion. They arrived at their destination. The mansion was huge. The guards escorted her to a room and asked her to wait for the chief to arrive there. The room was beautiful. There were two chairs infront of each other and a glass table between them the whole setting was placed near a window from which the evening light was entering the room. She sat on one of the chairs and waited. After a while the door opened and an old man entered the room. He had the same blue eyes as leo but his skin was a little wrinkled. His hair and long beard had gone white due to aging. She quickly got up from the chair and bowed to the elder chief. "Sit daughter,no need to be so formal. Consider this as your own house",the old man said as he sat on the chair infront of her. She hesitantly sat back and the old man started speaking." You know,my son...he always gets in trouble all by himself. He's always been like this & I've spent a lot of my time and money on his treatment.But I've never met a mage like you in my life . Daughter,how did you heal him so fast?" he finished his statements." I'm grateful that you acknowledged my skills sir but this is nothing I should be praised for. I was born good at magecraft & healing. Also,your son helped me a lot by getting such a large wound.If it wasn't for him,I would've never realized how powerful I was...." she answered.The chief looked at her and there was a shine in her eyes as he crossed his legs and spoke,"Would you mind being with him all the time as his healer. As I said earlier,he gets hurt a lot and when he's hurt,the town's safety is down .So decide if you want to join him or not".Warisha looked at the old man. She didn't considered Leo as even a friend,he was just a man she barely knew. Even though she was enchanted by his beauty and perfection, she still needed time to think."Give me till tomorrow to make up my mind.I'll give you my answer tomorrow" she said. They both continued talking and then she finally decided to go back home."It's getting late.I should go father would be waiting for me..." she said. The old man affirmed and his guards escorted her to her house. She entered her house."I'm back dad...just wait a while till I cook dinner" she said. She went near the stone stove and burned some wood in it. She was cutting some vegetables as her father spoke,"They rewarded you?". "No father, he's the town's guardian and he got hurt protecting us. I can't take money for his treatment. Besides,they offered me to go with him and protect the town..." she said as she finished cutting the vegetables. "My daughter is getting a little famous now...I think you should go with him..." her father replied. "As you wish dear dad."she said. They both ate in silence and she took the plates off the table into the sink."I'm going to bed,good night..." her father said as he got up the chair and entered a room. She entered her room after she was finished washing dishes. She sat on her desk and took out the codex from her bag. There was a new page in the codex "These are...destructive spells to deal damage and cause devastation.....Better try these tomorrow" she said to herself.
The next morning
She went to the mansion of the chief and knocked at the door. A guard came and she asked him to inform the chief about her arrival. The chied came ,"Oh! welcome! Have you made your decision?",he asked."Yes, I have decided to go and protect our town with your son",she answered.The chief ordered the guards to call out Leo as he had to leave. Leo arrived and they both left the mansion.They arrived at the edge of the town near a forest. Blue skies were above them and there were white patches of clouds in it. In the distance, blue mountains were visible. Warisha sat on a rock and started healing her ankle as she had hurt it on the way to there.She finished healing and said,"Leo what is that in the diatance?"she pointed."Those are some beasts coming to attack the town..." Leo replied in a cold tone."Those are not some..." she said as she stood on the rocks and looked at the horde of monsters approaching them.Leo took his purple & black sword out of it's sheath"Prepare to support me"he said as he started to slowly walk towards the monsters. "Codex give him strength..." she said as the codex started to levitate after flipping a few pages. Leo dashed forward towards the monsters and directly stabbed a monster through his heart.Two of them attacked him from either of his sides and he sliced them down in a quick turn. One more monster attacked him from behind while one of them grabbed his sword in its jaw. He looked at the monster behind him & letted go of the sword. He punched the monster right in its jaw and it was sent flying off."Nice support " he said ."Look out!" Warisha said. A monster attacked Leo from behind.He bounced of the ground a few time and then rolled until he hitted a rock far away. Warisha looked at the monster walking towards her. "Leo you can rest...I'll take care of this..." she spoke gently as she got of the rock and walked towards the monster. Her codex was levitating over her left hand and it was giving out a dark purple light."Codex show me....." she said as the book flipped its page giving out a faint noise. "....a blast",she finished her statement as the codex gave out a loud noise and five purple colured circles (crests) appeared over the levitating codex. The ground started to vibrate and below the feet of the monsters....a huge purple circle appeared the circle had four secondary circles along its boundary. The four circles gave out a faint purple light and then suddenly there was silence. The silence was broken when the huge circle in the middle gave out a strong dark purple light followed by thundering noise and an intense and huge blast visible from the longest of the distances. It was higher than mountains and the area of effect was 1/3rd that of the entire town. All the monsters,trees and plants in that area were wiped out. There was only scorched land that was left. People in the town witnesses the blast and rushed to the forest worrying about the safety of their guardians.Leo was looking at Warisha with wide opened eyes who was standing in between him and the blast.Her closed book was in her right hand.She turned around and looked at Leo " can move ... I've healed you as the blast was occurring...." she said in a wavering voice. Leo stood up "How-" he said and didn't complete his sentence as the townspeople arrived. Warisha's father runs towards her"My daughter..." he said as he approached her. The other people were gathered around Leo asking him about the blast. Warisha turned back around and looked at the destruction she caused 'what have I done?...' she thought as she fell to the ground. Her legs were trembling as the blast was way stronger than what she had in mind."A lot of monsters appeared and I was knocked out than she did that blast with her magecraft somehow."Leo explained to the people. An arrongant man walked forward the crowd and said "you want us to believe that a healer mage did it?".Everyone was focused at Leo as suddenly a faint purple light cane from the codex which was in her bag.She opened it in the bag.There was a new page. She walked upto the arguing man "I can prove it to you..." she said."Go on ...prove it!" the man said arrogantly. At this she touched the codex and pointed her hand towards the man. There were small glowing purple balls on the edges of each of her finger."Codex,send him back and show him what I desire"she said as the balls left her fingers. Two of them touched his both eyes,one touched his forehead,one touched the base of his neck and one on his mid chest.The light balls got absorbed in him and he fell on the ground and his vision faded.Everyone was shocked and scared but none of them dared to speak to Warisha. The next moment the arrogant man opened his eyes. He was in a forest at the border of the town and infront of him at a few meters distance was Warisha performing the soul blast. He couldn't see her very well.....her image was kinda blurred especially the codex in her hands. The blast occurred and again his vision faded. This time when he opened his eyes, he was back to the orginal time. People were gathered around him as he shakily spoke,"It was her.....she did it.....I saw it.....I felt it...". The people were confused." What did you see?" one man asked."I saw and felt death..." he replied. Everyone was scared and silent roamed around everyone. The all silently went back scared of Warisha. There was only Leo and her father who stayed."May we go?" Leo asked."Sure" she replied. She walked with her father. She arrived at her house, entered ger room & sat on her desk "The was enormous. Just as I thought,this codex, it us surely dangerous....I must protect it from getting into wrong must be used only for good...." she talked to herself while studying the book even more interestingly.
The End
(hope you enjoyed and sorry for the late update!)

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