sex tutor /// sekai

By Not_My_Cup_Of_Tae

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in which jongin tutors the pastor's son, sehun. warning: VERY MATURE More



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By Not_My_Cup_Of_Tae

"...what's your dirty little secret?" jongin asked. sehun blushed, eyes wide.

"i- i don't know what you mean by that," sehun said, "i d-don't have any secrets."

"is that so?" jongin scoffed, setting his drink down on the coffee table, "absolutely none?"

sehun quickly shook his head in confirmation.

"don't be so shy, sehunnie," jongin said, somehow managing to lean in even closer to sehun, faces just centimeters apart, "you can tell me. i don't judge people."

"you- you don't?" sehun asked. jongin nodded.

"besides, who would i tell? as of right now, you're the only person i talk to," jongin said. and sehun didn't know why, but he suddenly felt his mouth moving quicker than his brain did.

"i-i don't like girls," sehun blurted out, "i-i like boys and i have a b-boyfriend."

jongin smirked, leaning away and turning back to the tv. sehun took a second to catch his breath, trying to calm down.

"you're hard," jongin said, not even glancing at sehun. sehun looked down at his crotch, seeing an embarrassing boner. he let out a squeak, immediately going to cover the bulge. jongin smirked, looking back to him.

"did i make the little church boy excited?" jongin taunted, "how adorable."

"i- i have a boyfriend," sehun repeated. jongin scoffed.

"and you're satisfied with that relationship?" jongin asked, not believing it for a second. sehun nodded unsurely after a second of thought.

"really? then why is your body so horny for me?" jongin said, hand falling on sehun's thigh, "you know, it's so funny- i've caught you staring at me in the hallways, at lunch... how you would bite your cute little lip as you got lost in thought. i bet you've even thought about how it would feel like for me to fuck you, hmm?"

sehun's cock twitched in his pants, and that was enough of a response for jongin.

"h-hyung," sehun mumbled out as jongin laid him down properly on the couch, "w-what're you doing?"

jongin smirked.

"i wanna see just how sinful the church boy can get."

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