sex tutor /// sekai

By Not_My_Cup_Of_Tae

110K 4.2K 2.3K

in which jongin tutors the pastor's son, sehun. warning: VERY MATURE More



4.9K 215 183
By Not_My_Cup_Of_Tae

"alright, class," the art teacher, mrs. park said as everyone settled down into their seats, "today we're gonna experiment with lines. your assignment, which will be worth twenty percent of your semester grade, is to partner up with someone and create a portrait of one of you using any type of line- curved, straight, squiggly. i don't want to hear any complaints, since everything is essentially made of lines and so basically you're just making a portrait. and since i'm feeling especially generous, you can pick partners, but only one person at a time."

sehun sighed. he hated partner work.

he patiently waited as the first row picked their partners- he cursed his luck, of all days to be sitting in the last row. he decided to put his head down until he was forced to interact with someone, but was startled when someone suddenly placed a hand on his shoulder. he lifted his head, about to glare at whoever dare touch him. but his eyes widened instead of slanting when he saw who the hand belonged to. jongin stared down at him, not a hint of a smile on his face. students stared at the pair, whispering amongst themselves.

"let's go," jongin said with a tone of finality that had sehun standing up from his seat and walking to where jongin's was obediently. jongin leaned back in his seat and slouched, sehun sitting up straight besides him. even the teacher seemed surprised.

"very well- everyone's picked someone. go ahead and start. canvases are over there, you all know where the paints are at," mrs. park said, then going to her desk and typing on her computer.

"i'll get the canvases and paint," jongin told sehun, "stay here."

"okay," sehun nodded, not daring to move. jongin got up from his seat and grabbed the art supplies. everyone stared at sehun in shock.

kim jongin and oh sehun never spoke to anyone, much less to each other.

it didn't take long for jongin to reappear, holding a couple of paints, a canvas, and some brushes.

"i'll paint you," jongin said to sehun, ignoring the stairs, "your face is rather pretty. you'll be a good model."

sehun blushed. the students surrounding them overheard and quickly made expressions of disgust. jongin silenced them with a glare.

"thanks," sehun mumbled quietly, playing with his fingers. jongin pushed the paint and the canvas to the side, instead grabbing a sketchbook from his backpack and flipping to a clean page.

"you guys will be expected to work on this after school as well. the final product is due in two weeks. i expect excellent artwork, seeing as this qualifies as your final exam grade," mrs. park declared. jongin didn't even glance at her, too focused on sehun.

"yours or mine?" jongin asked sehun.

"huh?" sehun asked, cheeks turning a dark pink.

"to work on the project. yours or mine?" jongin repeated. sehun blinked, forcing the impure thoughts away from his head. he thought for a moment, deciding that due to the current predicament at his house, he probably shouldn't bring a boy around at all, even if it was just for school purposes.

"yours, preferably," sehun said after a moment of chewing on his lip. jongin stared.

"is that a habit of yours?" jongin asked.

"is what a habit?" sehun asked, confused.

"biting your lip," jongin specified.

"oh, it's a habit of mine to always have something in my mouth," sehun answered, nodding, "it calms me down."

"that's why you always have a lollipop with you?" jongin asked. sehun nodded.

"yeah, but i don't have any today," sehun sighed, "i'll probably be okay though."

"okay," jongin nodded, already sketching a rough outline of sehun's mouth.

"what about you?" sehun asked, not wanting the conversation to end since he found jongin to be pretty cool, "any weird habits?"

"nope," jongin replied. sehun pouted.

"there has to be at least one," sehun said, "can't you think of anything?"

"alright, alright," jongin nodded, leaning in closer to sehun, "don't tell anyone, okay?"

sehun nodded, very serious.

"sometimes, when i find someone i don't like," jongin said, face straight, "i eat them."

sehun burst into laughter, shaking his head.

"you're so full of shit," sehun laughed. jongin's lips twitched into a small smile as he went back to drawing.

"i've noticed you don't have many friends," jongin said, "except for that little group of church boys that try to hang around you."

"mm.... their parents are friends with mine," sehun said, scratching the back of his neck, "you know, since my dad is the pastor and all."

"right," jongin nodded, "only natural, i suppose."

"how about you? i've never seen you at church," sehun stated.

"yeah, i'm an atheist," jongin answered. sehun's eyes widened.

"really?" sehun asked. jongin nodded.

"yeah, really," jongin said, making eye contact with sehun, "is that okay?"

"mhmm," sehun nodded, smiling just slightly, "i am too."

"how scandalous," jongin smirked, "the little church boy doesn't believe in god."

"shh, people will hear you," sehun said, glancing around, "you won't tell anyone, will you?"

jongin stared at sehun for a moment, deciding that he was the prettiest boy he had ever seen and ever will see.

"your secret is safe with me, church boy."

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