sex tutor /// sekai

By Not_My_Cup_Of_Tae

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in which jongin tutors the pastor's son, sehun. warning: VERY MATURE More



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By Not_My_Cup_Of_Tae

"mom, dad, i'm gay."

sehun stared at his parents as their mouths fell open in shock. he sighed, expecting this reaction. his little brother, jungkook, smiled.

"that's cool, hyung, do you have a boyfriend? can i meet him?" jungkook asked with the chillness that only a fourteen year old could have.

"be quiet, jungkook- sehun, you know that's against the bible," sehun's mother spoke. sehun blinked.

"yeah, i know," sehun said, a sickening feeling in his gut as he stared at his parents.

parents are supposed to be supportive.

"my boy is a fag," his father whispered to himself. sehun winced and jungkook immediately frowned.

"hey! don't call him that!" jungkook exclaimed. his mother hushed him.

"why are you telling us this? what if your father has a heart attack?" mrs. oh asked, then gasping, "what would the church think, sehun? how could you be so selfish?"

"they're gonna start talking about our family," krystal, his triplet, spoke, "we'll be the talk of the town."

sehun sighed, shaking his head as he looked at the ground.

"you fucking faggot," mr. oh cursed, looking at sehun in pure disgust, "go to your room, i don't want to see you."

sehun swallowed the lump in his throat as he got up from the dinner table, walking away from his so-called family and locking himself in his room. he let out a silent sob, back sliding down against his bedroom door as he sat down and brought his knees to his chest.

sehun cried, covering his mouth with his hand to muffle the sounds of his weeping.

"hyung?" jungkook's voice called from outside his bedroom door, knocking on it softly, "can i come in?"

sehun sniffled, wiping his eyes with his sleeves and slowly getting up from the ground, he straightened his shoulders, lifted his head just a little bit, and then opened his bedroom door. jungkook stood there, looking up at him for second. jungkook was a fetus of a boy, still baby-faced. the fourteen year old suddenly stepped forward, wrapping his arms around sehun's torso.

"i support you, hyung."

sehun's resolve crumbled, eyes welling up with tears once again.

"t-thanks, kooks," sehun whispered, unsurely hugging his little brother back. he had a good relationship with him, but he wasn't used to hugs or really any affection at all.

"you should go, yeah? mum and dad will be upset if they see you with me," sehun told his brother. jungkook nodded, letting go of sehun. he gave his brother a smile before walking away. sehun closed his door again, sitting down on his bed and pulling his phone out. he immediately knew who to call- his boyfriend, johnny.

"hey, baby," johnny said.

"h-hey johnny," sehun sniffled.

"my day has been awful, babe," johnny sighed, "just terrible."

"oh," sehun said, wiping his eyes, "why, what happened?"

"i was gonna eat cereal this morning, but then i didn't have any milk so i had to eat dry ass cereal and it sucks," johnny said, "how's your day been?"

i shouldn't put him in a worse mood.

"it was fine," sehun said, "i love you."

"love you too, babe, but listen, i gotta go," johnny said, "i've got to go... uh, tutor this girl. talk to you later. bye."

johnny hung up before sehun could reply, which only made sehun feel like crying again. he sighed, pulling his covers over his broad shoulders and curling into a ball.

life just can't get any worse.

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