π•„π•šπ•Ÿπ•₯ | 𝐎𝐜 [Harry Potter...

By Gentle8Kisses

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π“…“ In which Ella embarks on another adventure with her friends to solve a mystery. Will she make it in time b... More

The Summer
The Alley
The Flying Car
The Pixies
The Detention
The Headless Hunt
The Chamber of Secrets
The Bludger
The Duel
The Awakening

The Snake

242 8 1
By Gentle8Kisses

The next day, the snow that had begun the night before had turned into a full-on blizzard, canceling the last Herbology class before our Christmas break started. Ron and Hermione used this free time to play a game of wizards chess, while I playfully dangled a string in front of Bluebelle, who tried to catch it in vain. She was very glad that I had extra time off to entertain her.

Harry, on the other hand, chose to pace back and forth in front of the fireplace, upset that he won't be able to apologize to Newt.

"For heaven's sake, Harry," I groaned, finally letting go of the string, causing Bluebelle to grab it in glee. "Go and find Newt if it's so important to you."

"I don't know where he is," Harry fretted, sitting down on the couch next to me.

I stretch my neck before grabbing Ella and walking over to help Harry off the couch, "Come on. I will help you look." Although I personally thought Harry was insane. Newt was fine, and I am sure he wasn't that affected.

And with that Harry got up from the couch and walked straight to the portrait hole, with me following after him, with a confused Bluebelle in my hands.

"I think the best place to look first would be the library," I look at Harry as we walk to the stairs, "He might be catching up on work."

Harry nodded and we began to walk up the stairs to the library, with Bluebelle following after us, carefully going up every step.

As we walked inside, and looked around but couldn't find him anywhere.

But there was a group of Hufflepuff students from our Herbology lesson, sitting in the back.

"Wait let's ask them," I tell Harry as he begins to walk out.

"Why would they know where Newt is," Harry asks me doubtfully.

I roll my eyes as I pull him over, "Hufflepuffs are known to be extremely social. I am sure they have heard about where he is at this time. And I know for certain that every girl in Hufflepuff keeps tabs on him. They love him over in that house."

Harry agreed and nodded his head to go to them.

I was walking towards them to see if they knew where to hind Newt when Harry yanked me back pulling me behind a row of bookshelves.

"Harry?" I look at him confused, "What do you think you are —"

"Shh," Harry said placing his finger in front of his lips.

Furrowing my eyebrows, I look at the group of second years with Harry. They seemed to be having a secret conversation by the way they were all huddled together. Justin was not present.

"So anyway," a stout boy was saying, "I would have told Newt to hide up in his dormitory for today. And I would tell Princes Ella to ask Dumbledore if she could stay with him. I mean to say, if Potter's marked them down as his next victim, it's best if they keep away from him for a while. Of course, Princess Ella's been waiting for something like this to happen ever since she decided to stay friends with him after the whole Mrs. Norris incident. That's not the kind of thing you do with Slytherin's heir, is it?"

My eyes widened as I looked at Harry, who was a mixture of hurt and angry. I look at Harry before whispering, "He doesn't know anything, Harry."

Harry sends me a small smile that doesn't quite reach his eyes.

Sweet Bluebelle, was patiently sitting at my feet not understanding what was going on the slightest, as she looked up at me with her big innocent blue eyes.

"You definitely think it is Potter, then, Ernie?" said a girl with blonde pigtails anxiously. I believe her name was Hannah Abbott.

I lightly snort, "And come on, are they really about to listen to the insane ramblings of a boy named Ernie. I mean where is Bert."

Harry looks at me with an expression like 'what do you mean.' I look at him as if it was obvious, "From Seasame Street. Is that not a thing in the U.K.?"

"Hannah," said the stout boy gravely, "he's a Parselmouth. Everyone knows that's the mark of a Dark wizard. Have you ever heard of a decent one who could talk to snakes? They called Slytherin himself Serpent-tongue."

"I can't believe this," Harry whispers to me, his rage could be heard in his hushed voice.

They all began to murmur in agreement like a bunch of businessmen in a meeting. "Remember what was written on the wall? Enemies of the Heir, Beware. Potter had some sort of run-in with Filch. Next thing we know, Filch's cat's attacked. That first year, Creevey was annoying Potter at the Quidditch match, taking pictures of him while he was lying in the mud. Next thing we know — Creevey's been attacked."

I nod my head side to side, before joking, "He does have some good points." Harry looks at me with an annoyed expression.

"Shut up, Ella"

"He always seems so nice, though," said Hannah confusedly, "and, well, he's the one who made You-Know-Who disappear. He can't be all bad, can he?" I knew I like her.

Ernie lowered his voice mysteriously, the Hufflepuffs bent closer, and Harry and I leaned our heads into the bookcase to hear Ernie.

"No one knows how he survived that attack by You-Know-Who. I mean to say, he was only a baby when it happened. He should have been blasted into smithereens. Only a really powerful Dark wizard could have survived a curse like that." he lowered his voice even more, "That's probably why You-Know-Who wanted to kill him in the first place. Didn't want another Dark Lord competing with him. I wonder what other powers Potter's been hiding?"

Not able to listen to another word, I clear my throat, locking my arms with Harry and pulling him into the view of the Hufflepuff group. Each oof them looked at though they had been petrified by Harry just. by making eye contact. Poor Ernie had become two shades paler than he was before.

"Hello," I smile. "We're looking for Newt. I am sure you talking hens will know where he is."

"What do you want with him, your majesty?" said Ernie in a quavering voice.

I shrug my shoulder, "Oh, just the usual. You know flogging, murder, and general petrification. Why do you ask?" I send them a dazzling smile, making it clear I heard everything and am not pleased.

"I wanted to tell him what really happened with that snake at the Dueling Club," Harry said, unhooking his arm from mine so he could walk up closer to the group. They all moved back.

Ernie took a deep breath before bravely saying, "We were all there. We saw what happened."

"Then you noticed that after I spoke to it, the snake backed off?" Harry sassed.

"All I saw," said Ernie stubbornly, though his voice cracked a bit when he addressed Harry, "was you speaking Parseltongue and chasing the snake toward Princess Ella and Newt."

I didn't care to correct him and say just 'Ella.' I was too concerned with Harry, who was trying to remain calm.

"I didn't chase it at him!" Harry snapped before cooly saying. "It didn't even touch him."

"It was a very near miss," Ernie bit. "And in case you're getting ideas," he quickly added, realizing what he said, "I might tell you that you can trace my family back through nine generations of witches and warlocks and my blood's as pure as anyone's, so —"

"I don't care what sort of blood you've got!" said Harry fiercely. "Why would I want to attack Muggle-borns?"

"I've heard you hate those Muggles you live with," said Ernie speedily.

"It's not possible to live with the Dursleys and not hate them," said Harry. "I'd like to see you try it."

I nod along remembering the last time I met the Dursley's at the end of our first year. They were terrible.

And with that, Harry stormed out of the library. I turn to follow him but not before saying, "You should feel guilty for what you just did, Ernie. Harry has done nothing but be kind to all of you and you hear one rumor and turn your backs on him," I shake my head in disgust, "And here I thought Hufflepuff was supposed to be kind and loyal."

I turn around, to try and find Harry in the corridor, but I quickly find him talking to Hagrid a few feet away. Making sure, Bluebelle is still with me, I walk up to them.

I eyed Hagrid, who was holding a few dead fouls in his hand.

"Hullo, Ella. Second one killed this term," Hagrid explained, noticing my stare. "It's either foxes or a Blood-Suckin' Bugbear, an' I need the headmaster's permission ter put a charm around the hen coop."

Hagrid looked down at Harry for a few seconds before saying, "Yeh sure yeh're all righ'? Yeh look all hot an' bothered —"

I bit my lip, not saying anything about what happened a few minutes ago in the library. It was for Harry to decide if he wanted to tell Hagrid.

"It's nothing," Harry shook his head. "We'd better get going, Hagrid, it's Transfiguration next and We've got to pick up our books."

Harry pulled me away, causing me to speed up to a light jog to keep up with his strides. I look back and send a quick wave goodbye to Hagrid before rushing to keep up with Harry.

Harry was storming up the stairs, while I began to rush, "Harry! You can't actually believe that this is all your fault! Ernie is just some lunatic vying for attention."

Harry shook his head as he turned along the corridor, "What if he is right. I mean, Ella, Half-bloods don't feel safe around me."

I shake my head, "That's not true. Hermione and I do."

"I just need some time alone, Ella," Harry mutters stopping his rushed pace, to look back at me.

I nod my head, realizing that I may be pressuring him. Walking past Harry, I go through one of the hallways. It is dark from the blizzard outside, making all the windows grey.

There was only a small dim light emitting from the torches, causing me to squint my eyes to see where I was walking.

I hear a splash and look down to see that there was a slimy substance on the floor. "Gross."

I notice that the slime trailed most of the hall until it stopped a few feet away. I kneel down to look at the substance in interest. I wonder what this could possibly come from. It's not water.

I freeze. The Monster? Straining my ears I try to listen for anything but all I hear is my own heart beating as I look up to see Nearly Headless Nick. But he wasn't his normal pearly-white transparency. No. Now, he was black and almost reminded me of stone, as he remained in the air, motionless and horizontal. He wore a shocked expression. Petrified.

I jump back my heart beating out of my chest. Bumbumbum. My breathing erratic as I try to stop the drumroll in my chest. It can't still be here, can it?


I begin to cry, making me squeeze my eyes tight to stop the tears from flowing. I could feel my body shaking as I told myself that I was just making things up.

I feel something touch my back, and I freeze before I feel a shiver run down my spine.

Then much to my surprise, I hear the voice of the one person I least expected: Ginny's. "Open your eyes Ella."

I slowly open my eyes but, immediately, regret it because once I do, I watch as Ginny waves at me wearing a foreign smirk on her face. This isn't the Ginny I knew. She almost looked possed.

Ginny isn't the thing that made me regret opening my eyes however, it was the humongous snake behind her. The enormous serpent, bright, poisonous green, thick as an oak trunk was coiling itself up behind the small Weasley, but I was able to catch a glimpse of its fangs. Long, thin sabers, ready to kill. It was the monster of Salazar Slytherin. But why was Ginny with it? She couldn't have been in control of the snake. I knew she wasn't his descendant.

"Good work Ginny," I heard a male voice from behind me.

Slowly turning on my heels, Not wanting to let the snake out of my sight, I am met with the sight of a tall, jet black-haired boy was leaning against the nearest wall, watching, his Hogwarts robes revealing his house to be Slytherin. He was strangely blurred around the edges, just like my mom and Po, when they were in their true god-like form. But the strange thing was, I had never seen him before. He was kinda cute.

The boy winked at me before walking up to me and falling to one knee, bringing my hand to his lips. I was not unused to men doing this to me, since I was a princess and the greeting was simply a formality, but it felt wrong when he did it.

I knew that he was behind all of this and that somehow ginny was helping him, making him the obvious heir to Slytherin, but what I didn't understand was why he was doing all this and why me.

The boy smiled, "Ella, it is so nice to formally meet you," He said pulling away to stand back on his feet, "I'm Tom Riddle."

I warily look at him before glancing back at the snake behind me.

He just laughs, at my fearful glance, "Don't worry. He won't do anything without my command."

"I know," I hesitantly reply. That doesn't make me feel any better.

"Why are you doing this," I ask him, boldly, although I was not feeling very brave.

Tom smiles at me, "Right to the point I see. Always so curious," Tom says like he has known me for years, "Well the answer is easy, my sweet, the school needs to be cleansed and I am the one doing it," he walks over to Ginny and his monster, "But that isn't why you are here, Ella," he smiles at me, petting the snake, "No. You are unfortunately collateral damage. See, I can't have you ruining my plans and you helping out your friends will do just that."

"They'll stop you," I spit at him, slowly trying to back away so I can run.

Tom tisks, as he shakes his head, "See, I don't think they will. But either way, I can't have you involved."

I look behind me, the hallway is just at my left a few steps away, "Why me?"

"Because, my dear," Tom smiles, "You are too precious."

I sprint, turning away before he can even tell me to stop. I hear a hissing and I know that the snake is following me but I push my legs to go on.

I tripped, I fell hard on the floor. Turning around, I sense the snake is above me, using all my will power, I urge myself to try and remain strong. Feeling a familiar cold sensation begins to run through my body, I know that I had once again turned into the water but, not even that would save me from the sight in front of me. I open my mouth to scream but before I can, the snake hisses right at me, looking straight into my eyes.

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