It'll only get better//Todoro...

By Anaisf3

81.5K 2.5K 1.5K

Mitsuki itō is just like any other girl, she's got good grades, a nice quirk and is all round a clever yet ai... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49

Chapter 21

1.4K 57 20
By Anaisf3

In these past few days, you've been avoiding Eraserhead like the plague. You accepted the possibility that recovery girl might've accidentally seen your bruises while you were getting changed.

Why did you finally accept this you may ask, well it all started as soon as you painfully shuffled into class the next day.


You suppressed the pained look on your face when you bumped into Aizawa who was ominously standing by the door as you entered the classroom.

"Ah- good morning Aizawa-Sensei!" You cheerfully greeted your homeroom teacher and tried to slip past him to get to your seat. Annoyingly, he caught on to what you were trying to do and grabbed the back of your collar.

He jerked you back towards him with a stern glare. "Mitsuki what is your mothers telephone number." Your mouth gaped at his question. 'He's not trying to hit on mum is he' you think with an incredibly shocked expression.

Aizawa seems to catch on to your terrible train of thought and shakes his head. "Her number was not listed under your list of guardian contact in your U.A file." He explained.

'Yep that makes sense,but why was he looking at my file.' You questioned but decided not to ask fearing that you would push his buttons further.

"S-she doesn't...have a phone number" you said honestly. Even under the bandages you could still see his puzzled expression.

You never knew the full reason why your father took away your mothers phone a few years ago but you just assumed that it was her 'punishment' for lashing out on you all those years ago. But you never dared ask.

"Well your father isn't answering any of my calls can you explain why that is?" He asked sounding more tired than irritated at the ignorance.

Fortunately you actually knew the answer to his enquire. "Oh yeah well it's kind of a silly reason but he only answers calls from work or family, says he can't afford to waste time on other 'pointless' chit chat." You informed him.

You heard him mutter "how irresponsible" under his mummy wraps which makes you laugh a bit. He hands you a piece of paper with a phone number on it.

'Wow Eraserhead how direct is this how you pick up all the ladies?' You raise your eyebrows and reluctantly take the note.

"This is my personal number, tell him to ring me when he gets this and also tell him that it's urgent." He strains the last part still looking annoyed from hearing about your father's habits.

"Should I be concerned about this?" You questioned. You felt uneasy at how persistent Aizawa was to speak with your father. He stared at you for a minute before turning away. "It would if I could trust you about the matter but unfortunately you've given me no choice. Now if you know what's good for you you'll give that note to him immediately, understand Mitsuki?" He said strictly

You are stunned by this sudden confrontation. 'He must've gotten more suspicious' you worried. You timidly nodded and began to walk to your desk.

Rummaging around in your pockets for a pen you're surprised to feel something new in one of them. Pulling it out you find another piece of paper only it's slightly larger.

It read 'you are not alone, remember that you can always speak to me or another member of staff if you are feeling unsafe or hurt.'

You sighed and a small smile fell on your face. 'If only it were that simple' you thought sadly to yourself as you tried to engage in the lesson that had just begun.


So yeah you never told your father I mean how could you? If Eraserhead spoke to him it would be game over, your father would hate you for accidentally letting one of your teachers find out or at least be asuspicious.

So you kept your mouth shut as you always did and continued to stand strong. You also continued to avoid Aizawa as much as possible. Even when he tried to call you after class you'd make up some excuse and rush out.

As for your fathers intense training well one you did ask for it and two it would only last a few more days until the sport festival arrived then when you win, you'll convince your father to let you train elsewhere or even by yourself.

He'd be happy enough if his daughter was famous for getting first place you were sure that he wouldn't mind not teaching you for a while.

Lunch time was rolling around and you got up to go and greet Todoroki. Even though he's seemed rather distant lately you understand why so you don't try to let it get to you if he doesn't greet you in the mornings...or text you as often.

'Dammit get a grip Mitsuki' you mentally slapped your face and walked up to him as cheery as ever. "Good afternoon Shouto want to eat lunch together as usual." You asked politely.

He had a puzzled look on his face before replying, "why are you asking? We do this everyday." He asked seeming confused.

You sheepishly smiled and twirled your hair in embarrassment. "Ah well I don't know I thought you might've wanted space or some alone time cause I know you are a bit stressed for the sports festival and I know your dads not making it easy haha and honestly I know I can be a bit too much sometimes so-"

And now you were rambling. 'God I sound like Midoriya' you teased yourself as you nervously stared back up at Todoroki's patient complexion. 'Is it just me or does Todoroki look really good in this angle...ahhh what am I saying snap out of it Mitsuki!'

"It's fine I-I've learned to enjoy spending my lunch breaks with you Itō so my answer is yes t-to your question." After saying this he immediately looks embarrassed which you find adorable yet again.

"Great!" Was all you said before grabbing Todoroki's arm and leading him outside. Only it wasn't that simple. Since the two of you were talking, you both failed to notice the large amount of students shouting outside your classroom.

Before you can ask them to move, Bakugou is already three steps ahead of you yelling at someone at the front of the crowd. "Oh crap" you mutter when you see who Bakugou is tormenting.

"I came here to see what the class who went up against villains was like but it seems that you're just an egotistical maniac, are all the hero course students delusional or just you?"

You were slightly amused and worried for Shinsou as it seemed that Bakugou was getting even more pissed off. To prevent any further conflict you stepped in between them with you're hands up.

"Haha don't worry about porcupine over here he's just a bit arrogant aren't you Bakugou?" You aimed your stern gaze towards him and surprisingly, he backed down.

Whilst Bakugou left the classroom to sulk (after swearing numerous times) you saw Shinsou staring at you. "Sup Lilac, so um what are you doing here you know other than declaring a declaration of war and such." You asked after reminding yourself that there was still a large crowd behind him.

Todoroki was by your side as he spoke. "Just to give you all a warning, if the teachers think that some of us are good enough they will transfer us into the hero course. This also means that some will get taken out. I've always wanted to be in the hero course but due to my quirk I was forced to join a different one. The other reason I'm here is because I need to speak with you Mitsuki."

Before you could react, Shinsou grabbed your arm and started to pull you out of your class. "Hey wait!" But it was no use you felt awful for leaving Todoroki but you figured that whatever Shinsou needed must've been important enough to have to drag you around with him.

Plus it's not like you really had a choice, for someone who's rather lanky he was actually quite strong.

The harder you pulled, the stronger his grip was so eventually you just walked along side him as he tugged you every now and then.

Finally, the two of you arrived at an empty corridor and he let you go. After you gave him a minute to collect his thoughts, he spoke. "I need you to help me get far in the sports festival." He said slowly making you process what he was asking of you.

His phrase of words were confusing, usually you'd say 'win' the sports festival but only to get far? 'Maybe he just wants to get far enough to get into the hero course' you pondered.

"What do you want me to do?" You hesitantly asked. He got out a pen and notebook much to your confusion and handed it to you. "Write down as much knowledge about class 1A's quirks that you know, like strengths, weaknesses, special moves anything even basic descriptions of their quirks."

For having such a laid back demeanour most of the time his expression was cracking into a more pleading one. "I'll prove to them that I can be a hero" he muttered mostly to himself. You truly did feel sympathy for him.

Grabbing the pen and notebook, you started to frantically write into it causing him to tilt his head back up in shock. After you finished, you handed it back to him.

"You didn't have to write so muc-" he paused when he read what you had written. Inside the notebook was two whole pages of info about your quirk. It had everything you weaknesses, drawbacks, strengths, abilities.

"Sorry Shinsou but that's all the info about class 1A that I'm willing to give although I'll give you a word of advice: avoid porcupines' hands." You winked and giggled at his stunned expression.

Much to your amusement, he began to smile and chuckle softly. "You are such an idiot Mitsuki, selfless sure but still an idiot." He said teasingly but still half serious. You couldn't argue with him, you did just give one of your opponents a huge advantage to destroy you in the competition.

However you couldn't find it in yourself to worry about it to much. "Maybe, but i know that whatever you do in the sports festival would've been by your own merit Shinsou and I honestly believe that you'll be a great hero in the future."

He shyly rubs the back of his neck and grins. "As do I...I'm sure you'll manage to somehow." You smack his knee jokingly and the two of you recollect yourselves once more.

"Here" he hands it back but before you could ask why he puts a hand up to your face. "It's just like you said, I'm going to succeed by my own merit." Your eyes brighten up at his statement and you beam a grin back at him.

This then causes him to mockingly hold his hands up to his face as if you were too bright. After a moment of silence you remember something that you've been meaning to ask him for a while.

"Oh yeah I forgot to ask but what exactly is your quirk Shinsou?" He immediately seemed hesitant to answer your question but you figured that it was probably something personal so you were patient with him.

"It's...brainwashing" He said quietly looking down. 'Well I was not expecting that' you thought but that didn't mean that you didn't like his quirk you just absolutely adored it!

"Omg...that is incredible! Like think of how quickly you could stop someone from doing a crime just by telling them to give themselves up no matter how powerful their quirk is." You exclaimed which seemed to confuse him even more.

"You're not frightened or even the slightest bit disgusted?" He asked in a doubting tone. You shook your head vigorously still smiling brightly.

"Not at all well I know how sketchy it can sound to have a mind controlling quirk but I can't imagine you ever using your quirk for evil, maybe controlling a bunch of cats to be in your feline army but other than that nope!" You said with enthusiasm.

He smiles at your last comment and replies. "Thanks and uh sorry to disappoint but my quirk doesn't work on animals trust me I've tried" he says teasingly but you can tell that he wasn't joking.

Just then you remembered that you left Todoroki alone In class. You quickly stand which confuses Shinsou. "Omg I completely forgot that I was supposed to sit with Shouto well it's kind of your fault but I got to go sorry." You do a quick bow and rush away leaving a stunned Shinsou alone in the corridor.

You make your way over to the canteen first but couldn't seem to find Shouto in your usual spot or actually anywhere in the massive hall. Then you consider the one other place where he could be.

"I thought I might find you here IcyHot" you said warmly walking closer towards the edge of the roof where he was sat. Sitting down next to Todoroki's bento box full of soba, you relaxed as you felt the cool breeze on your skin.

The two of you sit in silence just enjoying the view and each other's presence when Todoroki brings up something unusual. "Are we gonna talk about it?" He asks with an emotionless tone. You're worried at the fact that he's not looking at you right now.

You nervously clear your throat and answer. "What do you mean? Is it because of Shinsou? I didn't mean to leave yo-" Your words were cut short when Todoroki, with a frustrated expression forcefully grabbed your arm and rolled up your sleeve.

You quickly tried to pull away but his grip remained strong on your wrist hurting your bruised skin. He showed your arm to your face. "You need to stop Itō don't you see what you're doing to yourself? This dumb sports festival is not worth risking your health over." He shouted showing anger and hurt in his eyes.

You're stunned by the sudden turn of events but you're still in a lot of pain from his grip. "S-stop you're hurting me." You whimper and he reluctantly lets go after mumbling a quiet sorry.

You immediately roll your sleeve back up and look down at the ground, tears brimming in your eyes. "Let me help you Itō you're smarter than this. You know that this is not what it takes to become stronger." He said his tone much softer and more caring than before.

You don't answer him. How could you. He doesn't understand, no one does. If he was in your position, if he knew how much those villains really affected you then he would know. "I-I appreciate the offer Shouto but the heart wants what it wants and mine is telling me that this is the right thing to do to be able to save everyone."

"It's your father isn't it?" You whip you're head around to see him staring directly at you. "What is he doing to you?" He says scanning your whole figure.

"Nothing he's the only one helping me to become better!" You exclaim. You might've hurt his feeling but you needed to get your point across. You can't let other people get in the way of your success.

"You call this help?" He scoffs looking at your arm again but surprisingly he then looks at the scar on your face. 'He's not thinking that is he?' You question.

You look away first trying to hide your face before he gets any ideas about what really happened to your complexion. "Have you ever heard of quirk marriages Itō?" He questions.

You're grateful for the change of topic so you answer honestly. "Yeah it's when people marry usually forcefully to give their child an enhanced quirk from their quirks combined. I'd say it's quite inhumaine but that's just my opinion." You go off on the subject as Todoroki listens.

"That's what my bastard of a father has turned me into nothing but a tool for him to use to surpass All might, but I will not be used for scum like that." He stated coldly keeping his hand on the left side of his face.

'His fire side' you realised. You put a hand on his shoulder to comfort him and let him continue. "In my memories my mother is always crying, your left side is unsightly she said as she poured boiling water onto it." He said, a hint of sadness still weighing in his voice as he said it.

A tear streamed down your face as he held onto your hand like a lifeline. "I will show my father that I can become a hero without his help which is what you should be doing too." He whispered next to you.

You nodded but even though you truly felt for him and his mother, you couldn't do it. Instead you finally opened up and told him about how you got your scar. The hot water, the broken plates her screams as she got dragged away. Everything.

"No matter how strict my father can be I owe him my life regardless, I'm sorry Shouto but I have to do this. I'll show you and once I win the sports festival I will refuse his help as well I promise." You pleaded him to understand.

After a long pause he lifted his head and looked at you. "Guess we aren't so different you and I. However if you want to win you'll have to try and beat me first." He said with a cocky smile.

You lightly pushed him and giggled. "We have pretty messed up families I guess but I think we've become stronger because of it." You admitted which he nodded along with.

The nice moment is interrupted when your stomach starts to rumble. "Let me guess you haven't had your lunch yet have you?" Todoroki guesses with a concerned smile after letting out a deep sigh.

"Ahaha well..." you sheepishly rub the back of your head and laugh. Todoroki kindly lets you eat his cold soba with him but you don't eat a lot since you feel bad and because it's cold so you're not too fond of it.

You hold up your chopsticks like your toasting with a glass. "To growing stronger together and having dysfunctional families." He laughs at your comment and clinks his own chopsticks with yours.

"Here here" he says sarcastically with a warm smile never leaving his features.


Oof I did not Intend for this chapter to be as heavy as it was but hey at least we got the sad backstory's out of the way.┐( ̄ヮ ̄)┌

And yes I know I'm sorry but the U.A sports festival will definitely be next chapter guess I just need to mentally prepare myself for it first (>_<) hopefully it'll be worth the wait!

Thanks for reading and I'll see you all next time see ya! ( ˘ ³˘)❤

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