
By mybananamilk13

1.7K 150 18

where your hater turns into your lover. More

not an update:((

66 7 1
By mybananamilk13

I walk silently through the hallway on my way to my classroom. It was still 6:43 and I was one of the earliest students who come here everyday before 7 just to study advance.

The door open but I didn't pay much attention to it and look through my notes to not forget the topics, just like photosynthesis.

“Look who's here” Jin says, making his way to me before sitting down next to my chair.

I ignore him and continue flipping my notes when he stealsy notebook away from me. He stands up and showed my own notebook to me, indicating me to chase him. I'm tired.

“Aw, is little missy not gonna get this?”

“I'd rather sit here all day” I reply and look out the window. He slams his hands on my table and look at him blankly.

He's just seeking for attention.

“I hate you Y/n”

“Lol, I hate me too” I happily said and look out the window once again ignoring his presence.


“So what are you planning on doing today?” Namjoon asked, I shrug at him before eating my sandwich, speaking of wich, I didn't see that witch sine morning. And by witch I mean Seokjin.

“Let's go to the mall then,” he trailed off. I look at him and just agreed to the suggestion, besides, I don't have nothing better to do than binge reading wattpad.

We took a cab then arrive afterwards, we entered a few shops and nothing really got my attention. We walk by a few stores and spotted something.


I quickly ran to the store and my jaw literally dropped to the first floor. It was a store full of Mario merch.

How come I didn't notice this before? Probably cause I'm lazy to walk and didn't come here.

One stuff caught I eye and starting walking towards it. I place your hand when another hand was placed on it too like those old cliché stories.

I look at the person, “I placed my hand here first.”

“Nuh uh, I saw this first. So it's basically mine now.” The man stated, I rolled my eyes at Jin before pulling the stuffed Mario towards me.

He was just as stubborn as me and did the same. We both did that until a worker approached us.

“Uh, with all the respect, there's still more stuffed Marios there that looks like this.”he pointed at the corner and saw the same Marios that were displayed.

“You go get that.”he said, I shook my head.

We both argued, “Fine, didn't want your germs to get on me anyways.” he walked away from me before glaring at me one last time. It felt like I have just won some tournament. I went to the counter and paid for the stuffed Marios that I have picked right after the incident with Jin. I exit the store and saw Namjoon, holding his phone while scrolling through the screen. I walk towards him,

“Hey, sorry for keeping you waiting.” I apologized. He said it's okay as we decided to eat.

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