Stupid Wish

By klsy303

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Regan was fine with the way her life was until suddenly all of the secrets surrounding her birth are brought... More

stupid wish - chap.1
stupid wish - chap.2
stupid wish - chap.3
stupid wish - chap.4
stupid wish - chap.5
stupid wish - chap.6
stupid wish - chap.7
stupid wish - chap.8
stupid wish - chap.9
stupid wish - chap.10
stupid wish - chap.11
stupid wish - chap.12
stupid wish - chap. 13
Stupid Wish chap.14
Stupid Wish - chapter 16
Stupid Wish - chap. 17

Stupid Wish chap. 15

57 0 1
By klsy303

Stupid wish chap. 15

"what is it?" I asked.

"it's complicated dangerous plan," she sighed.

"but we have to do it anyway right?"

"yes, but there has to be another way. I don't want to lose you."

"well, I don't want to die either but we don't have an option."

"I've already lost one daughter I don't want to lose another."

"if we don't do it I'll die anyway," I shrugged.

I turned around when I heard Bentley walking up the stairs. He looked exhausted and overwhelmed, but he still had that fierce look in his eyes.

"can we go over the plan now?" he asked.

"sure, we are going to go to the depths of tutaris, because we believe that is where traitor is located. While we are there you, Bentley, and other demigods will be staying in a secure cabin. Hopefully, we will find traitor and we will destroy him."

"and by 'we' you mean who exactly?" I asked .

"the gods," she replied.

"why are you putting me in a cabin?" I asked.

"think about it Reagan. If we go down there and traitor distracts us then you will be captured," Bentley said.

"but all of your putting your lives at risk for me," I argued.

"of course we are darling, you are one of us and we always fight to keep each other safe. That is how we have survived for millenniums." Aphrodite said.

"when are we going to leave?" Bentley asked.

"the gods are gathering tonight to take you all to the cabin and we will leave in the morning."

"you shouldn't risk all of your lives for me." I added.

"we aren't doing this just for you honey, traitor has been trying to kill off gods and goddesses forever. we are protecting ourselves, humanity, and you at the same time," Aphrodite answered.

"how many other demigods are going to be with me?"

"there are around 3000 demigods alive today but all of the gods are separating their children so not all of them will die if traitor finds one cabin. The cabin you are going to will be all of my children along with apollos and Artemis' children. Zeus's children will be in another cabin in England. Hermes children will be in Switzerland, and so on."

"how many of my siblings are going to be with me?" I asked.

"thirty, and we need to leave right now if we're going to make it on time." she said walking around me and heading down the stairs.

Bentley and I followed her to a silver door in the corner, that I didn't notice before. She opened it up and looked behind her to see us staring at her in amazement. She was getting ready to walk into a ferocious battle with an awful enemy, but her face didn't show any emotion. She didn't look scared or worried. She looks calm and put together. Once she opened the door a bright golden light came out, and I no longer saw Aphrodite. I felt a tug on my arm and a push towards the door. By the time I realized what was going on I was no longer in Adaneus; I was now a cabin with 30 some odd men and Aphrodite. All of them were staring at me including Aphrodite. When I looked at my surroundings I realized we were in a wooden cabin. This must be the cabin I was supposed to stay in.

All of my brothers looked different. Some of my brothers had blonde hair others had brown. Most had hazel eyes but others had blue and green. It was painfully obvious that my brothers were also illegitimate children who were fathered by one of Aphrodite's lovers.

"Reagan, meet your brothers." Aphrodite said, "I would introduce them all but that would take a long time so you can meet them yourself, on your time."

"all right." I said awkwardly as I shifted my weight under all of their stares.

"well, it's nice to meet you Reagan. My name is Davis and I'm the coolest of all of the brothers, trust me."a young man said; he had brown hair that went the tip of his ears in a messy yet classy way. He also had deep blue eyes that looked like the water of the Caribbean Sea.

"oh shut up Davis, all of us know you are the biggest nerd here," a young man said. He had dirty blonde hair with hazel eyes, "My name is Jason. If any of these guys bother you let me know, I'm the oldest, well, besides Bentley."

"yes because I'm the old-y of the group we all know that." Bentley said.

"I think we're making her uncomfortable," said one of my brother's who had black hair and green eyes. "She's frozen in place. You okay Reagan?"

"I -I am fine." I managed to stutter out.

A few weeks ago I was an only child now I have 30 some odd brothers; it was kind of a culture shock. I have no idea what to say to them. All I could think about was traitor, and if any of my brothers were going to get hurt trying to protect me and the ones they love. I wondered about their families and how they found out about Aphrodite and Olympus. I just wanted this to be over with so I could go home to my dad, meg, and David.

"yea, you look like it," Bentley said, sarcastically.

"just give her some space," Aphrodite said as she put her hand on my shoulder. She turned to me and looked at me in the eyes, "I've got to go now, but your brothers will keep you safe."

"Bye mom." my brothers said in union as she opened the front door and walked out. They all looked at me in a curious manner, and it weirded me out.

"so this doesn't become increasingly uncomfortable I want you to come with me; I want you to meet someone." Bentley said.

He made his way to the back of the cabin and I trailed close behind, uncomfortable with all the stares I was getting from my brothers. Emily opened the door to the back porch and we both stepped out into the cool air; off of the porch was a wide backyard that had medium sized trees with golden leaves. Beyond the backyard was a shed that had gunshots coming from it. Bentley started to walk that way and even though I didn't want to go towards the gun I, once again, knew that I could trust Bentley -- That and the fact that I was at a safe house.

We walked through the large backyard crunching fallen leaves along the way. When I turned the corner to enter the shed I saw a girl, who was about my age, that was pulling arrows out of a target that was against the wall.

Bentley cleared his throat and the girl looked up; I could see a smile in her eyes, but it quickly faded.

"Hey, Bentley, " she said as she came towards us with the arrows in her hand.

"Hi, I have someone I want you to meet. " Bentley said as he gestured to me.

Her amber eyes fell on me, as they did I saw a slight smile play on her lips before leaving quickly. She took me in as I took her in. She was fairly tall, had long straight honey blond hair, amber eyes, and an emotionless face.

"So you must be Reagan. "She said as she put the arrows on a quiver that was held up by two legs. I nodded my head in response, "and your Aphrodite's daughter right? "

"Yes, " I said.

"I've heard a lot about you, " She said.

"Who are you? "I asked.

"I'm another 'daughter of the gods' and let me tell you it is not all it's cracked up to be, " she sighed.

"Wait, your daughter of the gods too? How are you still alive? I thought I was the only one. Which God are you related to?" I asked in one breath. Bentley never mentioned her, and aphrodite didn't either.

"Do you remember your mythology courses? " she asked with a small smile.

"Kind of, " I shrugged.

"Then let's see if you can guess, "she said as she lifted up her loaded bow and shot an arrow straight into the middle of the target. I was amazed that she could do that but I had no idea which god she was related to. I shrugged my shoulders when she looked at me. She rolled her eyes as she loaded another arrow into her bow and pulled the string back. "Maybe this will help, " she said as she blew on the feathers of the arrow and a fire came to life. I gasped slightly as she let go of the string and the arrow flew into the center once again; after a minute the feathers sizzled out and turned to ash.

"Your Apollo's daughter aren't you? " I asked.

"Ding ding ding and we have a winner. "She replied with a smile "My name is Jaycee, but you can call me Jace," she said before our attention was drawn to the back door of the house when it slammed shut and one of the guys came running out.

"your dad's here. " the man said; he had icy blue eyes and stood a little taller then Bentley. When I looked back at Jaycee her body had stiffened. I turned around following the direction of her eyes; and when I did I was met with Apollo. He was average height with shoulder length hair and amber eyes just like his daughters.

"Hello daughter. " He said.

"Hi, " she mumbled.

"I came to say goodbye, and see you shoot a few, " he gestured to the arrows in the quiver.

She pulled the arrow out and loaded into the bow. When she shot it was practically perfect. It didn't get directly in the center but it couldn't because two other arrows were already there, but it was right next to them. She put her bow down and looked at apollo who looked bored and, quite frankly, very arrogant.

"that wasn't good enough," apollo said.

"it would have killed the attacker," Jaycee pointed out.

"No child of mine will shoot that badly!" he commanded too loudly, "you must learn to move on and improve your skills or you will die, just like your pesky human family did!"

"They were not just a human family to me! They were my only family and they will be the only family that I truly love!" Jaycee yelled as she got in his face. He grabbed her neck in one swift strong motion and then I heard a sizzling sound; it sounded like the sound of flesh being burned.

"You will not speak to me like that ever again! Got it?" he yelled as he squeezed her neck tighter; she tried to squeal in pain but nothing came out. Tears were falling down her face. When I looked at his hand I saw that blood was gushing out through the cracks between his fingers. "Got it?"

"She understands ok!" the man said next to me.

Apollo let go of Jaycees neck and walked over to the man. She slumped to the floor. Her neck was as red as sunburned shoulders, and I could already see the blisters forming. Tears were still streaming down her face but no one moved, not even Bentley even though I could tell he wanted to.

"oh, Alex if you weren't my twins son I would punish you for interrupting my bonding with my beloved daughter." he growled, but Alex stood his ground, "technically you aren't blood related to me. She did just find you in the woods. You were abandoned and no one wanted you so she nursed you to health and gave you some potions to make you half god, but in my book you are still a tiny little human that no one cares about, so don't ever interrupt me again!" Apollo finished. He slowly walked over to Bentley who was staring at him in anger.

"I heard you still have a crush on my daughter, and I would bet that she has a crush on you as well, so why don't you go save your damsel in distress while I go save your life by defeating traitor," Apollo said as he pat bentleys shoulder and then vanished.

"Alex help her!" Bentley yelled, wasting no time now that Apollo was gone.

Alex ran over to a now unconscious Jaycee and gently placed his hands over her burnt neck. Jaycees back arched and her eyes flung open, her eyes turned the same blue color that Alex's' eyes were before they went back to amber and they closed again. Alex let go of her neck and stood up as Jaycee regained consciousness and Bentley propped her up.

"You okay? "Bentley asked.

"Yes, " she answered.

"What just happened? "I asked.

"You're lucky Reagan, Aphrodite is a good mother she's a good god for the most part. Sure she's a little self-centered, but she loves you and will always take care of you. Apollo doesn't do the same. He's very arrogant and can be very cruel sometimes. I partially blame him for my family death." she said.

"What do you mean your family's death?" I asked.

"your human family; you probably still have yours. I do not. Mine is dead. I blame Apollo because he didn't send anyone to protect them or me." she said, "so I blame him, and it causes a drift between us. "

"Does he do that to you a lot? " I asked pointing to her neck.

"he's only done it a few times,"

"I'm so sorry. " I took a deep breath and then started thinking about Alex, "And what about you? " I said pointing to Alex.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"I understand how you healed her. Your half god that makes sense, but I don't understand how you're the son of Artemis. Artemis is a virgin according to mythology, so how in the world are you here?"

" it is true that Artemis is a virgin but I am her son. I am her adopted son. she found me in the woods when I was a baby. She nursed me back to health and raised me as her child, and when I was old enough to understand what was going on she gave me the option to stay with her and become immortal or to go to a human family and live for the rest of my life, and I think it is kind of self explanatory on which one I chose," he took a deep breath.

"okay so it is starting to make a little bit more sense but I have one more question. "

"what?" Bentley asked.

"If you two like each other then why don't you do something about it? " I asked pointing to Bentley and Jaycee.

They looked at each other for a minute and then Jaycee looked back at me with a solemn look.

"What if I die?" she said, "after all, traitor wants both of us Reagan. Why would we start dating just to end up not alive and not together? That would be painful for both of us so why risk it?"

"It's worth risking because it's a possibility of love," I smiled.

"Wow, you really are Aphrodite's daughter," Jaycee smiled.

Kelsey's note: once again sorry it has taken me awhile to upload, but at least I was faster this Time! Anyway I typed this up over the course of a few weeks so there are probably many mistakes. Sorry. I will fix all mistakes once the book is finished, I promise. Anyway I hope you liked it!!!

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