Becoming Batgirl: Barbara Gor...

By CupcakePointeShoes26

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The second half of Barbara Gordon's 8th grade year will be the strangest and most dangerous time of her life... More

Intro and Dedication
January 1-8
January 9 & 10
January 12

January 11

219 15 6
By CupcakePointeShoes26

Disclaimer: If i owned this than it would be a movie and a TV show. But it's not and i don't own Batgirl....sadly :(

Note:while i was writing this i got curious and searched batgirl on fan fic there's so much crap out there it isn't even funny. I'm really trying not to make this like those. *sudders* so help me and plz plz comment!


Kudos if you know who Tatsu is!


January 11

When i woke up this morning i had alot of energy. I went downstairs and did some ballet for an hour or so. It really helped me blow off some steam. Eventually my feet hurt and i returned to the couch.

While im eating breakfast i stare at the roses from boy wonder. They haven't even slightly wilted. Ofcorse he has the best. I guess he always does. How else would he get the tech he has. Thats true... where WOULD you get the tech? Really. You can't go to the dojo and find that kind of thing. Even if you find something similar they aren't shaped like bats thats for sure.

Out of boredrom i search "custom armor" on the internet. Nothing much mostly just paintball gibberish. Archery, cool but not now. Shooting, definatly is not it.

Then i find it. A small place in downtown gotham. I think i've seen it. it's that awkward store that you know it's there but for the life of you you can't remember what the heck it is. Even me with my memory has to think about that for a minute.

I look at the clock. Dad won't be home for awhile. I smile and get my purse and cell phone. I ride my bike into town. Well there it is. Yamashiro's Armory. I push open the door and plook around. It's for lack of a better word epic.

The walls are lined with every kind of sword, star, and armor. I didn't even know what half of it was, and I've taken some basic karate classes.

"Hello?" I call out not really expecting a reply

"Back here!" I hear a girls voice call from the back. I walk toward the counter and see a girl about my age, maybe a little older, sitting on it. She was looking at an old scroll her short dark hair hung just above her soldiers and her deep brown eyes were glazed with a general excitement.

"Umm...Hi?" I asked awkwardly.

"Hello I'm Tatsu. Anything I can help you with?" She seemed cheerful enough.

"I was wondering if you offered custom armor?"

"Yep, best in town! Wait aren't you Barbara Gordon?" she asked stopping short cocking her head a little to the side like a confused dog.

"That's me" I said wondering how she knew. Must be the red hair blue eye combo or something.

"Sorry about your Dad. But C'mon I'll show you the customizeable stuff."

"Thanks" I said used to it by now. The phone had been ringing alot that day. I didn't even know the majority of the people calling.

Tatsu opened a beat up an paint-splattered door to reveal a small work room with all kinda of machines an work benches. There were welding and sculpting tools but most things I ha absolutely no idea.

"This is seriously amazing" I said when i had taken it all in.

" can basically make me anything I want?" I asked trying to hide my extream excitement.

"Yup" Tatsu said, "Anything in paticular?"

"Well..." I started to say.

My mind is rushing so fast trying to process all this. I finally made the desision to trust Tatsu.

"I'm looking for some unique shaped things. With Dad hurt someone needs to run the place"

Tatsu gives me a smile. She knows exactly what I want. She also knows he can help me.

"Ofcorse" she says batting her eyelashes, "Stop in tommorow and I think you'll find what your looking for"

I came home feeling a new sense of satisfaction and confidence that I had been lacking for the longest time.

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