Trying to Forget You

By FreshFictionFan

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"I thought it was going to be easy. That I would find love again and it would be beautiful, it would be radia... More

Chapter One: Ocean Front Property
Chapter 2: Banana Pancakes
Chapter 3: We Are Never Ever Ever Getting Back Together
Chapter 4: The Monster Under My Bed
Chapter 5: I Knew You Were Trouble
Chapter 6: Make-up
Chapter 7: You're in love with...who?
Chapter 9: Too Far Gone
Chapter 10: Numb emotions and desperate feelings
Chapter 11: I'm!
Chapter 12: Shattered
Authors Annoucement
Chapter 13: Drunk Driving
Chapter 14: When You Say Nothing At All
Chapter 15: A Mother's Love
A.N. *Please Read*
Chapter 16: The Un-Invisible Man
Authors Annoucement

Chapter 8: (Not so) Prince Charming

522 16 9
By FreshFictionFan

I slam the door and walk out into the street.

I let the warm morning sun glaze my skin and the breeze brush my hair tenderly. The morning, summer air always helps me clear my thoughts.

I don't regret what I said to my mother, I meant it. I am just so sick and tired of her so called "boyfriends" coming over, practically living in our house, and whom I have never met before.

I used to be fine with it, I thought it was her way of healing. But, I have had enough.

I put my hands in my back pockets to find that I forgot my phone. Oh well, I don't want my mother to chase after me anyway. I need time to clear my head.

I decide to take a walk to the park down the street. I walk quietly down the sidewalk, listening to the birds singing and cars zoom past.

Once I reach the park, I sit down next to the large oak tree that looks over the lake. The water shines, sparkling like dim Christmas lights. I lay my head back and take a deep breath of the fresh air. I can already start to feel myself relaxing.

"Here, take a seat on this bench." A familiar, male voice echos behind the tree.

Confused, I creep my head around the trunk of the tree and peek over. I feel my heart stop as soon as I spot Noelle and Noah together, sitting down on the bench beside the tree, facing away from me.

I turn back around and take deep breaths, trying to control my breathing. What is she doing? Isn't she smarter than that to ignore Noah? Why hasn't she already completely blown him off?

"Noelle, you would not believe how long I have been wanting to take you out. I am so happy right now, you wouldn't even believe it. And, well, I don't usually say that to anyone." Noah voice says toward Noelle, scratching the back of his neck nervously.

I hear Noelle giggle then respond, "Well, it took some convincing. My brother doesn't even know we are out on a date."

I frown, oh he will darlin'. What is she even doing? He is so not her Prince Charming!

"But, also hear around school that you are a player." she finishes, almost uncertain.

I wait for him to deny it and act like some sort of angel, that is until he replies saying,

"Actually Noelle, I must admit I am. Mostly, because I am trying to find who I want to be with. But, I am going to stop now."

"Why?" Noelle asks.

"Because," Noah stutters nervously, "I think I already found her."

Noelle is quiet for a minute, then I hear her feet stand up and start to walk away on the gravel street.

"Wow Noah and yet you are on a date with me? You're lower than I thought." she says.

"Wait!" Noah cries out. They both stop a few feet away, still in my hearing range. I slide up the tree and slide my ear closer to hear better.

"Noelle, don't run away. You haven't even heard what I was going to say next!" Noah pleads.

I frown, Noah is pleading again? Could it be true, could he actually be in love with her?

"No, Noah. I think you should be with you're girl right now, not me." Noelle says, her voice cracking.

I peer my eyes over the trunk and stare at them.

"Noelle, I can't do that. I can't do that because that girl is standing in front of me." he says, stepping closer to her.


Wait, what? No! No Ella! This is bad! I scold myself. I am a hopeless romantic, I can't help it!

"Really?" Noelle asks, her face beaming, a gentle smile creasing over her lips.

Noah nods and kisses her hand, then brushes a piece of hair away from her face.

Without holding back, I storm toward them. This has to stop now.

"Hey!" I yell at them, walking away from the tree briskly.

Noah and Noelle's eyes shoot up, their faces turning red. They both swivel their heads toward me in panic. Noah looks at me, at Noelle then at me again before he takes her hand and they start to run.

I don't dare chase after them. First, because I am completely out of shape and second, because I need to tell Jake about this now.

I start to run home, to the best of my ability, skipping through yards and over fire hydrants until I reach my front door. I quickly close it, ignoring my mother screaming at her new boyfriend and skip the steps to my room.

I open the door and grab my phone, flipping open the silver case before dialing Jake's number.

"Hello?" a husky voice answers.

I smirk, he sounds so hot in the morning.

"Hey babe, did I wake you?" I ask, a little guilty.

"Yeah, I went to bed really late last night. I had a terrible nightmare. I was up all night pacing back and forth, scared to death. I just got into bed not to long ago." he says, finishing with a long yawn.

I frown, still feeling guilty about waking him up. Though, I really want to tell him. "Just go ahead and sleep babe. I will call you back later."

He yawns again, "Okay Ella Grace."

I hear him make a kissing sound over the phone.

"Ew. You're gross." I tease, giggling over the phone.

I hear him laugh tiredly. "Hey, you owe me one when I get up. How about I come and pick you up this evening? Dinner and a movie?"

I smile, "Okay, that sound's good."

"Alright babe." he says tiredly.

"Goodnight Jake." I whisper, hanging up.

I fall back on my bed. Great.

I can't help but wonder what Jake's dream was about and why he was so scared? I have to ask him tonight. I hate it when he gets those dumb nightmares and ends up staying up all night. I wish he could call and let me help him sooth back to sleep, but he never does. He always says that I need my rest and he won't call me in the middle of the night for some stupid dream.

I decide to go downstairs, taking along with my my fuzzy blanket and favorite book, Divergent. I lay down on the couch and read and before I know it I am fast asleep.



When I wake up, I notice a dark figure hovering over me. I open my eyes wider and watch the figure become more clear.

Please don't be Eric! I'm not ready to fight Peter!

The figure finally becomes clear, and I notice the strong build and muscular arms.

"Jake?" I ask, rubbing my eyes and sitting up. I feel him sit down next to me on the couch, the cushions sliding me towards him.

"Well, you look beautiful. Are you ready?" He asks, smiling.

I look into his green eyes and gasp, finally realizing he was teasing.

"Oh my gosh! Jake I am so sorry, I fell asleep. I didn't mean to!" I apologize, my face full of of guilt.

He smiles and wraps his arms around my waist then kisses my neck. "Don't worry about it, we can postpone it a while."

I smirk and let him kiss down to my collar bone. I let the bliss envelop me for a few minutes until I decide to tell him. I feel like I am holding something back from him, which I can't stand.

"Jake," I finally say, backing my neck away from his tender lips.

He looks up at me, confused but attentive. I look down and intertwine our hands then look back up into his green orbs.

"I went to the park today, after a fight with my mom. I overheard, a conversation between Noah and your sister." I say as confidently as I could. I feel guilt rise up in my stomach again, I should have told him this morning.

"What?" Jake asks, our fingers falling apart.

I feel hurt slash through my heart and I bite my lip to keep from getting upset.

"Jake, I wasn't trying to keep anything from you. Especially anything like this. But, you were tired this morning and I did-"

"Ella, be quiet." Jake scolds. He stands up and starts to pace back and forth, anger clearly showing in his eyes.

I shut my mouth, a little shocked. Jake has never scolded me like that, ever. I look away a little hurt and turn my eyes toward the cream colored carpet.

"I can't believe you kept this from me!" Jake finally yells toward me. "Ella, do you know what he could have done to her! He can't be trusted, you even said so! You should have called me the minute you saw them. I haven't seen Noelle since this morning, and now I know where she is, doing who knows what with that low life idiot."

"Jake, I meant to. But, I didn't have my phone on me." I mumble, looking up at him. "And they weren't doing anything bad, Noah was actually-"

"I don't want to hear it!" He snaps. "You should have had you're phone on you! You should have told me this morning. Why are you being so irresponsible and so secretive? What other crap are you keeping from me?" he asks, fury deep in his voice.

I feel tears rise in my eyes as I stand to my feet.

"What is you're problem? Why are you being such a jerk?" I yell, shoving my finger into his chest.

"Because! You're just being stupid and disrespectful Ella! Something could happen to you because of dumb mistakes. If my sister is hurt right now, it would be all you're fault!" he yells back.

"My fault? I didn't let her leave the house with him stupid! You did!" I scold him.

"Well, you let them go! You are literally the dumbest person I have ever met!" Jake yells at me, stepping closer.

I feel my chin wobble and my heart feels like someone is squeezing it too tight. I let the tears roll down my cheeks, I let him see how much he is hurting me.

"Wow," I scoff, my voice clogged with tears, "you're a jerk Jake."

I start to feel sobs escape from my throat, so I push him away.

"Get out!" I yell, pointing upstairs. Tears are now freely flowing down my cheeks, my hands are shaking.

"Fine!" he snaps. He treks to the staircase and stomps up them quickly, escaping into the upstairs.

As soon as I hear the door slam, I slide onto my knee's and start to sob. Why did he have to be such a jerk and say such hateful things?

I feel so hurt, he is starting to turn into Noah. And my heart can't take that again. I lay down and curl up into a ball on the warm carpet and let my sobs take over my whole body. Tears fall like water, pouring from my eyes. I grab my heart, hoping to cease the throbbing pain. I swore to myself, I would never end up like this again.

But, then again I did tell myself I would never fall in love again, and look where I am now. Love is a never ending cycle of heartbreak and lust. And I am stuck right in the middle as always.

I grab my heart and try to take deep breaths. Why Jake?

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