
By kaylay13

18 3 2

Before anything else is explained, let me start off by saying: I am not crazy. The word crazy, in my opinion... More

Vanessa (1)
Vanessa (3)

Vanessa (2)

3 1 0
By kaylay13

Being tied down by chains is not a normal way to be woken up in the morning. But then I remember, I am a mental patient in a hospital. Nothing about this is normal.

But nonetheless here I am, in the deepest corridor of the church. The room is empty besides the chains I am bounded in, and the other nuns. It was a small room, and circled around me are candles, unlit.

The reason of chains instead of rope is because the ropes were too weak for me, I could easily escape.

I am about to be exorcized. No, not to be confused with exercising, which is to engage in a physical activity to sustain or improve health and fitness.

As in, I apparently have a demon inside of me, and the nuns have carried me down here against my will, to banish it from my soul. My mind races with thoughts on murdering, to escape now, that now is the time. I could kill them, kill them all right here right now. No one would know, I could kill them all and escape...

'No, this is what they are expecting. All good things come to those who wait, Vanessa Marie...'

They think I am possessed? I will show them a demon when I break free of this prison.

Acting clueless, I widen my eyes. "W-what am I doing here? What are you doing to me? L-let m-me go... I'm cold...."

I am in nothing but a long t-shirt, and the room is a bit dim with the light, it was a horrific sight. All of the nuns are gathered around me, as I kneel defenseless in the middle of the room. It was nearly 1:00 in the morning, an un-godly hour for an exorcism.

My hair is wet from when they woke me up by splashing cold water in my face, and carrying me into this room. My body was still shivering, and my stomach empty from not eating as much as I should be.

Esther is in the middle, right in front of me, her bony high cheek bones lifting up a bit, her lips curling. She has a bible in one wrinkly hand, her large cross necklace shining.

'Look at her, poor defenseless thing. The demon inside her at such a young age...' a random nun thinks.

"I am not a demon! Let me go! Let me go NOW!"

"I silence all demons in, with, or around Vanessa Marie Klein in the name of the Holy Spirit!" Esther chants.

Screaming, I explode the light bulbs, the chains on my arms bending. If there was a window, it would shatter, but there was none. All the nuns but Esther look terrified.

"Its not working sister," a unknown nun squeaks out. Esther's back is to them, and she pauses. Turning around, she walks up to the nun slowly and surprisingly slaps her. Her name is Mary. She looks young, maybe in her late twenties.

"It is not working sister, because you do not have the Holy Spirit!" Mary quickly gets on her hands and knees, bowing down. "Forgive me, Father..." She repeats.

Esther grabs and lights the candle, and so do the other nuns simultaneously. Esther's face has a haunted and spooky look to her, eyes wicked as if  possessed by the Devil herself.

"Let's begin, shall we?" Esther and the nuns are upon me.

- //////////////////////// -

(A/N: Hey guys I'm back, I have been busy lately with school, and I recently came back from a cruise to the Bahamas, it was fuuuunnnn but I had to come back eventually. So here is my short chapter sorry for it being short but will be updating soon, for a much longer chapter yaayy!!! Picture is of Nurse Esther, Jessica Lange)

-Bobbi (who is loving the new season of Grimm and American Horror Story!!!!)

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