Let Me Love You

By Babi_Cakes

525 25 5

Etsu Shoto is a pure blood and has decided to go to Cross Academy. However she doesn't want to be bothered bu... More

Etsu Shoto
Mei Keigo
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five

Chapter One

96 4 3
By Babi_Cakes

I walked towards the dorms lazily. I noticed a bunch of girls giggling and shouting at the gates. I stood there and everything became quiet as they finally noticed me. I looked around with an uninterested expression before I resumed walking. It was completely silent until a boy got in front of me.

"Sorry you'll have to turn around no ones allowed outside passed the curfew or allowed through those gates." He said. I rose and eyebrow and looked around then back at the boy. "I'm serious."

He went to touch me but a hand caught his wrist.

"Don't touch her."

"Mei." I said gaining the blonde's attention. "Let him go." She hesitantly nodded and let him go. "If you'll excuse us." I said stepping around the boy but he just go in front of me.

He went to touch me again but this time I stopped him. We starred at each other for a minute before he dropped to his knees in pain.

"Hey you stop that!" a girl's voice said. "Hey move out my way!" I tilted my head to the side and the boy closed his eyes in pain. “ZERO!!!"

The doors to the gates opened but still it was quiet.

"Hello Ladies why is it so quiet today?" an unfamiliar voice asked.

I broke eye contact with the boy and let go of his wrist causing him to sigh in relief. I patted his head causing him to glare at me before walking around him.

"Hello Kaname." I said when I was in front of him. "It's been a long time hasn't it?” I asked. "You remember Mei don't you?" I asked looking back at the blonde who had her arms crossed.

"It has been long." He nodded looking me over. "Will you join us for class tonight?"

"Of course." I nodded turning towards Mei. "Mei" I said causing her to look at me. "Let's go." I said as Kaname and I started walking. "Mei..." I said gaining her attention again. "Remind me to apologize to that boy later alright."

"Okay!"  Mei said excitedly.

"Hey whose this?" I looked back seeing a boy with blond hair, he had a flirty smirk on his face. "I'm Aido or as girl's around here call me Idol."

I just starred at him before turning back around.

"Kaname." I said looking up at the tall male beside me. "How have the past couple of years been?"

"They've been good." Kaname said. "You?"

I sighed, ignoring his question, and continued to walk with Mei a little behind me to my left and Kaname to my right. I stopped suddenly causing Mei to slightly bump into me.

"Sorry!" She quickly said.

"Your fine." I said ignoring her. I turned to my right and looked through the trees curiously. "Hey Kaname." I said gaining his attention. "I'm curious why is that kid following us?" I asked.

"It's their job."

I nodded before I continued to walk. A quiet atmosphere settled in around us.


My body quickly stopped at the voice but everyone continued to walk. Mei came over to me and looked at my face.

"What’s wrong?" She asked panicking a little.

I turned seeing the blond running towards us. He saw me and stopped, which was a couple feet from me. We just stared at each other before I found myself in warm arms, my body stayed still as he hugged me.

"Hey!" Mei said.

I just shook my head at her and my arms slowly lifted up and wrapped around his torso. We just stood in each other's embrace. I rested my head on his chest, since he was much taller than me, and closed my eyes sighing.

"Hey what’s Takuma doing anyway?"

"Don't worry about those two." Kaname said. "Let's continue to class now."

"Mei...go." I said.

"But E-"


"Y-yes." She said.

We slowly pulled apart and I looked up at him. He smiled down at me grabbing my hands, his eyes traveled over my face before his smile fell.

"You've changed." He said.

"So have you." I whispered brushing some of his hair out of his face. "You've gotten taller."

"I wasn't talking about your appearance." He said. " I was talking about you." I sighed and turned around. "Etsu."

"Come on we're going to be late." I said.

Without saying anything else I began walking to the school. I got to the classroom quickly and walked in, I looked behind me and saw that Takuma wasn't behind me. I sighed and shut the door angrily causing people to jump.

"Etsu-Chan!" Mei said coming over to me. "You’re okay right he didn't hurt you or anything." She said looking me over quickly.

"I'm fine Mei." I said walking away from her towards Kaname. "Kaname." I said gaining his attention.

"Yes. Etsu." He said looking at me.

"I would like to talk to you, in private later."

"Of course Etsu." He said smiling at me.

"So who are you anyway?"

I looked to Aido with a bored expression. Mei quickly got next to me and smiled widely.

"This is Etsu Shoto!" Mei said happily. Everyone became silent and looked slightly confused causing Mei to sigh drastically. "You all are complete idiots." She said turning on her heel and crossing her arms.

"Etsu." Kaname said gaining everyone’s attention. "Is another pure blood like me.”

A couple people made a noise of surprise.

"See Lord Kaname is a smart gentleman!" Mei said turning around and smiling widely.

The door opened and Takuma stood there with a smile on his face.

"So guys what did I miss?" He asked.

I looked away from him and went towards the window, my head tilted when I saw the boy from earlier. What was his name again?

"Mei. I'll be back." I said turning around and walking to the door. "Stay here."

"But Etsu-Chan, I'm not suppose to leave you alone." She said seriously.

"Stay. Here." I said looking at her.

"Y-yes Etsu-Chan." She said quickly. I opened the door. "Will you be back soon?"

"Yes." I said looking back at her. "Why don't you make friends while I'm gone."

"Okay!" She said with a determined face.

I nodded and walked out the door closing it behind me. I found myself outside and noticed the boy standing there as if he were waiting for me already.

“Your names Zero right?” I asked looking at him with interest.

“So you’re a vampire…teh..  Makes sense.” He said.

“What makes sense?” I asked curiously.

“Earlier, what you did to me.’ He answered starring at me.

“Oh that, I would like to apologize for that.” I answered. “You see I don’t like people touching me, especially not Vampire Hunters.” His eyes widen a fraction, looks like I caught him off guard.

“The headmaster didn’t tell us of your arrival.”

“Because no ones suppose to know.” I answered walking towards him. I stood in front of him and grabbed his collar pulling his neck towards me. “Let’s see if I’m right.” I mumbled to myself.

“What are you doing?” He grabbed my wrist but I ignored it and moved my hand to his neck. A flash went threw my head before I let go of him, “Why’d you do that?” He asked.

“None of your business.” I said turning around and walking back to the door. “See ya around Zero.” I said looking at him over my shoulder. ‘I have a feeling I’ll be seeing you more often than expected.”


“You have a post to get to.” I said looking forward. I stopped at the door and looked at him. “That is unless you would like to come in for a bit.” He starred at me. “Goodbye Zero Kiryu.”  I said shutting the door.

I walked back to the classroom slowly, there was no need to rush, we didn’t even really get taught from what I saw. I opened the door gaining people’s attention, when I shut the door Mei was next to me in an instance. She grabbed my wrist gently and let out a growl.

“Etsu-Chan who did this?” She asked.

“Let go of me Mei.”  I said in a calm tone.

She looked at my face and nodded letting go of my wrist.  I walked around her and sat in the closet seat to Kaname, I noticed him looking at me through my peripheral vision. I also noticed I had Takuma’s attention too. I sighed and looked at the board and just starred at it.

“Etsu-Chan.” Mei said coming next to me. “I must apologize for my actions today, the-“

“Enough.” I said looking at Mei.  “You know.” I simply said to her.

She shut up quickly and nodded her head. I looked her in the eyes causing her to wince in pain and take a step back. I let out a deep breath through my nose before looking back at the board.

“Etsu, you shouldn’t use your gifts on her, that’s just crude.”

“Kaname, you shouldn’t tell me what to do.” I said looking at him, “That’s just ill-mannered of you.”

 “Is it now?” He questioned.

“Very.” My whole demeanor changed causing the purple haired girl to take a step towards me. I simply looked at her causing her to freeze in pain, her face contorted into an expression of pain. “I’ll be leaving now.” I said standing up and looking at Kaname causing the girl to take a deep breath of relief. “Mei are you coming?” I asked going towards the door.

“Yes! Etsu-Chan!” She said excitedly.

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