Faetality |✓|

By letmelivetonight

309K 23.4K 1.7K

❝You and me, darlin', we're gonna have a whale of a time...❞ Shortly after her sixteenth birthday, Tamsyn Jam... More

1.1 //Lights Out//
1.2 //Lights Out//
1.3 //Lights Out//
2.1 //Speak No Lies//
2.2 //Speak No Lies//
2.3 //Speak No Lies//
3.1 //Darkness Falling//
3.2 //Darkness Falling//
3.3 //Darkness Falling//
4.1 //The Girl Who Knew Too Much//
4.2 //The Girl Who Knew Too Much//
4.3 //The Girl Who Knew Too Much//
4.4 //The Girl Who Knew Too Much//
5.1 //Food for the Worms//
5.2 //Food for the Worms\\
Chapter Five, Part Four - Food for the Worms
Chapter Six, Part One - Home Alone
Chapter Six, Part Two - Home Alone
Chapter Six, Part Three - Home Alone
Chapter Six, Part Four - Home Alone
Chapter Seven, Part One - Red Rum
Chapter Seven, Part Two - Red Rum
Chapter Seven, Part Three - Red Rum
Chapter Seven, Part Four - Red Rum
Chapter Eight, Part One - What Dreams May Come
Chapter Eight, Part Two - What Dreams May Come
Chapter Nine, Part One - Secrets, Lies, and Alibis
Chapter Nine, Part Two - Secrets, Lies, and Alibis
Chapter Nine, Part Three - Secrets, Lies, and Alibis
Chapter Ten, Part One - Welcome to the Dark Side
Chapter Ten, Part Two - Welcome to the Dark Side
Chapter Ten, Part Three - Welcome to the Dark Side
Chapter Ten, Part Four - Welcome to the Dark Side
Chapter Eleven, Part One - Monsters Within
Chapter Eleven, Part Two - Monsters Within
Chapter Eleven, Part Three - Monsters Within
Chapter Twelve, Part One - Deadly Confessions
Chapter Twelve, Part Two - Deadly Confessions
Chapter Twelve, Part Three - Deadly Confessions
Chapter Twelve, Part Four - Deadly Confessions
Chapter Thirteen, Part One - Dead to Me
Chapter Thirteen, Part Two - Dead to Me
Chapter Thirteen, Part Three - Dead to Me
Chapter Fourteen, Part One - Blown Away
Chapter Fourteen, Part Two - Blown Away
Chapter Fourteen, Part Three - Blown Away
Chapter Fifteen, Part One - Tell Me, Does This Hurt Yet?
Chapter Fifteen, Part Two - Tell Me, Does This Hurt Yet?
Chapter Fifteen, Part Three - Tell Me, Does This Hurt Yet?
Chapter Fifteen, Part Four - Tell Me, Does This Hurt Yet?
Chapter Sixteen, Part One - Letting Go
Chapter Sixteen, Part Two - Letting Go
Chapter Sixteen, Part Three - Letting Go
Chapter Seventeen, Part One - Love and Hate
Chapter Seventeen, Part Two - Love and Hate
Chapter Seventeen, Part Three - Love and Hate
Chapter Eighteen, Part One - Step Into the Light
Chapter Eighteen, Part Two - Step Into the Light
Chapter Eighteen, Part Three - Step Into the Light
Chapter Nineteen, Part One - Gone With the Wind
Chapter Nineteen, Part Two - Gone With the Wind
Chapter Nineteen, Part Three - Gone With the Wind
Chapter Twenty, Part One - A Gift of Blood and Bone
Chapter Twenty, Part Two - A Gift of Blood and Bone
Chapter Twenty, Part Three - A Gift of Blood and Bone
Chapter Twenty, Part Four - A Gift of Blood and Bone
Epilogue, Part One - Ordinary People
Epilogue, Part Two - Ordinary People
Epilogue, Part Three - Ordinary People

Chapter Eight, Part Three - What Dreams May Come

3.5K 337 14
By letmelivetonight

"I asked you first," I said, standing slowly to my feet. I looked down, suddenly noticing that not only was I completely dry, but similarly clothed as well (minus the Subzero mask and accompanying headgear).

            "Do you think that you're special, because you're unaligned?" Asked the stranger, in a deadly voice. "You are as treacherous as the Sorcerer – a traitor and an outlaw in both courts. And you give him aid – why?"

            I thought hard and fast. Whoever she was she wanted Westley and would clearly take down anyone that stood in her way. But which choice was more dangerous? Protecting him? Or turning him in?

            "You're the Ice Queen's Knight, aren't you?" I demanded. "You're here to kill Westley."

            The figure in the mask raised her head slightly, considering, but silent.

            "But why do you need me to get to him? Why not just track him down yourself?"

            "True, I am close," she replied in amusement, and I could just picture her smirk. "However, his Glamour is strong. It shields him from me... but I can still get close to you."

             She began to stride forward again and in response I held up my hands and stepped back.

            "Wait!" I ordered. "Whatever it is you think, I'm not your enemy. You don't have to do this."

            "And you don't have to protect a fugitive,"

            "I'm not... protecting him. I'm –"

            But no other word came to mind.

            I watched as the Knight place her right hand at her side and the next thing I knew she had unsheathed a sword from thin air, just as Westley had. Except this sword was completely silver, with strange symbols etched along the blade. And the fact that it was on fire? Yes, that was also a little unexpected.

            "Do you know what this is, Tamsyn?"

            The Knight lifted the sword, seemingly in admiration but definitely in warning.

            I didn't answer.

            "It's called a Blade of Woe – one of the very few things that can kill a member of the High Fae. I wonder... does your Sorcerer have one of these?"

            "Well... not to my knowledge... No," I replied with a small gulp.

            The Knight laughed – a sound that was short and condescending.

            "I'll ask you one... more... time. Where can I find the Sorcerer?"

            I closed my eyes and bit my lip, debating one last time before giving her my answer.

            "I'm sorry... but I can't tell you anything. I need him. He has answers. He knows things about my past –"

            "Don't you get it? He is the destruction of your past, Tamsyn! He has ruined both of our lives and yet you defend him –"

            "What're you talking about? Damnit, who are you?"

            "I've done enough talking. You know nothing relevant. I think it's pretty clear that you're as useless as a real Human."

            I didn't have enough time to be offended. The Knight came at me, brandishing the sword, and all I could do was wildly run away and duck. True, it was cowardly, and Westley probably wouldn't have ran. But in my defense, Westley had a sword and my only weapon at the time was common sense.

            From what I could tell the cave was shaped like a dome that was at least a mile wide in all directions. I could run from her the rest of my life and go absolutely nowhere. Truly, there would be no escape. But realizing this too late, I skidded to a stop when the Knight materialized before me, cutting off my path.

            Her free hand connected with the corner of my mouth, packing a solid punch that sent me sprawling. I landed hard, blinking back stars as I maneuvered from my side onto my back, immediately scrambling backwards. But the Knight was on me in seconds, standing above me with the sword pointed at my throat. Immediately I began to sweat from the heat of its flame.

            "Even though he's on the run, Westley's tried to keep me safe. So what kind of a person would I be to give him up? Can't you understand why I'm doing this?"

            "No," replied the Knight, however she drew the sword back just enough to make its heat bearable. "I don't understand, and I refuse to – just as I don't expect you to understand this."

            With both hands on the hilt, she raised the sword and I looked up to see my own, frightened face reflected in its blade.

            "For – my – sister," was the last thing the Knight said as the blade came hurtling downwards.

*  *  *

            "Tamsyn! Tamsyn!"

            At the sound of Margot's voice, I came awake with a great splash, sitting up with enough force to slosh water over the sides of the tub.

            I sat up in the cold water of the tub, suddenly freezing as my sister stared down at me with concern.

            "Wh-what happened?" I said, looking wildly round the bathroom for the Knight. "Where'd she go? She was just here!"

            "Where did who go? Tammy, what happened?"

            Margot stood beside the bathtub, fully dressed, makeup and all when I'd seen her not an hour before dressed in PJ's with her hair unkempt. She grabbed a yellow towel off the rack and I accepted, standing with a groan as I wrapped it around my body.

            "But I swear – there was this woman and we were in this cave and she he had this sword... she..."

            But I couldn't bring myself to finish the sentence. I couldn't tell Margot that the Knight had tried to kill me.

            "Dude, sounds like you just had a bad dream," Margot said, patting my shoulder in sympathy and comfort. "The water's cold – you must've fallen asleep in the bathtub. Looks like you've been here all night..."

            "All night?" I repeated, in shock. "No, that's impossible. I couldn't have been in the cave for more than a half hour."

            "Tammy, it's after seven in the morning. Dad's got breakfast going downstairs."

             "I... I can't believe it's been that long since I got in the tub..." I said, drawing the towel even closer around me. "Margie, I think I went to the Otherworld."

            "The Otherworld?" she replied, eyebrows raised.

            "Yeah, you know – the Faery World. I think the Ice Queen's Knight brought me there."

            "For what?"

            I paused.

            "She wanted me to tell her where to find Westley. She's not gonna stop until she kills him."

            "What're you gonna do?"

            I shook my head and helplessly shrugged.

            "Warn him? But... she said he ruined my life. And her life too. I think... I think Westley killed her sister."

            "Ok, and no offense, but what does that have to do with you?"

            "I dunno. But I'm gonna find out."

*  *  *

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