a dysfunctional and chaotic f...

Da witxhdoxtorstrange

24.8K 682 578

sure his family is a bit chaotic, but tony wouldn't have it any other way join the ironstrange family on thei... Altro

the one where harley made a hole in the roof (twice)
the one where peter made a family groupchat
the one where shuri comes over
the one where the family defeat a bee (many bees)
the one where it's mother's day
the one where the kids are home alone
the one where the author has an important question
the one where tony and morgan find vision and ultron in the garage
the one where the family use the groupchat again
the one where it's stephen's day of birth

the one where it's CHRISTMAS

1.1K 31 88
Da witxhdoxtorstrange

"mama, daddy! wake up!" a group of voices exclaimed, causing tony and stephen to groan.

tony threw his pillow onto his face as stephen sat up, only to be met with morgan sitting on him.

peter and harley stood at the end of the couple's bed.

all three of them had massive grins.

"what time is it?" stephen asked, rubbing his eyes.

"who cares about the time!? it's christmas eve!" harley cheered.

stephen sighed, looking at the clock next to him.


"oh, it's not that early. still, i'm suprised that you boys are up at this time." he said, watching as morgan climbed on tony.

"it's christmas eve, of course we're up early." peter told stephen.

"daddy, wake up." morgan patted her father's pillow.

tony just grumbled.

"come on, tony. it's christmas eve." stephen chuckled, lifting the pillow off his fiancé's head.

tony frowned as he stared up at stephen.

"can't christmas eve wait another 10 more minutes...?" tony muttered.

"nope." peter chirped, as stephen jumped out off the bed.

the sorcerer pulled the blankets off tony, causing the engineer to whine.

"tony." stephen stroked tony's cheek.

tony hummed, melting into stephen's touch.

"alright, i'm coming." tony sighed.

"yay!" morgan grabbed onto tony's hand and pulled him out the room.


vision smiled as he watched the kids and his parents walk into the kitchen.

nebula waved at her family, whilst ultron growled at them.

"good morning. i have made breakfast for you all." vision gestured to the table.

"thanks vis." tony patted vision shoulder, before sitting at the table.

they all sat in a comfortable silence, quietly eating their breakfasts.

"FRIDAY, play all i want for christmas is you x crank that soulja boy." harley said, breaking the silence.

"sorry, what?" tony raised an eyebrow as peter and harley giggled.

"playing all i want for christmas is you x crank that soulja boy" FRIDAY said.

the song started of normally, causing stephen and tony to glance at each other in confusion.

"this song sounds like the ori-" tony started.

"all i want for christmaaaaas iiiiisss....YOOOOOOU! SOULJA OFF IN THIS OOOOHH!" harley and peter sang.

"there it is." tony sighed.


"good to see that you guys are here for christmas." steve smiled at the family.

"uncle steve." morgan chirped, running over to hug the super soldier.

"hey, morgan." steve hugged the girl back.

"you guys still haven't put the decorations?" tony shook his head. "christmas day is literally tomorrow, rogers."

"we've been busy." steve sighed.

tony smiled, patting his shoulder.

"good thing we're here." tony pointed to behind him, where peter, vision, harley and stephen were holding decorations.


"wanda, why is the banner there?" tony asked, watching the sokovian girl use her magic to move the banner to the left of the tower's living room.

"stephen told me to put them there. he said they weren't supposed to be on the right of the living room." wanda replied.

"but that's where it should be." tony sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose.

"so, where should i put it?" wanda asked.

"just leave it there, wanda." stephen said, as he started to hang the avengers' stockings.

"no, put it where it was before!" tony exclaimed.

stephen raised an eyebrow.

"so it was you who told her to put it there." stephen frowned at his fiancé. "don't you think it looks better over here?"

"i think it looks better where it was." tony replied, approaching stephen.

stephen met him halfway, glaring at him.

"it stays where it was." he said.

tony glared back at him.

"it goes back to where it was." tony argued back.

the two glared at each other.

wanda sighed, using her magic to place the banner in the middle of the room.

"boys." she called, causing the two to look at her.

she gestured at where she had placed the banner.

"that's perfect." tony said, looking at stephen. "don't you think, hun?"

"yeah, it looks great there." stephen smiled.

wanda rolled her eyes.


peter sat on the ceiling as he stared at the advent calendar.

harley walked into the kitchen, raising an eyebrow at his brother.

"what are you doing?" he asked.

"the avengers haven't opened their advent calendar yet." peter commented.

harley grinned.

"are you thinking what i'm thinking?" he asked.

"that we should leave it because it would be rude to eat something that isn't ours?" peter questioned.

"what? no! we should eat it." harley replied.

"and why on earth would we do that?" peter questioned, jumping off the roof.

"because we're kids." harley shrugged.

"ah, true." peter smiled, opening one of the advent calendar doors.

he took a piece of chocolate out and took a bite.

lila, cooper, nathaniel, cassie, shuri, ned and morgan rushed into the room.

mj casually walked into the room.

"we heard someone eating chocolate and we want some!" morgan exclaimed.

harley and peter glanced at each other.


"right, what is christmas?" rocket asked.

the guardians had arrived minutes ago but didn't know why they had been invited.

"oh, it's amazing!" peter exclaimed. "you'll love it."

"i am groot." groot furrowed his eyebrows.

"yeah, you idiot. that didn't answer his question." shuri slapped the back of peter's head.

"christmas is the only time of the year where you have a proper reason not to go to school or work. it's a special time of the year where you can spend time with family, open gifts, stay up late and party." ned explained.

"christmas sounds amazing! why haven't you told us about it?" mantis asked, turning to quill.

"one major part of christmas is gifts. and when gamora got me the head of an enemy we defeated as my birthday present, i decided not to tell you guys about it." quill shrugged.

"you told me you loved that gift!" gamora exclaimed.

"crap!" quill ran off.

"get back here!" gamora ran after him.

"then who is this?" drax asked, pointing to a poster of santa.

"that's santa claus, who also is known as father christmas and old saint nick for some reason. he's the guy who delievers all the presents for everyone in the world." cassie explained.

"he rides on a sleigh which is lead by 8 reindeer. the relevant one being rudolph. he has a red nose." harley continued.

"why do they call him father christmas? did he give birth to christmas? i thought you said christmas was a tradition, not a person." drax furrowed his eyebrows.

"christmas is not a person." cooper said.

"santa's called father christmas because he's the ruler of christmas...i guess." lila explained, though she wasn't sure herself.

"oh." drax hummed.

they all sat in a silence.

"santa looks like he's eaten all his reindeer." rocket commented.

mj snorted.


the kids were in the communal room, whilst the adults were in the living room.

they all sat staring at natasha, who was holding a bowl with paper slips inside.

"as you know, every year we pick a santa to dress up and make the kids happy." natasha said. "i'm going to pick a name from here and whoever it is gets to be this year's santa."

"and remember, this is for the kids. so if you get picked, you better deal with it." tony told everyone, turning around and raising a finger at them all.

natasha closed her eyes, and rummaged through the bowl.

she picked up a slip of paper and opened her eyes.

she chuckled when she saw the person's name.

"hope you don't mind wearing a white beard, stark." natasha smirked at the iron hero.

"what!?" tony exclaimed as everyone laughed. "that's not fair! i demand a re-vote."

"ha! you get to wear that crappy costume!" ultron exclaimed.

vision chuckled whilst nebula smiled.

"you were the one who said that whoever got picked should deal with it." stephen smiled.

"yeah, because i didn't think it was gonna be me!" tony whined.

clint walked up to the engineer with the santa claus costume.

tony grumbled as he took it.

"hold on, i think you're forgetting something." natasha said. "santa claus is gonna need his mrs claus."

the russian assassin held up a short santa claus dress.

tony grinned, looking at stephen.

"it's for the kids, steph." tony nudged his fiancé.

stephen blushed heavily.


"this sucks." tony said, as he placed the santa hat on.

he and stephen were in tony's old room, putting their costumes on.

"you're telling me." stephen groaned, neatly putting his hat on. "could you do me a favour and zip my dress up?"

"of course, mrs claus." tony joked, zipping up the dress.

stephen rolled his eyes, as he put some black high heel boots that went over his knees.

"i feel and look ridiculous." stephen mummered, pulling at the bottom of the dress.

"you should keep this, it looks great on you." tony whispered, pecking stephen's neck.

"whatever..." stephen muttered. "you need to put the beard on, santa."

it was tony's turn to roll his eyes.

"i already look silly." he gestured to himself.

"well, i think you look cute." stephen commented, smiling.

tony blushed as he put the white fluffy beard on.

stephen buttoned tony's costume.

"would you still love me if i said i wouldn't mind sleeping in this?" tony smiled sheepishly.

"you're an idiot." stephen smiled.

tony glanced upwards, smirking.

"umm, let's stand here." he said, shuffling to the left.

stephen raised an eyebrow, before following his fiancé.

"now look up." tony beamed as stephen did as told.

stephen blushed when he saw the mistletoe above them.

tony winked at him.

stephen chuckled, pulling tony in for a kiss.

tony kissed him back, wrapping his arms around the doctor's waist.

unbeknownst to them, morgan walked into the room, her eyes widening at the sight.

she quickly left the room.


"you WHAT!?" peter exclaimed.

"are you sure you're not just making a reference to the jackson 5 song?" ned asked.

morgan furrowed her eyebrows at ned.

"she doesn't know about that song." harley replied.

"i'm not kidding! i saw mummy kissing santa claus!" morgan said.

"no way..." cassie muttered. "you don't think that doctor strange is dating santa?"

"b-but he's dating tony." ned said.

"heck, they're engaged!" harley exclaimed.

"i am groot." groot claimed.

"mum isn't a cheater...right?" peter frowned.

"oh, how's daddy going to react?" morgan sighed.

"poor dad, he probably doesn't know." harley muttered.

mj, shuri, cooper and lila watched with amusement.

"we have to tell him." morgan said.

"i dunno..." cassie sighed.

"i am groot!" groot exclaimed.

"yeah, you don't want tony to be heartbroken when he finds out." shuri said, causing mj to chuckle.

"don't encourage them." she whispered to her.

"too late." shuri smiled.

"groot and shuri are right. we'll have to tell dad the truth." harley said.

"oh god, what have they started?" lila muttered.


the kids all walked into the living room, glancing around the room for tony.

"he's not here..." peter pursed his lips.

"he has to be here." cassie said.

"look, there's santa." morgan pointed at santa who was sat on the sofa.

tony turned to face the kids.

"ho, ho, ho! hello, kids." he did his best santa impression.

the kids looked at him in confusion.

"that doesn't sound like santa." harley said.

"it sounds like if santa was depressed." shuri stated.

"sounds like my type of santa." mj joked.

morgan approached tony, staring up at him.

"hello, litt-" he was interrupted by a scream as morgan aggressively pulled at his beard.

she gasped when she pulled the fake beard off, revealing a very familiar goatee.

"daddy...?" morgan whispered.

tony frowned.

"sorry to disappoint, kiddo." he muttered.

"your dad is santa!?" ned exclaimed, his eyes widened.

"let it sink in ned..." mj said.

"doctor strange is santa...?" ned asked.


"mr stark is rudol-"

"mr stark dressed up as santa! how many brain cells do you own!?" mj exclaimed.

"o-oh." ned smiled sheepishly.

morgan placed the fake beard on the ground and smiled at tony.

"it's okay, daddy. you were a terrible santa anyway." she hugged her dad.

"i know." tony chuckled, hugging his daughter back.

"as long as mama isn't cheating on you, i'm happy." morgan whispered.

"what!?" tony and stephen exclaimed.

"oh, mama. you look nice." morgan commented. "that dress suits you."

"you're wearing a dress. that's kinky." mj said, causing stephen to blush.


everyone spent the rest of the night partying.

quill begged to be DJ again, and he did get to be DJ again.

when he played "i saw mommy kissing santa claus", tony and stephen looked at morgan and blushed heavily, finally understanding what she meant.

steve and bucky did some old-timey dancing, causing everyone to joke about how old they were.

mantis and drax ended up finishing all the eggnog by themselves, not giving anyone a chance to have some.

stephen made a mental note to make sure not be part of the avengers' shenanigans, as everyone commented on his attire at least 3 times.

soon, the party was over.

ned and mj had gone home, wishing the avengers a merry christmas and a happy new year.

the guardians went to their ship outside, quill and mantis being the only ones to say goodnight to the avengers.

tony saw the way nebula and gamora frowned at each other as the green assassin left, causing him to let nebula stay over with the guardians for the night.

though she didn't show it, tony could tell nebula had missed them.

some of the avengers were asleep, the only people awake were bucky, natasha, clint, steve, carol, valkyrie and shuri, along with the family except from vision.

stephen sighed as he watched morgan jump all over the place.

"morgan, i told you to get ready for bed 25 minutes ago." stephen said to the young girl.

"sorry, mama. i'm just so excited for christmas!" morgan exclaimed.

"well, if you want presents from santa, then i suggest you go to bed." stephen warned, causing morgan to gasp.

"how does santa know if you're awake or not?" morgan asked.

"he just does." stephen shrugged, before the cloak picked morgan up. "now, come on. it's time for bed."

as soon as morgan was tucked into bed, she was out like a light.


"it's christmas!" scott exclaimed, jumping out of bed.

he ran downstairs with excitement, only to be met with everyone sitting around the christmas tree.

they all paused to look at him, thor was holding his present.

"am i seriously that late?" scott whined.

"me and dad tried to wake you up." lila giggled.

"it's true." clint said. "it was like you were on a different planet."

"hurry up, tic tac. or else we'll have to open our presents next christmas." sam joked, rolling his eyes when scott scrambled to the group.

scott snuggled up next to clint, who rested his head on the ant hero's shoulder.

cassie passed scott a bowl of cereal as thor opened his gift.

thor's eyes glimmered when he looked at the sweater peter got him.

it said "ask me about norse mythology, i am the god of thunder after all".

"man of spiders, it's amazing. thank you." thor shuffled over to give peter a hug.

"you're welcome, mr thor." peter hugged thor back.

"the next one's for uncle steve." morgan said, giving the present to the super soldier.

"from nat." he read the label, smiling at his friend.

he opened the gift, blushing slightly.

it was a captain america plush, holding his iconic shield and a sign that said "the star sprangled man with a plan".

natasha beamed when steve looked at her.

"thanks, nat." steve shook his head, chuckling.


"woah!" quill exclaimed, opening his gift from tony.

he paused.

"what is it?" he muttered.

"it's a device that allows you to play any music you want for as long as you want." tony explained. "you seemed interested in spotify when you last visited, so it's kinda like that. it also has more than 300 songs."

"woah!" quill beamed, hugging tony. "thanks, man! t-this is amazing."

tony chuckled slightly as quill and the other guardians marvelled at the device.


t'challa passed stephen's gift to the sorcerer.

stephen furrowed his eyebrows when he saw that it was from loki.

he raised an eyebrow at the god, who frowned at him.

"what? do you doubt that i got you a good gift?" loki asked.

stephen squinted his eyes at loki, before asking tony to open the gift.

the iron hero did it without second thought, which was something stephen was grateful of.

"oh." tony said, lifting up stephen's gift which was a book. "oh! wait! this is a sherlock book."

stephen's eyes brightened.

"really?" stephen looked at the book. "oh, wow. it is. and it's specifically the one we haven't read yet."

both tony and stephen glanced at loki.

"i guess my gift was for more than one person." loki said.

"how did you know this was the last book i needed to read? heck, how did you know i liked sherlock?" stephen asked.

"your passion for sherlock isn't a big secret, yours as well, stark. and for your second question, i simply asked wong." loki replied.

"well, thanks." stephen gave loki a genuine smile. "that was really nice."

loki blushed at stephen's compliment.


"this is exactly what i needed!" shuri exclaimed, as she opened her present from peter.

"i'm scared to know what it is." tony muttered.

she pulled out a massive poster of an old lady with a gun.

"oh god." t'challa whispered.

"i knew you'd love it bro." peter winked at the wakandan princess.

"i knew i had a reason to be scared!" tony exclaimed.


"here you go, mr father." vision passed tony's present.

"ooh! i wonder what my toaster son has got me!" tony clapped his hands enthusiastically.

"don't get your hopes up, tones." rhodey commented, gesturing to everyone's gift from vision.

vision had given everyone a pair of superhero socks.

it was cute and funny when natasha first got her black widow ones, then sam got some falcon ones, then peter got some spiderman ones, then thor got some lightning ones, then it just became too much.

tony's smile faltered for a bit when he got a pair of iron man socks.

he looked at vision, who was smiling excitedly at his father.

"oh, socks...thanks, vision." tony said


stephen sighed as he tried to pass a present to ultron.

"ultron, this gift is for you. take it." the doctor said.

"it's probably trashy. like all of you." ultron growled.

"i swear your insults are getting more and more...less mean." tony pointed out, causing the robot humanoid to glare at him.

ultron stared at the nicely wrapped gift, before rolling his eyes and taking it from stephen.

he opened the present.

it was a baking set.

everyone instantly looked at bucky.

"i know how much you love baking, it's a great hobby. so i got you that." bucky shrugged.

steve smiled softly at the super soldier next to him.

ultron stated at the former assassin, a fuzzy feeling attacking his insides.

he growled, letting a small ghost smile appear.

"what do you say?" stephen asked.

"ᵗʰᵃⁿᵏ ʸᵒᵘ" ultron muttered, his voice suddenly getting all squeaky.

he crossed his arms and looked away from the others.

"are you o-"

"ⁱ'ᵐ ᶠⁱⁿᵉ!" ultron replied.


morgan's eyes widened as she looked at her present.

it was the same size as her.

it was from tony.

she turned to her dad, beaming.

she opened her gift.

everyone gasped.

"holy shit!" stephen exclaimed, jumping to his feet.

"stephen! language." tony joked.

he glared at tony.

morgan squealed, hugging the iron suit.

yes, tony had gotten morgan an iron suit for christmas.

it was like his, except it was pink and gold. and it had a golden star instead of an arc reactor.

"why did you give her an iron suit!?" stephen snapped at tony.

"i wanted to make her feel like a superhero. don't worry, it doesn't do anything. it flies and releases confetti and water." tony shrugged.

"don't worry!? she's in something she doesn't know how to operate." stephen sighed.

the two turned to face morgan who was in the suit.

she flew upwards slightly, shooting out confetti.

she landed on the ground, doing a pose that can only be described as something from sailor moon.

"you can call me iron princess!" she chirped, her helmet deactivating.

the young girl hugged tony.

"thank you, daddy! i love you 3000." morgan kissed tony's cheek.

"and i love you 3000, too, morgoona." tony ruffled his daughter's hair.

morgan jumped out of tony's arms and into stephen's, hugging her mother.

"it's okay, mama. i can handle it." she reassured the former neurosurgeon.

"okay, i believe you." stephen pecked morgan's forehead.


"this one's from me." sam said, passing it to t'challa.

t'challa raised an eyebrow, shaking the gift.

"hurry up and open it, furry." shuri joked, causing her older brother to roll his eyes.

t'challa rolled his eyes, before opening his present.

"you've got to be kidding me." the wakandan king scoffed.

"it ain't a joke, your highness." sam chuckled.

"sam, what did you do?" steve asked.

t'challa showed everyone the gift, which was a box of cat food and a bunch of cat toys.

"oh my fucking god!" shuri exclaimed as everyone laughed.

she and sam shared a high five.


"what the fuck is this!?" rocket exclaimed, spitting something out. "that shit's disgusting!"

"those are brussels sprouts. i'd avoid them at all cost, they're nasty." cassie replied.

"i have raised you well." scott said, patting his daughter's head.

mantis placed one in her palm and into her mouth, before placing it back in her hand and back in the bowl.

she grimaced.

"let me try them." drax said, placing a brussels sprout in his mouth.

he immediately spat it out.

"that should not be allowed on the table!" he exclaimed.

"let's shoot it!" rocket took out a gun.



steve, bruce, vision, scott, cassie, wanda, lila, nathaniel, peter, t'challa and morgan danced along to all i want for christmas is you.

well, most of them tried to.

ultron walked into the room, stabbing the radio.

"ultron! what the heck?" peter exclaimed.

"can we listen to any other song!?" ultron grumbled.

"not gonna lie, it is annoying." natasha commented.

tony, clint, cooper, carol, valkyrie, bucky, shuri, sam, rhodey and loki hummed in agreement.

"wow, i can't even look at you." peter said to shuri.

"are you serious!? i thought you guys were family." lila frowned at clint and cooper.

the two sides started squabbling.

the guardians, thor and stephen watched them.

thor looked at stephen, who shrugged.

"FRIDAY, can you play last christmas?" stephen asked.

"oh, that is a good one, wizard!" thor beamed.

everyone stopped screaming at each other once they heard the song.

"oh, i love this song." tony commented.

"yeah, me too." scott chirped.

"jesus christ..." stephen rolled his eyes.


the family, the guardians and the avengers sat in the living room watching home alone.

tony was sat on the sofa. he had his arm around stephen and the sorcerer was cuddled into his side.

peter, harley and morgan were all sat on the floor with the other kids.

vision sat next to wanda on an arm chair.

nebula was next to gamora on a wooden chair.

ultron sat at the end of the room near the door.

they all laughed lazily when the wet bandits were struck by kevin's traps.

"this has been the best christmas ever." morgan randomly commented.

"maybe because last year we just spent it at home, bored to death, whilst mum and dad got too lovey dovey." harley said.

stephen and tony blushed, clearing their throats.

"thanks for my iron princess suit, daddy." morgan smiled at tony.

"no problem, princess." tony winked at her.

"thanks for the socks, vis." peter beamed at vision.

everyone glanced at him.

"what? i can't have been the only person who actually loved the socks." peter frowned at everyone.

"thanks for the ballet shoes, strange. i've always wanted to go back to doing ballet. but more properly and with more freedom." natasha smiled at the sorcerer.

"no problem."

"you're also a pretty hot, mrs claus." natasha teased, causing stephen to blush.

"careful, romanoff! you don't wanna be on santa's naughty list." tony warned the assassin.

a crunch could be heard, causing everyone to snap their heads to the source of the noise.

it was t'challa trying to discreetly eat the cat food sam had got him.

"are you serious?" sam asked.

"it is not that bad, i guess." t'challa shrugged, causing everyone to laugh.

it had truly been the best christmas ever. no trouble or danger could darken their moods.

"guys, this is the last christmas of the decade." scott reminded them all.

everyone yelled at him.

A/N: i know this is days late but it's still december so,,,,


and if you don't celebrate christmas, hope you had a great holiday

omfg guys it's gonna the end of a decade i'm gonna SCREAM

i was literally gonna end the story then i remembered that so i quickly added scott's part at the end

everyone's reaction is my reaction as well to be honest i'm so SCARED

though i am HYPED for the new black widow movie that's coming in 2020

and falcon and the winter soldier

ooh 2020 is scary but it's got the best shit coming out

though can we just skip to 2021 because dOCTOR STRANGE TWO BOYS AND SO MUCH MORE

anyway ummm

hope you enjoyed, please vote and see you guys in 2020 (that sounds so weird to say)


- witxhdoxtorstrange

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