Conan Gray x Reader {In Livin...

By RealCurlyFries

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(Y/N) lives in a world that is completely black and white, until you see your true love, who is said to be in... More

1~ I Know A Place
2~ Idle Town
3~ Love Sick Boys
4~ Comfort Crowd
5. Part 2.~ Honey, You're not Fooling Anyone
6~ Checkmate
7~ Hearts Out on Our Sleeves
8~ It Could Work for You and Me
9~ Ain't it Funny, Honey?
10~ A Little More Confidence
11 ~ Designer Drugs

5~ Counting Signs on the Interstate

3K 126 67
By RealCurlyFries

After lunch, it was incredibly hard for you to focus. Every class seemed to blur into one giant mass of information that you could care less about, you were way to excited! All that was on your mind was Conan, Conan, Conan. You were so happy that not even Chris telling you to kill yourself could get you down (like his awful taunting usually did). No, you just smiled right back at him and stuck out your tongue... and your finger. The look on his face is something you'll relish forever.

Chris was the farthest from your mind though. You were going to see Conan in seven hours. SEVEN HOURS. How could you possibly focus on school when you were about to see your inspiration, the boy who has made you smile when no one else could, the music that got you through life's worst.

Last period dragged its last minutes on. You tap tap tapped your pencil... and you're free! The bell rung and students swung their bags over their shoulders. Laughed and joked, slowly. You were ready though. You popped right up and darted out of the classroom. You dogged all of the gray masses of kids, not caring if you bumped into someone. Finally you found who you were looking for.


"Hey (Y/n)", she giggled at your excited state. "Ready to go?"

"Um... yes!"

"Then let's get going, weirdo".

The two of you made your way to her car, putting on some of your favorite bops for the car ride. You stopped at yours to change, and grab some snacks, then you were off!

You could hardly believe you were on your way to Philadelphia to see him, at such short notice? It didn't bother you one bit though.

You were one hour in, (B/f/n) turned to you.

"Hey (Y/n) do you kn- (Y/n)?"

You had some trouble focusing on what she was saying. One moment you were all smiles and laughs, the next... you couldn't put your finger on it. All you could focus on was this distant ache in your stomach. It was bugging you, each minute the clock ticked, each mile you got closer to the venue, the pain grew. But it wasn't painful, but it was? It felt like nervousness, almost. But you weren't nervous, Conan was you're favorite person ever! There's no reason to be nervous, so what was this feeling?

"I'm sorry (B/f/n), I'm just, I don't know".

"You're just what? Talk to me".

"I'm just, no it's weird". She gave you a look that said 'I know how weird you are already'.

"Okay fine, I'm just nervous I guess? I don't know why. It's weird, it's like this ache, I've never felt anything like it before. See! It's sounds stupid".

She looked at you in disbelief, her gaze flickering between your confused face and the road.

"What??" You whined at her, her weird cryptic stares starting to freak you out a bit.

She smiled a bit, returning her full attention to the road once more.

"Oh, it's nothing" she said smugly, keeping her eyes focused on the road to the night ahead of you.


In Living Color; a scientific guide to soulmates  and how our bodies react to them
by Dr. Mary Z. Hausen

Chapter 5: "With Beauty, Comes Pain" part 1.

Similarly to how a flower is drawn the the sun when it is in view, we are drawn to our "soulmate" when in vicinity to them. The closer one gets to their soulmate, the more pain they will experience. This is a result of a force pulling them towards one another, because of the body's need for peak performance.

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