Hanniger Mines

By XDeanmonX

345 7 4

You'd been living in Harmony for a long 14 years, you were 18 now, having a good job and good friends. You we... More


345 7 4
By XDeanmonX

You were running.

Sprinting down the shaft of the mine as fast as your legs could take you.

You were running from him.

"C'mon, Y/N!"
A voice shouted from down the opposite direction, calling out to you in a familiar voice.
It was Tom's body and voice.
But it wasn't who he truly was.

With a light sob of fear you tried to run faster, tears running down your face as you came to a dead end.

"Fuck.." You swore in a whisper, hearing the smashing of lightbulbs and footsteps get closer.

"Aw.. Look at you, trapped like a terrified dog.." He hummed low, lowering the blood soaked pickaxe he wielded.
You turned to see a familiar face.

"Tom, you stay right where you are."

"Now why would I do that?"

"Don't take another step, Hanniger.."

Your warnings didn't phase him as he walked closer, to where he was a mere foot away from where you had pushed yourself into the wall behind you.
An amused grin went across his features.

"Precious Y/N, always wanting to act all tough in the presence of fear."
Tom was mocking you. What made it worse was that cocky grin on his face.

"What do you want?!"
You yelled, you were more angry than scared.

"That's an easy question, Y/N. I want your heart."

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