Ethereal In Moonlight

By victorsquishyf

26 0 0

Another day passed and once again another foster home. Gerard never stayed long, he never planted his roots... More

† Chapter 1 †
† Chapter 3 †
† Chapter 4 †
† Chapter 5 †

† Chapter 2 †

6 0 0
By victorsquishyf

Frank looked up at his dad, looking very frustrated while making pancakes. Three were discarded around him, two on the floor and one on the ceiling. Lovely.

"Why are you even making pancakes? You haven't ever made them before?" Frank questioned his father while buttering some toast.

"Jesus told me to. In a dream." His father said looking mildly psychopathic. He didn't turn away from his work to notice his son putting on red makeup, which was a good thing because Frank didn't deal like an emergency meeting with their creepy priest.

"Alright Dad... I'm gonna head out and go to school, okay?" He straightened the uniform blazer, because at least if one thing looked straight maybe people would fuck off and not dress code him. His father grunted in response, continuing on his slimey guck of pancake batter and misery in the name of Jesus Christ.

He burst out the door and caught a glance of an awkward looking red head in Ms. Wimble's livingroom, standing in black skinny jeans and a black tee-shirt with some logo or band somewhere on it. Frank eyed him down as he continued to wander down the street, thinking unholy thoughts until the boy turned around and caught his eye slightly.

Frank twisted his head quickly and awkwardly stumbled forward his face a deep pink. That was a close one. Frank didn't think some random punk kid would take kindly to a faggot like him checking him out.

So he plugged in his headphones and played some Blink-182 until he arrived at the crummy Catholic school he would give anything to not attend.

"Mr. Iero." The security guard spoke assertively looking him up and down, Frank holding back a silent shudder.

Frank just nodded and moved past. Another day of this shit he was not excited. He liked two people here and neither of them were in any of his classes. If he wasn't already failing half his shit he would skip and bum a cigarette from someone but that was a bad idea even to him.

So he sat through class, and at least he had his overactive imagination to keep him company or he might just go insane. He imagined a universe where the pretty boy from the morning walked in and introduced himself. Daniel, Michael, Alexander, no... His name was probably fancy... Like Oliver or something. He imagined the pretty boy with no name yet seeing him in the corner of the back and instantly coming to sit beside him. The pretty boy putting his warm hand on his thigh. The pretty boy--

He stopped himself before school got 10× more embarrassing focusing on the board to see algebra. Good, what a fucking turn off.

At least it was Friday and he was almost free from his own agonizing constant monologue. He checked the time and realized the class ended in two minutes, thank god.

But two minutes felt like a long fucking time for Frank.

When the bell finally rung he sped out of class and to the cafeteria, hoping to see familiar faces. Ray and Mikey sat in the back corner at the piss table (some kid four years ago peed there and nobody can get the scent out, but it was a free table with no whiney white girls so Frank didn't complain) and he shuffled through the crowd towards them.

"Hey!" Mikey said pushing back his hair and inspecting the cafeteria food, which looked quite unappealing, then took a bite of what seemed to be pasta? He flinched at it and made an expression of distaste.

"Hello." Ray said casually pulling out two apples and handing one to Frank. Ray always brought an extra since he didn't approve of Frank eating a single twinkie and an extra large coffee for lunch. Frank grabbed it and took a bite.

Frank say down quietly, rummaging through his bag for his signature twinkie and a few coins for some shitty caf coffee. He grabbed a few quarters and stood up again, shuffling into line and munching on his lunch.

"Twink munching on a twinkie?" Snarled some kid in front of him he never cared to learn the name of. The kid stood a head or two above him and had an overgrown moustache.

"Whys it always the homophobes that say the gayest shit?" He responded cleverly, a sly smile making its way on his lips. He always felt confident in his quips but he instantly regretted speaking, this time being no different.

The taller kid picked him up by the collar and hoisted him, Frank's toes just touched the ground barely. He saw Ray and Mikey stand up and quickly waved them off, not wanting them to get in this mess.

"The fuck did you just say, fag?" The boy growled in Frank's face and he smelled his musty breath. Gross.

"You know you say that, but being only inches away from the gay kid's face really makes you seem like a fag as well..." Frank gave a fake pondering look before leaning forward to look like they were about to kiss, and the taller boy instantly threw him back.

"You fucker." He said before turning around. And walking out of line.

Ray and Mikey rushed over, looking protective. Ray pushed his curly hair out of his face and grimaced at Frank, who had been knocked right off his feet.

"You okay?" Mikey asked, sticking out a hand.

"Yeah." Frank said back, taking it.

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