† Chapter 1 †

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Of course a sweet beginning was only the result of a bitter ending, and that was what Gerard's life had become at this point. So he carried on and kept wandering through his battles, picking and choosing who to fight and who to leave behind. Gerard wasn't ever particularly friendly, he wasn't necessarily hostile towards his peers but it was obvious he just didn't quite fit right. That, combined with the factor that he couldn't land a household for more than a year really put him out on a limb. And oh a limb he was out on this year.

"Hello dear, take a seat" Ms. Wimble said softly, she had the kind of voice that a grandmother would have, and she was old enough to be one too. But, unfortunately for Ms. Wimble she was never gifted with a child of her own, being widowed at 27 so now she opened her home to particularly unruly teenagers.

"Hello Ms. Wimble" Gerard said in the exact tone he used to greet all of his foster caretakers, mild mannered and quiet. He glanced around the room scanning over the beige and brown set up, pictures of birds, flowers and religious figures hung to the walls.

Definitely a Grandmother's set up.

"Oh my dear, you don't have to call me that, call me Martha" Martha Wimble said sweetly, but tense at the same time.

Her eyes drifted up to Gerard's violently red hair, brown roots already starting to grow in. That was the reason he was kicked out of the last house, they just didn't quite support it so out he went and in with the new child. He stood a few inches (maybe even a foot) taller than her yet he felt so very small in her presence.

"Don't like the hair?" He said his voice dropping a bit, just enough to be noticable.

"Oh sweetheart, no your hair is lovely I just need a bit to get used to it... Its nice having some colour to spice up life a bit!" She said hurriedly but her words struck Gerard as genuine. "Lets get you settled in to the other room my dear" she smiled, warmly and half skipped half waddled towards one of the doors across the hall.

Gerard followed awkwardly and tried not to bump in to any decorations lining the already thin hallways.

"This one" the stout woman gestured towards a room vaguely signalling him to go in. Gerard eyed the door mentally, betting to himself it was horrendously ancient looking like the rest of the bungalow.

"I'll let ya get settled in." she finished before ducking into another room, presumably her own bedroom and shutting the door behind her. Gerard took a breath in and made a grab for the door knob, hearing a small click and creak of the hinges.

And then he was pleasantly surprised.

His eyes scanned over the monochromatic minimalist room, it was very calm and almost muted compared to the rest of the rooms. It was a whole separate universe and he felt much more normal sized in the room. He lost his mental bet but also won?

"You like it?" Ms. Martha spoke, suddenly behind him, causing him to jump a bit.

"jesusfuckingchristalmighty--" he said almost as a knee jerk reaction, and she gave him a small look of disapproval.

"Blasphemy." She said casually, raising an eyebrow, and he felt a shiver run down his spine out of intimidation.

"Yes ma'am, sorry ma'am..." He said shamefully hanging his head and looking at his spotted socks, half way on the grey carpet and half way on the brown.

"What is this the fucking military?" She said suddenly, catching him off guard and seeming quite amused with his reaction. "We don't use that name in vein around here, my dear." She finished far too calmly for Gerard's confused state.

"Sorry... Didn't realize..." He responded quietly, still embarrassed.

"Speaking of which, because you're considered a 'high monitor' case you're going to need to come with me to church here and there. Don't worry there's this lovely boy there named Brendon and I'm sure he'll be friendly." She looked at her cross bracelet and Gerard's eyes noticed it too.

"That's fine, thank you. May I go to sleep now?" He requested though he didn't really care what her response ended up as he was gonna fucking sleep whether she liked it or not.

"Yes dear, that's fine." She responded and turned around.

"Pancakes for breakfast tomorrow."

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