Rivers of Fate

By Elisabeth_Long

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A dragon warrior trapped in modern times must convince a woman she is in fact a nine-tailed fox spirit from h... More

(Prologue) Upon One Shore
Where Only Wishes May Travel
The Dragon
Far From Home
An Unexpected Guide
A Touch of Magic
Hidden In Plain Sight (part 1)
Hidden in Plain Sight (part 2)
A Distant Call of Thunder
A Question of Time
The Coming Storm
A Clear Signal
Cast in Starlight
The Call of Fire
One More Day
Still Waters
Night Watch
Riding the Wind
Full Circle
Once Upon a Time
A Dragon Out of Time

The Only Key

126 16 51
By Elisabeth_Long

Who are you, warrior guy?

His face looked so serene as he lay in the water as if it were the most natural place for him to be.

Xia studied the man who still held her gaze despite his eyes being closed. She'd guess he was around the same age as her, maybe a little older but not by much.

His upper lip, cheeks, and forehead glistened with a sheen of fine water droplets; the steam misting over his angled cheekbones and thick swept brows. The golden honey complexion of his skin became evident as he warmed up.That worrisome tinge of blue was gone from his lips.

Whoever her warrior was, the warrior was, he was definitely no couch potato. Muscled arms reached up to broad, square shoulders. His lean and taut muscled physique was most apparent through the soaked fabric of his thin undershirt. The creases of the wet shirt outlined every defined ridge of his torso; sculpted pecs on a toned chest tapering to a rippled six pack abdomen. One of his hands lay upon a hard muscled thigh and...

Xia ripped her wandering gaze away.

Drawing a deep breath, she focused instead on the man's other hand which hung limp over the edge of the tub. The warrior's fingers were long and slender but his palms were calloused and rough. Whatever he did for a living must involve some sort of intense work with his hands. Xia took hold of it to lower into the tub so it could warm up as well. But the moment Xia touched the water with the warrior's hand, the water shimmered and started to glow. His body gave a jolt at the same time.

With a squeak, Xia dropped his hand with a splash. The glow went out just as Xia fell back on her rump again. What the...?! Snatching her back scrubber from the sink counter, she held it at arm's length to poke the water with first, then the man. The water stayed normal and the warrior stayed quiet.

She was so focused on watching for anymore sparkles that she didn't hear the new set of footsteps enter her apartment.

"Xia? Are you decent, luv? You left your door open. "

Lucy appeared in the bathroom doorway wearing a thick sweater and corduroys. "I wanted to ask you how your interv..." Her upstairs neighbour's eyes bugged out as she took in the sight of the man soaking in Xia's bathtub. "Oh my, new bath toy, Xia?" Lucy asked, planting her hands on her hips. "Now that is one hot rubber ducky. What did you do? Club him on the head like a neanderthal and drag him home?"

In addition to extolling the virtues of yoga and the odd therapeutic cigarette, another of Lucy's life philosophies was that all women should embrace their inner goddess to become more empowered. She often regaled Xia with stories of her activist daysback in the women's liberation movement of the 70s.

"No, I did not club him on the head and drag him home," Xia muttered, her eyes still fixed upon the water. Had she imagined it? Maybe she was still feeling the effects of yesterday's migraine?

"The water's about to spill over," Lucy remarked.

Xia lunged forward to shut the taps and her breath caught at the pair of striking, now focused, black eyes meeting hers.


He must have passed out again. And now it was an older woman's voice he heard speaking to Xia. There seemed to be but the two women with him now.

Wanfeng couldn't remember clearly what happened after he'd arrived outside the window in the night. He'd been so cold... his hands and feet numb, his limbs aching; despite the small weight of warmth on his chest and the even smaller one against his neck. Then he'd heard the Fox's voice... along with another? Had he heard a man's voice before? There were blurred flashes of entering the manor house and descending stairs, then the near euphoric feel of hot water chasing the chill away.

The water had been a soothing balm to the aches and chills that were fast fading from him. But it was the surge of his magic that had come and gone, amplified by the water, that had snapped him back to awareness. Yet once again, as quickly as the magic had appeared, it had vanished. Through it all, Wanfeng chose to remain silent and feign being asleep. He needed to assess his surroundings and figure out what was going on. Too much was happening too fast.

The older woman speaking now spoke the same language as the healers from before. But... wait. Something was different. What was it? The woman's tone with Xia was cheerful as she told her the water was about to spill.

The Fox leaned over him and the fountain's flow stopped. Impossible for him to ignore, Wanfeng opened his eyes to look.

Xia... she'd said the name Xia earlier.

He knew that name as one that had belonged to a nine-tailed fox of long ago. His mother had told him the story of the tragic loss of the King and Queen of the Nine-Tails infant daughter during the Cataclysm. Had their daughter lived, she would have been just about the same age as him, the same apparent age of this Fox whose warm brown eyes drew him into her gaze.

Could it possibly be?

If this was the presumed dead Princess of the Nine-Tails then what was she doing here in this mortal world?!

With a groan and swashing of water, Wanfeng sat up. The rolled towel his head had been on fell to the floor.

Both women were eyeing him intently. The elder with open curiosity, Xia with guarded caution.

"Xia, I found some clothes!" It was the man's voice from before.

Wanfeng met the gaze of an elder man who now appeared in the doorway, an elder who gave him a kind smile.


"Antoine! You can't be serious. What did you do, jump into a time machine you keep hidden at the back of your wardrobe?" Lucy frowned in disdain at the bundle Mr. Antoine held.

Curiosity getting the better of her, Xia couldn't help but look. A silent Wanfeng did too.

"Bah! I'll have you know that 1976 was a very good year!" Mr. Antoine insisted. "These pants in particular I bought for jogging back then. They should fit him."

And it was at that moment that it clicked in Wanfeng's mind, that which was different. Wanfeng knew the elders spoke a language he did not know, but now he could understand the gist of their words! And when Xia responded to them in kind, he could understand the gist of her words as well. This had definitely not been the case yesterday. What had happened to change it?

But not all the words made sense. Jogging? What was jogging? The elder woman had referred to him as a hot rubber ducky before. Was that a kind of fiery water beast?

So astonished was Wanfeng by this that he started a little when Xia suddenly spoke directly to him. "Can you get up yourself?" Wanfeng nodded. Water cascaded off of him as he clasped the edges of the bath and hoisted himself up. He swayed off balance a moment and both women yelped as they clutched him.

With their help, he stepped out of the tub with a slosh and onto the mat.

"Here, wrap him in this." The older woman grabbed a towel off a bar on the wall. "Uh, he'll have to take his wet undergarments off before he can put on Antoine's retro poly athletics wear," the woman observed wryly to Xia.

Wanfeng threw a helpless glance at the elder man who seemed most amused at the goings on before him. "Mesdames, if you let the man alone a minute I'm sure he can manage that part by himself."

Xia felt her face go hot. While she didn't like the thought of leaving the warrior unsupervised, she liked less the idea of stripping him naked. What trouble can he cause in my bathroom?

"If you're ok to stand now, we'll wait outside for you." Wanfeng nodded again and the women left the bathroom. He gave the elder man a look of gratitude as the latter closed the bathroom door to afford him some privacy. Peeling off his wet shirt and pants, Wanfeng saw the large open bag that bulged with the pieces of his dress armour. He put his pants and shirt in the bag as well. Drying himself and his hair off as best he could with more towels he found on a shelf, he draped them as neatly as he could on the bar as well as over the rod that extended over the bathing tub before turning his attention to the clothing the man had brought for him.

If his mother were here, she would appreciate the colours of the "retro poly" attire.

Wanfeng's expression grew sombre. His parents... his men... were they searching for him now? Surely without a body they would not presume him dead... like the Princess... He had to get back. He had to find some way home and if Xia truly was who he thought she may be, she held the answer to how to get there from here.

But something wasn't right with Xia. He sensed no duplicity or ruse from her. She truly lived as a mortal here and he could tell that she had no sense of him for who or what he was, an immortal and a dragon. He was certain of it.

Wanfeng frowned in thought as he pulled on the various articles of clothing.


"So who is tall, dark, and handsome, Xia? And why doesn't he talk?" Lucy asked. Both her neighbours sat at her kitchen table, having cleared her books and laptop off the chairs and were looking up at her most expectantly.

"Uh, I, umm... he might not speak English very well?" Xia cringed at her lame response. Her thoughts on the matter were so unclear.

Lucy and Mr. Antoine were still looking at her.

There was no way she was going to mention the attack on the metro. Not unless she wanted to listen to neverending lectures about travelling at night alone from her two well-meaning friends.

"Uh, I wasn't feeling well on my way home last night and fainted. He ended up helping me."

"Oh, Xia, are you ok?" a concerned Lucy asked. "Not another migraine! But you seem alright now." She looked to Mr. Antoine who nodded. Then Lucy clasped her hands together in delight. "But how romantic though! A hero! It's like a TV drama almost, Xia! So what's his name?"

"Uh, I..." How mean and ungrateful was she going to come across when she said that not only had she never asked him his name but had left him without a word of goodbye?

But just then the bathroom door opened and all three turned to look.

"Oui, a very good year it was," Mr. Antoine chuckled.

Despite the absurdity of the whole situation, Xia found herself biting back laughter at the clash of retro, grunge, and warrior boho personified, standing there with a hesitant expression on his face.

The... vintage?... bright orange and navy triple-striped Adidas track pants ended just above the warrior's ankles, the warrior being much taller than Mr. Antoine ever was. Luckily, the thick red wool socks he had on were knee highs that he'd pulled up all the way and disappeared under the pant legs. The warrior's long black hair was damp and tousled but still fanned over the shoulders of a plain white t-shirt that stretched tight across his chest --a t-shirt that ended a few centimetres shy of the pant's drawcord waistband, revealing an appreciable peek of abdominal ripple. Xia caught herself once again staring and quickly looked away, her face going hot once more. Lucy, who had no such qualms about these things, openly admired the sneak peek with a wide grin.

"He is as slim and as fit as I was back then!" Mr. Antoine laughed, slapping his belly. "Even the underwear fits, yes?"

Wanfeng nodded.

"Oh? Underwear?" Lucy smiled at Mr. Antoine. "Boxers or briefs?"

Mr. Antoine huffed. "Madame, I am French!" Lucy drummed her fingers on a pile of coupons. "What's that supposed to mean?" she asked. Mr. Antoine ignored her.

Pushing off with his cane to rise from his seat, the Frenchman gestured to Wanfeng that he should sit in his place. When Wanfeng politely shook his head no, Mr. Antoine took his arm and plunked him down on the chair anyway. "Xia tells us you saved her yesterday."

"Helped" I said, "helped" not "saved", Xia thought.

Wanfeng had overheard the discussion before he emerged from the bathing closet. It would seem Xia did not wish to tell her elders about her being attacked by men last night. Nor had she been forthcoming about his taking her to the healing hall or that she had left him behind.

The elder man was patiently waiting for a response from him.

The strict manners and teachings of his upbringing would not allow Wanfeng to remain silent and disrespect an elder. But he recalled how the mortals on the road and the healers in the hall hadn't understood his words. Wanfeng had been remaining silent in order to avoid the same confused reactions until he had a better sense of what was going on. And yet... Wanfeng wondered at his sudden ability to comprehend their language. If he could understand them now, would they understand him? Only one way to find out...

Wanfeng bowed his head. "Yes, I carried Xia to a hall of healing," Wanfeng replied to Mr. Antoine.

Both Lucy and Mr. Antoine turned to stare at Xia.

"That sounds like pretty good English to me, Xia," Lucy remarked.

"English?" Wanfeng repeated.

The woman gave him a bright smile and a wave. "Hi, I'm Lucy."

Mr. Antoine reached across the table to extend his hand, "Antoine Michaud, enchanté."

They were greeting him without ceremony or title! What should he do? Again the habits of a lifetime took over and Wanfeng clasped his hands before him and bowed from the shoulders politely to each. The man still held out his hand which trembled a little. Wanfeng's eyes widened in shame. Immediately he reached over and clasped the man's hand, earning him a smile and a surprisingly firm grip as the elder shook his up and down before letting go.

Wanfeng glanced at Xia who'd been silently taking this all in. With a tilt of his head, he addressed her directly. "My name is Wanfeng."

"Wanfeng," Mr. Antoine repeated. "Where do you come from, Wanfeng?"

"I am from the Heavens."

"Hmm, The Heavens, The Heavens... isn't that the new condo development over in the Westmount district?" Lucy asked.

Wanfeng blinked. But before he could say anything, his stomach responded in his stead. Now that he was warm, dry, and a little rested, the loud rumble that erupted from Wanfeng's belly made him aware of just how famished he was.

"Pardon me," Wanfeng murmured, embarrassed.

"Xia! Here we are interrogating the poor young man and he hasn't had anything to eat!"

Xia stood there stammering. "W-w-we?"

Lucy stood. "I'm going to fetch some of my casserole I made last night." She wrinkled her nose at Xia's crumb-covered kitchen counter and sink full of bowls. "Cold cereal or toast isn't going to feed a man, girl. But you should be able to handle making him a cup of coffee while he waits, no?"

"Non, non, non!" Mr. Antoine shuddered. "Not your coffee! I will go make him a proper cup of café!"

And with that both Lucy and Mr. Antoine left on their respective catering missions.


Finally alone, they studied one another in silence. Xia just couldn't wrap her head around everything that was going on. If there were ever to be a "weirdest day" in her life ever, today was surely it.

A million and one questions swirled in her head. She picked one at random.

"Why did you stay outside in the cold all night?" she blurted.

"I do not enter women's bedchambers like a lecher." Wanfeng was indignant. "And I did not make my presence known so as not to scare you after you'd been attacked by a group of men last night."

Xia went numb. "H-how... how do you know about that?!"

"I could scent the foul rogues upon you. Are you alright now?"

"I want to know how you found out where I lived? Did you look at my ID in my purse at the hospital?"

"ID?" Wanfeng's gaze narrowed. He did not comprehend this word but he could tell she accused him of stalking her. "I am no thief either! It was the black cat who guided me here."


Right on cue, Maurice sauntered in through the still open apartment door from wherever he'd been. Both Wanfeng and Xia stared at him.

"Black cat? Maurice?!" Xia was about to tell Wanfeng that he must be delusional but the image of Maurice curled up on his chest and the chickadee on his shoulder had her quietly contemplating her own sanity.

Wanfeng watched the cat... Maurice... make his way into the room, only to sit a short distance from the table and begin grooming itself.

Who are you? How did you know to bring me here? A licked front paw paused mid-swipe over its face as the cat looked Wanfeng straight in the eye as if it'd heard his questioning thoughts. Then the paw completed its swipe and the cat continued to lick it, ignoring Wanfeng completely.

"The men who attacked you, Xia, were they dark shamans?

"Dark shamans? What are dark shamans?" Xia scowled. "More like dark zombies," she muttered.

Zombies? What are zombies?

There were so many questions Wanfeng wanted to ask her but something told him to hold off. Start with the easiest first.

"Your name is truly Xia as I heard you say earlier?" Wanfeng asked.

She replied with her own question instead. "Who are you, Wanfeng? Why do I feel like I know you from somewhere?"

Wanfeng hauled in a breath and tensed. Why not? Let's see what happens.

"I am Crown Prince Wanfeng." He would leave out the tiny detail of being a dragon for now. "My men and I were attacked by a curse conjured by dark shamans as we led a group of Spirit Tribe leaders across the Jade River. I was pulled underwater and the next thing I knew, I was in that dark passage where I met you... just before you attacked me as well."

She merely stood there with her mouth open, eyeing him as if he were mad. Wanfeng persisted nonetheless.

"I am lost here, Xia, and very far from my home, it would seem. I have no memory of how I came to arrive in the passageway but I must find my way back." ... to our world...

Xia crossed her arms over her chest. What kind of cockamamie fairytale is this? Was Wanfeng, if that was his real name, being serious? He surely looked like he believed every word that he said. Then Xia's expression softened a little with concern. Could it be he'd hit his head when he fell to the ground after she'd kneed him? She had to agree with what Lucy said before. This was turning out like some TV drama.

As he observed her reaction, Wanfeng had one of his theories confirmed. Xia had no clue what he was talking about. She was looking at him like one who wishes to humour a helpless child would.

Was she going to send him away now? He mustn't let her leave him behind again. Xia was the only key he had to unlock the mystery of where he was.

A snort of breath from the vicinity of the floor drew Wanfeng's attention back to the cat. It was rubbing its nose vigorously with its paw. "Pphht!" it sneezed, then sneezed again, only to stop and glare at Wanfeng.

Pphht! Wanfeng sniffled as he rubbed his nose after sneezing, then brought his hand to his mouth to cough as pitifully as he could. The cat rose to shake out its body and Wanfeng pretended to shiver, casting a sad, woeful look at Xia. Will it work?


Quickly, she grabbed a blanket off her rumpled bed and wrapped it over Wanfeng's shoulders. The blanket smelled like her.

"I'm so sorry" Xia said, patting his shoulders. "I did attack you without cause and then left you at the hospital without checking to make sure you were ok to get home. I didn't think you could be injured. Look, maybe I can..."

The odd sound Maurice made caused Xia to pause. The cat was whipping his tail back and forth as he stared out through her apartment doorway. She felt Wanfeng's shoulders stiffen under her hands as he caught the cat's actions as well.

A sudden slamming of the building's front door was followed by heavy booted steps down the stairs and a rip of carpeting as the hallway door was forced open too hard.

In a heartbeat, Wanfeng had risen, the blanket falling off as he pushed Xia behind him and faced the doorway.

Arching his back sharply with a hiss, Maurice bolted out, barely avoiding the pair of boots that now strolled in.

Xia peeked around Wanfeng's bicep. No way...

"Hey, Xia! Long time no see!" beamed Mrs. Chen's son, Kai.


Mesdames : Ladies
Oui: yes
Enchanté : equivalent to "pleased to meet you"

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