Living the Life of Riley | ✔

By peripxteia

96.7K 3.8K 228

Samara never looked for trouble on purpose, she just seemed to 'fall' into it. So when she gets pregnant on... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven

Chapter Six

2.8K 109 2
By peripxteia

Chapter Six

          It had been a month since I moved into this small village.  One entire month, four weeks, and it wasn't going too badly.  I mean, it's not like time had stopped still or slowed down so much that I was bored out of my mind.  But then again it wasn't going super fast either.  I guess this was average.  This is what normal people felt, which was quite weird.  I wasn't used to being like a normal person.

          Sitting down at the kitchen table, I watched as everybody milled about.  Liam had gotten me up at ten o'clock on a Saturday.  That was a shock.  Normally I woke up at about three in the afternoon. Mostly it was because I'd partied too hard the night before.

          “How's it been living here?”  Cassie asked me, with that stupid smile on her face.  She'd dolled herself up and made herself look pretty even though she was probably just going shopping or getting the mail.  Ugh, and now she was pretending to care?  I know she doesn't like me.  I could just see it behind that fake smile of hers.

          “Fine.”  I told her through gritted teeth, acting civilised.  She must have been extra happy because Liam was in a mood with me.  We'd had an argument last night.  He wanted me to tell Veronica and Cassie that I was pregnant and I didn't.  Veronica would spread it round and then label me as a slag and I didn't have the reputation yet where everyone wouldn't call it to my face.  I was not standing for that.  I didn't want want Cassie to know because she'd smother me with her pretentious "mothering" ability.  She'd try and be in my life even more.  Just seeing her at the table was more than enough for me.

          “Made any friends yet?  Liam said that you didn't have very good friends in your old school.”  Cassie was still smiling.  I had the urge to wipe it off her face, and also I didn't feel too well.  The smell of bacon was making me feel worse.

          “My friends were fine.  They are fine.”  I defended my friends.  They weren't the most safest or cautious or most caring bunch, but I still loved them!  By her making that snarky remark, I was close to my snapping point.  She was pushing her limits.  A sick, angry Mars was not a good one to face.

          “Well that's good.”  She sipped her tea, holding that damn tea-cup plate under it.  She was trying so hard to be posh and 'right'.  It was why when Liam put the plate of bacon and toast in front of me, I ate it noisily and with my mouth open.  I'll admit that it was gross (and I'd never do it again because I do have manners) but it wiped that damn fake cheery smile off her face.

          And it was at that moment that I really regretted eating the bacon.  Smelling it made me feel sick but eating it?  That actually made the bile rise up.  Before I could let it loose on the table-top, I ran to the toilet as fast as I could.  I probably looked like one of those Olympic runners by the speed I was sprinting.

          Pushing the door open with my one free hand (the other holding my mouth) I ran, fell to the floor and chundered into the toilet.  It was a great start for me.  Having my head hovered over a toilet wasn't the way I planned to start the morning.  In fact, it wasn't the way I would have planned any morning let alone today.  After being sick several times, I sat back and scrunched my eyes at the awful after taste that was habiting my mouth.

          Turning on the tap, I washed my hands and then threw some cold water into my mouth.  I needed to get rid of the after-taste.  It made me feel sick again but I was sure I couldn't vomit anymore.  I'm pretty sure everything I'd eaten for the past month came up just then.  I hated puking: I hated that it made my eyes water, I hated that my throat hurt after, I hated the way my mouth felt and the smell of it.  Most of all, I hated the fact that I'd probably be doing this for a while.  I was positive I knew the reason behind it.

          “Oh, Sam.  How are you feeling?”  I glared at Cassie.  There was also another reason why I hated the nickname Sam and it was because of her.

          “It's Mara or Mars.  Not Sam.”  I snapped and pushed her out of the way.  I could hear Cassie shouting at me.  Telling me off.  I resisted the urge to flip the bird at her and power walked into my room.  I could feel my anger rising.  Something I really didn't want to happen.  I guess I was kinda like the Hulk.  Except that I didn't go green.

          Being very aware of the fact that I was still in my pyjamas, I didn't make a move to change out of them.  I grabbed my school bag, dumped all of its contents on my bed and grabbed some underwear, some shirts, bottoms and then my phone and its charger and grabbed a pair of shoes and slipped them on.  I'd done this before and I was doing it again.

          I could still hear Cassie screaming as I ran down the stairs.  I wasn't in a good mood.  Not at all.

          “You.”  She screamed at me.  “Where do you think your going?”

          “Out.”  I snapped.  I didn't even stop to retort back, I even grabbed my coat whilst I was still moving.  Skills, that was.

          “No, you're not.  You're going to-”  At that point, I turned around.  I was sure my eyes were ice blue instead of their usual calm blue.

          “You're not my mother.”  I said in a low voice.  “You're only my uncle's girlfriend.  You mean nothing to me.  Absolutely nothing and nothing you do affects, or will affect, me.  You're just some fancy woman who's too stuck up her own arse to realise that she has no power over me.  Get. Over.  Yourself.”  I said the last words slowly and stared at her to make sure she understood what I meant.  Before she could even reply, I swung open the door and stormed out.  I made sure to slam the door loudly behind me.

          By the time I'd calmed down slightly, I'd walked for roughly thirty minutes.  I think I was still in the village.  I was't too sure.  I'd actually gotten myself lost on purpose so I wouldn't bump into anyone who would annoy me, which was practically everyone.  Sitting down on a bench near me, I looked through my bag to get out my phone.  I scrolled through the contacts until I found Beau's number.

          “Hello?”  He answered, his voice groggy.

          “Where are you?”  I didn't bother with any formalities or greetings.  I needed to talk to Beau.  I couldn't talk to anyone else, not without revealing the fact that I was up the duff.  I didn't need that, not right now.

          “At home?”  He sounded a little shocked and confused.  “Is this Mars?”

          "Where do you live?”

          “Off some country road.  Mars, you're not coming out here.”  He sounded so sure that I wasn't going to.  Aw, how cute.

          “I am. If you don't tell me where you live, I'm going to knock on every country house until I get yours.”  I threatened.  I was going to go through with it too.  I didn't bluff.  Not unless I was desperate.

          “I don't believe you.”

          “You really wanna test your luck?”  I was sure he could hear I was angry.  I was practically snapping my words at him.

          “Look.  Fine.  But you probably won't get through the doors.  We're a big... uh... family and they don't like visitors.”

          “I don't care.  Tell me the lane I need to go up and I'll find it.”

          “Fine.  You need to go up Crass Lane which is-”

          “Thanks.”  I blurted before hanging up.  It was getting chillier since it was nearing winter and I could find his house by myself.  I was used to finding places by myself.  I'd done it at three in the morning once.  This was nothing to me.  At least this time I didn't need to walk to another town.  One that took at least two good hours to get to!

          It took a while for me to find it but I did eventually.  I'd gone up quite a few country lanes and my feet were aching but I'd done it.  It was a pretty grand house this.  Secluded too.  Beau should've said they were a ginormous family.  I mean, this place was like a hotel!  Hello, they probably had a swimming pool in the back!

          Walking up to the door I realised my anger still hadn't simmered like I thought it had.  It was still there, pummelling itself through my veins.  Ugh.  I just hated Cassie.  She tried so hard to pretend to be someone she wasn't and the way she acted!  Everything about her made me want to hit her.  She was just so... so pretentious!

          Banging on the door I tapped my foot and waited for someone to answer.  It took a while but a guy did answer.  He didn't look too impressed.  He stood there without a top on and sweat dripping down him looking annoyed.  The sight actually made me feel sick.  I wasn't a huge fan of half-naked, sweaty bodies unless the guy was hot.  He wasn't.  He didn't seem to like what he saw either.

          “We don't take in homeless people.”

          “It's a good thing I'm not homeless then, isn't it?”  I said to him, with a sarcastic smile.  “I'm here to see Beau.”  It wasn't a question, it was more of a demand.

          “Beau?  Right.  Sure.”  He laughed.  My eyes narrowed.  If he was going to take the mick out of Beau, he'd pay.  Family or not, he'd pay.

          “Are you going to let me in or not?”

          “Sorry, but no.  You can't come in.”

          “And who says I can't?”

          “I do?”  He looked me up and down, disapproving me.  I didn't care.  I already didn't like this guy.  He seemed like the sort of person Veronica would hang with.  Someone who had such a big ego that if it got any larger, it would have made his mind burst.

          “I'm coming in, whether you want me to or not.”

          “Good luck with that.”  He said before slamming the door in my face.  What a prick.

          “So rude.”  I whispered to myself before looking round.  I could see that not all of the rooms were being used.  It wouldn't matter if I broke a window... now would it?  If they could afford a house like this, they could afford to pay for a broken window.  It wasn't going to make them bankrupt, that's for sure.

          Going round the back (which took longer than it should have) I peered into a window.  This room looked broken.  Loads of the furniture was smashed and some of the windows, the higher ones, looked smashed.  Perfecto!  I thought.

          Looking around I couldn't see much to hit at the window.  I was tempted to use my fist but I didn't fancy having to go to hospital.  It would be great explaining that situation to Liam: "Yes, I'm trying not to be a delinquent which is why I've broken somebody's window".  Just as I spied a brick on the floor (oh, what a coincidence that it was just lying there) my phone started to vibrate.  Fishing it out of my pocket, I checked who was calling.  Beau.  Huh.  What did he want?

          “Yello'?”  I answered as I bent down to pick up the brick.

          “Lost yet?”  He asked as I studied the brick.  It was large enough to go through the window, and it shouldn't have made me cut my hands.  Well, not if I threw it.

          “Oh, no.  I'm outside the house.  Some arse wouldn't let me in.”

          “I told you so.”

          “Yeah, yeah.  Look, I'll be inside in like... I dunno.  Ten minutes?  Less than that?  I'll meet you in the room with all the broken furniture in.”

          “Wait, what are you doing?”  He sounded wary, which he should have been.

          “Nothing.  Don't worry.  I'll see you in here!”  I chirped before putting the phone down.  Lifting the brick, I threw it slightly in the air before smiling.  This wasn't the first time I'd done it.  Probably wouldn't be the last either.  However, it would have been one of the few times that it wasn't going to go on my record.  I was a vandalist and a thief.  I could admit to that.

          After lobbing the brick through the window, I went back to the pile so I could push the rest of  the glass away.  It took quite a few strokes with the brick to clear the bottom half of the window free of glass.  That was all I needed to get in.  It's not like I was going to do this all the time... I just needed to get inside.  And there was that jerk at the door.  I didn't fancy facing him again.  Well, I would but this time I'd be inside the house.

          Throwing my bag through the gaping whole, I climbed in after being careful of my stomach.  I didn't know if I should have put pressure on it or not.  Luckily enough, most of the furniture had been moved to the side so I just slid myself into the room.  Not as fun as I'd originally pictured.  I landed with a rather large thump.

          After I'd slid in, I sat up and crossed my legs and waited for Beau to come.  He should be here soon enough.  It's not like the place was too far to get to, right?!  Plus, this was his home so if there were any short cuts, he should know.

          I thought that whilst I was waiting, I might as well check out this room.  See if there were any interesting heirlooms that I could spot.  The entire room was wrecked, so I doubted there'd be anything interesting but you never know.  If they could find bones in abandoned houses and claim it was something amazing, who knew what I could find here?

          Unfortunately, just as I was about to go snooping around the door swung wide open.  Beau stood there, panting ever so slightly.  He looked at the window and then at me.  Disbelief was in his eyes.

          “That was you?!”  His voice went a little shrill.  Odd, I didn't think guys' voices could go that high.  There was something I'd learnt.  “You broke the window?”

          “It's not the first time.”  I shrugged at him.  He looked as if he'd gone into shock.  Picking up my bag, I waltzed over to him.  “Shall we go?  I'm starting to get a little hungry.”


Again, apologies for the late upload (for those of you reading)... it really can't be helped with the amount of work I've got.  And plus, I've just had to write an 1,000 word excerpt for my English Language coursework (and I've only just finished with it luckily).  And also I've gotta write loads for my media course... three reviews on "live" events.  Yay much?

Anyway!  Thanks for all the patience and I hope you enjoy this chapter! :-)

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