Forelsket (Jikook)

By blue-button

135K 5.9K 760

(adj.) The euphoria🌠 you fell when you are falling in love. "I l-love you J-Jungkook " " There are many w... More



6.5K 306 60
By blue-button

Jimin POV

One thing I notice is that he change his personality when there is something that triggers it like his past and physical contact. Today I am on my way to his room.

I open the door and he suddenly push me against the door. He trap me between his arms on both side of me and speak.
"I will show you whom you belong. "

Before I understand it, he slam his lips against my lips forcefully and kiss me hardly. After a minute he breaks the kiss, take a step back and start to shake violently.

He then raged
"Get lost you useless human. You are just a liability to everyone. Nobody loves you and need you. Pathetic! "

After hearing these words I quickly leave the room and go to the washroom. I cried for some time. I know that what he say was not true but what hurt me more was that he said those words. After my break down I stand back on my feet and decided 'If he don't need me then I will not interfere him any more.'

I then quickly go to Hobi hyung. He greet me
"Hey Jimin.Why are you here?"

"I need some help hyung. "

"What kind of help? "

I tell him everything and he says
"Okay Jimin-ah I will try to help him but if he didn't corporate then I am not taking this case."

I know that he is the best option. Even though he is a sunshine but when it comes to his work he become serious. Only thing he hate is when his patients not corporate.

His phone ring and disturb our conversation. He excused
"It's Tae. I will talk to you later. "

After all this mess I make my way to my last patient of today which is a small girl. She always make me smile. I always like to spend time with her.
I take my goodbye from her and get ready to get back home.

My way back home was full of thoughts. Now I regret my decision of consulting Hobi hyung. But it is good that now he will get a proper treatment. With me he will never be cured as I will always do what he will say. I am weak for him.

Then I remember that tomorrow is a group discussion that is a group psychotherapy. All the patients are move out from their room and collected in the main hall. They can approach any doctor and talk to other patients. It's a fun activity. The main purpose of these are to help patients to open up to their surroundings.

I then reach my house and go straight to my bed.

🌈 🌈 🌈

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