Cataract: Book III of Catastr...

By PornesianMochi

27.8K 1.2K 370

With so many questions left unanswered, comes doubt and darkness. Started: 10/3/19 More

Baby steps
Chapter IV
Chapter V
Chapter VI

Chapter III

2.4K 143 48
By PornesianMochi

It's those silent moment that you cherish. You're both in bed, your head on Yoongi's chest while he plays with your hair that you're able to voice out something that's bothering you for  quite some time.

"Yoongi.. Where's Jungkook?" You asked after days of being able to suppress the hollow feeling in your chest.

"He's... preoccupied as of the moment Princess. Why? Do you miss him?" You hummed as answer.

"You miss him even though he eats the last piece of food?"


"Even though he's a sore ass loser whenever you beat him on games?"


"Even though he makes it his goal to annoy the shit out of you whenever he's around?"

"Especially that." You said with a sigh then continued "I know that something's wrong.. So please tell me please. Why is he avoiding me?"

He knows you'd eventually ask. You've been looking for Jungkook whenever the boys are around. And the disappointment shows in your face whenever he isn't. It's not like he himself wasn't trying to look for the boy, he does. He's been bombarding Jungkook's phone nonstop and asking the guys where the heck the boy is.

But they only shrug, also not knowing where the boy went. Albeit they all know why he's gone aloof. So with a sigh, Yoongi decided to tell you a piece of something that would make you understand why the boy is acting that way.

"Jungkookie.. he's.. he looks all tough and mischievous. Sometimes he seemed like he didn't grew up even though he's been here for quite some time. Like he's some kind of a modern Peter Pan right?" He started as you look at him, placing both of your arms on his chest then laying your chin on it.

"He may often seem like he doesn't have a care in the world, like he's just winging everything. But.. he cares.. deeply. Even for the trival things." You hummed, willing him to continue.

"I've never told you how we met, right? How we all met?" He said as he twirl strands of your hair with his fingers

How? You asked.

And with a dazed look on his face, Yoongi started to tell their story. Starting from the first one he met.

"When R-Namjoon left, remember I told you before that he had registered me as his son? Gross to think of it now considering our circumstance. Anyway, he left me some stuff too. He left the house for me and some money. Not some, huge amount of money, money that even if I worked for all my life when I was a stable boy, I wouldn't have gotten.

So after mopping that the asshole left me all alone to my devices I started to think of how to gain more power, and with the background I had, it's natural to think that I have to be wealthy and be a part of the elites.

I've thought long enough on what business I'd dive into. Upon remembering that I've always wanted to give my family a humble house of our own, I've decided to go into real estates. And when I did, I made sure for it to be loud, loud enough to make the aristocrats' heads turn towards me.

And that they did, I used my real name you know? Never wanted to use an alias, to spite them. And of course, they didn't thought even for a second that I was the same guy they pointed their fingers to, accused of being a murderer without any remorse because instead of the sack like clothes I've always worn, I was wearing tailored suit. And instead of torn sandals on my feet, I was wearing shiny leather shoes. I also have a fake family background courtesy of your asshole friend, so I was immediately welcomed to the world of the wealthy.

They invited me to balls, the balls that I was never been part of. The balls where all the wealthy aristocrats were wasting money instead of using it to help those who are in need.

And being a frequent goer to those balls, I got to see their helpers. At the ball of some salt mogul named Rodrigo, there's this helper that looked more tired than the rest. Beat tired. He doesn't even look like he's been fed albeit his master is always throwing feasts."

"Isn't it hard though? There's a lot of people there. Won't their thoughts be too much?" You asked

"Not really. I can tune them out, like a radio for instance. Anyway when Rodrigo threw another feast, I was actually tempted not to go, but I have an image to protect and still honing to grow, so I did. I always get tired when talking to the dumb ass aristocrats, and when it started to be suffocating, I went to their garden to breath.

I heard it before I saw, sounds of cracking bones and groans and muffled pleadings to stop. And before I know it I was standing beside the commotion. Two guards were holding the poor helper while Rodrigo was beating the shit out of him. You know why? Because he took a piece of chicken. Just a piece of chicken. Because he was hungry.

I was so angry that I wanted to burn the scumbag alive but I know that wouldn't end well. So I walked towards them instead and asked the scumbag what the helper did, he was talking to me while still hurting the poor guy that I was starting to see red. It's when the good-for-nothing said that he shouldn't have bought the guy from he's previous master that I  offered buying the guy.

I gave Rodrigo a price he couldn't say no to, and that's when I brought the guy home. You actually called him Prince if I remembered correctly."

Your brow furrowed at that, and when it clicked, when you remembered who, you look at Yoongi with wide eyes.

"Yes Princess, that's how he became a member of the family, Prince Charming Seokjin."

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •


It's been awhiiiile! I had a really bad case of writer's block. But I'm happy to be able to write again. Thank you for waiting guys! Did you like this chapter? Your comments are much appreciated!

By the way, How's everybody doing this quarantine?

For the most part, I'm doing fine. My family is okay too. I have a close friend that was covid positive and was confined at a hospital for three weeks. Him, his mom and his brother. But he's okay now! They all are :) they were given a go signal to go home yesterday. Thank God.

Stay safe wherever in the world you all are okay? Wash your hands, hydrate, drink vit c, exercise and eat well chinggus! We'll get through this together 💜


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