
Por IffieEffie

9.4K 275 86

An action romcom with Fatgum meeting Hinako Suzuki a new girl that has moved into his apartment building. The... Más

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Red Stain Orange Shield
Tamaki's Struggle
Sun-Eater's Stand
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Sweets Girl

Laundry Day

2.3K 57 19
Por IffieEffie

Taishiro Toyomitsu AKA Fatgum, has lived in his apartment a few years now. A spacious batchelor pad with higher than normal ceilings, also on the ground floor.  People move in and out all of the time, but dispite that the building is mostly quiet, even with it being close to a busy part of the city. Restuarant Ally is what many people call it, where you can find food of any kind or flavour at nearly any time of the day, a strong selling feature for the cities BMI hero.

But today's Monday, the one day of the week Fatgum closes his office a bit early to get boring paperwork completed and filed. Often he will head home early to get chores done too.  He exits his apartment, into the hallway letting it swing shut, auto-locking behind him.  A large laundry bag tossed over one shoulder and a filled hamper he carries against his body.  He wears a large hoodie, comfortable lounge pants, his hair a bit messier than usual.

Opening the door to the apartments common laundry room, he glances about, a few of the machines already spinning.  Setting down his basket he begins to load up a couple of machines.  Taking the remaining 2 washers for his loads, he yawns, stretching a bit as he is turns to leave.   A new bright pink piece of paper on a barley ever used pin board catches his eye.

There is a pervert who has been stealing women's underwear from the laundry room.
  Do Not to leave you laundry unattended. -

Taishiro, looks back over his shoulder at the empty laundry room, giving it a distasteful sneer, 'damn pervs, stealin' panties.  I'll let the manager know I'll help to find this creep.'

~~One week later~~

Taishiro opens the heavy metal door to the laundry room.  To his surprise sitting atop one of the machines with a tablet out sits a woman.  She wears loose fitting pants, an over sized T-shirt with a cute design on it, her long brown hair, messily pulled back and tied into a single large braid.  She looks up from her tablet, her large dark brown eyes first wide with surprise, looking over the top of her bright purple reading glasses.

Taishiro feels her look him up and down, then in a tone which would imply he did it, she says, "Hey, you've heard of a pervert stealing girls underwear. Right? You wouldn't happen to know anything about that, would you?".

Taishiro brushes off her tone, smiling widely, "Saw the warnin' last week, let the manager know I would do what I could about it.  No ones come forward about it though."

The dirty look that she was giving only a moment ago, melts away. Her large dark eyes soften, "Oh?"

"The Fatgum office, right near Restuarant Ally."  He points back at the bright pink warning, which now has an orange paper next to it.

Fatgum Hero Office
If any underwear go missing please report time stolen and items missing to Fatgum Hero office.
(There is a graphic design, phone number, as well as the address.)

"Oh gosh I'm sorry! I didn't mean to be so rude. I actually walk by there every day on my way to work, it's the one with the super cute door right?" 

He lightly laughes, "Well thanks!" He smiles broadly at the girl.

She readjusts herself  on the washer, moving her tablet that was set up with a show. "Sorry... I didn't recognize you, I don't follow Heroes very much. Restaurant Ally... is that the place between Third and Fourth?"

"It's nothin'. Ya' new around here?", Taishiro loads his laundry in the remaining two machines.

"Moved in last month from Tokyo", She lifts her knees to her chest, still sitting on the machine.

"Well ya' got it right, it's a local name for the place. Oh right! My names Taishiro Toyomitsu, my hero names Fatgum.", he turns bowing informally and offers his huge hand for a shake.

Taking her knees away from her chest so that she can bow lightly too, "Hinako Suzuki, nice to meet you, Taishiro" gently she shakes his hand.

"Sorry to bring it up, but have you had anythin' go missin'?", He adverts his eyes as he asks the question, trying to make it less embarrassing for her.

Blushing she nods, bringing her knees up to her chest again, "A couple weeks ago, as I was hanging my laundry back at my apartment I noticed 4 pairs and a bra had gone missing."

"What day and time were you doin' your laundry?" He leans against the washer casually as he speaks to her.

"Monday, about this time as usual.  I get off early afternoon on Mondays so I used the time to finish unpacking and get my uniforms washed.", he can see her relaxing a bit, as she continues, "When I came down to grab my wash there was a young girl in a high school uniform unloading her stuff too, she let me know to count my stuff, as her and her mom both had some go missing... Sorry I didn't get her name though."

Taishiro nods, he knows the girl and her mom, they have lived in the building for about as long as he has.  "I know 'em, I'll ask about it later.", he scratches the back of his head and sighs. "This guy must be snatchin' whatever he can... eh?"

The pair startly as the metal door to the laundry slowly creaks open.  A thin pale guy in stained clothes and unkempt hair pokes his head in.  He stares at them for a beat seemingly shocked, he barely manages a thin awkward grin, "A..are all the m...machines busy?", his voice shakey like he isn't used to having to speak outloud.

Unconsciously Taishiro steps a bit more in front of Hinako putting a barrier between this new guy and her.  "Yeah! Sorry pal, we should be finished up in about an hour or so, right?", his tone remains friendly, he glances over his shoulder at Hinako.

She nods up at Taishiro, then glances past him at the pale man.  The new comer leans a little to see past Taishiro's large form so he can take in all of Hinako.  She flinches, looking away from the man, she brings her legs up again to prevent him from leering too much.

"I...I'll come back l...later than...", the man turns, letting the door creak shut behind him. The entire time, he does his best to keep his eyes locked on Hinako's body.

The two stay quiet for a few beats after the door clicks shut.  Hinako let's out a soft sigh of relief, "That guy gave me the creeps... You noticed too right?"

Nodding Taishiro replies, "Yeah, guy didn't have any laundry.", he relaxes moving back to where he was before, leaning on the machine again.  'I've only seen that guy a handful of times, his neighbor often complains about the smell and state of his apartment on the top floor.  Guess he's some sorta Neet, stays in his room all day and night.  I don't like usein' stereotypes, but who comes to the laundry room with no laundry?'

Hinako, looks up at the now quizzical looking Taishiro, "Do you know him?"

"Nah, not really, he lives up on the top floor don't even know his name...", Taishiro, watches the door for an extra beat.  A loud beep breaks his gaze, as both machines Hinako was using complete their wash cycle.

Hinako, gingerly gets down from the machine, for the first time just showing how small she is compared to the XL hero. Opening the lid of the washer, she begins to load it into her hamper. "Well, that's it for me." She smiles up at Taishiro, "Hope you catch the guy soon."

Placing her phone and tablet on top of her laundry she starts towards the door. "Uh... Would you like me to walk you back to your room... Just in case?", Taishiro, asks after the petite brunette.

Hinako hesitates a moment seeming to mull over what he has implied. She nods a little, smiling shyly, "Are you sure? You wouldn't want someone to steal your boxers, would you?"

Taishiro laughs, "guess they could if they want to, gotta grab new ones anyways.", trying to make light of the situation, he opens the metal door for her.  They start down the hallway towards the stairs leading to the main floor where the elevators are in the foyer, "Where you workin'?"

"I just started a job as a line chef for Living-Well, the morning and lunch shift.", Hinako states with a touch of pride in her voice.

"Ya' mean that super fancy retirement home?", surprised, he never thought there would be chefs there.  'I always think about cooks bein' in restaurants, but makes sense they're other places too.'

Hinako nods, "umhm, I used to work as a nurse in Tokyo, which is one of reasons they hired me.", the two of them make it to the lobby where they wait for the elevator.

They continue to chat casually, before arriving at her apartment door.  A small cute flower decoration hangs on her door, "Thanks for walking me back.  Let me know when you catch the guy, I'll make you something!", she smiles sweetly, as she steps into her apartment.

Taishiro grins widely, laughing a bit, a hand pats his large belly, "Is it that obvious how to motivate me?  See ya' 'round!"

She giggles and nods as the door swings closed, waving goodbye as she does so.

Taishiro walks back to the elevator, a slightly goofy grin and a light shade of red plays across his face, 'Been a while since I've had a girls homemade cookin', and she's cute too', he chuckles softly to himself as he heads back to his apartment.

~~One week later~~

Taishiro and Tamaki in costume, as Fatgum and Sun-Eater stand outside the apartment building.  They wait for the building manager to meet them, before they are able to enter.

"This guy has been stealing panties?", Sun-Eater feels like he's been dragged along to this take down.  It's not the same as the patrols that he has come accustom to.

Fatgum nods, "For a few weeks at least and that's only what we can prove at this point.  Ya' ate that pork bun right?", Fatgum has been guiding Sun-Eater as a work placement student since the young hero's second year at U.A.  Now at the beginning of his 3rd year, he has grown much stronger, and the two work well together.

Sun-Eater, nods manifesting a pig snout looking meek and embarrassed as he does so, "This just may be the grossest thing you've asked me to do Mr. Fat."

"The guy probably has 'em stashed somewhere.", Fatgum is sympathetic to his students plight, though he needs to learn more ways to use his quirk other than the tenticles he has grown used to.  "Not all hero work is fast paced street take-downs.  Sometimes we are backup for the police and other troublesome confrontations, like today."

Getting brought up to the room of the suspect, the two heroes stand back as the manager knocks on the units door. Someone scrambles around inside, knocking something over, "This is the building manager, we've gotten some complaints, and need to do a unit check.", the manager speaks firmly.

"J...just a m...moment!", the voice cracks and squeaks from behind the closed door.

'I gotta bad feelin' 'bout this.', Fatgum readies himself for when the door opens.

The door creaks open only a crack, the thin man peers through. Sun-Eater cringes, he and the others are able smell the room even with the limited exposure.  The waft of wind that rolls out of the crack in the door, smells of body odor, rotting food, and the distinctive odor of urine and used spunk napkins.

"This isn't a good time...huh my grandmother...p...passed away...", his hands shaking as he holds onto the door, stuttering through his lie.

"Please don't make this difficult, we are just checking to see if there are some missing items in your room..." The manager, steps back motioning for the heroes to move-in.

The thin man in the room glares at the heroes, as Fatgum starts forward, "Sorry ta hear 'bout your grandmother, that's rough.  We'll be in and out before ya' know it, besides if we don't find anything I'll give ya' a voucher to any restaurant 'round here? Sound good?"

"YOU'RE MOCKING ME! YOU'RE ALL JUST BULLIES!", the fowl odor gets worse and rolls out stronger than before.

"Sun-Eater!", Fatgum quickly steps aside, allowing Tamaki's tenticles to fly forward through the door.  In an instant the door is flung wide open to reveal the mess inside.  Fatgum bursts in, slamming into the man, freeing up Sun-Eater for the next task.  The man becomes enveloped in Fatgums stomach, head first legs flailing helplessly.  Fatgum notices the now captive man wears stained lounge pants, a plain "white" T-shirt, both have a terrible smell.  'At least it's Laundry day.'

Sun-Eater steps into the small apartment, he winces as he manifests the pig snout again sniffing for the stolen panties.  geting a confused look on his face as he looks up. Nailed, stapled, taped and everything else you can think of to get panties to stick to a ceiling he has done it.  Easily 40 pairs maybe even more hanging from the the ceiling, some are torn, others stained and crusty, others even appear to have blood on them.

Fatgum feeling in control, looks over at Sun-Eater, confused he also looks up, "Holy Hell!", usually not one to be down on another person's kink, he wasn't able to stop the words from coming out of his mouth.

Muffled from being eveloped by Fatgum's fat, "DAME BASTARDS! JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!", to Fatgums horror, the man stuck in his belly puffs up, then a comically rude noise releases from the mans butt.  A stream of fowl gas emits from the man, Fatgum covers his nose, his eyes start to water from the man's potent quirk.

Take by surprise, unable to react fast enough, Sun-Eater gets a short sniff of the gas while still having manifested the pig snout.  His eyes roll back a bit as they begin to water, he kells over holding his mouth and stomach, holding back chunks from coming out. 

Faring only marginally better, Fatgum still turns green.  In the moment of pause and nausea, the panty thief pushes himself out of Fatgums fat, with deep echoing belch.

"What the?! Hey! The more you fight us the worse..." Fatgum has to pause as he chokes back a gag, "...it is going to be for you!", His words fall flat, not coming across how they would sound in any other situation.

"You'll never understand! Jails filled with people I would never make it!", the fowl bowled man, darts across the room, jumping off of the top floor balcony of the 7 storey small apartment complex.

Desperation and horror ringing through his voice, "No WAIT! DON'T!", Fatgum, runs after the man, but isn't able to make it in time, as the man disappears over the railing. 

Sun-Eater, looks on in horror as the man jumps, through a gag he try's to extend his tenticles not able to make it in time.  Genuine tears begin to form at the corners of his eyes.

Fatgum leans over the railing, just as a unbelievably loud fart can be heard.  Fatgum laughs lightly with relief, as he gives Sun-Eater a quick thumbs up, "He's making a run for it!  Catch up when you can!", Fatgum jumps over the railing balling himself up as he does so.  When the large man hits the ground he bounces a couple times, popping open then starts at a run after the fleeing farter.

Choking back the vomit, Sun-Eater picks himself up, running to the railing as he grows a set of chicken wings. 'No good for flying, but all I need to do is glide!', he sees where Fatgum is in pursuit of the belching burglar, he aims himself to land just ahead of the two of them.

Seeing Sun-Eater's shadow, Fatgum's grin widens. 'Sun-Eater's gettin' better everyday!  I gotta remember to let him know, maybe take him out sometime as a reward!'.  Quickly, catching up to the criminal he leaps forward, pressing the man into his fat once more.

Sun-Eater, lands  only a few feet away, he readies himself for anything.  He looks about noticing a cop car, he signals for them, they stop and begin out immediately.

The boudoir bandit is pressed into Fatgum, facing forward, "It wont work Fatso I know how to get out!" The man yells as he  puffs up just like before.

"Not this time!  I know your tricks!", with the man pressed into his stomach the forward facing  prepars to propel forward with another fragrant fart. Fatgum falls forward so that the man is pressed against the pavement and his large body. 

The man unable to flee, still must release his flatulent.  The sound echoes like a whoppy cushion in a silent room, as the man is forced to let out the powerful gutsy gas gust.

Fatgum winces, more out of embarrassment as a crowd has begun to form, and the fart continues...and continues... as it finally finishes, the cops have circled around Fatgum.  Flushed, and awkwardly laughing, Fatgum eases himself up, the cops quickly put the man in handcuffs.

Looking down and ashamed Sun-Eater, speaks to his mentor, "I was no help at all,  worthless in that take down.  I should be ready for anything and he caught me off..."

"Tamaki ya' flew!  Not to mention you recovered faster than even I thought you would, your gettin' better everyday! And that ain't mentioning  the way you were able to get the door open with your tenticles not causin' any damage to the building.  No one but you would have been able to do that." Fatgum grins widely, proud of his partner,  "Come on what are you in the mood for? I'm buyin'!"  Fatgum's bright friendly grin, and compliments seem to reach his timid student.

Sun-Eater's eyes look up from the pavement, and he nods flapping a chicken wing on his back, then it quickly disappears.  He nods to Fatgum awkwardly smiling a bit, "The only thing I want right now... is a bath...", in reply Fatgum laughs loudly and nods in agreement.

"Taishiro? Oh, uh sorry... Fatgum?" A sweet meek voice, rings up from behind the two heroes.

They turn to see a petite brown haired girl, wearing checkered chef pants and carrying a couple of heavy bags. Her large dark eyes looking up at Fatgum, "I saw what happened. Are you okay?! You jumped from the top of our building."  Concern and worry ring clearly in her voice.

Sun-Eater, glances at Fatgum.  "Ha! T hat's nothing, my quirk can obsorb any type of damage. Oh, this is my work study student Sun-Eater from U.A. Sun-Eater this Hinako Suzuki she lives in my building"

"Nice to meet you." Sun-Eater bows lightly, a little taken aback by the casual nature of his mentors conversation.

"We've caught the guy who was stealing... from the laundry room."  He was about to say panties, but quickly remembers the crowd forming on the public street.

She smiles, laughing softly and sweetly, "Well then, anything you would like I'll make it.  You want me to drop it by your office... or?" She glances at Sun-Eater, unsure how forward to be in front of him. A light pink  washes over her face.

Fatgum's grin softens a bit while he thinks for a moment, "Well, how about we plan something, later? It is laundry day after all."

Hinako nods, she giving both heroes a caring, sweet smile as she excuses herself.  Sun-Eater looks up at Fatgum, "...She must really like you, she was willing to talk, to you well we both smell like... this." Sun-Eater winces as he is able to smell the lingering odor on them both.

Fatgum's eyes widen, as he is made abruptly aware of the colon colonge smell rolling off of him.  An embarrassed shade of red fills his cheeks, "Let's go do that bathhouse now, eh!"

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